
Lucifer's Descendant System

At some point in the 21st century, the Christian God stopped listening to the prayers of humanity. Monsters with colossal strength and endurance began to emerge and humanity entered its darkest period. However, to the delight of humanity, some people around the world began to receive powers, and so humanity was able to fight back against monsters, now seeing these people with powers as the heroes who fought for the good of the world. Among these people was Noah, who even though he gained powers, he knew that those powers did not make him stronger at all, making him just as strong as a normal adult man. However, an unknown system awakens and declares him to be the descendant of Lucifer, completely changing his life to the path of the truth and true power. [2 Daily chapters + Extra releases] Lucifer | Descensant | System

Zhanye · Fantaisie
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407 Chs

363 - A Timely Warning

"Um... what's going on here again?" Noah looked around in confusion. Al's eyes were way too similar to Lilith's when talking about the healer. "She's just a person who dives with me on fortresses," he repeated himsel raising his hands in resignation.

"Hmmmm, we'll see about that," Al pouted, as she started eating and drinking once again. 

Not long after, they heard somebody knocking on the door.

"Come," Noah said, realizing it was probably her.

The door slid open, the waiter appearing with a cart with more food. "Noah, your guest has arrived," he said, to which Noah nodded, as he came in and started unloading the cart onto the table.

"Erm..." Sha's voice sounded soflty, as she slowly leaned upon the door, showing herself sideways. "It's... it really is..." she stuttered, her eyes watering, as she took small steps inside.

"Welcome, sis," Al said, stading up, and Sha running towards her and onto her bossom.