

[2152 words]

"Holy shit," Jonah muttered after checking Noire's absurd stats.

"What?" Noire asked.

"I just got a look at your stats. Are you the strongest being on this planet?" Jonah inquired.

"Yes." Noire's powerful voice replied.

'Makes sense that the strongest creature on this planet became my pet...' Jonah chuckled at this thought process.

"Alright, reduce your size," Jonah said. Noire nodded and began shrinking down until he was the size of a Yorkshire Terrier. "Good. Do you want to stay on my shoulder, or would you rather walk beside me?"

Noire had already completely accepted his role as a pet, so he replied. "Shoulder, please."

Smiling at the small cute Noire, Jonah motioned for him to climb on his shoulder.

Using his Air Walking skill, Noire stepped on air and landed on Jonah's shoulder. He stood there like a parrot.

"So, Noire, I have a question for you. Why do you live up here, completely secluded from all forms of civilization and life?" Jonah asked with curiosity.

"It is tough to live near other creatures when every step of mine reforms the terrain, Jonah. I have also lived for so long that I like to be alone for a period of time. Most of my years alive have been spent on hibernation, however, I am still bored of this existence." Noire responded like a wise sage.

"Yeah, makes sense." Jonah agreed, "Well, now you won't be bored anymore. Just so you know, I'm God. I created this universe and the very planet we're standing on. I have a guess that you were personally created by Vita, one of my children, because I can see a lot of her style in you. When we leave this planet, I'll introduce you to all of my kids, and we'll have plenty of fun adventures. You deserve this after billions of years alive."

"Ha..." Noire slightly chuckled. "I knew I sensed an overwhelming amount of divinity coming from you... To think you were God... I am honored to be in your presence and even more honored to have become your pet."

"Hahaha! That's good to know." Jonah said.

Looking around the place they were in, Jonah began walking in a random direction. He wanted to see more of this mountain since it had a very magical vibe to it.

Walking for about 10 minutes, he reached the edge of the snowy mountain they were in. It was currently a little over midday, but a thick fog covered most of the view on top of the mountain.

Jonah waved his hand, and the fog disappeared. In front of him was probably one of the most beautiful views he had ever seen. Probably only comparable to The Gaze of Creation, the place where the Primordials' Palace was in.

"Damn..." Jonah unconsciously muttered.

"This is the main reason why I chose this mountain to settle in. The view from here is astonishing." Noire said from his shoulder.

"Yeah... It really is. Let's stay here for a couple of hours. I have nothing to do anyway." Jonah said before he lied down on the comfortable snow and simply stared at the view.


3 hours and 25 minutes have passed since then.

On top of the highest mountain in the world of Secilles, a man and a cute beast could be seen throwing snowballs at each other.

"Hahaha! You suck!" Jonah laughed at Noire after hitting him with a snowball.

"I do not suck!" Noire replied before he used his Creation Magic to fabricate 20 snowballs all around him and threw them towards Jonah, hitting him with 15 of them.

"Bro, that's not fair." The covered in snow Jonah said before he used HIS Creation Magic to create ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND snowballs, completely covering the sky with them.

"I yield!" Noire threw his front paws in the air and stood on 2 legs.

"Thought so," Jonah erased all the snowballs in the air, "Anyway, let's go. I have something to do in a few minutes."

Jonah cleaned the both of them from the snow that covered their bodies, and Noire jumped on his shoulder. They both then vanished in a ray of heavenly light.



Appearing in Jonah's room at the Frozen Gentleman Inn, they exited the room and headed towards the eating hall. That's where Jonah said he'd meet with Keagen to start their small mission.

Entering the vast eating hall, Jonah went towards the same table he talked with Keagen but was pleasantly surprised when he saw the man himself, Keagen Tarolla, already there. Wearing the same golden armor with a huge longsword on his back, Keagen's left leg kept tapping on the ground. It seemed like he was anxious...

"Hey. You ready?" Jonah approached him.

Turning his head, Keagen saw Jonah wearing the exact same outfit as before, but now with an adorable little creature sitting on his shoulder. Adorable is a bit of a push since the creature was wearing some sort of armor in a few places and had a blue fire on parts of his body, but the small size made him adorable.

"Yes. May I ask where your equipment is?" Keagen asked with a smile.

"Nowhere. I don't have any equipment, for I have no use for it." Jonah carefreely replied.

"Jonah, I am by no means doubting your skill, but we're going to hunt for a dragon and a unicorn. Are you sure that you don't need any armor or protection?" Keagen inquired with an awkward expression on his face.

Jonah's slips curled up slightly after hearing this, so he replied. "Positive. Now let's go."

Keagen shrugged his shoulders and got up from his seat. He followed Jonah towards the Inn's exit, and both looked at each other.

"We're going by foot, right?" Jonah asked.

"If you can follow me, yes." Keagen smiled at him.

"I think you got the roles wrong, but okay. I already know where a dragon is, so just try to keep up." Jonah's figure then disappeared from the spot he was standing on, and soon did Keagen.

They were both moving at speeds so fast that Jonah had to erase the sonic booms from existence. If not, everyone in their paths would likely go deaf, and most of the establishments nearby would lose all of their windows.

'He's a Quad-Elementalist, can do staffless magic, is 18 years old but level 89, and is even faster than me?! Jonah, just how powerful are you?!' Keagen thought as he struggled to keep up with Jonah's speed.

In just a few seconds, both of them had already left the city of Elbonick and were heading towards a mountain roughly 15 kilometers away from the city.

In a little over 15 seconds, Jonah arrived at the bottom of the destined mountain.

'Oh shit, I forgot that I had to pick up my Adventurers Card at 3 pm! Oh well, might as well just pretend I picked it up...' Jonah thought after stopping at the mountain.

Casually rewriting reality, Jonah made it so he went to the Adventurers Guild at exactly 3:00 pm and retrieved his Adventurers Card. With that done, the card was now in his right pocket.

Removing it from his pocket, Jonah was curious about what rank he got after his test. In his hand was a palm-sized, golden, shiny card that had his information written on it.


[NAME: Jonah Peterheart]



"Thought it was going to be higher...maybe they have some kind of policy that makes it impossible for someone to receive a rank higher than S after their test," Jonah muttered to himself.


"Ah... *huff*...you're insane..." Keagen said in between his breathing breaks. It took 30 seconds for him to arrive due to how slow he was compared to Jonah.

"Is that...your Adventurers Card?" He asked after noticing the shiny card on Jonah's hands.

Turning his head and gazing at the sweaty Keagen, Jonah replied with a straight face. "Yeah. I only got rank S, though, which is a bit disappointing."

After hearing this, Keagen's blue eyes went wide open, and his mouth formed an 'O' shape.

"You... You are saying that you received rank S after your test?.... I don't know why I'm even surprised anymore..." He mumbled.

To adventurers all around the world, it was common knowledge that no matter how powerful the individual, they would, at most, receive a rank B after their test. Keagen was no different. He received a B-ranked card but quickly climbed up the ranks, reaching rank S in a short year, which was already an amazing accomplishment. But, the guy in front of him had just been placed at rank S after his test, a first-time occurrence since the Adventurers Guild was established thousands of years ago.

"Yeah. Anyway, inside this mountain, there's a dragon. How are we gonna get inside?" Jonah asked, trying to make Keagen show his power for him to see.

'My time to shine!' Keagen thought.

"Please step away. I'm going to open us an entrance," Keagen removed the longsword from his back and said with confidence.

Walking backward just a couple of steps, Jonah patiently waited for Keagen to do his thing.

Keagen placed one foot in front and one back. He was now standing sideways towards the mountain with his knees bent and both of his hands holding his sword upright.

Suddenly, his silver longsword began to emit a faint red glow, slowly enveloping the entire sword in an aura that gave an ominous feeling.

"Sword Arts: Lightspeed!" Keagen shouted as he instantly swung his sword downwards with insane speed.


Even though both of them were a few dozen meters away from the mountain, Keagen's sword strike managed to cut a large margin of the mountain somehow. Unfortunately, however, it wasn't nearly enough to open an entrance all the way to the mountain's core.

Looking at the attack's aftermath, Jonah whistled in response. "Hm... That's not enough." He said.

"Yeah...*sigh* It seems like this mountain is too big for me," Keagen replied in disappointment.

"Oh well, guess I have to do it." Jonah stepped up and began walking towards the mountain leisurely.

"Water Magic: Mystic Water Blades." He carefreely said.


Instantly, a sound of air being cut began to resound through the area.

Around Jonah were 5 translucent blue blades that spun at unfathomable speeds.

Commanding these blades to cut the mountain, the water blades disappeared from his side, and suddenly, the mountain had a gigantic hole in it that went all the way to the other side. This hole was so huge that even if 3 trucks were pilled on top of each other and 6 more trucks were side-by-side, there would still be plenty of space left for people to pass through.

Watching all of this unfold was a dumbstruck Keagen. '...wtf' he thought.

"Come on," Jonah motioned for him to follow.

Getting out of his daze, Keagen - still with the sword in his hands - started walking behind Jonah as he admired his power in his head.

After walking for a solid 20 minutes, they finally reached the core of the massive mountain.

In front of them was an 18 meters long and 5 meters tall red dragon. It was currently sleeping on top of a colossal mountain of gold coins, big enough to kill a person if these many gold coins were dropped on top of them.

"Alright, there's the dragon. Try to kill it first." Jonah whispered to Keagen, who was by his side.

"WHAT?" Keagen loudly whispered back. "I can't kill that dragon, Jonah! It's a dragon, for fucks sake!"

"Relax. If worst comes to worst, shout this..." Jonah filled Keagen in on a little secret word that would help him.

"....Are you serious?" Keagen asked back.

"Absolutely. Just go. Remember the word..." Jonah pushed him towards the dragon. "HEY, DRAGON. I AM GOING TO STEAL YOUR GOLD, MUAHAAHAHAHA...." He screamed in order to wake the beast.

Hearing that, the dragon's eyes twitched and soon opened.

"Who dares interrupt this Lord Dragon's nap time and try to steal his gold?!" The dragon opened its mouth and spoke in a hoarse voice.

'Shit.' Keagen simply thought after seeing this scene.

In the few seconds that he still had before the imminent fight, he used the Appraisal skill on the dragon to have more of an idea about the creature's strength.


[Name: Zialbayss]

[Race: Elder Dragon]

[Age: 5.98 million years old]

[Level: 180] [XP: 88.900/1.609.010]

[Skills: Flight (LVL. MAX) • Hoarding (LVL. MAX) • Sleeping (LVL. MAX) • Draconic Breath (LVL. MAX) • Supernatural Roar (LVL. MAX) • Adaptivity (LVL. 8) • Draconic Strenght (LVL. MAX) • Draconic Flying Speed (LVL. MAX) • Draconic Senses (LVL. MAX) • Ultra Regeneration (LVL. 5) • Fear Inducing (LVL.9)]

[Magic: None]

[BP: 698.910]


"I'm dead." He muttered in fear after seeing the dragon's stats.