

R18+ - Mature Content. ********* Cassie falls for the baddest boy in town , Blaze Bloom. He's a rockstar and a typical bad boy , while she's just a regular teenage girl. Things between them get hot and steamy till it all turns sour. Cassie gets heartbroken and thinks her world is over until she met him... The trillionaire CEO. ************ This book is currently ongoing for the Webnovel Spirity Awards. Your votes , comments and gifts will be highly appreciated.

Megan_Immanuella · Urbain
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16 Chs

16 _ Makeup S*x {R18+}

Cassie didn't know , how they got back to his place but what she knew was that they were in his bedroom and they were going to set the night on fire.

Blaze brushed the sideline hairs off her neck with his finger tips kissing her skin and She was surprised as her body was already warming up to that little gesture.

Leaning in , he tilted his head and placed a gentle kids in her smooth neck.

"Blaze..." She moaned at his sudden kiss.

"God I've missed you Cass." He hands moved up her side a as her body turned numb with heat running down her spine. "I missed this."

She also missed this. This intimacy .But she wasn't going to let him know that not yet.

"I'm still mad at you for going off at Zac like that." Cassie said firmly but her body betrayed her shivering as her abdomen was bustling with pleasure. "He's just a friend at work and the way you acted was totally uncalled for.She expected Blaze to let go of her at her words but to her dismay , his hold on her body had tightened out of instinct. "That's exactly what I want. I don't want other guys looking at you. You are mine Cass , only mine." He continued in a low,dangerous voice and Cassie could only go breathless.

She was stunned by his declaration and with his serious he sounded saying he owned her. Maybe he was a hot tempered and bit jealous and possessive, but who cared , all boyfriends were supposed to act that way about their girlfriends and it wasn't like he killed Zac , he only knocked him about.

It was normal right?

But whether Cassie was being naive or willfully ignorant , a part of her knew that there was a dangerous side to Blaze Bloom that she would never want to uncover soon or probably ever.

He placed her on the bed and she moaned when she felt his hand gripping her boobs and it was at that moment she realized he had unhooked her bra and was caressing her nips with his thumbs. Blaze kissed her thoroughly and satisfyingly.

She wanted him to take all of her as she groaned out his name softly. Blaze kissed her passionately on her lips, as their tongues dueled against each other seeking for as heat , pleasure, More...

She took off his shirt and carress his chest as the muscles in his forearm bunched at her intoxicating movements. Blaze trailed kisses across her face as he ran his hands aggressively down her sides and Cassie tightened her grip in his dark hair, pulling him down to her. Their eyes connected and the felt the lightning need for each other strike in their hearts. He spread kisses down her nape whispering dirty nothings in her ear that turned her on even more. Guiding his hand down between her thighs , Blaze pushed his fingers into the stirring heat of her and Cassie almost shot over the edge in a frenzy as she spasmed wildly , her body pinned down underneath him. He wasn't idle either as his other hand fondled her chest and pinched her nips and She bit on her lower lips to prevent her from screaming at the wonderful sensation that made her toes curl.

She clawed at his bare chest , as Blaze wanted her to crave for more. Cassie got on edge over him and flipped him over and made a quick work of it straddling him. Holding his arms aside , she leaned in and muttered sexily .

"I'm in Charge now."

"Yes mam'n" He grinned as his hands vised her hips and they both panted harshly , each struggling to catch their breath but neither wanting to back down.

"F***!" Cassie cried out as Blaze thrusted deep into her and shot over the edge , releasing all of himself inside of her.

"I missed you Cass." He groaned out as he panted roughly below her , his body slick with sweat.

"How much?"

"This much." He pulled her down and their lips caught and everything else faded into oblivion.

Blaze was everything she never wanted to love but ended falling for.

After the heat died down , They both lay still in each other's embrace , still trying to catch their breaths.

"Cass?" He said suddenly gripping her hands tightly in his. "I would never hurt you on purpose, You know that right?"

She didn't reply , a part of her still dwelling on his previous actions. Blaze sighed and turned her face to his. "I know I can never be sorry enough but I just want you that I love you , no matter what."

"Then promise..." Cassie murmured, staring into his blue eyes. "Promise me that this...us...Will never end."

He took up her hand and put it to his lips and gave it a soft kiss. "I swear."

She beamed at him and pulled him down for another kiss as as time went on, things between them smoothed down and it was as if nothing happened. Blaze was fun and thrilling and exciting.

He was hot, charming and everything she had ever dreamed up. He lived each day as an adventure and he took Cassie to many places she'd never dreamed of going and brought out another part of her.

Blaze Bloom was a girl's wildest fantasy come true, A splendid dream you never wanted to wake up from but to go on forever. But like all good things...

It eventually had to come to an end...