
Lord of Identities

When Soha the Human Sovereign perishes, his soul fractures into three fragments, dispersing into the River Of Reincarnation. Reborn in different bodies without any memories, they discover a startling reality: Dragons aren't dragons, Demons aren't demons, and Devils aren't devils. Watch as these new beings, a new race known as Possessors, challenge the established rules of existence. As they mold the world in the way they want, They compete against each other for the title of – The Lord of Identities. .... Previous Name: Possessed Identity The power system is complex; just a glimpse: Everybody, including all background characters, has their own unique abilities. There are multiple races in this world, each with a unique cultivation path and power system. People are even more so. Extremely so. The more you read, the more you should understand.

FamishedGod · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

Half Concept Shadow

Ember Dragona, POV.

After Teaching Maths, I started giving him science lectures, this subject wasn't too important, as the concepts that cultivators come in contact with in later stages of cultivation are much more profound

this was not too important, but it will help him in giving structure to thoughts regarding scientific enlightenment and beliefs he may have in the future, and might even help him build a better concept

and while teaching him one day, and in her humanoid form, wondering why the little guy seemed to grow more humanoid by the day...


without warnings,

My whole energy systems started to go out of my control, my thoughts started becoming hazy, my concept shadow started breaking apart from myself, I knew this was bound to happen, but this soon?




Ember's Breakthrough to Rank 4 Ancestral Dragon level, unlike her other peers, was different,

Dragons were innately Prideful, Greedy and lustful creatures,

For them to control these emotions and choose it's complete opposite purity and virtue as their concept shadow in rank 4 was no easy task,

but the fact that she will be ruled by these three emotions pride, lust and greed all her life, didn't sit right with her, it just made her completely angry, and she didn't want that

she wanted to be somewhat more rational, in control of her own thoughts,

she didn't want a mind controlled by instincts, like ordinary beasts,

instead she chose purity and virtue, not because she wanted to be pure or virtuous, but to be the master of her own thoughts, not to be swayed by emotions

but going against one's fate was never so easy, so while breaking through, even though she passed the tribulation of concepts against reality, and even gave birth to the energy egg that later gave birth to Arman Dragona, and of course, she didn't get a rank 4 ability due to the incompleteness of her breakthrough, how was it incomplete?

her concept shadow was flawed, not flawed exactly, but incomplete in a sense, why?

she had never truly experienced the real virtue and purity of mind, ever.

of course, she didn't know that reason and due to that, became completely incapable of dirty thoughts, she just jumped from one cage to another

either virtue or lust didn't matter to her, both were bad if it restricted her

yet, she couldn't do anything other than wait, not knowing any solutions and not getting any answers even after asking the Dragon Leader present in this ancestral lands, the Sole Rank 5,

Blood Dragon, her old friend Kali, who for some reason just refused answering with a borderline sad look

she didn't know that, If she knew she had to achieve a pure mind, doing that will be even harder, so Kali wouldn't do that, ever.

Kali was a woman kind to her friends, she won't ever be that cruel.

and why was she sad and afraid, then?

she knew, if Ember doesn't achieve a Pure mind once in 3-4 years, she will die as a consequence of a failed breakthrough

which of course Ember knew too


As Ember kept parenting her only child, her thoughts became more and more pure

selfless, ungreedy, and just purely expectant of what her baby will be.

and then on that fateful day,

she achieved, inbetween teaching her son new knownlegde, a completely pure mind.

and her incomplete Concept Shadow, became complete.

she reached true Rank 4, and gained her 4th Acquired ability.

And an Epic Ability to boot.


Looking at her son, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she was so happy, ecstatic even, that she had more time to spend with him, she couldn't even express herself

and seeing some change in her demeanor, her dear son asked "Mom, You seem somewhat different, what happened to you?" with worry, curiosity and a pure sense of attachment.

Ahh...'my son is as cute as ever'

and without speaking anything, she just removed her scales from her big breast and took his face before planting it into her chest, and he, just like on instinct, started sucking milk out of the soft heavenly balloons...

after almost an year after birth, Arman recieved his first 'True' Milk...

and it was..... Rather tasty.

don't ask me her ability, that's for later...(•_•)

FamishedGodcreators' thoughts