
Love again(unexpected)

"Stop!! please don't go away I know I was wrong by going out to see him again when I made a promise to never meet with him" Gao Yi gritted his teeth in anger and glared at her Suddenly an eerie smile showed on his face "Seems like I haven't been punishing you enough....don't worry I know what to do about that "Saying that he grabbed her hands and pulled her towards his bedroom " Gao Yi was a retired General in the imperial army who came back home because of am injury he sustained in his last mission, coming back to his city Shanghai china he decided to take his mother away from his father's hands And started his own business.Along the way he found his long lost love and he decided not to let go again Lin Rouxue is a beautiful Young lady of 23 years she attended the same secondary school , the first day she resumed the school her eyes clashed with his when he bumped into her in the school hallway and when he turned around to apologize he was so mesmerized by her beauty that he decided to pursue her but unfortunately she couldn't notice him Later on There was a twist in fate and they got separated for seven whole years Would they ever be able to love again ?

Omma014 · Urbain
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30 Chs

Marriage can come a little later

Inside a Lavishly decorated room, Gao Yi stood with his back facing his mother as he tried explain his plans of retiring from the military

when a knock sounded on the door startling them

"Come in "Gao Yi spoke first

A young man who seemed to be in his early 20s stepped in to give him a report on his schedule

"Sir you have a meeting with the Senior General Jiang...."

"Am not interested, cancel it ...."

the young man broke out in a cold sweat

"But sir_"

Before he could finish his sentence, he glared at him and spoke with a cold and detached expression

"That's an order"

the orderly stood at attention with his right hand placed on his forehead in a salute stance

"YES SIR!!!"

Click the door closed again plunging the room into another deathly silence

"Xiao Yi "

the man didn't respond when his mother called out to him

"Why don't you go and see why Mr Jiang wants to see you"

still no response from the stoic man

the woman sighed at her son's stubborness because of he was just as strong headed as his father

"Am leaving...I'll be in my room when you need me "



the door closed again leaving only the man to his thoughts.

As he stood there, he remembered seeing that woman last night crying alone in a coffee shop as he drove back home

he asked his driver to stop the car, stepping down he saw how she cried miserably which made his heart bleed, As he stood watching her for almost 2 hours he reminisced about their college days and how she loved to smile whenever she was with her group of friends the memory was so sweet and hard for him to forget because he always stood from afar and watched her smile,read and laugh like he was a love struck fool

she always looked beautiful In her uniform and with her hair up in a ponytail... she didn't know but he always protected her from the sidelines by destroying and beating up guys that tried to get too close to her or ask her out. Unfortunately there was one person he couldn't stop from approaching her (Han Ping).... But that is a story for another day

After watching the woman for a while,he decided to enter the coffee shop and when he did,he attracted alot of stares from the customers and waiters but he ignored it as he had his eyes on only one person in the shop

As long Rouxue continued sobbing her phone rang but when she saw the name on the screen she hesitated for a while before picking it up.

He saw her clench her fist and her eye's darken in anger so he walked to the seat at her back and sat down there .

with his seven years in the military he had sharp hearing skills which he put into use that moment and he heard everything the person on the other side of the phone Side

After a while,she left the coffee shop after paying the bills and rushed out.

He wanted to follow her and talk to her for a while but he decided against the idea because he thought it wasn't time yet

Knock knock knock knock****

There was a noise at the door that pull6him out of his reverie

"Si..r Ge...n.e...ral Ji..Ii....ang if on the phone "

Hearing that,Gao Yi ground his teeth and collected the phone from the orderly

"you can go now"

the young man ran off like a little child who has been berated for stealing chocolates

Immediately Gao Yi placed the phone onto his ear he could swear that his ear would bleed because of the bleed

"GAO YI!!!!!!!!!!!"

he placed the phone away from his ear to saved it from destruction

"Senior General Jiang to what do I owe this your special call "

"I want to see you in my office by tomorrow morning; 7 o'clock sharp...and don't even dare try to come late... not even one second " the man hung up after he had finished speaking

Gao Yi : ...

He sighed and dropped the phone

not long after he dropped it ,the phone rang again

He picked up later after a few rings


Lu Bingwen eyes rolled at the other side of the phone

" Must you always have to be so serious about everything"

"If you don't have anything else to say I'm hanging up"

" No no hold on....I really have something important to tell you"

" shoot"

"okay ... Xiao Yi the Chongqing high school is having their annual get together anniversary but instead of doing it class by class, they decided to spice it up by bring the three senior classes"

there was no answer on the other end for a while

"Xiao Yi are you stil_"

" how is all this my business and what will I benefit from all this"

" Look at the bright picture!! Your high school crush is also coming "

" What do you mean "

"arggghh I mean Lin Rouxue will be there "

the man blinked in surprise and didn't respond again for a while

"when is the get together "

" Next month on the 25th"

" Save a seat for me...I'll be going"

"Eh, I never thought you would consider it "

"Do as I say"

after saying that the man hung up

Lu Bingwen lips twitched slightly at his haughty behavior


ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

The door Bell to Lin Rouxue's apartment condo rang for a long time with no one responding

ding ding ding din_

the door opened revealing a sleepy Lin Rouxue with her bed hair

her eyes turned cold and dark when she saw the people standing at her door

" To what do I owe this visit mmmh ; I thought I told you guys to let me be and not to disturb me I have a very busy life "

her uncle looked at her appearance with disdain dancing in his eyes

" is that a proper way to greet your elders"

" You are already lucky I haven't bathed your with boiling water"

Bang** The door closed again

the people outside looked at each other in exasperation and anger

"Dear you have to reign in your temper if you want to convince her to do as you say" Mrs Lin spoke in order to help him calm down

they decided to wait for for a few minutes before they rang the bell again

but this time around they went easy on it

ding dong ding dong

the door opened again and this time around it was Ma Xuiying who answered the door

" she said she doesn't want to see you "

her aunt face fell ,he almost ground her teeth in anger and tried to speak calmly

" tell her it's about the family_"

Before she could finish what she wanted to say... Lin Rouxue voice boomed from inside

" what family? hehe I am not part of the great Lin family.... I left the Lin family household. And do not forget you and that filthy daughter of yours reminded me not to come back to the Lins because even if I did you would not treat me even as good as the beggers on the streets"

Her uncle finally snapped,But his wife pinched his arm's to stop him from lashing out at her

"What ever you wish to say , you don't have to come Inside I don't want you to dirty my house with your ugly appearance and aura"

the woman outside gritted her teeth and finally spoke

" The Long family have asked for a marriage alliance with the Lins before they agree to sign a contract with the Lin Group "

"Am not interested.... Marriage can come a little later...I can't afford to ruin my fire because of you lot. If you don't have anything else to say ;

Get lost"

Bang*** the door closed again

Ma Xuiying looked at her friend and gave her two thumbs up

" great job"

" xuexue "

" Eh...what's wrong "

" We have our annual get together ceremony coming up next month"


"I know you are never interested in this kind of parties but you would have to go no mater what "

"why what's wrong"

" this year's own is gonna be different from the other ones "

" okay how does that concern me "

" it gonna be for the three senior classes of our time coming together for dinner banquet "

" Xuiying....I don't wanna go please"she pouted and tried to convince her best friend

" no no no ....there is no way your puppy eyes I'd gonna work on me.... Rouxue you have to make a move and start moving on with your life

stop shutting your self out it won't help at all

so whether you like it or not, you must come with me "

" I don't have what to wear "

" leave that to me to settle just focus on being there that day"

" okay"