
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Loki the Smart ass

Sheila and Bonnie watch as Loki teleports away, deciding to also go to the party, Bonnie kisses Grams on the cheek and departs. Teleporting into the Mystic Grill, he magically shows up on a chair next to a table.

Nobody even noticed, watching people for a couple of minutes, then he sees Damon with Caroline. Bonnie arrives as well and Damon compels Caroline to get the necklace from Bonnie.

Walking up to Bonnie who was standing near a table, she asks, "Bonnie, can I get the necklace, I think it would look good on me," claimed Caroline trying to reach for the necklace but she screams a little when she made contact with the necklace.

Figuring out that Damon put Caroline up to this she smiles, "If you want the necklace, then tell Damon he should be able to ask me in person instead of relying on my best friend." Upset and confused, Caroline walks away.

Damon seeing that Caroline couldn't get the necklace grew visibly angered. Walking out of Mystic Grill, Damon hears a couple talking about leaving and making out in a secret location. Smiling he follows them, after being a good distance from Mystic Grill, he attacks.

Super speeding behind the man, he drains and kills the dude, the girl tries to scream but Damon grabs her and puts his hand over her mouth. "Now, you are gonna do exactly as I say," compelled Damon looking into her eyes.

After compelling the girl, Damon enters the Mystic Grill in anticipation. Spotting Elena spying on Stefan and Lexi, he ignores them but sees Loki. "That damn annoyance better not mess up my super evil plan, tch," snarled Damon gritting his teeth.

Spotting Damon, Elena walks up to him and asks, "What exactly did you do to Jeremy? He is acting way different than before."

Smirking, Damon answers, "Oh, I did absolutely nothing, all I did was what you asked for. Honestly, all I did was that I just took away his suffering, isn't that what you wanted?"

Huffing, Elena complained, "Don't expect a thank you, it's your fault everything happened the way it did."

Before Damon could make a witty remark, Elena storms off. "Tch, so that's all I get for trying to be Stefan, the oh-so-great hero," Damon jested as he walks off.

Hearing the conversation, Loki chuckled, sometimes Damon can be so dumb. Lexi spotted Elena spying on them and confronts her, "Hello there, are you, Elena?" asked Lexi standing in front of Elena.

"Um, yeah, look, I was not spying, I was just, um," spluttered Elena not knowing what to say.

Lexi giggled a little, "You know, I am not Stefan's new girlfriend, I am just one of his old friends here to celebrate his birthday, so ease up," assured Lexi. Elena's features visibly soften.

"Oh, so are you like...a vampire?" whispered Elena.

Lexi nodded, "Look, I know that you and Stefan are having a rough patch right now but just because Stefan is a vampire shouldn't discourage you from pursuing a relationship with him," advised Lexi.

Elena sighed, "It's not that he is a vampire, it is just...I'm scared," stated Elena.

"I get it, my true love was a human, apprehension, fear, I can kind of relate to you just a bit. Even through everything, all of the fear, and love eventually prevailed in the end because we both loved each other and couldn't let each other go," advised Lexi looking up.

Elena thought about it, "Thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind, and it was nice talking to you," said Elena looking over at Stefan playing pool.

Lexi smiled and went back to Stefan, "Thanks," thanked Stefan looking at Lexi.

"It was nothing, I am just helping my best friend," smiled Lexi walking away.

Walking up to Stefan, Elena said, "Hey Stefan."

Stefan smiled, "Hi Elena."

"So, um, I had a, um," Elena was about to say something but then Sheriff Forbes along with some of her officers came into the bar.

The girl Damon attacked pointed toward Lexi, without wasting a breath, Sheriff Forbes stuck a needle filled with vervain into Lexi's arm. She was asking Damon what his reason was to be in Mystic Falls but before Damon could answer, she got drugged.

Dragging Lexi outside, Stefan, Elena, Loki, and Damon all follow. Deciding to do something, Lexi pushed Sheriff Forbes off her and revealed her fangs. They all pull out their guns and shoot at her but it seemed ineffective.

Then suddenly, Damon appears in front of her and stakes her in the heart. "Why? Why are you doing this?" asked Lexi coughing up blood.

Damon smirked and whispered in Lexi's ear, "It's all for the plan, now die, you wench."

Laying down Lexi's dead body, Sheriff Forbes thanks Damon for taking care of the vampire. "Seriously, thank you, if you weren't here then we would have all probably died," claimed Sheriff Forbes.

Damon waved it off, "It was nothing, I am just doing my duty," lied Damon.

Sheriff Forbes and her officers take Lexi's body away while Stefan was being held back by Elena. "Don't go, please," pleaded Elena.

Stefan overcome with anger, pushes Elena a little harder than he should have and walks off to confront Damon. Loki picks up Elena from the ground, and tells her some advice, "Don't try to stop Stefan Elena, just try to empathize with him right now, his best friend of over 100 years was just killed by his brother, what is he supposed to do? Tell me, Elena, what would you do?"

Elena stopped struggling and thought about it, if Damon killed Caroline or Bonnie, she honestly would try to kill him, "Thank you for the advice Loki, I can now kind of understand how Stefan is feeling right now," replied Elena.

Letting go of Elena, Loki patted her head, "Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing bad happens," stated Loki walking away.

"Thank you," thanked Elena, Loki waved back as if to say, don't worry.

Hearing some fighting noise, Loki hurried up to find Stefan beating the bricks off Damon. Eating one of Stefan's punches, Damon remarks, "I only did it to help you," Stefan ignores Damon and punches him 4 more times.

Taking out a stake, Stefan plunges it into Damon's chest but very close to the heart, Stefan snarls in anger, "This is the final warning for you. Leave me the f*ck alone," walking out of the scene, Stefan breaks down in sadness in the Salvatore Estate.

Damon spits out blood and takes out the stake, hearing clapping, Damon turned his head to find Loki walking toward him clapping his hands slowly. Snarling, he tries to get up but lost quite a bit of blood, "What do you want you Immortal Witch, this is none of your f*cking problems, so get lost," remarked Damon.

"Well, I kind of disagree, I mean, I live in your house, I am Immortal, and I am also built different," stated Loki smiling. Damon got up wobbly, "Listen, I know why you're here."

Damon stiffened a bit, "What are you talking about? I am here in Mystic Falls so that I can torment my little brother, that is all I am here for," lied Damon gulping.

Looking Damon straight in the eye, Loki smiled and walked away whistling. Does he know thought Damon getting a bit annoyed and worried...