
Love On Chaos

Tears were streaming through Eli's cheeks, his eyes were bloody red, its been so long yet the pain, the aches, the memories were haunting him, he can't escape his fantasy, is he dreaming, tell him, he is because, he doesn’t know if he can win this battle, this game, played by me, her, and destiny. Today 6th of December, its been years since they met, the most beautiful woman, the most caring, the brightest star in the sky the one he thought who’ll never leave his side, yet here he is, in their favorite place, the place where they smiled as wide as they can, laugh as hard as they could, the place where they witness the beauty of the sun descending and the gorgeousness of the moon ascending, but now, he’s alone, reminiscing the past. After waiting for the sun to set, he left there hidden spot and spoke in a low baritone voice. “I’ll hold on to your promise, my love."

Midnight_Raven0425 · Urban
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157 Chs

Casiana and Chasiane

On home, Chasiane ask for a moment with Casiana and then the two talked about something, about reality all of them cannot evade. That one day, they all know danger will come.

"Casiana, the two of us know that this... Our story won't have a happy ending," she said.

"I know that, Chasiane, I know," she replied and took a deep breath before speaking, "someone has to leave... Permanently. Not just Alfredo, but someone."

"This is no fairy tale," she added.

"Yeah, it isn't. So I have to be ready," Chasiane said.

"What do you mean, you? We are a team here Chasiane. It can't be you, we will find a way," said Casiana as Chasiane shakes her head.

"No, it can't be anyone else. If it'll be me, you can live happily with Antonio, and Athena and the count will have nothing to be afraid of. Ixis will live the way everyone wanted and that is our mission right?"

"The two of us knew the consequences that one day will face us..."
