
Lord of Identities

When Soha the Human Sovereign perishes, his soul fractures into three fragments, dispersing into the River Of Reincarnation. Reborn in different bodies without any memories, they discover a startling reality: Dragons aren't dragons, Demons aren't demons, and Devils aren't devils. Watch as these new beings, a new race known as Possessors, challenge the established rules of existence. As they mold the world in the way they want, They compete against each other for the title of – The Lord of Identities. .... Previous Name: Possessed Identity The power system is complex; just a glimpse: Everybody, including all background characters, has their own unique abilities. There are multiple races in this world, each with a unique cultivation path and power system. People are even more so. Extremely so. The more you read, the more you should understand.

FamishedGod · Fantaisie
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48 Chs


Clearing his mind and preparing for action, Rakshasa emerged from the water and scaled the cliff using a sturdy vine, his naked form displaying his remarkable strength and demonic flexibility. The climb, although challenging for most, posed little difficulty to him. With the agility of a god among humans, he maneuvered effortlessly, a master of acrobatics.

Upon reaching the top, Rakshasa fashioned a simple cloth from the leaves he gathered, covering his groins before returning to the broken wall area. It had been over an hour since he left, and any attention drawn to the broken wall would have likely been forgotten. Peeking through a gap, he confirmed that the area had indeed been abandoned, granting him safe entry back into the city.

Barta stood atop a small cliff, more of a town than a bustling city. Rakshasa walked through the narrow alleyways until he reached a familiar building—his home. This small, two-story Japanese-style structure held precious memories of his family, his father, and mother. Since his enslavement the previous year, he rarely visited, only returning when overwhelmed by melancholy. Despite his infrequent presence, he made sure to keep the home clean.

Approaching the door, Rakshasa ensured no one noticed his arrival, not because of his revealing attire, but because he wished to keep his resurrection a secret. His significantly improved appearance, possessing a handsome face and a perfected physique compared to two days ago, would attract unnecessary attention.

However, as he reached for the door, a frown appeared on his face—he had misplaced his keys. They were among the belongings stolen from him by the stranger who had "killed" him. The audacity of that old man, killing Rakshasa for the sake of robbery, left him seething with anger and frustration. How was he supposed to proceed without the keys?

Driven by impatience and vexation, Rakshasa attempted to open the door forcefully, only to be taken aback when it swung open easily, without the need for keys. Bewildered but cautious, he entered the house silently, ensuring his presence went unnoticed. After finding no one downstairs, he ascended the stairs to his bedroom. Peeking inside, he was met with an unexpected sight that left him frozen with shock.

His body stiff, Rakshasa silently turned away from his room and descended the stairs. His pace quickened, but he maintained his silence as he reached the door and left with a heavy heart. Fear was etched onto his face, for what he had witnessed was truly something to be afraid of.

And so, filled with trepidation, Rakshasa stepped out into the world,

His mind, Thinking and afraid.