
Lost Love Rekindled: My Charming Ex-Husband

Ethan thought his marriage was perfect, happy, until one day his wife Victoria coldly asked for a divorce. Married for three years, Victoria's career had skyrocketed, and her family had long disdained Ethan as a husband. However, what they didn't realize was that without Ethan Gray, they would be nothing! The revenge starts now.

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166 Chs

Chapter 7: She had wronged him!

At this moment, downstairs at the hospital, a red Lamborghini came to a screeching halt, and a well-dressed man in his thirties stepped out of the car.

The man removed his St. Laurent sunglasses and grumbled loudly at the driver who opened the door for him, "The flowers?"

"They've been delivered to the ward, Young Master," the driver replied respectfully.

The man cursed, tugged at the satin collar of his shirt, and impatiently frowned, "Let's go."

This man was none other than Young Master Thomas of the Grand Era Group.

When he arrived at the ward, he happened to hear Nathen Conrad's voice, "Mom, Ethan Gray is so arrogant. He dared to hit me at the entrance of our company and hurt my son. I won't let this go!"

Nathen's head was wrapped in thick bandages, leaving only his eyes, nose, and mouth exposed.

Initially, Thomas didn't care about Victoria's family, but hearing Ethan Gray's name ignited an inexplicable anger within him.

Ethan Gray again! How dare he bully people like this.

Seeing Thomas, Eva immediately approached, "Thomas, how nice of you to come see us personally."

Though Thomas didn't care about Nathen, he had to respect Victoria's mother. He frowned and asked, "Eva, what happened? What did Ethan do to you?"

Eva sighed, "Victoria officially divorced him today. To vent his anger, he went crazy and beat Nathen, even hurt Ian. For god's sake, he's too violent!"

Thomas's expression turned grim, "Does he think he can do whatever he wants? I won't let him get away with this!"

Eva's face lit up with joy, "Thank god. I knew you wouldn't let Victoria be bullied by that scum."

Thomas nodded, "Don't worry, I'll make sure that trash can never stand up again! After today, you'll never see him again!"

Ian, hearing Thomas's ruthless words, didn't feel the slightest fear. Instead, he rushed over with glowing eyes, looking at Thomas with admiration, "Uncle Thomas, you must cripple him! Make him bleed!"

Feeling Ian's adoring gaze, Thomas raised his chin, "No problem. I guarantee he'll be bedridden from now on."

Nathen and Eva were very satisfied seeing Ian getting close to Thomas. They thought Thomas was a more suitable husband for Victoria because he was very wealthy!

And all that money should belong to them, to Ian!

As for the violent and arrogant words and behavior of seven-year-old Ian, it didn't raise any alarm in them. They even took pride in it, believing that the Conrad family's baby boy should be like this.

Nathen had already accepted Thomas as his future brother-in-law and flattered him, "Thomas, it's great that Victoria has you to support her. Otherwise, Ethan Gray, that jerk, would never repent..."

However, his words were cut off by a voice, "Nathen! That's enough."

Victoria walked in, dressed in a fitted suit dress. The cropped blazer showcased her perfect waist, and the tailored skirt hugged her curves, revealing her beautiful hips.=

Although she was dressed modestly, she looked incredibly sexy and alluring.

Thomas felt heat rising through his body.

This woman was too enchanting, and he really wanted to possess her!

Victoria had no time to pay attention to Thomas's blatant gaze. She frowned and looked at her brother. "I've already talked to Ethan. No matter who was right or wrong in the past, it's all water under the bridge now. Nathen, I don't want things to get uglier."

"Uglier? Victoria, look at me! You want me to forgive him just like that? I was beaten because of you!" Nathen retorted angrily.

"Your brother is right, Victoria. How can you stand by and do nothing while your family is being bullied? Have you forgotten how that bastard Ethan pushed your nephew?" Eva looked at Victoria with a face full of reproach.

Victoria sighed, "So what do you want to do?"

"I want him to apologize to me and beg for my forgiveness! I want him to kneel before my son!" Nathen shouted angrily.

Ian, upon hearing his father's words, jumped up excitedly, "That's right! I want to ride on his head, make him my dog! If he doesn't obey, I'll hit him, curse him, and pee on him..."

The more Ian spoke, the more excited he became. The twisted expression on his face didn't resemble a seven-year-old child at all.

Victoria couldn't bear it any longer. "Enough! Ethan was once my husband and once our family. You shouldn't be too excessive. Also, Nathen, Mom, look at Ian. How could you allow him to act like this?"

When Victoria got angry, Nathen and Eva didn't dare to make a sound. Although they were destined to take over Victoria's company and assets sooner or later, they still relied on the pocket money Victoria gave them for now.

But little devil Ian didn't care about any of this. He was the darling of the family. How could anyone dare to use such a tone to educate him or criticize him?

He bit his lip and jumped, shouting angrily, "Bitch! You're all bitches! I shouldn't have destroyed his ring, I should have destroyed his face!"

Victoria was stunned. Ignoring her nephew's foul language, she grabbed Ian's arm. "What did you say? You destroyed his ring?"

"It's your ring! Auntie, he took the ring that belonged to our family! So, I destroyed that thing! That bitch..." Ian said nonchalantly.

So that's how it was, that's why Ethan was so angry.

Victoria raised her head and looked at her nephew's grim face. She opened her mouth but couldn't say a word.

Perhaps others didn't know, but she knew very well how important that ring was to Ethan. It wasn't just a family heirloom; it was the only relic left by his mother and a symbol of faith and hope.

During the divorce, Ethan could give up everything, but he couldn't let go of that ring.

Victoria could no longer face her family, who turned black and white upside down. She took a few steps back and walked out of the ward.

Her eyes were slightly sore and burning, and her heart was filled with regret.

Turned out, she had wronged him.