
Lucifer--God returns

menghao_sun · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Zixue Family

Teacher Zhuang stood at the platform, addressing the whole class: "In just one month, we will hold the annual inter-college martial arts competition. In this final month, I hope everyone can work hard and elevate their cultivation by a notch. I will select the two strongest individuals from our class to represent us in the competition."

Mars asked, "Teacher, are there any rewards for achieving a ranking?"

Teacher Zhuang smiled faintly and replied, "Of course there are. The top three students in the grade will be rewarded with good equipment from the school. The higher your ranking, the better the equipment. Additionally, if any of you manage to become the champion, I will also commend you in the class. Only the champion will receive a class reward. As for what the reward is, it's a secret for now, but rest assured it will be worthwhile. I have high expectations for all of you, so don't disappoint me!"

Teacher Zhuang's words immediately sparked the interest of all the students, and they eagerly expressed their determination to work hard.

From Mars's eyes, I could truly see the fire within him. However, what he didn't know was that Teacher Zhuang had already decided on the candidates. The chance of him obtaining the equipment was almost zero.

Fengjuan stood up proudly and said, "Teacher, rest assured, as long as you send me to compete, I will definitely bring back the overall grade championship." Seeing her chubby and proud appearance, I couldn't help but find it amusing. This chubby girl was really quite ambitious.

After class, Fengwen came to find me. He said to me, "Lei Xiang, why do I feel like you've changed a lot since you came back from confinement?"

I looked at him in surprise. He really lived up to having the same strength as me; he actually noticed the improvement in my abilities. I replied casually, "Oh? What changes? I don't feel any different."

Fengwen said, "There are changes, definitely. Although I can't quite pinpoint them, I feel like you're not as cold as before. Instead, there's a more profound aura about you. I'm afraid I might not be your match anymore."

I smiled faintly and said, "Perhaps you're just being too sensitive. I don't feel like I've changed much."

Fengwen looked at my smile, puzzled, and said, "You say you haven't changed, but did you ever smile like this before?"

I instinctively touched my face. Yeah, why am I smiling so much now? It seems like Purple Snow's influence on me is quite significant. I patted his shoulder and said, "Keep practicing hard. Hopefully, we'll meet in the grade finals."

Fengwen said, "Lei Xiang, are you so confident that you can make it to the finals? You should know, our Magic Warrior class always ranks at the bottom whenever we compete. The students specializing in martial skills and magic, because of their focused training, tend to improve faster than us."

I gave him a sideways glance and said, "Confidence is the best weapon. You'll see when we get to the competition." These three months of confinement have brought a qualitative improvement in my strength and also enhanced my confidence. In my mind, there's only one opponent, and that's Riva from the fifth grade. Only he can truly ignite my fighting spirit. Perhaps I'm not his match, but I have to see just how big the gap between us is.

Fengwen said, "You're back to your arrogant self again. Come on, let's go eat."

I shook my head and said, "No, I have plans with someone else."

Fengwen suddenly realized and said, "Ah, right, you're the first one in the whole school to openly pursue a girl like this. I really admire you. If there's a chance, introduce me to a top-tier girl too. Well, I won't disturb you anymore. I'll go eat with Fengyun that kid." It's all because of Fengyun's big mouth. I can't let him know about anything in the future.

I walked to the cafeteria, and Purple Snow was already waiting for me under the tree outside the cafeteria. She stood beside the tree like a pure lily set against the green leaves. I hurried over and apologized, "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. One of my classmates stopped me for a chat just now."

Purple Snow gave me a sweet smile and said, "It's okay, let's go."

I reached out to hold Purple Snow's hand, but she blushed and stepped back, whispering, "There are so many people here, please don't do this. Besides, it's not allowed in the academy..."

I frowned at her, sighed helplessly, and said, "Okay, I respect your choice."

Purple Snow smiled and said, "Let's go in and have dinner."

The cafeteria was still as lively as usual. I had become a celebrity in the academy now (it's not strange to become famous after daring to accept the challenge of the top fighter, especially with my relationship with Purple Snow). As soon as we entered the cafeteria, many people turned their gaze towards us. I didn't care and went straight to get food. I bought the best food for Purple Snow and two average meals for myself.

Watching Purple Snow take small bites of her food, I frowned and said, "You're eating too little. Eat more, how can you have a good body if you don't? Look at me, one meal is probably enough for you for a week." As I spoke, I pointed to the mountain of food in front of me.

Purple Snow covered her mouth and giggled, saying, "If I ate as much as you do, it would be fine for you, but I'm a girl. Eating too much will make me gain weight, and then you won't like me anymore."

My expression changed, and I said, "What do you take me for, Lei Xiang?"

Seeing that I was upset, Purple Snow quickly said, "I misspoke, I can eat a little more, okay?"

Hearing her say that, my expression softened, and I asked, "By the way, what about that spoiled girl who always follows you?"

Purple Snow glanced around and whispered, "Lower your voice, she went home for dinner. If she finds out you said something like that about her, she'll throw a fit again. It was so hard to console her yesterday. And why are you acting like a child, making me comfort you? Hehe."

I chuckled and said, "You're older than me anyway, what's the harm in comforting me? As for that Jin girl, she's naturally spoiled, can't people even talk about it? She's been pampered since childhood. Why do you always go home for dinner? Don't you like the food here? I think it's pretty good."

Purple Snow wrinkled her cute nose and said, "The food at home is indeed better than here, but more importantly, we don't want to attract too much attention. When we come here, many people stare at us, so naturally, we can't enjoy our meal properly."

I snorted coldly and said, "Who dares to look at you, I'll take care of them."

Purple Snow grabbed my hand and exclaimed, "What are you doing? Your temper is flaring up again. Can you control everyone's eyes? My sister wanted me to go home with her for lunch, but I promised to meet you."

I asked in confusion, "Sister? Which sister?"

Purple Snow looked at me as if I were a strange creature. After a while, she said, "You don't even know my sister's name? You're so ignorant."

I shrugged and said nonchalantly, "Is your sister famous? She's not the number one fighter in the academy, right?"

Purple Snow proudly declared, "Of course, my sister is very famous. Although she's not the top fighter, she's the number one beauty in the academy."

I was taken aback. The number one beauty in the academy? That sounds a bit exaggerated. This duke seems to be quite fortunate, having two daughters who are beauties. I asked, "How many siblings do you have? Don't tell me there's another ranked beauty in your family."

Purple Snow gave me a playful punch and said with a light laugh, "No, it's just the two of us, me and my sister. Many people pursue my sister. They don't even care about the academy's rules and openly pursue her in the academy, especially Riva, who pursues her the most aggressively."

Suddenly, it all made sense. No wonder he was so polite to her yesterday. It turns out he's connected to your sister. "By the way, what's your sister's name?" I asked.

Zixue replied, "My sister's name is Ziyuan. She's a third-year student, practicing light magic, and she's the vice dean's favorite disciple."

I was taken aback. Light magic sounded quite awkward to me. It's probably because it's related to my dark magic practice. That's how it is when two elements are naturally opposed to each other.

Today, there weren't any troubles in the cafeteria. I smoothly finished a sweet meal with Purple Snow.

In the afternoon, I didn't have many classes, so I returned to the dormitory to practice my Mad God Technique. Since breaking through the first level, my progress has been quite fast. Although there's still some distance to the second level, I'm confident that I'll achieve it before the competition. What's most pleasing is the progress of the Demon Technique. Compared to before, it's progressing at an astonishing rate. The third level should have been much harder than the second, but I'm now progressing faster than when I was practicing the second level. At this rate, my transformation into a Fallen Angel will soon be realized. I won't fear anyone, especially not Riva. (Unfortunately, I can't use it easily.)

The next morning, I was about to take Black Dragon out for a run when I ran into Zixue. Excitedly, I said, "Great to see you so early! Come on, let's take Black Dragon out together."

Zixue approached, gently stroking Black Dragon's large head. There was an unmistakable heaviness on her face, and I immediately sensed something was wrong. Hastily, I asked, "What's the matter? What happened?"

Suddenly, Zixue threw herself into my arms, crying bitterly. I held her soft body tightly, asking, "Tell me quickly, what happened? Did someone bully you? I'll tear them apart." As I spoke, a chilling aura enveloped me.

Zixue held onto my clothes tightly, shaking her head. "No one bullied me," she said.

Surprised, I asked, "Then why are you like this?"

Zixue let go of me, lowering her head. "My father found out about us," she said.

Relieved, I chuckled, thinking it was nothing serious. "Is that all? Miss, you almost scared me to death," I said.

Zixue widened her eyes, looking at me. "Isn't this serious?" she said.

I shrugged indifferently and said, "What's the big deal? Anyway, sooner or later your parents would find out. How did your father find out?"

Zixue shook her head sadly and said, "I guess there's a mole in the academy, and with all the commotion you caused... You don't know, my father is very stubborn. If he thinks you're not good enough, no matter what you say or do, it's useless. When I got home last night, he had a stern face and told me to bring you home tonight."

After hearing Zixue's words, I chuckled and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen. With my qualities, would your father still disagree? I didn't expect to meet your parents so soon."

Zixue said, "You're not worried at all. My father's temper is famously volatile."

I snorted coldly and said, "You should know, I'm not exactly easygoing."

Zixue was so angry she almost fainted. It was the first time she got angry, like a little lioness, roaring, "Is that your attitude to meet my parents? It's like going to a duel. That's my father we're talking about. Can you not start a fight with him? With your attitude, can I really trust you?"

Zixue's little face turned bright red, looking so adorable. I pulled her close, planting a deep kiss on her lips. She struggled slightly against my fervor but was soon overwhelmed by my intense passion.

After a while, I released the blushing Zixue from my embrace and softly said to her, "I promise not to conflict with your father. Is that good enough? Don't be angry."

Zixue rested against my chest and murmured, "You must keep your promise, as it concerns our future."

I nodded and replied, "Don't worry, I'll complete the mission."


Sitting in the classroom, I was lost in thoughts about the opponent I would face that evening—the Duke, a powerful figure in the Dragon Empire comparable to a prince. Suddenly, Mars nudged me. I looked at him, and he whispered, "Lei Xiang, focus. Professor Zhuang has glanced at you several times."

Only then did I snap out of it. Indeed, when I looked at Professor Zhuang, she gave me a reproachful look. I quickly responded with an apologetic smile.

Soon, it was noon dismissal. Zixue had told me in the morning that she wouldn't have lunch with me today; she needed to go home and arrange something. I wondered what she needed to arrange; perhaps she was rallying support.

After finishing lunch, I returned to the dormitory to continue practicing my Mad God's Decision. Training was crucial for me because everything depended on having a strong power base.

I lost track of time during my practice, but suddenly Fengyun rushed in, calling out to me, "Lei Xiang, hurry, Zixue is looking for you."

I completed a cycle of the Mad God's Decision, took a deep breath, and gathered my qi back into my dantian. Opening my eyes, I asked, "What time is it now?"

Fengyun replied, "Take a look for yourself; it's almost dark outside. Hurry up, Zixue asked me to fetch you, and she seemed quite urgent."

Indeed, the sky outside had darkened, with only faint light lingering on the distant horizon. It was already evening. I nodded and said, "Thanks." Putting on my best clothes, I dashed out of the dormitory and immediately spotted Zixue, her face filled with anxiety.

Zixue said, "Let's go quickly; my father dislikes tardiness the most." She grabbed my hand, pulling me along.

As we walked, Zixue said to me, "When you meet my father later, make sure to be on your best behavior."

I chuckled, saying, "Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep it low-key."

Zixue added, "Also, my father might test your martial arts skills, so be prepared."

Surprised, I asked, "What rank is your father?"

Zixue glanced at me and replied, "He should be a mid-level Bright Knight. It's been a long time since I've seen him take action."

I was taken aback and exclaimed, "So your father has the level of an average Dragon Knight!"

Zixue proudly said, "Of course. Did you think my father, the Duke, obtained his position so easily? Although he's a civil official, reaching his current status naturally requires some martial skills for self-defense. While he may not be on par with the Three Grand Marshals, he's still a renowned expert in the Imperial Capital."

I frowned, saying, "Then how am I supposed to compete with him? I'm just at the level of a swordsman." Although I was confident in myself, I wasn't foolish enough to think I could contend with a Bright Knight.

Zixue chuckled, "Even you have moments of fear. Don't worry, my father will at most test you, he won't actually fight you. Here we are, let's go in quickly."

I glanced up and realized we had arrived at the Duke's mansion. Taking a deep breath, I followed Zixue inside.

True to his status, the Duke's residence was impressive. The entire estate seemed vast, with towering walls that reached up to about ten feet high. As we entered through the main gate, we passed many patrolling guards. While the courtyard's decor wasn't extravagant, it exuded elegance, a clear indication that it was arranged by someone extraordinary.

Zixue proudly remarked, "Isn't our family's estate nice? It was arranged by my sister." Hearing her words, I couldn't help but feel a hint of anticipation towards the Academy's renowned beauty, whom I had never met. After all, it's rare to find a woman who combines both intelligence and beauty.

Zixue grabbed a servant and asked, "Where is my father?"

The servant respectfully replied, "The Duke is in the living room. He instructed you to see him immediately upon your return."

Zixue nodded and said, "Understood. You may go about your duties. Lei Xiang, my father is waiting for us." I could feel her hand becoming sweaty, a clear sign of her nervousness.

I squeezed her hand reassuringly and said, "Don't worry, I will make him approve of me."

Walking into the living room, the first thing I noticed was the spaciousness of the hall. I estimated it to be around 300 square meters. Seated at the head of the hall was a man who appeared to be in his forties, with a dignified demeanor. It was evident that he must have been quite handsome in his youth. Behind him, a massive painting of nine dragons adorned the wall. He must be Zixue's father.

Seated to the left of the middle-aged man was a beautiful woman. It was impossible to discern her age from her appearance. If someone told me she was Zixue's sister, I might have believed it. I deduced her status as a married woman from the adornment on her head. Could she be Zixue's mother? If so, it would explain why Zixue and her sister were among the top two beauties of the academy.

When I looked to the right of the middle-aged man, I couldn't help but be stunned. She was so beautiful. A lady dressed in a light blue gown sat there. She should be around the same age as me. She bore some resemblance to Zixue, but she surpassed her in beauty. She seemed to be a bit taller than Zixue. Upon seeing Zixue and me enter, she smiled at Zixue without even sparing a glance at me. Truly deserving of her title as the academy's number one beauty, she exuded an air of arrogance. What caught my attention the most was the aura of holiness emanating from her. It was undoubtedly the result of years of practicing light magic. She must be Zixue's sister, Ziyun.

These were just my initial observations. Zixue had already rushed forward and said to the middle-aged man, "Dad, I'm back. This is Lei Xiang."

I quickly stepped forward and bowed respectfully, saying, "Your Grace, greetings. I am Lei Xiang."

The Duke nodded, his expression revealing nothing. He calmly said, "Raise your head."

I straightened up, meeting the Duke's gaze. Two sharp glints flashed in his eyes as he carefully scrutinized me from head to toe. Zixue discreetly signaled to her mother, and the Duchess remarked, "My lord, this young man has an excellent physique. It's rare to see someone as tall and robust as him."

It seemed the Duchess held little influence in the household. The Duke merely nodded in acknowledgment, then turned to me and asked, "Lei Xiang, I've heard that you've publicly declared your intention to pursue my daughter at the Capital Academy, is that correct?"

I nodded and replied, "Yes."

The Duke frowned and continued, "Then you should know that relationships between male and female students are prohibited at the Capital Academy."

Again, I nodded and said, "I am aware."

The Duke stood up abruptly, his voice tinged with anger. "Since you know, I hope you will refrain from pursuing my daughter in the future."

I glanced at the Duke and replied, "I'm sorry, but I can't do that." A cold, fierce aura emanated from me. Leave Zixue? Even if you're her father, it's not up to you. My change immediately caught everyone's attention, and Zixue kept tugging at my clothes from behind.

The Duke became furious. "Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of my daughter?"

I smiled faintly and said, "As for being worthy or not, that should be for Zixue to judge. Since you're a duke, I believe you wouldn't look down on me just because of my status. If we rewind thirty years, and you fell in love with a nobleman's daughter, would you give up just because of her father's words? Status can change with time. Perhaps in 10 or 20 years, my position won't be lower than yours." My tone was firm and composed, stunning everyone present. No one would have expected me to confront the Duke like this.

Zixue exclaimed, "Lei Xiang, you promised me."

I thought to myself, Zixue, how could you understand your father's mindset? If I grovel and kneel, it will only invite his disdain. Although my current approach is risky, there are still some opportunities.

The Duke reached out his hand to stop Zixue from speaking further. He seemed as if I had hit the mark with his thoughts, lowering his head in contemplation. After a moment, the Duke lifted his head and said, "Very well, you speak boldly. Since you have such aspirations, I want to see what strength you possess to speak so boldly. Show me your moves."

He first waved his sleeve to send Zixue away from my side, then lightly extended his palm toward me, with a powerful aura enveloping a radius of 1 zhang. He was forcing me into a direct confrontation. I wasn't surprised but rather delighted. I had known he would test me. With his status as a Duke, he couldn't engage in a full-blown fight with me. As the Duke attacked, my opportunity arose.

I focused my energy, channeling the power of the Furious God's Decision into my right fist. Taking a small step to the left with my left leg, I sank my waist and let out a loud shout, "Hey!" My fist met his attack head-on.

Qi surged from my right fist, forming a faint yellow column of energy that collided with the Duke's right palm.

As our fists clashed, I realized something was amiss. The Duke's energy was not projected outward but contained within. My own energy, upon meeting his palm, caused no harm whatsoever. Our clash was solid, and I felt the Duke's energy flowing evenly. Seven waves of energy surged from his palm, each stronger than the last, causing a violent whirlwind to envelop us.

At that moment, Lady Zixue displayed exceptional composure, uttering a light command that erected a barrier of light magic, shielding both the Duke and me within. Despite the scattered energy battering the barrier, it held firm, with not a shred escaping.

I retreated seven steps in succession until I collided with the barrier Lady Zixue had conjured, halting my movement.

A hint of surprise flashed in the Duke's eyes as he let out a long laugh. With swift movements, he approached once more and unleashed another palm strike. Truly befitting his status as a Knight of Light, his strength was formidable. As I swiftly unleashed first-tier spells from various magic disciplines in an attempt to disrupt him, I focused once more on channeling the Kyojin Fist, roaring, "Tempest Gale."

This time, I aimed not at the Duke but at the ground, delivering a heavy blow. In this perilous moment, I could not concern myself with collateral damage. Finally, I executed the first form of the Kyojin Fist—the Tempest Gale—a technique I could wield.

The Duke projected his energy outward, easily blocking my magic spells. Realizing I did not meet his attack head-on, he appeared concerned about potentially harming me. Yet, his resolve remained undeterred. However, just then, the ground before him suddenly ruptured, and a powerful surge of energy, accompanied by debris, erupted skyward, striking his palm directly.

It's not that I didn't want to detonate from directly below him or attack him from behind. But if I did, given his strength, I might not have been able to harm him and could have just angered him. By directly attacking his hand like this, not only could I resolve the immediate crisis, but I could also leave a good impression on the Duke. He would surely understand that I intended to openly and honorably challenge him.

The Duke sensed something was amiss when the ground ruptured. He immediately changed his strike to a downward one, countering the Tempest Gale.

The powerful backlash caused excruciating pain throughout my body. If it weren't for my extraordinary physical defense, I might have been spewing blood by now.

This time, caught off guard, the Duke also took a step back from the impact. The violent airflow and debris successfully broke through Lady Zixue's barrier, filling the entire living room with smoke and debris.

I remained on high alert, prepared for another attack. If it came again, I might have to resort to using the Heavenly Demon Technique, or else I would struggle to withstand it. This was a scenario I didn't want to see.

The Duke stood still, surrounded by thick energy, forming a protective barrier that isolated the surrounding dust and smoke.

Zixue quickly cast a defensive spell to shield herself and Zixue within it, and there was a hint of admiration in her eyes as she glanced at me. The Duchess used Qi, enveloping herself in a pale blue Qi aura.

The Duke nodded towards me and said, "Well done. To withstand two of my 50% power strikes, you can be considered outstanding among the younger generation. You should be a year younger than Zixue, I suppose. I estimate your potential shouldn't be inferior to Riva's in the future."

Damn, why does he keep comparing me to that kid Riva?

I said, "Thank you for your praise. Can you entrust Zixue to me now?"

The Duke chuckled and replied, "When did I ever say I would entrust Zixue to you? You're thinking too simplistically."

I exclaimed, "You... Weren't you testing me just now?"

The Duke said, "That was just testing your strength. If you want to court my daughter, you'll have to pass this test first. You've barely passed, but my daughter is still young, and the academy prohibits romantic relationships between students, so you're not allowed to get too close to my daughter in the future. Understood?"

Hearing him say that I had barely passed, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At least he wasn't opposing it anymore.

I bowed and said, "Thank you. I will make sure not to get 'overly' close to Zixue in the future."

The Duke nodded satisfactorily and said, "I only temporarily approve of you. Don't be too happy too soon. Your future development will depend on yourself. If you can't meet my requirements, I'll cut off Zixue's contact with you at any time."

I was stunned and foolishly asked, "What are your requirements?"

The Duke chuckled and said, "Becoming my son-in-law isn't so easy. Although your talent is good and your foundation is solid, there is still a big gap in strength. Your future depends on your own efforts. Also, you wouldn't want me to marry my daughter to a commoner, would you? Well, I won't entertain you any longer. Someone, escort our guest out."

As I was being escorted out of the Duke's mansion by the servant, I pondered over what the Duke had said. It took me a while to realize that I had been played.

Damn it, what a cunning Duke he is! Saying he only temporarily approves of me, it's practically the same as not approving at all, isn't it? And he wants me to improve my strength and even pursue an official position. Who knows what his standards are? Is he going to make me a Dragon Knight?

Feeling frustrated, I returned to the dormitory. To ease my mind, I resumed practicing the Dark Demon Technique as usual. The icy, piercing sensation helped calm my heart.

The next day at noon, I saw Zixue in the cafeteria and complained to her, "Your father is too cunning. Yesterday, he clearly tested me, so why add so many conditions?"

Zixue smiled and replied, "Do you think climbing the ranks in government is easy? My father has put in so much effort to reach his current position. He's smart and knows how to maneuver, leaving you powerless. But don't be upset. After you left yesterday, my father indicated that he still appreciates you."

I snorted coldly and said, "I don't care if he appreciates me or not. As long as you do. If he doesn't agree to us in the future, I'll elope with you."

Zixue's face blushed slightly as she retorted, "Stop it."

My expression changed, and I asked, "Are you unwilling to run away with me?"