
Love At First Gaze

The first time was a coincidence. Second time could be called good timing. Third time is destiny. The first time they met, they were both cosplaying at an Anime Convention. Coincidentally, she was Usagi Tsukino, and he happened to be Tuxedo Mask from the anime, Sailor Moon. Their first gaze caught his attention. Her first smile swept his heart away. She walked towards him, and he was ready to take off the mask to talk to her. Unfortunately, it was all a misunderstanding. This was their first time crossing paths, but he facepalmed so hard when he realized he got the wrong idea that he changed his "Hi," into an anime's title, "Hitman Reborn." At that time, he watched her approach another person who acted as Tuxedo Mask behind him. The smile she had on her face wasn't towards him. It was a mistake. Two months later Second time they met was at their graduation. His brother, Lucas, flew back from overseas to attend his graduation in place of his parents. After taking countless pictures with his brother and some with friends, they left campus. Inside his black Mercedes, his brother shoved several well taken photos and showed it to him. Just when he was about to answer his regular plain response, the words swallowed back down his throat. He held his brother's phone and zoomed in to the back where he saw her again! Once again, a facepalm landed on his face as he couldn't believe that there could be such timing. He could've gotten her name! After a few days later, he got off his shift late and realized that he didn't go grocery shopping. Since his fridge was empty, he decided to have his meal at a newly opened Szechuan Spicy Bowl restaurant. "It shouldn't take that long to get a seat at this time.." Or so he thought. When he got there, the place was full and he didn't have much patience since he was alone. Right when he was about to leave, the waiter asked if he minded sharing a table. "Sure." He sat down across from the girl and ordered from the menu. When she took a few napkins to wipe her nose, he took the chance to thank her for sharing the table. And there she was with her Beyond Human level spicy bowl... Although they only exchanged a few words, he found her very interesting. A girl eating at this hour without caring about her weight and her surrounding. She was adorable. The clumsy her forgot her newly printed business cards at her seat when she left. "Lily Jiang," he smiled. He thought of bringing this to her when he is free, but who knew that they would meet again at the hospital? His lips twitched when he faced his new patient, "Hello, Miss. Jiang, I am Lin Que, your doctor for this visit. Where do you feel uncomfortable?" He looked at the medical report in hand as he couldn't believe his luck with this girl.

Sweetflowlips · Urbain
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149 Chs

Say Ah!

Pursing her lips throughout the entire blood flowing process, she asked, "Why do I have to take an allergy blood test?"

"Because someone answered she didn't know about her allergies in a health questionnaire." Removing the container smoothly and attaching another for filling, he answered with a caring tone.

"There are so many tubes to go. Sigh. The weather was sunny out. Now, it's gloomy! Look." She gestured forward using her head, but received no response on his end. His silence was contagious. Since he had stopped responding and concentrated on the red liquid from her body, she also stopped speaking.

'A straight nose, soft looking hair, not too thick or thin lips, eyes are just the right size...Is he god's carved creation? Those eyebrows are on point too. If I had those eyebrows, then I wouldn't need those brow pencils at home. What a nice rosy lip color. I wonder if he uses any lip balm.'

When it reached the fill up for the last container, she started feeling a little dizzy and closed her eyes to rest. She could have asked him to stop, but didn't because it was already filled up halfway.

"Are you feeling okay? We're almost done." His voice sounded like a lullaby to her at this point. Maybe because she didn't get enough sleep and was losing blood, her body started feeling drained out.

"Nmm.." Resting her head against her left palm, she gave him a light response. Once the container was filled, he carefully took out the needle and pressed hard onto the small wound with a cotton pad. Seeing her tired expression, he had her press down on the cotton ball while he ripped the band-aid.

After he had covered the cotton with a band-aid, she yawned, "Done?"

"Yep. Here, a strawberry lollipop. Say Ah!" Quickly unwrapping the wrapper off the lollipop, he fed it to her mouth.

"Can you walk?" Seeing her slow reactions, he quickly checked the containers, making sure each had her name on it.

"Yeah..." Forcing her eyes opened slightly, she managed to stand up for a minute. Her left foot stepped forward, but the right leg didn't move as planned. Staggering backwards, he reached out to help her balance.

"This is called walking?"

"It's a new type of cat walk." With one arm around her shoulder and the other on her waist, it reminded her of how she cried in his embrace yesterday night. Feeling her cheeks heating up, she subconsciously covered her face.

As a guy who had never spent more than a minute on girls before her, he lacked experience. Even though she was hiding her shyness, he thought she was feeling utterly uncomfortable. Looking out the door, he didn't see any wheelchairs available either.

Without a second thought, he picked her up in princess style and stepped out of his office. Her slippers fell off her feet when her legs floated in the air. She blinked.

Blinked again.

"What are you doing? Put me down?" Her legs swung slightly.

"Do you want to know how it feels to be hanging from a cliff?" He grinned as she refused to stay obedient in his arms.

"No..WAhhh, daddy!!" Her arms clung around his neck as she felt a sudden drop happen. As for her legs, it wrapped around his waist tightly.

With his arms still somewhat midway in the air, he let out a soft laugh, "Really? Daddy? I only wanted to scare you a little, but this position is fine as well. Now, would you like to cat walk barefooted to your room or have me assist you?"

"You.. assist me." She buried her face in his shoulder; unable to face the rest of the staff.

"Good. In this position or the previous one?"

"What do you.." Looking down, her legs were still wrapped around his waist. 'What kind of position is this???' She screamed inwardly. Her heart pounded rapidly.

Sounding nervous, she whispered, "The last position is fine."

"Okay. You can step on me if you don't want to touch the floor." He offered, as she left her slippers in his office.

Stepping down carefully on his office shoes, she lifted her arms around his neck to make it easier for him to carry her. Under some jealous eyes, he brought her back to her room and put her in bed.

"My slippers..."

"I'll get them for you in a moment. But first, eat this." Taking a banana from the fruit basket by her table, he peeled it halfway and handed it to her.


"Replenish your sugar. I'll be back." Just like that, he turned around and left her alone. Taking bite after bite of the banana, her eyes concentrated at the entrance. Within five minutes, he came back with snacks in one hand and a cup of chocolate in the other.

"Here, these are light snacks that are well balanced in calories. I've already ordered your set meal and it should be delivered soon. Next time, you should say something if you feel faint from getting blood withdrawn. It could lead to serious consequences if you don't."

Slipping his hands in his pockets, he walked back to his office. This time, he brought her slippers with him and placed it neatly by her bedside. Digging through a bag of potato chips, she looked at him quietly. She didn't even realize crumbs were stuck at the corner of her lips.

Chuckling, he pointed at his lips, "You left some crumbs here and here."

"Hmm?" Putting down the bag of chips, she brushed her lips and looked at him again.

"Nope. Still there. Here, I'll help you." Bending forward, his thumb brushed the remaining crumbs away from her soft lips.

"Um..Ahem.. What are you two doing?"

Hearing the familiar voice by the door, Lin Que quickly adjusted his position while Lily snatched the bag of chips from the table and stuffed chips in her mouth. Ginny and Toby came to visit her and walked in on them at a rather suspicious angle.

"He was checking up on me after taking my blood." She munched on her chips, hoping her voice didn't give her away.

"Oh! That angle was certainly misleading then. How are you feeling?" Toby smiled as she walked over towards Lily. Her eyes immediately landed on the band-aid stuck to the cotton on Lily's arm.

"Pretty good. I was just a little low on sugar." Lily peeked in Ginny's direction and waved her over.

Ginny's eyes acted like X-ray scanners where she eyed him from head to toe. With her hand pinching her chin, she thought he looked familiar. Since she wasn't present when he stopped by last time, she didn't get to meet him properly.

'Why does he seem a little familiar?'

At the same time, Lin Que also felt a sense of familiarity as well. They maintained a safe distance as they tried squeezing out some brain juice to remember where they had seen each other before.

'Hmm..Where have I seen her?'

Would they remember? Hehe

Thanks for reading~

Sweetflowlipscreators' thoughts