
Thy reflection

Maybe the reason behind all of this chaos we are experiencing was never because of the things that have happened to us but, our own doings and our own way of actions that led us to the very same fate, that very same destruction we have faced.

There will always be chaos in order.

There will always be things we can never evade that we have to face them heads on.

Gradgie's P. O. V.

This shouldn't have happened an innocent life was taken, this is not in the plan

"What happened today, was a lesson for all of us, Catherine's death is my fault, so, I'm sorry team, this time, we need to focus, no more innocent life should be killed. So tomorrow, Bernard I want you to call him, bring him here, we need him, plan E"

I stated

"What if she declined, your highness?" Bernard asked

"I know he won't, I possess something he wanted, so tell him. this. ' Go to me, and I'll give him what he want'. He'll come, trust me." I said and looked at Alexander