

After hanging up the phone. Atul laid back on his bed, closed his eyes and started thinking about his childhood. How his mother died and due to abusive father he had to go to his grandma's house. He could easily relate to Manvi's mental state, trauma and thereafter abuse.

Thinking of all those he finally went into sleep with a very heavy heart. The next day, he reached his office and got engrossed in his work, but was not feeling like that. He wanted to talk to Manvi, every now and then she was crossing his mind, which was eventually confusing him. Atul liked her voice, it sounded very pleasing and the more he thought the more her voice rang in his ears.

"Can I come in, Sir."

Atul couldn't believe his ears, 'Manvi, here', Atul thought and his expressions were as if somebody caught his theft. He looked up and said, "Yeah, come in." trying to look as authoritative as possible.

Manvi was excited, she came in and said, " Sir, I am applying for resignation, this is my letter."

Atul was surprised, "Wait! Why?"

Manvi said, "I got into the merit sir! So i would be going for my training. So that's why I will have to resign from here first."

Atul felt a little heavy hearing this, but he said," Ok, congratulations!!", as he signed the papers. Then something occured to him and he said, "Manvi, have a seat."

Manvi was a bit taken aback but got seated.

Atul continued, " So what now? What about your business?"

Manvi grew grave and said, "I am going to make a show now sir. A big opportunity is coming on the way, and I would want my company to capitalize on it. I have a month in hand, so with a series of business meetings I would be able to get things on line including Agam."

This special mention of Agam was something that Atul didn't liked he then said, "What about Agam?"

"Agam should know everything, before he goes on to marry my cousin. Since he is the Managing Director of the company, my uncle just want to get through him in the company. He should understand this, or I replace him." Manvi said.

Atul all of a sudden saw an opportunity in this, he said, "..and who will you choose?"

"I have no idea sir!", Manvi sighed.

"If you want I can help you with this!", Atul smirked.

"How exactly?"

"Well you can take my elder sister Monica in. Only take her if you think she is suitable, but try her.", Atul said.

Without thinking much Manvi said, "Done sir!"

Atul smiled and hearts of hearts he was happy about Agam getting away.

"So when would you be leaving?", Atul asked her.

"In a week sir", Manvi smiled.

"Fine tell me the day you get relieved, and here is my sister's number.", Atul said.

Manvi took permission and left.


Monica, Atul's elder sister was an unhappy woman, while Atul left his abusive father, Monica stayed behind. When Atul joined Army, he asked Monica to come with him but she didn't, because it was her father's last days and she couldn't leave the dying man. Monica was good at finances, but had to leave her job when she got married Ankit.

Monica married a rich man a big name in logistics, Ankit Rathi but the man was abusive. Whenever, she tries to oppose him in anything, her night ended up in the bed having abusive intercourse. She decides to have a job but her husband refuses citing class levels. She can't be a small employee while her husband himself has an export import business flourishing.

So she is basically a doll as well as a punching bag at the same time. Atul didn't knew this much but he knows his sister isn't happy. He thought that's because she is ambitious but can't work, so when he saw Manvi looking for a MD, he knew that this could be something rewarding.

Today again, Ankit came home drunk and as soon as he saw Monica, he just lost it and imposed himself over her. Her consent, didn't mattered to him. While on the other hand, Monica was now afraid to protest since that always aggravated his aggressiveness.

When Ankit met Monica for the first time, he was impressed that how can a girl be both humble and beautiful. Monica on the other hand didn't give much thought about Ankit, she just didn't wanted to be alone so the first man who came in her life she accepted him. Ankit had a very fragile ego, and as time passed, he started taking Monica for granted, and slowly stopped respecting her.


Next day, Monica was sitting in her living room and was going to start with her freelancing work, when her phone buzzed, it was from some unknown number,

"Monica Rathi?", a woman from the other side spoke.


"Good morning Ma'am, I am talking from Shaurya developers, Do you have a minute with you?"

'Shaurya developers!! They are number one defence company in the country, why are they calling me'..Monica got excited... "Yes sure, how can I help?"

"Ma'am, we looking for professionals, for managing finances of our company, we saw your freelancing work and the company was quite impressed about it, how about you working with us?"

Monica couldn't believe what she just heard, such a big company, normally she would have said, that she will have to think about it, or that freelancing is what she wants to do, but with the last night's anguish in her heart, she wanted to be absent from her current life, she therefore with conformity said, "Would love to!".

"Ok ma'am please share your resume with us at the mail, I have texted you, we will get to you in 15 days, until then if you have any of your contracts pending then please complete them, so that we start afresh with no string attached."

"Yeah yeah sure, I understand, Thank you for this opportunity", Monica said.

"Thank you ma'am, have a nice day"

The day obviously became nicer for Monica.

The woman on the other side was Manvi. She had her own plan, Manvi knew that even if Agam will understand the evil intentions of Sanjay, he would still be a gullible target, because he may have already fallen in love with her cousin Shruti, but if Manvi plants Monica inside the company she will be able to monitor things more perfectly.

With training, it would be very difficult to even keep track of the company let alone the games of her uncle, Monica had to become her eyes in the company.