
Love Is An Experiment

Samantha knows that her life as a stripper is not exactly what she'd dreamed of as a little girl. But it's all she's known for years, and she works hard to make ends meet. When a mysterious billionaire offers her a contract marriage, she's torn between her head and her heart. She knows that something is not quite right about the whole situation, but the lure of a better life is too strong to ignore. But as she gets deeper and deeper into the mystery, she soon find herself caught up in web of secrets and lies and she must decide.

PEN_DN · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter five

The time had passed quickly, and now it was the day of meeting his family. I still didn't feel prepared, but there was no going back now. I had spent the last two days with Beth, learning all I could about the family and the life I was about to enter into. But no matter how much I learned, I couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty. Was I making the right decision? 

As I sat there, lost in thought, the door to my room opened and Beth walked in, followed by a woman I'd never seen before. "Ms. Jones, this is Jasmine," Beth said, smiling warmly. "She's going to help you get ready for tonight."

"I'll leave you two to get started," Beth said, turning to leave the room. "I'll check back in a little while." The door closed behind her, and I turned my attention to the woman standing before me. "Hi," she said, holding out her hand. "I'm Jasmine Harris, and I'm here to help you get ready for tonight." I took her hand and shook it, trying to smile and seem relaxed, even though I was nervous and anxious inside. "Nice to meet you," I said. "I appreciate your help."

"It's my pleasure," she replied.

"Now, let's start with your hair," she said, gesturing towards the vanity table in the corner of the room. "What kind of look are you going for?" I thought for a moment, trying to come up with an answer. I didn't want to look too formal or too casual, I wanted to strike the right balance. "I want to look elegant, but not stuffy" I said finally. "I want to look like myself, but the best version of myself"

"I think I can work with that," she said, smiling. "Let's start by washing your hair"

Over the next few hours, I was transformed from a regular woman into a vision of elegance. My hair was washed and styled into a low bun, with few tendrils framing my face. My makeup was applied with careful precision. I was dressed in a black sheath dress that accentuated my figure and paired with classic black pumps. I didn't feel like myself, but I also didn't feel like I was pretending to be someone else. I felt like the best version of me, and I hoped that the Williams family would see that too.

After the makeover was complete, I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror. A tear nearly fell from my eyes.

Oh my

"I love it" I finally said.

"I love it too" Jasmine said, her eyes shining with pride and satisfaction. "I love what we've done with your hair. The blonde color is really gorgeous, and the simple bun looks so elegant. You look like a movie star!" I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. She had a way of making me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, and I was grateful for her encouragement. "Thank you so much, Jasmine," I said, genuinely touched by her words.

Beth came into the room. "Ms. Jones, it's time to go," she said, her voice firm but friendly. 

"Before you go, wear this"

She handed me a small box, I opened it. A diamond ring

The ring that Beth placed in my hand was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It sparkled and glittered in the light, a glittering jewel nestled in a delicate gold setting. It felt light as a feather as I placed it on my finger, and it fit perfectly. As I looked down at the ring, I could see my reflection in the gleaming stone.

"What about my sister?"

"She went for a stroll, she's with someone"

"Ok, please take care of her" she nodded.

I turned to Jasmine and gave her a hug, thanking her again for her help.

I slid my feet into the heels, ignoring the discomfort I felt as I did so. I knew that I had to make a good impression on the Williams family, and I was willing to do whatever it took.

I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me as I walked into the living room. I saw him, Carlton Williams, my husband-to-be seated on the couch, his eyes focused on his phone.

I'm so surprised he's here, Beth told me he was a very busy person, I thought he'd meet me at the dinner.

Mr. Williams was impeccably dressed, as always. He wore a navy blue suit, tailored to perfection, with a crisp white shirt, cufflinks and a silk blue tie. His shoes were polished to a mirror finish, and his hair was neatly styled in a way that exuded confidence and authority. I couldn't help but admire his style, even though I knew it was all part of his persona. The man was a mystery, and I couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by him. Whatever, fuck him, let's get this over with.

My heels grabbing attention, He looked up as I walked in, his face expressionless. "You're ready?" he asked, standing up and walking towards me. I could only nod, unable to find the words to respond. He offered me his arm, and I took it, what a cold-hearted gentleman

Feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation as we walked out the door.

As we drove, I could feel the tension in the air. Carlton was on his phone the entire time, barely acknowledging my presence. The car was a luxurious limousine, but the silence inside made it feel more like a prison. I tried to distract myself by looking out the window, taking in the sights of the city. It was a beautiful night, and I tried to soak in the view to calm my nerves.

Finally, we pulled up to a grand estate, the home of Carlton's father. The house was enormous, a sprawling mansion set on acres of land. The car pulled up to the front door, and Carlton got out first, walking around to open my door for me. I stepped out, feeling a little bit like a princess in a fairy tale. As we walked towards the front door, I noticed a small army of staff members waiting for us. There was a butler, several maids, and even a few security guards, they all greeted us as we walked by. It was clear that Mr. Williams' family was extremely wealthy and accustomed to a certain level of luxury.

I felt my heart beating faster as we approached the front door. The butler opened the door, and I stepped into a world of luxury and opulence. The foyer was enormous, with marble floors and gilded details. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and there was a grand staircase leading to the second floor. The room was filled with beautiful artwork, and I could smell the scent of fresh flowers. I had never seen anything like it, and I felt a little bit like I had entered a different world.

My hand still in his, Carlton led through the foyer, into the large room.

The living room was filled with comfortable couches and chairs, and a large fireplace was crackling in the corner. The walls were lined with bookshelves, and there were floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over the grounds. I could see a vast expanse of perfectly manicured gardens, with lush green lawns and beautiful flowers. It was like something out of a movie, and I felt a bit like an extra in a scene.

"Smile" Carlton said, removing his hand from mine, holding my waist and gently pulling me closer to him, chills ran down my spine. It's just for show, Sam. I smiled.

In the center of the room, there was a large table set for dinner. A dozen place settings were arranged with perfect precision, and the table was adorned with crystals. Beautiful

"Welcome, son" a voice said. I turned to see an older man standing in the doorway, dressed in chinos and a button-down shirt unlike this man next to me, always dressed in formal clothes, ugh

He looked just like Mr. Williams, but older and more distinguished, my guess, the great George Williams that married three wives.

He hugged Carlton, releasing from the hug, Carlton smiled wow, who knew he could smile?

"Been a while, father"

He said. I felt invisible. Carlton finally faced me.

"Samantha meet my father, George Williams, father meet my fiancée, Samantha Jones"

He stretched his arm out to shake me, I smiled and shook his hand.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, I've heard a lot about you"

He wrinkled his eyes.

"How you made G&C enterprises a successful business it is today"


He laughed. Phew, that was close

"I'm honoured to hear that and by the way you are beautiful"

I was a little taken aback, but I managed to smile and curtsy. "Thank you, Mr. Williams," I said, feeling a bit awkward. He smiled at me, and I noticed a kindness in his eyes that I hadn't expected.

"Let's take our seats, others will join us"

As I looked up from my seat at the dinner table, I saw a young woman walk through the door. She was wearing a black dress that hugged her curves, showing off her toned figure. Her hair was styled in an intricate updo, and her red lipstick matched the color of her heels. Her eyes were a light green, almost emerald in color, and they sparkled as she looked around the room. 

"Look who is here"

She announced herself.

My eyes went to Carlton, his mood changed, he frowned his face .


He cursed under his breath.

Why did he curse? Because of her? A lot is going on in this family that I'm yet to know.