
Love Is An Experiment

Samantha knows that her life as a stripper is not exactly what she'd dreamed of as a little girl. But it's all she's known for years, and she works hard to make ends meet. When a mysterious billionaire offers her a contract marriage, she's torn between her head and her heart. She knows that something is not quite right about the whole situation, but the lure of a better life is too strong to ignore. But as she gets deeper and deeper into the mystery, she soon find herself caught up in web of secrets and lies and she must decide.

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6 Chs

Chapter four

As we entered the cabin, I looked at Sarah, I could tell by the look on her face that she loved the cabin as much as I did. Her eyes were bright, and a smile played at the corners of her mouth. 

We entered and the ladies I saw from last time were there. A lady who I assumed based on her outfit is the chief housekeeper approached us, smiling.

"Welcome, Ms. Jones," she said, her voice warm and friendly. "Megan, show the other Ms. Jones around"

She faced Sarah.

"Are you going to be fine?"

I looked at her.

"Are you kidding? I'm not a kid"

She smiled as she followed Megan. 

The chief housekeeper introduced herself. "I'm Beth," she said. "I'll be your point of contact for any questions or needs you might have during your stay."

"Thank you," I said. "It's nice to meet you, Beth."

"The pleasure is all mine," she said. "I know this is all a bit overwhelming, so I'll try to make your stay as comfortable as possible." She turned to my sister. 

"Follow me, Ms. Jones"

Beth led me up the stairs and down a long hallway. She opened the door to a cozy room, with a queen-sized bed and a view of the surrounding forest. The room had a rustic charm, with exposed beams and wooden furniture. A small fireplace sat in the corner, and the mantle was decorated with a vase of fresh flowers, Beautiful.

"This is your room," Beth said. "I hope you find it to your liking."

What do you mean? I love it

"I like it"

I said and smiled.

"You have a beautiful smile, Ms. Jones"

"Um... Thank you"

I blushed a little.

"Take your time settling in, Ms. Jones" Beth said. "You have two days to settle in before you meet Mr. Williams' family. In the meantime, I will be telling you important things you need to know"

Two days?

The words "Mr. Williams' family" echoed in my mind, and I felt a pit of dread in my stomach. In just two days, I was going to meet the family of the man i know nothing about. 

"Lunch will be delivered to your room" Beth said. "And if you need anything, there will be someone stationed at the door to help you, there are clothes in your wardrobe. You can just ring the bell if you need anything."

I tried to smile, but it felt more like a grimace. I knew that I needed to relax. But my anxiety was making it hard to focus on anything other than the thought of meeting Mr. Williams' family in two days. 

As Beth left the room, I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me. The bed looked so inviting, with its fluffy pillows and crisp white sheets. I kicked off my shoes and crawled under the covers, letting my body sink into the soft mattress. I closed my eyes and tried to relax, but my thoughts kept racing. What would Mr. Williams' family be like? Would they be friendly, or would they judge me for being a stranger in their midst? I didn't know what to expect, and that uncertainty was eating away at my peace of mind.


The shower felt amazing, and I wore the Soft pants and cozy sweatshirt I found in the wardrobe. After that, I sank into the soft bed and drifted off into a deep sleep. I felt my worries fading away, and I relaxed into a peaceful slumber. When I awoke, I felt refreshed and renewed, like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. 

The trees outside my window were swaying gently in the breeze, their leaves rustling softly. There were no other houses in sight, and the cabin was surrounded by woods on all sides. It was quiet, except for the sounds of nature - the wind in the trees, the rustle of leaves, and the occasional bird call. The evening was beginning to set in, and the sky was a deep, rich blue. It was a peaceful, serene setting.

I wondered what Sarah was up to. I put on the fluffy slippers near my bed and head for the door.

"What do you need? Ms. Jones?"

Oh right, Beth told me someone would be here incase I need anything. Has she been standing here for hours?

"Nothing, I just want to see my sister"

She led me to Sarah's room.

"She's sound asleep"

I saw her curled up on the bed, sound asleep. A novel lay face down on the bed, as if she had been reading before drifting off. I smiled, thinking of how she must have been so tired that she couldn't finish the book before falling asleep. I carefully closed the door, trying not to wake her up.

"Ms. Jones!"

Beth heels clicked towards us. She startled me.

"I'm sorry, you looked startled. You can leave"

She faced the other lady with me.


"I must say, Ms. Jones" Beth said with a grin "your sister certainly has a passion for reading. She was quite insistent that we provide her with a variety of books."

I couldn't help but laugh. "I know, she's always been an avid reader. It's one of her favorite things to do."

Beth shook her head, still smiling. "Well, I must say, it's refreshing to see someone so devoted to the written word. It's not something you see every day."

As we walked, Beth began to share some information about the Williams family. "Mr. George Williams is a well-respected businessman, Owner of G&C enterprises. With a reputation for being fair and honest. He married three wives"

Three wives? Wow

She continued.

"Mrs. Catherine Williams, the first wife died in the smallpox pandemic. Before she died, she gave birth to the first son of Mr. Williams, Alexander Williams. Mrs. Elena Williams, The second wife died of Coronary artery disease years after she gave birth to the second son, Carlton Williams, your husband to be. He is currently married to a young woman, Mrs. Laura Williams. They've been married for about a year now"

"Wow, that's quite a family history" 

She nodded and smiled.

"Mr. Carlton Williams is what you might call a workaholic," Beth began, describing my husband to be.

"His job is his life, and he is married to it. He never takes a day off, never takes a vacation, and is always working on something. In fact, I've heard that he even has a desk in his bedroom, so that he can work even when he's supposed to be sleeping. He's a very driven and focused man, with little time for anything else."

It obvious. The day we met, he was on his phone all through, he only looked at me briefly.

"Wow," I said, trying to imagine what it would be like to be married to such a man. "Is he always so serious?"

"I wouldn't say that he's always serious" Beth replied, "but he does tend to take everything very seriously. He has little patience for small talk or social niceties, and he's always looking for the next big project or the next big deal. He can be quite intense, and it's hard to get a read on him at times."

"Ms. Jones" Beth said, "Mr. Alexander Williams, the eldest son. He's married to a lovely woman named Elizabeth. They have a three-year-old daughter named Olivia, who is absolutely adorable."

"This is going to be a bit of a whirlwind for you, so I want to make sure you're as prepared as possible. I know it can be intimidating to meet someone like Mr. Williams for the first time, but I'm here to help you through it"

In two days? 

After dinner, I lay in bed, my phone buzzed, Charlotte had emailed me the contract. I read through it briefly, skimming the details, copying and pasting my signature.

I drifted off to sleep, my mind full of questions and possibilities. What would my new life be like? Would I be happy?