
Love is Green

Stranded on a desolate planet after fleeing from space slavers. Ren is injured and separated from her friend, and she soon finds herself entirely dependent on a male of an undocumented species. With no way to communicate and nothing in common, will they be able to overcome their differences to navigate the challenges ahead?

Lady_Readsalot · Romance
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9 Chs

Mixed chapter 9

Ren darted to the side just in time, and the saurgris crashed into the tree trunk that formed one wall of the shelter. It regained its feet, shook itself off, and spun to face her. They circled each other, eyes locked. The crawler gave Ren an edge, allowing her to sense the saurgris' every movement. She could feel its predatory instincts, but beneath that, she also sensed fear emanating from the beast. The Saurgris fought fiercely, slashing with its claws and whipping its barbed tail. Thanks to the crawler, Ren was nimble and swift, able to stay just out of reach.

The saurgris lunged at Ren, its scales glimmering in the moonlight. She was ready for the attack, her senses razor-sharp and her reflexes lightning-fast. She ducked and rolled, but the beast spun unexpectedly, and she felt its teeth scrape across her arm. The wound wasn't deep, but it burned fiercely, and her blood flowed freely. With a swift kick, she struck the saurgris under the jaw, snapping its head back and eliciting a roar of anger.

Her companion, critically injured but still conscious, tried to rise to his feet, snarling menacingly. Unable to stand, he began to crawl toward the saurgris, his body trembling with effort and leaving a trail of blood as a testament to his injuries. The Saurgris shifted its attention to him. Its sharp claws tore into the floor as it vaulted back toward the being. With strength granted by the crawler, Ren snatched everything she could reach and hurled it at the beast. It whipped around again, its attention divided.

The being reached out, managing to grasp the saurgris' tail and yank it toward himself. He looped his beefy arms around the beast's neck and squeezed. After a few tense moments, the saurgris went limp.

Ren stood over it, breathing heavily, feeling the saurgris' inner turbulence through the crawler. She was certain now that this was only a kit, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for it. She had no doubt that if it had been full-grown, she'd be dead.

Ren cautiously approached the wounded saurgris, her hand extended. She could sense the fear and pain emanating from the massive beast. Its deep breaths were labored, and Ren could see that the saurgris was still clinging to life, but barely. She couldn't ignore the suffering of the saurgris. She believed that all creatures deserved a chance at life, even if it meant possible danger to herself. Ren placed her hand on the saurgris' injured side. She focused on the crawler's energy and reached inside the saurgris, trying to soothe its pain and calm its raging instincts.

At first, the saurgris resisted, thrashing and snarling in pain. Her companion watched with a wary eye, ready to intervene if things went wrong. Slowly, the saurgris began to relax under Ren's touch. Its breathing became more even, and its muscles loosened. Ren could feel the saurgris's trust in her growing, and she continued to untangle the mess of emotions, instincts, and pain within the beast. Eventually, the saurgris succumbed to its wounds and fell into a deep sleep. Ren removed her hand and turned to face her companion, who was staring at her in awe.


"Come on," Ren said softly, guiding her companion to sit down on the bed. She rummaged through the baskets, looking for supplies to bandage his wounds. She found long, thin greenery and tufts that looked like cotton. Then, working quickly and efficiently, she set about bandaging his injuries. He had obviously been in a fight with more than the saurgris by the state of him.

Her companion lay sprawled across the bed, barely conscious, his body battered and broken. Blood seeped from deep wounds across his chest, abdomen, and limbs, his breathing shallow and labored. She was surprised he was able to move at all. Ren's breath caught, her hands trembling as she assessed the extent of his injuries. He winced but remained silent, his eyes darting nervously to the sleeping saurgris.

Whatever he had fought in the forest had been merciless. Razor-sharp claws had torn through his flesh and bone, and the saurgris' barbed tail had left deep, jagged lacerations. Every breath her companion took seemed to be a struggle, his strength waning with each passing moment. Tears welled in Ren's eyes as she realized the gravity of the situation. He was on the brink of death, his life hanging by a thread. Despite the fear and despair that threatened to overwhelm her, Ren forced herself to focus, pushing aside her own injuries to tend to him.

Ren's hands were shaky as she worked to staunch the flow of blood and bind his wounds. She tore strips of cloth from her own clothing, using them along with her scavenged supplies as makeshift bandages to stem the tide of crimson pouring from him. With each passing moment, Ren's heart pounded in her chest, a constant reminder of the fragility of life. She could feel the weight of responsibility bearing down on her shoulders, knowing she might be this being's only hope of survival. She had to save him as he had once saved her.

Despite the odds stacked against them, Ren refused to give up hope. She poured every ounce of her strength and determination into her efforts, refusing to let despair cloud her judgment. She would fight for her companion's life with every fiber of her being, unwilling to let him slip away without a fight.

As the suns rose over the horizon, casting light into the shelter, Ren continued to tend to her companion's wounds, her hands steadying with her resolve. His once strong and agile form lay still and battered, his breathing shallow and labored. Despite her best efforts, she knew that his survival hung by a thread. She whispered words of comfort, though she knew he could not understand her, and watched as he finally succumbed to unconsciousness, his body unable to endure the pain any longer.

With her companion now unconscious, Ren took a moment to gather herself. She wiped away the tears that had streamed down her face and steeled her resolve. Though her heart ached for him, she knew there was another life that needed her attention. The young saurgris, the kit, lay nearby, battered from their fierce encounter.

"I need to tend to its wounds too," Ren said firmly. Rising to her feet, her own minor wounds stinging but manageable, she approached the saurgris kit cautiously, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination. The creature had fought fiercely, but now it lay still, its breath coming in ragged gasps. Its scales, once a vibrant display of power, were now dull and stained with blood.

Kneeling beside the saurgris, Ren placed a trembling hand on its side, feeling the rapid thud of its heartbeat beneath her palm. Through the crawler, she could sense its pain and fear, the raw instinct to survive. She knew the kit had fought out of desperation, not malice. She couldn't ignore its suffering any more than she could ignore her companion's.

Gently, she began to tend to the saurgris' wounds. The beast stirred slightly at her touch, a low growl emanating from its throat, but Ren projected calm and reassurance through the crawler, hoping to convey that she meant no harm. Using the remaining strips of greenery and cotton she had gathered, she cleaned and dressed the creature's injuries. Her companion had left deep, jagged lacerations with claws that had torn through flesh with brutal efficiency.

As she worked, Ren spoke softly, her voice a soothing murmur in the twilight. She doubted the saurgris could understand her any more than her companion could, but she hoped her tone would communicate her intentions. The creature's breathing began to steady, its muscles gradually relaxing under her gentle care.

The suns rose high during the midchrons, making the temperature within the shelter nearly unbearable. The forest was quiet as the nocturnal creatures slept through the heat. Ren's hands moved with steady precision; she felt much more at ease bandaging this second creature after practicing on her companion. She knew the saurgris could still pose a threat, but feeling its fear and anguish through the crawler was more than she could bear. The saurgris was merely curious, and now it was paying the price.

Finally, she finished tending to the saurgris and sat back, exhausted but feeling accomplished. She looked at the two beings lying before her—her unconscious companion and the wounded saurgris—and felt a profound sense of responsibility. They were both under her care now, both relying on her strength and resolve to see them through the cycle.

With the light of the cycle beginning to wane again, Ren settled in to keep watch over her small, makeshift infirmary. She would protect them both, nurse them back to health, and perhaps, in time, they could all find a way to coexist. For now, though, she was content with the knowledge that she had done everything she could to save them.


He came to awareness slowly. He could hear Ren doing her usual chatter and moving around the nest. His vision was blurred, and he could only make out shapes in the gloom. He shifted, and Ren came to his side, her blurry form coming into focus. She jabbered at him, sounding pleased. He basked in her pleasure. He had saved her. She was still with him. He was not alone again.

The smell of a predator drifted to his nose, and he raised himself up, peering out of the shelter opening. If another predator were to attack them right now, he was unable to fight. The opening was empty, but he could smell the predator nearby. He shook his head, trying to clear his vision, and pain shot through his skull.

Ren yelled angrily and pushed him back with her hands on his chest. "Youhavetostayinbedyoubigdummy."

He reclined again, but the smell of the predator stuck with him, never fading. He faded in and out of consciousness, each time feeling a little more alert. After what he believed to be two passings of the suns, he felt well enough to sit up, and his vision was clear. That was when he noticed the predator laying against the far wall of the nest. Its head was resting on its paws, and it looked unbothered by his presence. The beast was wrapped in bandages much as he was, and Ren sat on the floor next to it, stroking its head.

His heart stopped in his chest as he registered that the injured predator was still in their nest. Panic surged through him as he noted Ren's proximity to the beast. She met his eyes and jabbered at him, clearly siding with the beast. He sighed, feeling unconvinced but too weak to argue further. His body ached, and he could barely move. Helplessly, he watched as Ren remained next to the beast, still stroking its head. The beast stirred slightly and resettled quickly, a purr emanating from it.

After a while, she came to him, checking his bandages and making sure he was comfortable. Her sweet scent tickled his nose. He could deny her nothing. His eyes darted nervously to the Saurgris. Then, with a weary sigh, he nodded and lay down. He fought sleep, resolving to stay awake in case the predator turned on Ren. Despite his lingering fears, he trusted her judgment. He remembered how she had calmed the beast before he lost consciousness and had to believe she knew what she was doing.

Despite his lingering fears, he trusted her judgment. He remembered how she had calmed the beast before he lost consciousness and had to believe she knew what she was doing. 

This the first time I've written anything outside of school or work. I just wanted to experiment and see if I have any talent for it. It's hard to gauge when you read it yourself and your audience consists of friends and family who are biased in your favor.

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