
Love again(unexpected)

"Stop!! please don't go away I know I was wrong by going out to see him again when I made a promise to never meet with him" Gao Yi gritted his teeth in anger and glared at her Suddenly an eerie smile showed on his face "Seems like I haven't been punishing you enough....don't worry I know what to do about that "Saying that he grabbed her hands and pulled her towards his bedroom " Gao Yi was a retired General in the imperial army who came back home because of am injury he sustained in his last mission, coming back to his city Shanghai china he decided to take his mother away from his father's hands And started his own business.Along the way he found his long lost love and he decided not to let go again Lin Rouxue is a beautiful Young lady of 23 years she attended the same secondary school , the first day she resumed the school her eyes clashed with his when he bumped into her in the school hallway and when he turned around to apologize he was so mesmerized by her beauty that he decided to pursue her but unfortunately she couldn't notice him Later on There was a twist in fate and they got separated for seven whole years Would they ever be able to love again ?

Omma014 · Urban
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30 Chs

Another Encounter

feeling utterly defeated he clenched his teeth in anger and reluctantly let go of her had

"Remember this Gao Yi you will never have a place in this family so don't you dare think of coming back "after saying that he walked away

After he left,Gao Suyin eyes reddened t the way he spoke to them

"Let's go"


inside the car, the air was stifling and depressing The woman herself was scared of speaking

she turned her head and looked at her son's handsome side profile and felt a pang of guilt in her heart towards him

she opened her mouth to speak but closed it immediately as she was scared of spoiling his mood

meanwhile Gao Yi who was sitting close to her could feel her piercing gaze and decided not to answer

he sensed she wanted to talk to him

but he was to angry to respond to her


3Months later

Ding ding ding ding ding

the doorbell to the condo which Lin Rouxue and Ma Xuiying rented rang

ding ding ding ding ding ding

it rang again



the third time a sleepy Lin Rouxue stomped towards the door in anger ready to reprimand whoever dared to disturb her beauty sleep that morning

when she finally opened the door and because she was too sleepy to understand what or who she was seeing outside her door

she screamed

"who dares to wake the great Yama king from her sleep...the person sure has guts"

when she saw that there was no answer she raised her head and when she saw the face before her, she screamed in surprise


BANG!!! she closed the door

suddenly a scared Ma Xuiying ran out of the toilet with only a towel tied around her chest area she asked

"What's wrong!?"


"What someone...who was at the door just now"

"Director Zhou"

after hearing it was her Boss she sighed in relief

"Why is he here?"

" I don't know myself"

Ma Xuiying gave her a teasing look and decided to tease her "Hmmm like you don't know....the only reason your boss is treating you this way is because he likes you can't you see that it's obvious he's trying to court you"

Lin Rouxue glared at her best friend

"Am not interested in hearing your nonsense this early morning"

"mmh your choice"after saying that she shrugged and walked into the bathroom to freshen up

After she left Lin Rouxue opened the door again and didn't see anyone there

she cleaned her eyes and checked down the hallway but didn't see anyone

'am I hallucinating?' she asked herself in her mind....she shrugged her shoulders and closed the door to prepare for work

after 1 hour she walked out of her apartment with Ma Xuiying in tow

As they walked passed the gate to the building,

Lin Rouxue saw a black Maybach GLS parked at the other side of the street and she realised who owned the car

'so i wasn't hallucinating he really came here to see me' before she could organize her thoughts a man who seemed to be in his late twenties stepped out from the car and walked towards the two women

"Good morning Miss Lin and_"

"ohh I'm her best friend Ma Xuiying"


"Miss Lin are you on your way to the company; let's go and I'll also drop your friend at hers "

"Uhmm no I'll just take_"

before she could finish her sentence her best friend pinched her and answered on her behalf

"Yes We would love to join you"

Lin Rouxue had no chance to refuse so she unwilling entered the Car

Once they dropped Ma Xuiying at her company, the car became very quiet

after a while Zhao Chaoxing opened his mouth to speak

"your forgot your flash drive in my car last week"saying that,he brought out a little object from his suit front pocket and gave it to her

"Ah Thank you "she bowed her head after saying that

"you're welcome "

after that short conversation the air in the car turned quiet and awkward

It didn't take long for them to get to the company

and they separated

just as she got to her department Cubicle she saw her colleges hater round her cubicle and where talking in pity

"What a pity ,I guess she might loose her job because of this"

another college scoffed in disdain

"Serves her right "

When Lin Rouxue got to her cubicle she gasped in shock

her laptop was broken ,files she had gathered for the Director to sign later was strewn everywhere on the floor with some of them torn

"How did this happen "

not long after she asked that question ,she saw a woman who looked like a rich heiress rush towards her and before she could regain her senses a hard slap landed on her face

the slap was so hard that it tore the side of her lip

Before she could respond to her again another slap landed on her other cheek

Pa! Pa!

she fell to the ground

"Slut!! you had better stay away from Chaoxing;

don't think I'll sit still and watch you take him away from me "

after saying that, the woman walked out of the department

some of her colleges walked forward to help her get up and brought chair for her to sit

the senior one spoke first

"Rouxue do not take anything she did or said to heart...I am sure u know what type of family she is from"

she nodded her head and cleaned her face ,picked up her hand bag and strutted out towards the elevator once she reached the last floor of the company she went to the receptionist and asked for a pen and paper

10 minutes later she walked out of the company

and stood outside for a while

she decided to take a walk.

After walking for an hour she felt like she had been walking for the entire day

Lin Rouxue walked into a coffee shop and ordered a cup of milk and strawberry cake.

when the waiter finally served her ,

she took a bite of the strawberry cake but all she could taste was bitterness and disappointment.

she sat down there till it was dark outside

Suddenly her phone rang and when she saw the name that flashed on the screen she hesitated before her answered it

"Lin Rouxue "

"Yea?" she answered nonchalantly like she was use to way her uncle's wife screamed her name

"Why did you take so long to answer the call"

"I was busy....if there's nothing else I'm hanging up"


" Make it quick like I said I was busy before you interrupted me "

the woman gritted her teeth in anger

"Rouxue your Uncle and I have something to discuss with your tomorrow "

the girl was taken aback by the endearment her Aunt used to call her she was about to fall for her trap but stopped her self in time

"I'm not available tomorrow....I am busy so do not disturb me again"after Saying that she immediately hung up

when her Aunt tried calling again he declined the call and blocked her number

she dropped her phone on the table when she felt a piercing gaze at back of her head

her body stiffened on reflex

after a while she turned around and her eye's met a bone chilling gaze

she found him somehow familiar

she tried to place the pieces together

but all to no avail

'oh well maybe I don't know him'

she stood up and walked towards the counter to pay the bill

at 7 o'clock sharp she walked into her apartment

after taking off her shoes she entered the bathroom to have a shower

and when she walked out of her room she saw Ma Xuiying on the couch watching TV

" when did you get back " she asked first

"Oh..just now "


"mmh"she hummed in reply

" I resigned today "

"HuH!!...why,what happened "

Lin Rouxue narrated everything that happened in the company

after the story Ma Xuiying eye's reddened from anger so she quickly stood up and hugged her best friend

"it's okay you can live off me for a while before you can fully stand on your feet again "

she kept patting Lin Rouxue's head like she was a baby
