
Lost in the Cosmos: Soledad's Journey

Soledad, a young man plagued by misfortune, volunteers for a perilous mission into space. After four years of fruitless exploration, a colossal eye appears, throwing the universe into chaos. Separated from his crew, Soledad is pulled between lifeless planets by their immense gravitational forces. A mysterious voice reveals his superhuman abilities and true origins. Can Soledad avert the impending catastrophe and warn humanity? Join him on an epic journey filled with hope, despair, and incredible strength.

Stivan · Célébrités
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9 Chs

The Saviors from the Darkness

Soledad's POV:

Hello, everyone. Soledad here again. Today, I want to tell you about an unusual event that fundamentally changed my life in this strange world.

I was wandering through the forest when I suddenly heard a girl scream. Without hesitation, I ran in the direction of the scream, my hand already on the hilt of my sword. The scream made my heart race, and adrenaline pumped through my veins. I jumped over fallen trees and pushed my way through the undergrowth until I finally stumbled upon a clearing where a young girl was surrounded by wild creatures.

Without a moment's hesitation, I drew my sword and charged into the fray. The creatures recoiled as I struck at them, and after a brief but fierce battle, they lay dead at my feet. The girl looked at me with wide eyes, trembling with fear and exhaustion.

"Are you alright?" I asked her gently, extending my hand.

"Yes, thank you," she said in a trembling voice. "My name is Elara."

"Nice to meet you, Elara. I'm Soledad," I replied, smiling reassuringly. "What are you doing out here if you can't fight?"

Elara sighed and lowered her head. "I'm on my way to the Adventurers' Guild. Our village was attacked by monsters, and we desperately need help. But it costs a lot of money, and our village is poor."

I looked at her thoughtfully. "There must be another way besides spending so much money. I'll help your village."

Elara looked up, surprised. "Really? You would do that?"

"Yes, I'll do my best," I assured her.

As we made our way to Elara's village, I wondered how she had even managed to get this far. In my mind, I turned to Astraea, the voice that had been guiding me since my arrival in this world.

"Astraea, how did Elara make it here without getting killed? She doesn't seem particularly strong."

Astraea sighed. "Beyond reality, there exist nine gods and goddesses who oversee various aspects of life and existence. Esperanza is the goddess of duality. She governs infinite hope and despair. Perhaps she has kept her protective hand over Elara."

"So there are multiple gods in this world?" I asked, fascinated by this new information.

"Yes," confirmed Astraea. "There is Aeternum, the Almighty Creator, who embodies control over all existence and creation. Then there is Terminus, the god of cycles, who governs life, death, and all forms of existence. Amara, the goddess of infinite attraction, controls infinite beauty and love. Nyarlathor, the god of infinite chaos, controls infinite chaos and order. Luxarion, the Bringer of Light, rules over infinite light and goodness. And finally, I, the goddess of wisdom."

I was incredibly surprised. "How is it possible that you are a goddess?" I asked, wondering about the significance of this revelation.

Astraea smiled gently. "It's hard to explain, Soledad. Divine wisdom requires constant seeking and learning. I chose to help you because I see great potential in you."

Astraea hesitated for a moment before continuing. "There is also a ninth god about whom little is known. Even I, the goddess of wisdom, do not know his true nature."

"Soledad was always ignored when he asked why such a powerful goddess lived within him, and he was surprised." "You are a goddess of wisdom and you don't know this god? How can that be?"

"It is a mystery," admitted Astraea. "His existence is shrouded in a veil of the unknown, and even the other gods know little about him."

After a while, we reached Elara's village, and the sight that met us was devastating. Houses were destroyed, fields burned, and the streets were littered with debris and bodies. Elara broke down in tears, and I felt her despair deep within my own soul.

The survivors of the attack were in a state of shock. Some were trying to clear the rubble to search for survivors, while others quietly mourned their dead. The mood was grim and hopeless.

"We will rebuild this," I said firmly to the villagers. "Don't worry."

I focused my mana and began to heal the wounded. The villagers watched me with a mixture of astonishment and hope as my healing powers closed their wounds and eased their pain. With the help of my magic, I created some new houses to provide shelter for the homeless.

Slowly, the grim mood began to lift as the villagers buried their dead and prepared to rebuild.

Suddenly, a circle of light appeared in the middle of the village. A teleportation circle, from which a group of warriors in shining armor emerged. At their head stood a woman of overwhelming beauty and strength, who immediately drew everyone's attention.

"I am Selene, an S-rank adventurer from the Kingdom of Eldoria," she said in a voice that exuded authority and compassion. "We were sent by the king to find the hero who defeated the dragon and bring him to the castle."

I looked around and noticed that the villagers had paused their work to watch curiously. Among Selene's companions was another S-rank adventurer named Duran, as well as several soldiers.

"Soledad, I assume you are the one the reports speak of?" Selene asked, scrutinizing me.

"Yes, that's me," I replied hesitantly. "But why does the king want to see me?"

"Your deeds have far-reaching consequences," explained Selene. "The king wants to discuss the threat that plagues this world with you."

Elara stepped to my side and looked at me with wide eyes. "You're not going to leave us, are you?"

I placed a hand on her shoulder. "I will return, Elara. But maybe at the king's castle, I'll find answers that can help us all."

Selene nodded approvingly. "We depart immediately. The sooner we reach the castle, the better."

Soledad's POV:

The journey to Eldoria Castle was eventful and filled with challenges. Selene, Duran, and I had to defend ourselves multiple times against dangerous creatures and bandits that roamed the roads. Each day brought new trials, and each night around the campfire was an opportunity to exchange stories and strategize.

One evening, as we sat by the crackling fire, I turned to Selene and asked, "Selene, do you know anything about the gods of this world?"

Selene smiled faintly and nodded. "No, in our world, there are many stories about the gods. But they are merely legends that people have concocted. Many believe in them, but there is no proof of their existence."

"I learned from Astraea that there are nine gods, but it seems only she knows the true nature of these gods," I said thoughtfully.

Astraea interjected, "These gods exist beyond all realities and infinities. Except for me and you, no one here knows these gods, and no human can fully comprehend their true nature."

I pondered her words and asked, "Could that colossal eye I saw be one of these gods?"

"Yes," replied Astraea. "However, that was only an avatar. The true Chaos God exists beyond reality and all concepts. Just like I have transferred a part of my consciousness onto you."

"How am I supposed to defeat him if he's a god?" I asked, feeling concerned.

"Well, Soledad, you will find out sooner or later," Astraea said mysteriously.

"What do you mean by that?" I pressed.

"All in due time," Astraea replied, leaving the question hanging.

During our journey, we traversed dense forests, dry deserts, and snow-capped mountains. In the forests, we encountered massive spiders and dangerous wolves that we could only overcome through teamwork. In the desert, we battled the relentless heat and sandstorms that tested our endurance. Selene and Duran proved to be experienced and resourceful adventurers, always finding a way out of difficult situations.

In the mountains, we encountered a group of mountain trolls blocking an important trade route. Selene and Duran distracted the trolls while I challenged their leader. After a tough battle, I managed to defeat the trolls, making the path safe for travelers again. The villagers who relied on this trade route thanked us and offered us shelter and provisions.

After several days, we finally arrived at the Kingdom of Eldoria and were greeted by the king.


Until next time, bye bye.

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