
Chapter 2: THE STORY BEGINS    

"Be the author of your life, let no one grab your pen."

During the wee hour, Arial was in a store with her cousin, Chase. They were supposed to look for groceries to make an early meal after watching movies throughout the night. But they parted ways and stormed into different sections. Chase was in the cloth section tossing almost everything inside her cart whereas Arial was hovering around the food section throwing unhealthy snacks to the cart from a distance until a man bumped into him.

He looked straight into her eyes for a few seconds with a huge knife in his hands and asked," your parents are not around?" She was puzzled by that question and gave him a strange look while raising her right eyebrow. She scanned him up to down with her eyes.

He raised his hand over her head and bonked her head gently with his spear hand so Arial asked him "are you planning to chop my head or something?" By then, the man placed his palm on her head and replied, "You are not a kid in a stroller." She thought he was taunting her so she got pissed and poked his tummy with the pointed tip of the umbrella.


She rushed with her wheelchair as if she committed a crime and fled away from the crime scene. She halted after looking back and murmured," perfect crime". 

She is a proud criminal with a smug smirk.

"Ah, shit!! My cart!"

She explained the whole story to her cousin in a dramatic manner and with huge hand gestures.

 "there was this tall, strange man wearing a white plain shirt and black jacket and jeans and had a big, sharp knife in his hand…."

When they got out of the mall, Arial was looking and peeking around so she wouldn't get into another encounter with him. She became more cautious and scrupulously exited the mall.

On the other hand, the man was patting his stomach while standing in the queue at the billing counter with an expressionless face. When he narrated the story to his friend, he laughed out loud.

"Hahaha! Ashh!! I missed the show"

"You shouldn't leave me out here alone"

"I will never. I want to enjoy the show too"

Ash sighed. 

"But where were you?"

"I was at the changing room"

"Did you buy clothes?"

"Ash. Ash. Ash. You are very naive. Aren't you?  Do I have to explain it?"

Gaten said while caressing Ash's cheeks.

Ash sighed.


By then, an old hag approached Gaten and Ash and said,

 "Young man, what have you done to yourself? Those piercings and the lipstick…Read the bible, Jesus will save you"

"Grandma, you need Jesus more than I do. You are decomposing outside the coffin"

Ash smacked his ass to stop him from picking a fight with an old lady.

"Ouch!! Ash.Not here!"

The lady was disgusted and Ash was embarrassed so he faced away.

By then, the lady's grandson returned with a bag of chips.

"Thank god, you are back, Calvin"

Gaten gasped and covered his mouth.

"He is your grandson?"

"Yes, he is my grandson. He is smart, intelligent, handsome  and a Biology professor at a prominent University, unlike you"

"Exactly, you described my type"


Calvin greeted him.

"Hey, there! We met again"

"Yes, we did" 

They exchanged a hug.

"NO! NO! NO! Get off him. How do you know each other? She asked while pulling them apart.

"We met in the changing room" 

She sighed and rolled her eyes. She watched Calvin while squeezing her eyes and noticed the hickey and lipstick stain on his neck.

"Idiot! I told you to stop hooking up with random girls in the mall. Go wash it off right now"

Gaten interrupted while clearing his throat

"Excuse me, it won't go off easily. My lipstick is waterproof"

Her jaw dropped.She furiously glared at his grandson.

He said, "No wonder your grandson is a biology teacher. He knows the perfect spot. 

He paid the bill and winked at Calvin with a chuckle before he left.
