
Lord of Identities

When Soha the Human Sovereign perishes, his soul fractures into three fragments, dispersing into the River Of Reincarnation. Reborn in different bodies without any memories, they discover a startling reality: Dragons aren't dragons, Demons aren't demons, and Devils aren't devils. Watch as these new beings, a new race known as Possessors, challenge the established rules of existence. As they mold the world in the way they want, They compete against each other for the title of – The Lord of Identities. .... Previous Name: Possessed Identity The power system is complex; just a glimpse: Everybody, including all background characters, has their own unique abilities. There are multiple races in this world, each with a unique cultivation path and power system. People are even more so. Extremely so. The more you read, the more you should understand.

FamishedGod · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

Path of Evolution

The slumber of Arman, the Dragon, lasted for a full twelve hours within the sanctuary designated for newly hatched draconic beings. When he finally roused from his deep slumber, a profound awareness settled within him. His mind had absorbed a comprehensive understanding of the vast world of vast expanse,

encompassing information of even the diverse systems of the top 100 races, even delving into the annals of long-extinct species like space cats and humans. Yet, it was the Dragon Cultivation System that imprinted itself most indelibly upon his consciousness and soul.

The True Dragon's Minor Inheritance was a prodigious marvel, meticulously crafted to provide fledgling dragons with all the essential knowledge they required before taking flight into the boundless skies. It not only provided guidance on dealing with bandits, sects of significance, and races boasting potent abilities that counteracted dragons but also unfolded like a divine treatise, shedding light upon the myriad intricacies of dragonkind.

Among all the races, the Evolution journey typically encompassed nine major realms, whether Dragons, Demons, Humans, Ghosts, Jelbys, Elves, or Abyssus. These realms formed the foundation for evolution and ascent, each breakthrough bestowing unique abilities upon the practitioners. By the time one reached Rank 9, they would possess a total of 12 abilities—3 innate racial talents and 9 acquired through evolution. The energy reserves and strength surged tenfold with each advancement.

However, the journey was not uniform. Humans, for instance, lacked innate abilities or body-strengthening evolutions like dragons or demons. Instead, they focused on cultivating their bodies through specialized techniques,

And making their minds stronger with a method called core cave,

But their body even though having used multiple techniques to grow stronger lacked very much in comparison to beings like dragons,

while their mental and energy capacities grew for spellcasting.

After reaching Rank 5, individuals from all races had to forge their own paths, as there was no set evolution path to follow. Only the already extinct True Human race possessed a complete bloodline, enabling them to progress to the True Human realm, Rank 9, on the path just following the Human Sovereign.

Nonetheless, most individuals craved a path uniquely their own, seeking to carve their destiny rather than becoming mere replicas of the Human Sovereign, becoming just stupid pathless walkers,

Beyond Rank 9 lay the realm of Supremes, a position achieved by a mere amount of nine beings throughout history, with only four remaining alive to this day...

Turning attention to the Dragon Evolution Path, it, too, comprised nine major realms. The journey began with Rank 1, the Young Dragon State, which all healthy dragons attained automatically upon reaching ten years of age. Some exceptional prodigies even accomplished this feat by the tender age of six. The pinnacle of dragonkind, the True Dragon, was fabled to have reached Rank 1 at a mere four years old—a testament to his unrivaled potential,

To reach Rank 1, young dragons needed to sprout their horns and tail fully, marking the completion of a significant transformation.

A youth ceremony, presided over by an adult dragon acting as a host, solidified their status as young dragons. Additionally, they acquired a unique ability tailored to their individual nature, which can undergo an evolution of its potential once, at the end of this ceremony

Rank 2 denoted the Adult Dragon stage, achieved through complete mastery and comprehension of their initial Rank 1 attained ability. The ability itself has to undergo an evolution once, such as the transition from DOUBLE STRENGTH ordinary ability to the extraordinary 4X STRENGTH.

As they reach rank, their bodies also undergo naturak refinement, necessitating a resource like a magic stone or even a phoenix egg to serve as their energy core, which will travel alongside them in the rest of their journey,

The leap to Rank 3 posed a much formidable challenge than before, It required full comprehension of all three innate dragon abilities that almost all dragons are born with, and acquired ability from Rank 1, as well as the acquired abilities from Rank 2,

When you reach full understanding of your ability and make it evolve once, you can go through a tribulation test,

The dragon's energy core just had to be filled to it's maximum capacity to initiate the breakthrough tribulation test. This was a pivotal juncture where failure meant certain death. Breaking through this barrier was reserved for the truly exceptional dragons.

Should they succeed, they would ascend to become Elder Dragons, wielding formidable power and commanding reverence among their peers.

And for most dragons,

Wings sprouted forth in this rank, accompanied by an ability befitting their newfound aerial prowess.

But the path only grew more treacherous if they wanted to walk further,

Rank 4 demanded even more,

the saturation of the strengthened Rank 3 energy core has to be done once more, saturating it at rank 4 capacity.

Reaching rank 4 also needed the Evolutionist to comprehend their rank 3 Acquired ability and also obtaining a rare Roar Holder Gem to fuse with their energy core. This fusion bestowed upon them a dragon's roar ability, like the intimidating Death Roar, the rejuvenating Healing Roar, or the paralyzing Fear Roar. Furthermore, they were tasked with selecting a concept embodiment to modify their shadow into—a manifestation of their chosen element or principle. Fire, water, wood, earth, death, destruction, fate—countless possibilities beckoned. To solidify their newfound power, they faced a custom-made tribulation that tested the harmony between their concept and their comprehension of reality. Failure remained a looming specter, a price paid in blood.

Successful ascension led to the esteemed rank of Ancestral Dragons, revered and feared across the realms. A formidable rank 4 entity, they stood atop the hierarchy, commanding respect from all quarters.

Rank 5, by comparison, appeared deceptively straightforward. The dragon merely needed to unlock the full potential of their roar ability and achieve a fusion between their shadow and their physical form. However, the fusion itself becomes a grueling tribulation, challenging their very essence.

But what lay beyond Rank 5? A realm devoid of preordained paths. a realm where ALL dragons like Arman, who bore the dual heritage of dragon and human or not, had to forge their own way. The reasons for such an enigmatic divergence remained shrouded in mystery.

Nevertheless, the arduousness of Arman's path corresponded to the strength he would ultimately wield. Amidst the myriad dragons, he could emerge as an extraordinary force—a testament to his unwavering determination.

With his journey only just commencing, Arman's weariness weighed upon him. The burden of contemplating such profound matters demanded respite. Thus, he retreated once more into the realm of dreams, where he could find solace and rejuvenation, preparing himself for the trials that awaited him on the path of Supremacy.

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