
Lord Taboo

The world was covered by an eternal veil, interwoven in mysteries of mortal and supernatural cause. From ancient times to the present, it had not been differentiated to a large extent. Demographically, the population was ignorant; The great ones rose up and seized power, becoming mere slaves under the state that represented the veil that covered the distant sky... The struggle of interest remained, apparently without end. But he, who enjoyed without merit the fruit of a great man, rose up and took the reins, whipping the horse in an opposite direction... Finally, as a servant of orders, he perished sacrificing his flesh and blood, massacring the order imposed by the force. Doomed to a realm of oblivion and unforgiveness, engulfed by unexplainable events, Federick is reborn with soft, tender new skin in a world mysterious to his limited understanding. And once again, he must establish himself in a complex world with a new identity with splendid embroidery on its exquisite silk fabrics, having to deal with intrigues and conspiracies according to his position, based on ingenuity and a little madness... But times are constant, worlds beyond the heavens, transcending the starry. Where the three Taoist values prevail, revealing cunning and daring, Federick acts based on his principles. "Demon" "Madman" "Sane."

Goaizu · Fantasy
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14 Chs

[Talk with god]

At this sight, a slight emotion was provoked and digested in Frederick's mind, obtaining the result of hiding between his eager eyes, which lightened his tense hands. With an unusual shine, it gave rest to his poor and ailing eyes, with slightly pronounced dark circles that attacked his youthful attractiveness.

With a smile, he observed the fabulous vestiges of civilization, until another presence interrupted him.

"Good morning, Mr. Frederick. Today is a sunny day and a big event is happening. Would you like me to guide you?" A young man said with a smile, neither appearing subservient nor arrogant.

With one look, he immediately recognized the happy young man. He was a full-time servant under his household, granting every possible service.

On previous occasions I had shared words with him, admiring his spirit. Who, despite suffering the treatment of countless people, never managed to strip him of his youthful attitude like the sun.

"Good morning, Damien. How has your day been? From what I saw, quite a few guests have already arrived at your doors." Frederick asked, conciliating a friendly attitude with the little boy who was doing his job with care.

"The day is good, the occasion like sunset... Or perhaps twilight? But, no one denies the festive atmosphere." Damien said with a kind smile, as he took in the display of life in the gardens.

"To think that you are considered a humble servant. On the outside, it would make you an extraordinary person, without a doubt." Frederick said with a sigh, appraising the young man.

"Your words do not precede me, sir. The day is long, the morning a sigh; do you want me to guide you to some destination?" He asked again, a spark of benevolence burning in his eyes, not even lasting a tenth the length of an ephemeral incense.

"You're funny, really. Go and take care of other things, since your help won't be needed with me. I recognize this place...More than I'd like." Frederick expressed calmly.

"As you wish. I will withdraw for the moment. Good luck."

With his last words, the young man quickly withdrew. Who, despite their ephemeral, quick and concise encounter, had left him a thought that remained in his mind with questions: his excessively familiar and natural actions, impregnated with honesty.

On previous occasions, in fact, they had chatted; but even his closest servant had to maintain his manners in front of him...

Since, after all, the servants his Family used were specially trained by them: With a higher education but with a strict standard of conduct.

But he decided to abandon those thoughts, treating them as intrusive in the face of what he had in store.

Finally undoing the last sigh that was drowning the clarity of his mind, while he watched the retreating young man's back.

Thus, finally the doors appeared before him: a magnificent semi-pointed arch, using a resistant glassy material as floodgates.

The decision was presented before him, to enter and commit... And he did it without conflict in his expression, where he was received by an atmosphere different from the outside. Strange smells permeated the atmosphere, capable of whetting the appetite or souring the nose.

The scene that greeted him was indistinguishable from the atmosphere. They were peculiar...

There was a clear distinction, being the separating division between those present: small crowds divided into different parts of the room were recognized. In the air, music could be heard, which was not noisy in the least as it was slow in origin.

All the individuals were dressed in ostentatious ways: the men in elegant suits and the women in long dresses. Wearing perfumes and jewelry, presumably of prominent values.

If you put those named outside, they would probably immediately be recognized. Different origins and fields, there were very successful businessmen, celebrities with global impact, renowned politicians and even members of the aristocracy itself that is still in force.

Basically, they belonged to the upper strata of human society; from persuasive, dishonest, manipulative to... Idols.

It was generalized and naturalized sadness, established from weak human nature.

But despite their unusual and to some extent extraordinary positions, Frederick impeccably ignored them, intending to head to a solitary cubicle in an available canteen.

With firm steps, he took a place. As if a demon was hanging mockingly on his shoulders and neck, he adopted a behavior strange to him: as his back bent, with his shoulders extending at a negative angle, finally adopting a bad posture...

Throughout the journey, he had shown confidence; but the sadness that weighed on his shoulders intensified with the atmosphere. Faced with these conflicting feelings, he decided to order some alcohol.

"Bartender, a glass of high-quality wine, please." Frederick said, his fingers tapping on the counter.

Tick, tock, tick, tock – it was audible in their small occupied space.

The bartender who was unoccupied instantly adopted a smile. It was rare to be addressed in such a polite tone; It was common to receive discredit or an arrogant attitude because of their humble position.

"At your service, knight." He responded immediately and gently.

Based on the attitude demonstrated, to comply reciprocally, he even decided to go look for a distinguished specimen in the winery that the family had allowed him the right to use.

While waiting for the bartender to return with some wine, he found himself lost, with numerous thoughts running like bandits in his chaotic mind, until he noticed out of the corner of his eye how a familiar figure was approaching his position.

"Hey! You showed up after so long. Did... did they cut your wings?" A man said with a condescending attitude, disrespectfully addressing Frederick.

This sentence came from a tall man, favored in terms of attractiveness, but his greatest feature was short energetic white hair.

"Shut the fuck up, Darick" Frederick reacted, demonstrating an unfriendly attitude towards the individual. And even with certain degrees of anger that were mixed in his crisp voice.

The eyes of the individual identified as "Darick" opened in an unusual way. Surprise shone in them. And his facial features had narrowed a bit, revealing hints of discomfort and anger.

"What have you said?!". Darick said with absolute surprise; He was left speechless, as this was not his cousin's usual way of expressing himself.

In fact, they shared not only their distinguishable hair colors, but also a familiarity of blood. The two were cousins, known since they were young.

"Shut your fucking mouth, cunt. Go over there and play hide-and-seek. I'll be the seeker of redundancy, which you call life." Was Frederick's final response, with no intention of enduring it.

Seeing the display of mockery and insults, Darick decided to turn around with an indignant snort.

But his lack of respect and repertoire of manners were not solely and exclusively directed at his cousin; a fact that was demonstrated on his return, by not having consideration when crossing with a despotic and arrogant attitude.

All this theatrical work was observed by a woman of destructive attractiveness. Tall and slim, with a well-proportioned figure and a noble Swan-like grace.

His eyes showed curiosity, naturally imitating the shape of a fragile deer.

She slowly approached the canteen seats with a small smile. His direction was clear, heading straight for the crestfallen Frederick.

"Low spirits are not like you, lov." Seductive words left her soft lips, with no intention of interceding in their conflicts; plainly a seduction aimed at the weak, for the pleasure of the strong.

And it was instantly demonstrated, even with a few words, they already constituted an image that screamed feminine and seductive attractiveness.

Frederick took a quick glance at him from the corner of his eye and immediately formulated a response: "I don't need any kind of service today, lov."

Sarcastic and mocking, he didn't even stop to laugh.

Still with an uncomfortable smile, the young lady named Rebecca spoke to him again: "It is not common to see you in this mood, mor. It worried me in my sincerity."

A soft smile appeared on the receiver's face, such was the fun it caused that he lifted it up, condemning the creaking sound of the wood against the floor, in a gentle movement.

"I don't know what he found more value in, the plastic of your breasts or your so-called sincerity." Frederick said with direct and clear eye contact, but not at all pleasant. The difference in height forced Frederick to expose him to looking down, imitating a haughty look.

The girl, upon encountering these comments, decided to turn around without refuting. She knew her cousin, she had no power...

But just like that, he quickly went in another direction, into a crowd. Opening a conversation with a big smile, pleasant...

Frederick watched all this with a smile. He didn't even need the feminine appreciation and affection of a slut he had fucked, even if she was his cousin... Nobility and fine print in the contract, recurring.

He simply decided to concentrate on his soon-to-be drink and subsequent actions, without paying attention to the fine print.