
Chapter 1: B- THE LIGHT

Ash's Point Of View 

It's Ash. She named me Ash. My mom.

 She passed away a few years ago. She was there from the beginning of my life till the end of her life. She promised me that she will bring my lost light but I lost her instead. I was born blind so she showed me the world with her eyes and perspective. I couldn't see her when she was alive and now I can't feel her warm hands but the thread of memories makes me feel like she is somewhere better. 

   My mother was working late that day. She said she will be back by morning. We got a call from one of the staff from her workplace, she said my mother died last night. The workplace was completely burnt and only a few people survived. She could have survived if she didn't go back inside to save someone's life. She wrapped her whole body to cover a child. Her body was burnt and she endured it. The child is alive and his parents thanked our whole family after their child recovered from minor injuries. I asked him about her. He said," she asked me to stay calm and told me everything was fine when it wasn't. She used her body as a shield. That child said he felt like she was with his mother. 

As expected from my mom.

She was indeed a beautiful, warm lady. Her family was her priority. Because of her, I am walking around my house without bumping into something. I can run inside the house as if I can see.

I believe in rebirth so I feel like we will cross paths one day. 

She once mentioned that she likes it when our eyes meet, coincidentally. So I always made efforts to meet our eyes. 

She said," it's okay to be blind, it's okay to be deaf, it's okay to have any disability. Everyone is born with one. Sometimes, it's visible, sometimes, it's not. Just because it's not visible, does mean it's not there. It's there, within us. It's about how we deal with it. The more we reject ourselves, the more it will bother us.

Her absence did dig a huge hole that will not fill any sooner. 

I wish you were here because I have emotions to express. The guilt will grow branches every day but I would love to cover it with the petals of our memories. 

Thank you, mom.