
Lovers Were Here

DaoistpaI7jP · Urbain
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10 Chs

Chapter 05

~Childhood reunion~

Kate had a broken jaw, bruised knees, face and scalp. Her parents admitted her at the emergency ward, even when they were yet to believe the magic wand she waved that delivered her from that gutted bus.

Onlookers were yet to believe a single soul survived that auto-crash. It was bizarre.

The media propagated the face of Kate on all the channels, just to inform the populace that a soul narrowly escaped the auto-crash.

But how she did it was yet to be known.

"I did," Tony intoned within himself while he watched the news on the TV.

Having lost interest in the news, he turned off the TV, squeezed a cigar between his lips and lit.

"Get well soon, slave, and give me that body," he spoke yet further while he lust after the naked pale ass of Kate on his phone.

At the hospital Kate was hushed and responding to treatment quickly.

The hospital management had restricted the influx of media staff and well wishers from paying her condolence.

When she opened her eyes from slumber, she was caught into the smiling, savoring faces of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fanny and a well-built, pull-the-girls, gorgeous looking kid.

The kid was having handy different, colorful, state of the art, get-well-soon cards, which she believed were for her. She was excited to see her childhood lover after such a while.

"This is my daughter, Kate, do you remember her" her father introduced, gesturing at her, "Kate, this is Brian the only child to the Coleman," he said and turned his smiling gaze to his wife.

And he continued, "Brian has been clamoring to see you ever since he went on holidays at his grandma's in Miami and when he heard of your tragedy, he decided to return ,"

Brian held a dilated smile, while Kate endeared to return the compliment.

Mr. Fanny interrupted them , "I will have to leave you two to get along. We will be back soon kids."

Even after her parents had left, Kate was drawn in the thought of her parents' intention to leave her with a dashing boy, she barely could recognize.

All her life they had always wanted the best for her and this cute to the socks boy could be one of their intentions for her.

"My heart goes to you at this time of your life," he was easy with words.

Brian's smile was not only contagious but the looks on his face showed he had eyeteeth for her and he was nursing a soft spot that came from somewhere eternal. He was glad to see her again.

He dropped the bundles of card by her bed side and sat on the bed after wards.

"After so long a time I am glad to see you alive and not dead," Brian intoned and shot his gaze into her smiling face.

All the while she had been all smiles and she wished all her troubles could be placed on his shoulders.

If she could guess right, Brian was the same kid her parents talked about who won the California community service awards.

"Dad has always told me about the Community Awards you bagged."

Brian cackled and shyly fondled with the hem of his sleeves.

"Oh that. I am only fortunate to be honored for the security I render to my immediate neighborhood."

Suddenly Kate felt she was free and unrestrictive within her heart to chat with a charming lad as Brian. He had saved her countless times and it was time to reciprocate the kind gesture.

"It is more than honor. You are such a bad ass kid, who invests his intelligence in the right proportion."

Brian bursts into an engaging chuckle.

"I will take that as a compliment." He winked gorgeously at her. "Same with you, you are also smart and cute to behold."

She fancied the way he pronounced cute and it was unto her a quick pain relief for her shattered bones. She was healing fast and she had forgotten so soon her promise to the Tony, just because of the presence of Brian.

"So you are good in security ," she intoned as bemused smile curled up her lips, "Can you secure me," a huge smile accompanied those words.

Brian was almost choked while he laughed easily. He took it for a prank.

But Kate wished he could secure her from her dilemma right now. She wished she could open up to him that the fate of her survival in the auto crash was up on the altar of sex slavery to the most dangerous bad boy she had ever known.

Who would believe someone who was supposed to save a soul at an auto crash did it with a promise of eternal sex slavery.

Who would believe the enemy she planned to murder had found his way at the cross roads of saving her from death with a dead-end blood oath of sex slavery.

After Brian had laughed out his loins, he replied, "I can only secure your heart because that is where I belong since our childhood."

Kate was flushed with goose pimples as she stared gaping.

Brian snorted, and added, "Happy birthday baby girl,"

Kate blushed as she was flushed with emotion. "oh my God,even I have forgotten my birthday is in two days. Thank you sweetheart. I am going to celebrate it once I heal," she said.

 "I don't know how to tell you this and I don't know the right time. I have been dying in silence over how my heart beats for you, Kate. I want you in my life."

He couldn't finish his words when their eyes locked; faces froze, and pulled forth for a kiss. Their lips had almost clenched in a dedicated first kiss when the buzz on a phone interrupted.

It was Kate's phone and it was a message 

Brian stretched to the phone and handed to her.

Once she unlooked the phone a message from Tony flashed into her eyes.

I know you are healing fast.

I need your body tonight.

Her countenance fell with a huge frown as she read inwardly.

Brian noticed it, "What is it , dear?" he queried anxiously.