
Lucifer--God returns

menghao_sun · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Zixue with Trouble

After a while, I gently patted her cheek and softly called, "Zixue, Zixue, wake up." It took several attempts before she slowly opened her drowsy eyes and asked in a daze, "What's wrong?"

I playfully pinched her adorable nose and smiled, saying, "You little sleepyhead, we're back at the academy. If we don't head back soon, we'll miss dinner."

Gradually coming to her senses, she noticed the darkening sky and exclaimed, "It's so late already! I'm going to be so embarrassed when I get back. It's all your fault!" She playfully pounded her tiny fists against my broad chest.

At this moment, my usual aloof and cold demeanor was long gone, replaced by a desire to cherish the precious girl in my arms. I teased her, saying, "If you keep hitting me, my old injuries might flare up again."

Startled by my words, Zixue immediately stopped and began to gently stroke my chest, looking up at me with concern and asking, "Did I hurt you?"

She was just too cute. I burst into laughter, "Silly girl, I was just kidding. You're so funny."

Zixue finally realized what was happening and angrily said, "You're so bad, how could you..." Her words were abruptly cut off as I silenced her with a direct method, greedily sucking on her sweet lips. After a while, she pushed me away and complained, "You're so annoying. Don't joke with me like that anymore."

"Yes, my dear," I responded obediently.

Using the same method, I brought Zixue and the black dragon back into the academy. After settling the black dragon in the stable, I took Zixue's hand and headed straight for the dining hall.

As we approached the dining hall, more people began to appear. Zixue tried to pull her hand free several times, but I held it tightly, drawing envious and jealous glances from the students we passed by.

As we neared the dining hall, Zixue became anxious and said, "Let go of me! It's not good if others see us. Besides, the academy doesn't allow relationships between students."

I casually replied, "What's so bad about it? People already saw us. I want everyone to know you're mine. Don't you want that? As for the academy's rules, they're unreasonable anyway. We don't have to worry about them. I'll take care of everything." With that, I pulled her into the dining hall.

Zixue whispered, "You've ruined everything. How am I supposed to attend classes now?"

The magical lighting stones illuminated every detail of the cafeteria, which was filled with people. As soon as Violet Snow and I entered, my tall figure and her delicate beauty immediately became the center of attention.

"Isn't that the new student who fought with the nobles last time? Look, he's holding Violet Snow's hand!"

"That guy again. How dare he hold Violet Snow's hand? I'm going to teach him a lesson."

"Wow, he looks so cool. They make such a handsome couple. I'm so jealous."

I gently asked Violet Snow, "What would you like to eat? I'll get it for you."

Her face turned as red as the evening sunset. She lowered her head and softly said, "You've really caused me so much trouble. I don't even feel like eating now. You decide."

I smiled slightly and was about to lead her to get some food when Warren's annoying figure appeared before us. His face was livid as he demanded, "Let go of Violet Snow. What right do you have to hold her hand?"

I smirked at him and said, "Is it any of your business? Your arm isn't hurting anymore? Want to go for another round? Get lost."

Warren instinctively touched his now-healed arm, his momentum visibly faltering. He barked with false bravado, "Fine, you're tough. Just you wait, don't go anywhere." Then he turned and slunk away.

I turned to Violet Snow, speaking gently, "Don't mind him. Let's go get some food." Although she seemed a bit anxious, she nodded. We walked to the food counter, and I picked out some dishes I knew she liked. Then we found a corner to sit in.

Eyes continued to watch us, but I didn't care. Violet Snow ate in small, timid bites, and I softly reassured her, "Don't worry, I'm here."

She looked up, her eyes filled with gratitude and tenderness. She whispered, "Thank you, Leixiao."

I smiled slightly, holding her hand firmly. "We'll face everything together."

As Warren walked away, I sneered at his back. "Trying to scare me? If I was afraid of threats, I wouldn't have come here in the first place."

Violet Snow tugged on my sleeve and whispered, "Don't cause any trouble. You just got out of confinement."

I smiled reassuringly. "Guys like him won't stop pestering us unless you give them a lasting memory they won't forget. Don't worry about it, I've got this. Let's eat first."

We bought our food and sat down, just about to eat when another familiar face appeared—Jin Lili, the girl who had stood up for Violet Snow before. I could see the surprise and hostility in her eyes. Ignoring me, she sat down on the other side of Violet Snow and pulled her close.

"Don't tell me you skipped classes all afternoon just to be with this guy," Jin Lili said, her voice sharp.

Violet Snow glanced at her and then quickly nodded, her face almost buried in her chest with embarrassment.

Jin Lili pressed on, "How did he trick you into this? He must have used some underhanded method."

Violet Snow shook her head firmly. "Jin Jie, I really like him. Please don't ask anymore. We're sincere..."

I let them talk it out. This was something Violet Snow needed to handle on her own.

The two of them chattered for a long time, and it seemed that Violet Snow's earnest words finally convinced Jin Lili. She stood up and walked over to me, glaring fiercely.

"Listen here," she said, her eyes narrowed. "I don't know how you did it, but you better not hurt her. If you do, you'll have to answer to me."

I met her gaze steadily, my expression serious. "I promise, I won't hurt her. I care about her deeply."

Jin Lili stared at me for a moment longer, as if assessing my sincerity, then she gave a reluctant nod. "You better keep your word." She turned back to Violet Snow and gave her a reassuring smile before walking away.

Violet Snow looked at me with a mixture of relief and gratitude. "Thank you," she whispered.

I squeezed her hand gently. "Anything for you. Now, let's eat before the food gets cold."

I stood my ground, locking eyes with her. Her fierce gaze slowly turned uncertain under my unwavering stare. She sighed and said, "I don't know what Violet Snow sees in you."

I responded coldly, "Of course you don't; you're not her." My tender side was reserved for the ones I loved, and someone as overbearing as her wouldn't see it.

Jin Lili fumed, "You, you..." Violet Snow quickly intervened, grabbing her arm and giving her a pleading look.

Jin Lili forced herself to calm down and, with a sharp tone, said, "Remember this: if you ever hurt Violet Snow, I won't let you off."

I replied evenly, "Someone else just said something similar, yet here I am, still sitting here unharmed. But don't worry, I love Violet Snow and would never let any harm come to her."

Jin Lili seemed ready to explode at my first comment, but Violet Snow held her back tightly. Hearing my last sentence, her expression softened slightly. She huffed, "Remember your own words."

I nodded, my gaze steady. "I will. You have my word."

Violet Snow's face lit up with a shy smile, relieved that the tension had finally dissipated. We sat back down and began to eat, feeling the weight of the confrontation lift.

Out of respect for her concern for Violet Snow, I decided not to confront her further. Jin Lili turned to Violet Snow and said, "If he ever bullies you, you must tell me. I'll stand up for you. You two enjoy your meal. I'm leaving."

It felt like a tribunal, with one person leaving and another arriving. I gently spoke to Violet Snow, "I know it was tough for you, but this had to be done. Better to deal with it now than let it fester. Do you understand?"

Violet Snow nodded obediently. "Yes, I understand. Now, let's eat before the food gets cold."

"Whatever my dear wife commands, I obey," I said, and began to eat quickly. Surprisingly, Violet Snow didn't protest my words. Instead, she kept putting pieces of meat from her plate onto mine.

"I'm fine. Look at how strong I am. You need to eat more; you're too thin."

"That's exactly why you need to eat more. You're so big, you need more nutrition," she argued.

As I was savoring this tender moment, a familiar voice interrupted, "Such a loving scene. It's making me sick." Without even looking, I knew it was Feng Yun. He approached us, carrying his own plate.

I said, "Sit down and eat. Maybe that will keep you quiet."

Windcloud sat next to me but ignored my comment, grinning mischievously as he asked Violet Snow, "Miss Violet, how did Lei Xiang manage to win you over? You know, you're the dream girl of most of the guys here, and this guy got to you first."

I looked at Windcloud, clearly annoyed. He pretended not to notice, eagerly waiting for Violet Snow's response.

Violet Snow glanced at me shyly, then said softly, "I don't really know. I guess I was the one who won him over. From the first time I saw him, I was hopelessly drawn to him. But I never expected him to like me back. He always seemed so lonely and unattainable. I never imagined he would have feelings for me."

I was taken aback, overwhelmed by her candid confession. Filled with strong emotions, I grasped her small hand and said passionately, "No, you can't say that. You are the greatest gift heaven has given me."

Windcloud exclaimed, "I can't take this anymore, I'm out of here. You two carry on." With that, he turned and left in a hurry. Violet Snow and I exchanged a smile and continued our sweet dinner.

After finishing our meal, Violet Snow noticed I wasn't getting up. Knowing I was waiting for Warren and his group, she held my hand and whispered, "Let's go, please. Don't get into trouble with them."

I smiled at her and said, "Don't worry. This is something that needs to be settled. It's better to deal with it now than have ongoing trouble. Trust me on this."

Violet Snow nodded obediently and said, "Alright, but let's eat quickly before the food gets cold."

"Your wish is my command," I said, quickly finishing my meal. Surprisingly, Violet Snow didn't object to me calling her "wife" and kept giving me the meat from her plate.

"I'm full. You should eat more. You're so slender."

"Precisely because you're big and strong, you need more nutrition."

As I was enjoying this tender moment, a familiar voice interrupted, "You two are so sweet, it's making me sick." Without looking, I knew it was Windcloud. He came over with his tray and sat next to me.

I glanced at Violet Snow, seeing the anxious look on her face. I couldn't bear to see her worry, so I reluctantly abandoned my principles. With resignation, I said, "Alright, I'll let them off the hook for your sake."

I took Violet Snow's hand and headed towards the entrance of the cafeteria. Just as we reached the door, we ran into Warren, who was rushing back. I furrowed my brow, thinking to myself, "This guy is really asking for trouble." Seeing me and Violet Snow leaving, Warren assumed I was backing down and sneered, "Huh, I thought you had some backbone. Turns out you're just putting on a show. Thinking of running away with your tail between your legs? Not so easy."

I looked at him coldly and said, "Let me see how many reinforcements you've brought to dare to be so arrogant."

Warren disdainfully replied, "It's not about the quantity but the quality. Today, I'll show you what real kung fu is."

"Is that so? Then I'll wait and see."

A cold snort echoed from outside the door, sending shivers down my spine and causing my expression to change instantly. The fact that his voice alone could affect me like this showed that this person's martial arts skills were indeed profound and unfathomable, no wonder Warren was so bold.

A figure strode in from outside, towering nearly as tall as me. Although not as muscular, he exuded a daunting strength from within, with a lean face and sharp eyes that glinted with determination. Who could this be? I was already at a disadvantage in terms of momentum, completely suppressed by him.

This person first bowed deeply to Violet Snow and said, "Long time no see, Miss Violet Snow. Rivar presents his respects. Please convey my regards to His Grace the Duke." His actions clearly showed that he didn't regard me highly. What surprised me even more was that Violet Snow's father was actually a duke who could sit on equal footing with a prince. No wonder no one dared to be disrespectful to her.

Violet Snow replied calmly, "Senior Rivar, there's no need to be so formal. You should be graduating this year, right? Why are you still here causing trouble?" I felt grateful in my heart. It was evident that Violet Snow was reminding me that this person was a figure in the fifth year, and it seemed he held a significant status among the nobility.

Rivar replied naturally, "I heard from Warren that someone was disrespectful to Miss, so I came to take a look and give this arrogant fellow a lesson."

Violet Snow said, "There's no need for that. He's my friend and the person closest to me. Our affairs don't need others to meddle." Her words warmed my heart.

Upon hearing Violet Snow's words, Rivar's eyes lit up with intense light, staring straight at me, and I met his gaze without backing down. He said, "Then I'll have to see for myself what kind of person can capture the heart of Miss Violet Snow, who has always regarded men as nothing."

Even though I knew this person was someone not to be trifled with, I couldn't back down at this moment. I pulled Violet Snow aside and said, "You stay here and watch. Don't get involved. I've got this. I'll be distracted if you're here. Be obedient."

After persuading Violet Snow, who was reluctant to leave, I focused my qi and secretly cast a levitation spell on myself, firmly fixing my gaze on my opponent. Everyone knew that a clash was imminent.

"Who's causing trouble in the cafeteria again?" came a low voice.

Both Rivar and I were taken aback. Walking in from outside was the vice dean. He glanced around with a grim expression before his gaze settled on me.

Frowning, he said, "Lei Xiang, it's you again. You've just been released from solitary confinement. Have you forgotten already?" He even signaled to me with his eyes.

Before I could respond, Rivar spoke first with an apologetic smile, addressing the vice dean, "Vice Dean, hello. We're not causing trouble. We're just chatting. Lei Xiang didn't do anything wrong." He actually defended me. Why?

The vice dean glanced at him sternly and said, "Rivar, as the son of the Dragon Knight of Rivoria and the chief of the academy's Dragon Squad, you should be mindful of your influence in the academy. Consider yourselves forgiven this time. If you really want to fight, wait for the annual martial arts competition held by the academy. If I catch anyone engaging in unauthorized combat again, don't blame me for being harsh. I'll immediately expel you."

So Rivar had such a significant background. No wonder he seemed formidable. The vice dean was clearly reminding me of his identity.

Rivar bowed respectfully. "Yes, Vice Dean."

"Alright, everyone disperse. Get back to your business. Rivar, you and Hualun come with me. Lei Xiang, I'm warning you. Your punishment has just been lifted. If you violate the rules again, you heard what I said earlier. Let's go."

As Rivar left, he glanced at me meaningfully and whispered, "I hope you can hold out until we meet at the academy's martial arts competition." Meanwhile, Hualun shot me a fierce look.

I responded to his challenge with a firm gaze.

As the vice dean turned to leave, Jin Lili emerged from his departing figure. She bounced over and pulled Violet Snow, saying, "How about that? I arrived just in time. I'm the one who called the vice dean here. How will you thank me?"

I snorted coldly on the side. "Nosy."

Jin Lili's face turned red with anger, and she shouted, "If it weren't for Violet Snow, I wouldn't even bother helping you! Do you even know how formidable Rivar is? He's already an Upper Earth Knight with strength approaching that of a Dragon Knight. You're no match for him!"

"That's my own business. You don't need to worry about it."


Violet Snow tugged at my sleeve, looking at me imploringly. I gave Jin Lili a disdainful snort and said softly to Violet Snow, "Let me take you back."

Violet Snow whispered, "No need, I'll go back with Sister Lili. She's already angry."

I glanced at Jin Lili, who was speechless with anger, and said, "Alright then, take care. I'll go back first. Let's have lunch together tomorrow noon." With that, I gently kissed her cheek and turned to leave the cafeteria. I loved the feeling of kissing her. Her delicate, rosy skin was so captivating. Behind me were Violet Snow, her face flushed, and a sulking Jin Lili.

Violet Snow's voice came from behind me, "You're not allowed to go see that nurse again." It seemed that when it came to someone she loved the most, even a shy girl like Violet Snow couldn't tolerate any interference. Hearing her words, I couldn't help but think of Kuran. During those 10 days in the hospital, I could sense her fondness for me. Her gaze was so clear and sincere. It seemed like I needed to find an opportunity to explain things to her. After all, Violet Snow was my choice now.

Back in the dormitory, Wind and the others were all present, seemingly ready to conduct a collective interrogation on me. I quickly darted up to my top bunk and lay down.

Fire's voice came from below, "Hey, Raisho, why aren't you saying anything? You didn't even greet us."

I replied, "What's there to say? Didn't Wind spill everything already?"

Wind embarrassedly said, "How did I become the one to spill everything?"

I leaned over the edge of the bed, looking at him. "Well, you either said it or you didn't." Wind was speechless.

Mars said, "Raisho, you're something else, actually catching up to Miss Violet Snow. Come on, tell us about your heroic achievements."

I smiled, "Don't call me that. I'm not as big as you yet. Violet Snow is a good girl, she's been good to me, and I really like her, so it just naturally happened."

Fire remarked, "Still denying it? You got yourself into solitary this time, our teachers were almost pulling their hair out. They went to the vice dean several times to plead for you, but that old guy just wouldn't budge. He locked you up for three months just as the new term started. How are you going to catch up?"

I frowned, "Don't speak ill of the vice dean. You guys don't understand. He did it for my own good. These three months are crucial for me. But I still have to thank Teacher Zhuang. She's a responsible teacher."

Wind, curious, asked, "Come on, tell us, why are these three months so important for you?"

I shot him a glance, "With your big mouth, I can't tell you. But I suggest you guys go to the library often. There are a lot of good books there."

Fire seemed to understand something. "I get it. Is it that the vice dean put you in solitary to avoid the harassment from the nobles, and choosing the library is giving you a chance for self-study and improvement?"

I nodded, "You're quite clever, much better than certain someone."

Wind pretended to be offended, "What's wrong with me?"

I asked, "Did I say anything about you?" Wind immediately became speechless, provoking laughter from the Fire brothers.

Mars said, "Raisho, you seem different this time you're back. Looks like you've really learned a lot from the library."

I asked, "How so?"

Mars replied, "You seem more cheerful than before, not as gloomy. At least you'll chat with us now and then. Before, you wouldn't. Always had a gloomy face, and seeing you made me afraid."

I chuckled, "What's there to be afraid of? I didn't realize you were scared of me. I am indeed more cheerful than before, maybe because Violet Snow melted my icy heart." I thought, there's also Kuran's influence. How should I handle this situation without hurting Kuran? Well, there's a solution for every problem. I'll figure it out later.

"Let's call it a night, everyone. We have classes tomorrow."

I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling, and I realized that I had started to enjoy life in the human kingdom. There were more and more things I couldn't bear to part with. If I continued like this, I might truly become unable to extricate myself. But I had promised Violet Snow that I would take her with me wherever I went. I couldn't break my promise; I couldn't bear to. I had completed my mission for now, hadn't I? Shouldn't I go back to the orc kingdom now? It was a tempting thought. But I immediately dismissed it. What's the point of going back? There's no one to talk to, and everywhere is filled with hatred, robbery, and strife. Thinking about it made me feel cold. It was much more comfortable here. Didn't Father give me 5 to 10 years? Alright, I'll stay here for ten years, and then I'll return to the orc kingdom. Perhaps Father and the others would say I was unpatriotic for doing so, but I didn't think so. What country did I have to love? In reality, I had one-fourth human blood as well.

Early in the morning, they called me up. After breakfast, I decided to go find Teacher Zhuang before class and tell her I was back. She cared about me, so I had to tell her first.

I knocked on the door, and I heard her familiar voice, "Who is it? Come in."

I entered Teacher Zhuang's office. She was sitting behind her desk, writing something. When she saw me, her face lit up with surprise. She stood up from her chair and grabbed my sturdy arm. "Lei Xiang, you're back. Have you suffered during this time?"

Why did she care about me so much? I could feel that her concern was genuine. Her words warmed my heart, and my nose felt a little sore. From childhood to adulthood, my mother had never cared about me. But why did this teacher, whom I had only known for less than four months, care about me so deeply?

In a hoarse voice, I said, "Teacher, thank you for your concern. I'm fine."

Teacher Zhuang sighed and said, "It's all because I'm incompetent. I couldn't defend you, so the vice principal ended up punishing you for three months. Starting today, come to my office for extra lessons in the evening. You can't afford to fall behind. You have great potential, and my expectations for you are very high."

"Teacher, thank you, but I think it's unnecessary. Actually, the vice principal punished me for my own good. Please don't blame him," I explained to Teacher Zhuang about the vice principal's intentions and my efforts during the time of my confinement. However, I concealed the part about the Furious God's Decision and the Inscription, as it wasn't suitable for everyone, and I had some personal reasons for keeping it secret.

She suddenly realized, "So I misunderstood the vice principal. You're really something. Learning all the basic magic in just three months is quite remarkable. From now on, don't compete with those noble students. You can't beat them."

I said bitterly, "What's so great about nobles? Just because they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, do they have privileges? I despise such people the most. It's not like they earned it through their own efforts, yet they act all high and mighty. Yesterday, after my release from confinement, I almost got into a fight with Riva during dinner. He's the most powerful noble I've ever met."

"What? Riva? He's the chief warrior of the academy, and also the chief of the Dragon Team. His family's inherited Dragon Fighting Qi is extremely powerful, and his father holds considerable power in the court. How did you provoke him? He's different from other nobles; he has a good upbringing and generally wouldn't easily provoke others. What exactly happened?"

I blushed and said, "Teacher, it's time for class. I'll tell you later."

Teacher Zhuang stared at me with sharp eyes and suddenly exclaimed, "Ah, I understand now."

I felt embarrassed and said, "Teacher, it's not about Zixue. I just couldn't stand that guy, Hualun."

Teacher Zhuang smirked, "I was just testing you earlier. Now I really understand. So it's for Zixue. She's a good girl; you should cherish her. However, you need to be more restrained in the academy. After all, relationships between male and female students are not allowed."

I was stunned by her words, taking a moment to process before asking, "Teacher, you don't object to me and Zixue..."

Teacher Zhuang said matter-of-factly, "Oppose? Why would I oppose? Your age is the time when emotions run high. It's all normal. What I want to remind you is to control yourself and avoid getting into trouble. Besides, even if I were to object, would it make a difference? Although our time together as teacher and student hasn't been long, I feel like I understand your personality quite well. Silly boy, when you meet someone you like, don't easily give up, and most importantly, don't hurt the other person, understand?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, teacher."

Teacher Zhuang seemed to recall something and continued, "By the way, after you were confined, a girl came to look for you. She seemed to be a nurse from our academy's affiliated hospital, quite pretty and smart-looking. I told her you were confined, and she looked very sad. She said she would come to see you once you were out. It should be these days. You're not playing both sides, are you?"

Could it be true? Kran really likes me? Otherwise, why would she come to find me? How should I respond to her if she does? I do have some feelings for Kran, but I'm afraid of losing Zixue because of her. I'm lost in thought.

Teacher Zhuang nudged me and said, "I'm talking to you."

I exclaimed, snapping out of my reverie. How should I respond to the teacher? She's been so good to me, and I can't bear to lie to her. Then an idea struck me, and I said, "Oh, Teacher Zhuang, I heard Vice Dean mention that our academy has an annual martial arts competition. What's it all about?"

Although she knew I was trying to change the subject to evade her question, she still became interested and replied, "The martial arts competition is very important. It's a significant method for the academy to evaluate its students. It's held annually in February, which means it'll be at the end of this semester. It's also a shortcut to career advancement. Any student who ranks in the top ten has the chance to enter the Dragon Knight team."

I asked, "Do all students compete together?"

Teacher Zhuang shook her head and explained, "It's divided by year. There are five grades in the academy, and each class selects two students to participate in the competition. The top ten I mentioned earlier refer to the top ten in the fifth grade, meaning ten students selected from the fifth grade classes. Although there have been talented students from lower grades, overall, the fifth grade has the highest quality. Plus, they're nearing graduation, so the ten students selected from each fifth grade class are considered lucky favorites who will surely be highly valued."

"In order to not overlook talent, the academy also stipulates that the champion of the lower grades can challenge any champion from a higher grade. If they win, they can directly enter the fifth grade."

So that's it, no wonder why Riva told me to hold on until I meet him. If I want to compete with him, I must first win the grade championship.

Teacher Zhuang added, "Therefore, you must train hard for me and strive to bring back a grade championship. Speaking of which, I feel ashamed. I've led several Magic Warrior classes, but in inter-class competitions, we usually rank near the bottom. You must uphold our honor. Due to the increased number of students this year, our grade has a total of 6 classes and 12 participating students. Even if you don't win the championship, you should aim for at least the top three. Both you and Feng Wen have great potential. I plan to send you both to compete."

"But isn't Fengjuan the class leader? Wouldn't it be more appropriate for her to compete?"

Teacher Zhuang chuckled and said, "That chubby girl? She's quite competitive, but becoming the class leader was mostly due to good luck. Do you think I can't see who's truly strong? If it weren't for you and Feng Wen injuring each other, she wouldn't have become the leader. I'll handle her when the time comes. Anyway, hurry up, class has already started."

Realizing the urgency, I quickly dashed off in the direction of the classroom after the conversation with Teacher Zhuang.