

After talking to Monica, Manvi knew that she needs to send all the details to the company before anyone finds out that Monica is the new player.

But how? The company clearly didn't needed any financial manager, as they already had one, Agam and if Agam is promoted to MD and his place vacated for Monica then the whole purpose will be defeated.

Suddenly an idea struck her mind, Manvi called her secretary Isha.

Isha, " Manvi?! Why did you call me at office hours?"

Manvi said, "Don't worry the secret is anyways out, they have found me!"

Isha was surprised, "I really didn't told anyone, Manvi.... how??"

Manvi said, "I myself wanted to appear in front of them, Isha don't worry. Listen I want you do a job for me okay!?"

Isha said, "I am doing this undercover job for so long, anything madam."

Manvi smirked and said, "Yeah! After Agam got honey trapped, obviously its only you who is left."

Isha's voice grew cold, she said, "Agam hates his fiancé Shruti. Everyone can see that, maybe he is just after Sanjay's money."

Manvi laughed and said, "Good! Maybe Agam is Sanjay's karma in that case."

Isha said, "Okay now tell me what's the job?"

Manvi said, "Isha, I want to induct a woman called Monica, she is skilled for finances at higher ranks in the company. I want to place her opposite to Agam, but without arising suspicion."

Isha said, "If you bring in Monica leave suspicion, there will be surety that Monica is you right hand."

Manvi said, "That's where you play the role, Isha. The company is running in default mode with me managing it from distance through you, but now I will appear for time to take operations in my own hand from Agam, and re-activate the company."

Isha said," So where do we start? And how will you place Monica in all of this?"

Manvi said, " Isha, I want you to go to HR office and take out the performance records of all the employees, I am pretty sure that almost every other employee would be non-performing, especially the Agam loyalists. Isha, I expect you to be as professional as possible. We will lay off the employees and the recruit freshers too this time."

Isha got confused, "Why freshers?"

Manvi said, "That I will let you know some other day."

Manvi had to put Isha also on higher ranks, with freshers she could make Isha the manger in the company, so that she has a better grip in the company.

Isha said, "...and... that's how you will induct Monica too! Isn't it?"

"Exactly, without suspicion! I am considering to sign a deal with Helix, so that we can develop a military grade drone, and I want the project to be successful at every cost and for that we need the best innovation available, anyways. I know revamping is cruel, but is needed."

"Fine I am on it. Anything else?", Isha asked.

"No no!! just do this much, I will talk to you later, got to go"

"Fine.", Isha hanged up.


Manvi saw Atul from a distance, he was doing ropes at that time. Manvi always found Atul hot, now when he was working out, she couldn't help herself looking at him and smiling.

"...he is hot. Isn't he?"

Manvi froze, to her relief it was her friend Ritu who was giggling. Ritu continued, "Ohh... my he got a bulge in his pants look!"

Manvi smirked ," Shut up, or we both would be screwed.!"

Manvi literally dragged Ritu and asked, "What do you want, Ritu?"

"...a party", Ritu smirked.

Manvi smiled, "Fine, I will give you the finest party tonight!"

Ritu said, "Congrats btw baby!!! you will ve an officer now!!"

Manvi said, "I want you to work for it too!! See I have done it you can also do it."

Ritu said," Yeah yeah!! Trying, but they reject me at interview"

Manvi sensed disappointment on Ritu's face, so she said, "That's fine, just hold the vision and trust the process... and you will be through...."

Ritu looked at her weakly smiling.

"...and so we are going to Golden Resort for celebrations.", Manvi said cheering her up.

Ritu's eyes started shining, "ohh..myyy...goddd, Golden Resort is the only place I could never go here it just so porche....I got to complete all my work then no matter what, see you in the evening... byee byee byy...", Ritu just hurried off.

Manvi smiled looking at her liveliness, she was rich so she didn't saw Golden resort with the same lens Ritu did, but still she enjoyed the excitement.


Atul was almost done with his ropes, when his phone rang. He saw the screen and saw the name on his screen, Dev. Dev was Atul's friend. He came there for his internship for a month. Dev was bright but poor student. Atul till date helps him with some finances of Dev. But, Dev used to repay him as soon as possible Although, now Dev had completed his graduation and was earning, but then why this sudden call.

Atul picked up the phone," Guess where I am?"

Atul wasn't prepared for this, he said, "What's up?"

Dev said, "That I will personally tell you if you are to be found in Meerut."

Atul's eyes gleamed, "Wow man! you in Meerut"

"Yes bro! I am in Meerut... let's catch up without excuses. Golden Resort", Dev said

"Booze on you!", Atul traded.

" Sure sure, so see you tonight, a lot to tell you!", Dev said.

"Done!!", Atul confirmed.