
Lord Hades: A Taxi Driver In Marvel

Get ready for an epic adventure through the Marvel universe! When a regular dude is struck by a falling piano, he finds himself transmigrated into the role of Hades, the King of the Underground, with Hela, the goddess of death, as his wife. But there's a catch: his powers are locked, and he has to work to unlock them. Enter the Hell Taxi, a trusty ride that will be Hades's companion on his journey through the multiverse. This isn't just any ordinary taxi, though - it can be upgraded all the way from a normal car to a ssss-class battle spaceship, or even a full-fledged dimension. As Hades upgrades his ride and unlocks more of his powers, he'll eventually become the all-powerful God of the Underworld. Join Hades as he travels through the multiverse, taking on whatever challenges come his way. Whether he's driving a taxi, commanding a spaceship, or ruling over the underworld, one thing is for sure: it's going to be a wild ride! ▪▪▪▪ Join me on an adventure filled with excitement, laughter, and thrills! My books bring the fun with their heart-pumping action, steamy romance, harem adventures, and humor. Join my exclusive community on Patreon and get access to my latest books and advanced chapters. Help bring my stories to life and escape to a world of endless possibilities. Don't settle for the same old stories - come on this wild ride with me! Check out patreon.com/thebookaddict now.

The_Book_Addict · Films
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Tony Stark

It was just another ordinary day for Tony Stark, filled with endless meetings and never-ending bickering from his directors.

All he could think about was getting out of the Stark building and retreating to his mountain villa, where he could finally have some alone time with his research and projects.

Little did he know that his day was about to take a crazy turn.

As he was leaving the building with Pepper and Happy, a cold wind blew by him, sending shivers down his spine and causing him to slow his hurried steps.

His heart began to race, and his breathing quickened as he felt an inexplicable sense of danger.

Pepper and Happy were oblivious to Tony's sudden behavior change, continuing to walk past him. But in a split second, they realized something was wrong with Tony.

Pepper rushed to Tony's side, her eyes filled with worry, asking if he was okay. However, Tony was still in a daze, unable to respond as his veins bulged on his forehead before he suddenly collapsed to the ground.

After a few minutes, Tony regained his composure with the help of Pepper and Happy.

Meanwhile, in the adjacent parking lot, Hades watched everything with amusement. He hadn't expected such a massive reaction from Tony due to his mere presence.

Even though he didn't know what caused Tony's sudden weakness, Hades decided to suppress his aura further to avoid accidents.

He couldn't help but grin as he watched Tony slowly get back on his feet, suppressing his power even further, knowing that Tony would be his most loyal customer in the future.

Hades began walking towards the trio, his steps confident and measured. With every step he took, a crisp sound echoed on the ground.

Hade's footsteps echoed like thunder in the ears of Pepper, Happy, and Tony, who were still dazed. They were surprised by what they saw as they looked toward the source of the sounds. Their gaze fell upon a young businessman.

As the young businessman approached, his every step seemed to exude an aura of power and authority that made those around him shiver with fear and awe.

His suit was a deep shade of black that seemed to absorb all the light around it, giving him an almost otherworldly appearance. The fabric was impeccably tailored, hugging his toned physique in all the right places, further accentuating his commanding presence.

The man's face was chiseled and sharp, his features betraying little emotion. His eyes, however, spoke volumes. They were a piercing shade of blue, like shards of glass that seemed to cut through everything they gazed upon.

His eyebrows were perfectly arched, giving him an expression of perpetual haughtiness that made it clear he was not one to be trifled with.

As the man drew closer, Pepper, Happy, and Tony couldn't help but notice the intricate tattoos that adorned his neck and arms. The tattoos were a mix of roses, skulls, and spirits, all intricately interwoven in a stunning display of artistry.

The roses were a deep shade of crimson, their petals delicately detailed with veins and thorns that seemed almost lifelike. The skulls were equally detailed, each adorned with various markings that tell their own story.

And the spirits were the most intriguing of all, their ethereal forms seeming to dance across the man's skin in a never-ending waltz.

As the man drew even closer, Tony began to feel a sense of unease creeping up his spine. Something about this man seemed familiar, yet he couldn't quite place it.

The businessman's lips curved into a slight smile, revealing perfect teeth that seemed to shine in the dim light of the alleyway.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Stark. I never imagined I'd see you in such a state," Hades said with amusement.

"What happened, Mr. Stark? You can't handle a gentle breeze? Or did you not eat anything? Did your blood pressure drop so much that you need others' assistance to walk?" Hades inquired sincerely.

Hades' words sounded like the remarks of a narcissistic and arrogant guy in the trio's ears, but what they didn't know was that it was Hades' usual style with strangers.

He wasn't arrogant, but this was just how he spoke. And he was genuinely curious about what had happened to Tony.

Even ordinary people didn't have such a strong reaction to his aura like Tony had. So he was curious whether his aura or Tony's workaholic behavior had just made him almost unconscious.

"Mr. Stark is just under the weather," Pepper replied, still dazed by Hades.

Tony, still felt embarrassed at first, but then it turned to anger as he mistook Hade's interaction with Pepper as being flirtatious.

He angrily asked, "Who the hell are you, and what are you doing here?"

"Oh, how rude! Didn't your parents teach you how to behave with others?" Hades said with a neutral face.

Tony's blood was boiling with rage as he faced off against Hades. Losing his parents had left a raw wound in his heart that never fully healed. And now he felt as if Hades was insulting them.

But before he could unleash his fury, Happy intervened with a bear hug that was surprisingly effective in calming him down.

It was a good thing he did because, as a seasoned veteran, Happy could sense something dangerous brewing in Hades' aura.

A subtle shift had occurred, sending shivers down Happy's spine. He had never seen such solid yet subtle killing intent before, making him fear for their safety.

Meanwhile, Tony was trying to calm his racing heart, but the memories of his parents were flooding back to him.

He could almost hear their voices calling out to him from beyond the grave, and it was both comforting and unsettling at the same time.

He knew he needed to stay focused and keep his emotions in check as this type of rage was unlike him, but it was easier said than done.


Hades isn't really a fan of superheroes or villains. He's always been in it for the system, but now that it's upgraded, he can gain rewards for taking them on a ride, no matter where the end destination is.

The best part? He can even get a reward if he sends them directly to hell!

In the eyes of the system, the journey from Earth to hell is considered a taxi service. And now Hades is trying to upgrade the system further to unlock his full powers and get even more rewards and skills.

And the taxi service he did earlier for 1000 ordinary citizens was just a tutorial. The real fun has just started.

And Hades doesn't mind giving these heroes and villains a tour of the underworld and letting them stay there for eternity. So he won't be taking bullshit from anyone. During the exchange with Tony, Hades briefly glanced at his status.


[Host: Hades Deathborn ]

Race: Elder God (99.99% Locked)

Godhood: Death (99.99% Locked)

Title: The God of Death & Ruler of The Underworld



Physique: 1000

Intelligence: 1000

Spirit: 1000



Summoning Level 1

Aura Manifestation Level 10

Judgment Level 10

Darkness Level 9

Fear Level 10

Dimensional Travel:

1. Hell Unlocked

2. Earth Unlocked
