
Lo Recant, The Rise of The Dragon King

Dragons, creatures of unimaginable might; beings capable of destroying entire countries single-handedly. The apex of all creations, the strongest of all. The beings who sit at the zenith of creation itself, the gods' strongest creation. Only being beaten out by the gods' own masterpiece, humans. This story is about an outsider, a foreigner. A being who shouldn't exist, a being who has no right in the world. A person who is reincarnated as a newborn dragon in the middle of a grand forest. This story is about a man and his conquest; a conquest so grand, that the world itself quivers before it. A conquest which will, in its end, tear the sky, rupture the earth, and shatter the atmosphere. A conquest which will reshape the world, rewrite history, destroy all semblance of balance and logic. A conquest which will make all shiver in terror, be it gods or mortals, humans or goblins, dragons or slimes. A conquest which will topple over everyone, no matter their position. The conquest which shall be the rise of the dragon which shall be engraved into the world and its history, the conquest of the rise of the being who shall be known to all as the 'The Greatest Sin Of All'.

Bigdaddy_mew · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

New Form

The clock of my own demise was now starting to tick, slowly. It wasn't something I was too kind or fond of. But it was, disappointingly, the reality of the situation.

With no other options left to me, and even if we there were, I, sadly, wasn't aware of them. I had only only one thing left, one option which would decide if I could continue living this live or not.

It was, evolution.

If it didn't help me, then, I was good as dead.

But, even with how disappointing the reality was, I wasn't scared at all. No, you could even say that I was excited, a little thrilled. Having my life handed to lady luck, with no certainty if I would die or live, it was exciting.

'Let's see!' I was excited to see what paths were available to me.

I then opened up the list, still a little pessimistic about my chances.

[Evolution List]



While I was really surprised, I wasn't even close to being disappointed, no, you could even say that I was happy.

I only had one evolution, which was certainly something which I hadn't expected -- especially considering the skills -- and titles -- I had gained. But even more surprising was the fact that my evolution option was only Ouroboros. I didn't even get to choose Child Inferno Dragon, not that I was complaining, just surprised.

After all, for an evolution to be able to do that, it had to be very powerful. Not something you would normally see. Which was solidified with the name of the said evolution, Ouroboros. It was a name which was exactly the same as one of my three divine skills. That had left me no other option than to think that the evolution was something divine in nature. Something so great that I couldn't even comprehend it.

It made me start to feel excitement and joy at the thought of the being I was going to be. I also knew for a fact that this evolution would stop my death, as the reason for the said death was the influx of divine energy. And if a divine evolution couldn't handle it, then I didn't know what could.

So, with optimistic thoughts, I chose the evolution which would turn me into a god, 'This is going to be fun' I thought to myself as I felt my consciousness slowly slipping away, returning to the black void of nothingness from which it came from.

'Yep, this is just like that.' I acknowledged the fact that the black abyss was akin to the black void I had experienced in my first death and the one which I had experienced when I had activated Ethereal Vision.

Both of which started to bring back bad memories, mostly the latter. But this time I was more than prepared to handle those said dark memories; as not only did I have more experience dealing with it, I also had a skill that made me more resistant to mental anguish.

'This is going to be very helpful.' I giggled inside.

Now, I was confident that I could use Ethereal Vision with much more ease, though it would still be hard. As, no matter how much I complained otherwise, the thing was going to very useful.

While thinking that, the thread which held my consciousness together with my body snapped. And just like that, my mind and body were ready for another rebirth. A rebirth that would make me a being of legend. A being who would bring havoc to the entire world. A being so terrifying that just thinking about it would make everyone, be it, gods or mortals, quiver in fear and terror.

I started to wake from the deep slumber, reborn as a being of unparalleled might.

I now had a body which was big as a lion, with white-platinum scales that made even the hardest and most expensive of diamonds look like cheap glass, with the platinum claws so sharp that it would make even the sharpest of tools look dull, and with muscles so dense that it looked harder than even the hardest of metals. I had senses that would make even the most talented of sensors look like a toddler.

To say that I was powerful would be an understatement. I was a god! A true, living, breathing GOD! Just existing made me surge with power. Making me feel as if I was being filled with more power ever second!

I could see the wind itself move, I could feel everything below, around me, and above me. To say that it was a surreal experience would be a massive understatement. The ground which I touched, the air which I breathed, the light which I saw; I could now see and sense everything single one of them.

The gentlest of breeze felt like the most ferocious gales, the dimmest of rays felt like the most blinding of lights, the smallest of movements felt like massive rumbles, and the smallest of ants looked like ferocious beasts. It was almost as if I had activated a bootleg Ethereal Vision.

I then turned towards the orcs to see them all the more terrified; why wouldn't they be, after all, I was now much bigger and much stronger, and had an aura that bend spacetime itself. The despair in their eyes had grown much deeper; the horror, the terror, everything had gotten much stronger. It would be a lie, and a big one at that, to say that I wasn't enjoying it.

And whilst all of those things were happening, I was continuously pumped by new wisdom and assailed by new notifications -- both of which were things about me becoming stronger, much stronger.

'Interesting, seems like I get to have another source of power, eh?' I thought to myself.

But, none could rival the notifications which I had just heard. It was about a new menu being available to me. It was called Talent/Traits. It was something which even my wisdom didn't give me any knowledge about, something which only happened with exceptions such as the divine skills. Which had made me all the more excited to learn about them.

'But I really should be finishing this village first, everything else should be secondary.' I thought to myself as I walked closer towards the orcs, making sure that I looked as regal and authoritarian as I possibly could.

I wanted to give my new body a try, plus, I wanted to truly roleplay as a demon king, as that was my 'duty'.

This body of mine had gotten much stronger and much better. But if there was something which had the biggest difference between my previous and current evolution. It would have to be my wings and tail. Both of them were now bigger, stronger, and much more useful to me. The wings even allowing me to fly -- though that wouldn't be today as I needed more practice with them, didn't want to ruin my regal image, after all.

"Mortals, how does it feel, tell me? How does it feel to be privileged enough to for you lay your eyes upon my true self?" I asked the orcs in the most regal manner I possibly could, I wanted to rub in the fact that I was a literal god -- which to be honest, I was; heck, I even had the ascendant rank.

I was also having a lot of fun seeing them shaking amongst themselves, terrified at the sight of me. Which in turn made me all the more happier, and keen in performing my acts of bullshitery.

'I really want to try out that.' the thing I was thinking about was the Breath of Ouroboros. My wisdom had even said that it was the most powerful attack I would ever have, as it was the strongest offensive ability in the entire world.

And it would be a lie to say that I wasn't excited after hearing that, especially since that was the LITERALLY THE ONLY THING I KNEW ABOUT THE ABILITIES I HAD GOTTEN AFTER GAINING OUROBOROS -- which to be fair, was still very good, as my wisdom refused to say anything about things which were divine in nature.

"Well mortals, how about seeing a fraction of my true power!" I again bullshit them.

What I was going to show them was, after all, the strongest thing I could ever do, relatively speaking. As there was no way I could get anything stronger than the Breath of Ouroboros.

So I then used the 'Strongest Offensive Ability', I couldn't wait to see what it would do.

And with my excitement rivaling that of a 8 year old opening a Christmas present, I opened my jaw.

Dicks and Ass

Bigdaddy_mewcreators' thoughts