
Lord Taboo

The world was covered by an eternal veil, interwoven in mysteries of mortal and supernatural cause. From ancient times to the present, it had not been differentiated to a large extent. Demographically, the population was ignorant; The great ones rose up and seized power, becoming mere slaves under the state that represented the veil that covered the distant sky... The struggle of interest remained, apparently without end. But he, who enjoyed without merit the fruit of a great man, rose up and took the reins, whipping the horse in an opposite direction... Finally, as a servant of orders, he perished sacrificing his flesh and blood, massacring the order imposed by the force. Doomed to a realm of oblivion and unforgiveness, engulfed by unexplainable events, Federick is reborn with soft, tender new skin in a world mysterious to his limited understanding. And once again, he must establish himself in a complex world with a new identity with splendid embroidery on its exquisite silk fabrics, having to deal with intrigues and conspiracies according to his position, based on ingenuity and a little madness... But times are constant, worlds beyond the heavens, transcending the starry. Where the three Taoist values prevail, revealing cunning and daring, Federick acts based on his principles. "Demon" "Madman" "Sane."

Goaizu · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

[Words to the void]

Like a portal to another world, dizzying and alluring, the confines beyond the doors that sealed it differed greatly from the outside.

Exactly he had stumbled upon an image of complete contrast to the upper floors. What was most abundant in the extensive basement was darkness... Darkness that was strangely only illuminated by candles that trembled from its simple existence, as if it were its nature that had predetermined the divine.

The extensive basement was made up of a long hallway, simulating a dungeon style belonging to an ancient age. The sails trembled and a concentrated fog was ankle-deep, but at the end of it, there was an ark that was visible.

The ark probably meant the end of the basement, but to get to it, there were strange statues in two rows that were arranged according to a designated rol; similar to subjects who hoped to glorify their triumphant king, among flowers and acclamations... Or blood and screams coming from a deep layer belonging to the 'underworld'.

The original shape of such gray statues was mainly humanoid; but clearly their intention was not focused on imitating humans. Without exception, they demonstrated characteristics typical of animals in their external figure: some had hooves designed to represent monstrosity, others had reptilian scales deeply impregnated under their stone exterior, and there were even some that had the head of a bull.

They were discolored by time, with an ancient air permeated in each one. Mysteriously, the fog seemed to come from some cracks present in the statues...

But it wasn't reason enough for Frederick to focus on it. With an upright figure and haughty expression, he fearlessly passed through the malevolent statues.

A shiver quickly ran through him, but it didn't affect him enough to unfocus him. Proceeding heroically with an upright posture, he quickly approached the dimly illuminated ark.

It was when he was in front of her that the heavy atmosphere tripled. Without a moment's hesitation, he placed his heavy hands on the stone surface.

It was the surface of the ark, made of stone, carved with strange symbols and divine representations.

Without any warning, an open wound spread across his left palm. He had opened it himself, with the help of a kitchen cutlery.

Slowly the blood overflowed and fell onto the stone surface. With rumblings coming from the ark, I patiently wait for a change.

The noise was the result of seals being unlocked due to contact with blood. Strange instrument, strange method...

"Do not worry". He uttered with coldness in his voice.

Finally, when it was opened, it was revealed that there were only two carefully arranged objects inside: it was a ceremonial dagger and a small statuette similar to those on the outside, but drowned in tentacles.

Frederick, with a little sweat, felt how countless gazes were fixed on his back; Even so, his countenance did not change and he did not fear.

He reached out to grab the ceremonial dagger, watching it carefully as he held it tightly. With the dagger, memories emerged... Memories that were better sealed; but he decidedly decided to ignore it, having a task to perform.

With his prompt farewell, a cold wind spread through the basement, bringing despair as it caused the sails to breathe their last breath of vitality.

"Silence". He bellowed.

And with absolute confidence despite his sweat, he left the facilities without changing his countenance even once.

His next objective was to change his clothes, according to the occasion. Replacing his baggy attire, he now demonstrated a refined bearing in an elegant, high-end, and expensive suit.

But there was a peculiarity that occurred on his shoulder, where a bruised red cloth hung.

There was no longer any evidence of his previous action: no dagger in sight or cold incorporated into his clothes that will act like dictatorial worms...

With a renewed spirit and dress, this time he went to his garage where his vehicle was located.

Sitting in the driver's seat, he let out a muffled sigh as he gently touched the leather-covered steering wheel. Suddenly, he felt his fingers becoming desensitized to the steering wheel, until he lost the sense of touch.

His consciousness slowly left his body, ignoring reasons. Like a motionless statue, his body remained behind the wheel.

In a cold and meaningless space, gray predominated over nothingness; There stood a confused transparent figure.

"Wake up-." An unknown voice tried to shout, but disconcerted, it stopped for unknown reasons.

'Where I am?'. Frederick thought bewildered, who was observing his surroundings like a curious newborn.

'Wow, do you dare come closer?' He wondered with absolute curiosity a new creature, transcending space, not being but present.

It was at that moment that a roar was heard as if it were due to the fall of a giant.

'Frederick? I see...' Incredibly, the figure was not called to pay attention to the events outside, concentrating on continuing his investigation.

Not to cease to amaze, another more shocking event happened next: Fine cracks spread across the entire space, bringing destruction in their wake!

'What an interesting short existence.' It was the last thought that expressed that existence in that destroyed illusory kingdom.


Frederick drove through the busy streets. He didn't look at the surroundings: he had a destination, being exactly his family's land.

His last name was Apols, so his full name was Frederick Apols.

And the end of the trip would be ridiculous, but it turned out to be the purpose of a party. A party organized and carried out by his family, to whom he owed his last name; with quite a bit of history, dating back to periods where civilization was on the rise, in Rome, Ancient Rome.

With nobility and luxury, receiving the highest honors, they shared a seat with the elders of Patricia society.

Therefore, hedonistic parties were already a common custom within his family. But ticking on the clock, with each modification of its hands, today was a special date: January 5, 2012, according to the official calendar.

And although his last name was 'Apols', this was a device to mask different hidden ancestral secrets.

Specifically, the family surname supplanted the ancestral surname.


In its bruised fabric it shone...

Although it was a festive occasion for his family members, he simply couldn't find the right atmosphere... For the first time he showed a slight hint of anxiety, which slightly affected his driving and attention; He did not observe the surroundings, his only concentration being to reach his... Destination.

Sooner than ever, modern civilization began to disappear. The landscape being exchanged for fields, desolate fields. Although the land extended over a vast amount of space, there were no vestiges of civilization... Only wheat fields.

But without anxiety he continued on his way without alternating doubts or worries. The streets, despite not being paved, being dirt, were in incredibly good condition; Being on the same road where cars that were high-end models began to appear, parked outside the facilities of a large mansion.

With his car still running, he positioned it in front of the gate patiently, waiting for an individual to receive him.

"Introduce yourself, dear guest." Suddenly a distorted voice was heard, coming from a voice reproducing device built into the gate.

"I'm purple." He spoke without the slightest hesitation.

At his words, his path was immediately opened, where he entered without complications with his car. It was when he was greeted by a young man who bowed in reverence and then knocked on his window.

"Dear sir, could you give me your keys to park your vehicle? Later you will be received and guided by another person." He said who received it, demonstrating submission through a lowered gaze, but with great experienced eloquence.

"Sure, take it; I won't need it for the moment. Thank you for your kind treatment." With those words, Frederick got out of his vehicle and handed the keys to the young man. To continue, go to the main entrance on foot.

He continued with his goal, walking on a path paved with stones. As he observed his surroundings, a scene already natural to him, but one that he never tired of seeing; Following this path, various decorations were lined up. From trees, bushes, flowers to carefully made fountains... They definitely spared no expense in this regard.

From a distance you could already see the great construction to which he was heading: in it, gigantic columns were erected. The base, shaft and capital showed greatness and glory to foreign eyes. On the capital, there was the Ionic classic.

He closed the distance quickly, marveling for the hundredth and last time...

Frederick could now completely see the elements that built this great mansion.

Ahead were some small stairs, which led to a considerable height. At the two ends of it, there were two Lions, each stepping on a globe; The result is being decorated as magnificent decorations.

But what stood out the most were the arches that made up this work of architectural art: mostly in the 'Peraltado' shape. And the only one that differed belonged to the main door, with a 'half-point' shape.

On the heights there were balconies, which were protected by balustrades. But above this, there was a Pediment where there was a carefully carved sculpture, representing four great men prostrate and worshiping an imposing Sun.

In fact, this large mansion was designed using the neoclassical architectural style.