
Living as God

Walking along the sidewalk while playing Clash of Clans, a young man by the name of Jonah Peterheart was suddenly summoned by God to an empty dimension. Follow Jonah along as he creates his multiverse and has a relaxing life being omnipotent. This story may not seem to be a fanfic in the beginning. but the MC will go to several fictional worlds, so yeah. The first world he travels to is an OC though, so if you can't stand reading it, wait until he goes to a fictional one. *More of a slice of life story* DISCLAIMER: This story will not be anything serious! I'm writing this in my free time, so I can't be bothered to write anything professional. There won't be a deep plot behind everything. I'll try to create some little side stories on a few worlds, but that's it. This book is more about the MC's new life as God and him having fun. I'll write whenever I want, so there won't be a fixed update schedule. Somedays there might be 5 chapters, while some weeks there might be none. I'll try to keep it at, idk, 3 chapters a week? Anyway, enjoy the story. WARNING: Extremely Insanely OP MC: NO HAREM I do not own anything except for the MC of this story.

Lazy_Runner · Book&Literature
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17 Chs


[2339 words]

"Oh! You're Gayken Granola, right?" Jonah asked.

"Holy shit! That's Keagen Tarolla!" A random guy from the crowd shouted.

"~Keagen-sama, have my children~" A horny girl also yelled.

Ignoring the crowd's commentaries, Keagen disappeared from the door and quickly appeared in front of Jonah. To an untrained eye, it would seem that he teleported.

Staring at Jonah for a few seconds, Keagen used his Appraisal skill to see if he really was the same level 89 Quad-Elemental mage that he saw at the city's entrance. Jonah did the same to him since he wanted to see an S-ranked adventurer's status.


[Name: Keagen Tarolla]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 41 years old]

[Class: Berserker]

[Level: 71] [XP: 12.999/379.250]

[Skills: Swordsmanship (LVL. 9) • Sword Aura (LVL. 7) • Quick Step (LVL. MAX) • Leadership (LVL. 8) • Quick First Strike (LVL. 8) • Bloodlust Sensing (LVL. 5) • Pain Resistance (LVL. 7) • Unbreakable Will (LVL.6) • Appraisal (LVL. 6) • Warrior Spirit (LVL.9) • Impenetrable Skin (LVL. 6) • Superhuman Senses (LVL. 7) • Superhuman Strenght (LVL. 9) • Superhuman Endurance (LVL. MAX)]

[Magic: None]

[BP: 133.080]


'Damn, this guy is actually strong as hell... No wonder he's an S-ranked adventurer,' Jonah said in his mind.

Now that Keagen had confirmed Jonah was the man he was looking for, his eyes immediately lit up, and he started talking.

"Mr. Jonah, as you've heard, my name is Keagen Tarolla, and I'm an S-ranked adventurer. I've come here today to ask something of you, and in return, I'll do or get whatever it is you need. With my and my family's name, nothing is out of reach. Except what I need you to get for me, that is..." He said.

"Nice to meet you, Keagen. Do you mind waiting just a few minutes? I don't think you've noticed, but I'm in the middle of something here..." Jonah motioned for Keagen to look around.

As Keagen observed what was happening, he finally understood. *cough* "Ah, yes, of course. I'll be waiting on this bench, then."

Turning back towards Frederick, Jonah gestured for him to continue.

"Ahem... Well... I remember that we were on the topic of staffless magic, and you said you could do it, right? I'm sure that Mr. Keagen would also be interested in this." Frederick looked at Keagen with an expectant look.

"Staffless magic? You can do staffless magic, Mr. Jonah?" Keagen asked Jonah before standing up in excitement.

"I'm tired of saying that I can do it, so simply observe," Jonah tiredly said.

With his hands in his pockets, Jonah started casting spells like a madman.

"Earth Magic: Spike Barrage. Ice Magic: Chilly Tornado. Water Magic: Rain of Dragons. Lightning Magic: Electrical Missiles."

All of them were naturally very weak, but they already got the point across.

"REAL STAFFLESS MAGIC? QUAD-ELEMENTALIST? SO YOUNG! A GENIUS! A GENUINE GENIUS!" Frederick began tossing compliments everywhere. Not only him but everyone there was absolutely shocked.

Staffless magic was something of legends. Some chose to believe the tales that ancient wizards managed to refine this technique, while others chose not to, saying that there is no proof. Well, Jonah just showed the proof. Staffless magic was a feat so unimaginable that it actually overshadowed the fact that Jonah was a Quad-Elemental mage.

"Hahahaha! You keep getting more and more amazing, Mr. Jonah!" Keagen laughed out loud in pure happiness.

Not just him, but everyone present was simply bewildered. Even the girl that was one of the Test Examiners, along with Frederick, was shocked.

"How...?" Her jaw was on the floor.

"So, does anyone still not believe me?" Jonah kindly asked, and everyone shook their heads silently.

"Good. Can we proceed with the test, Frederick?" He asked the still dazed man.

"Uh... There's no need for you to continue the test, young man. You've passed already!" Frederick said after a few short seconds.

Naturally, no one opposed this. They had all just seen this young man do staffless magic AND he was a Quad-Elementalist! What more could you ask for? If he was not instantly qualified to being an adventurer, no one was.

"That's great then! Keagen, let's go to The Frozen Gentleman. There we can talk quietly." Jonah motioned for Keagen to follow him before he opened the door and left.

Keagen nodded and followed Jonah through the door.

"Young man! Don't forget to return here in 3 hours to get your Adventurer Card!" Frederick yelled as they left.


It was a completely silent walk all the way from the Adventurers Guild to the Frozen Gentleman Inn, but both Jonah and Keagen didn't mind. Besides the multitude of people who recognized Keagen and ran up to him, Keagen had been mute all along.

They had just arrived at the Inn, and luckily, it was lunchtime.

Jonah took Keagen with him to the eating hall, and both made a plate of food for themselves before they chose an empty table and sat down, facing each other in their chairs.

"So, Keagen, what do you want with me?" Jonah asked as he took a bite out of the big meat on his plate.

"Mr. Jonah, do-" Keagen tried to reply.

"Call me Jonah, please." Jonah was sick of all the Mr. this, Mr. that.

"As you wish. Jonah, do you recognize my last name, Tarolla?" Keagen inquired.

"No." Jonah denied.

Slightly surprised by Jonah's reply, Keagen slightly smiled before continuing. "Well, the Tarolla family is a noble family of the Kingdom of Eflya. Hundreds of years ago, my ancestors helped Danilo Eflyaridge, the founder of the Kingdom of Eflya, fight against the only X-ranked beast in history, the dragon Ouroclox, and defended the newly created kingdom. To repay my ancestors, Danilo Eflyaridge granted my family eternal nobility, turning it into one of the 3 eternal noble families of our kingdom.

Now, with that in mind, you must've already guessed that my family is a target of many threats, attacks, and assassinations. Naturally, we do not slack off either, so most of my family members are strong people with even stronger bodyguards. But, a year ago, my father survived a botched assassination attempt by who we suspect was the Dark Brotherhood and still hasn't woken up. A powerful poison was soaked into the weapon used to hurt my father, powerful enough to leave him unconscious for a year. We have already called several of the Kingdom's best physicians and mages to try and heal my father, but none were able to.

Fortunately, we gained a lead after a level 8 Holy Mage came to our house and examined my father. He said I need the heart of an S-ranked dragon, an SS-ranked herb called Ancestor Thousand-Leaf, and lastly, a liter of unicorn blood. That's the reason why I've been searching for you ever since I had a look at your status yesterday. If you and I work together, we can certainly take down an S-ranked dragon and acquire the rest of the ingredients needed to fabricate the antidote. My family will naturally compensate you for all of your efforts. Land, equipment, coins, whatever you want. So, are you in?" He finished his long monologue.

"Hm... Aren't you an S-ranked adventurer? You must be pretty strong, so why can't you go kill an S-ranked dragon by yourself?" Jonah asked after hearing everything.

"Indeed I am, but it's common sense that a beast requires at least a party of 3 people of the same rank or 1 higher ranked individual to defeat it. An S-ranked dragon would require either an SS-ranked adventurer or 3 S-ranked. I've tried recruiting numerous adventurers to help me, yet every single one refused at the mention of a dragon. Dragons have a very fearsome reputation, but I'm absolutely sure that your power is enough for us to take one down together." Keagen said.

Thinking on his words for a few seconds, Jonah spoke. "Might as well. I don't have anything else to do, so I'll help you. Meet me here in 3 and a half hours for our departure."

"3 and a half hours? Isn't that a bit too early?" Keagen asked in doubt.

"Not at all. If you want my help, be here in 3 and a half hours." Jonah finished eating and got up to leave.

'I really should stop trying to seem cool and leave when I'm clearly not done eating...' he thought.

Stopping time, he grabbed his plate and ate another 2 servings, then unstopped time and returned to his room.

Entering his room, he went to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

After his long hot bath, Jonah dressed and sat down at the edge of his bed.

"I want a pet..." He said out of nowhere. "Should I go search for a pet?... Definitely."

Drying his hair with a snap of his fingers, the already dressed Jonah stood up from his bed.

'I want to teleport in front of the beast that will become my pet.' He thought. Instantly, he was enveloped in white light and disappeared from his room.



Appearing at the peak of the tallest mountain in this world, Jonah quickly noticed that this place was a bit too cold for his liking. Mainly because he was dozens of kilometers high and because there was a blizzard happening.

Willing the blizzard to stop and for his body to warm up, he let out a slight smile after everything was done.

Now able to actually see what was a meter in front of him, he became somewhat shocked at the creature that was staring at him.

In front of him was a gigantic 180 meters tall and 490 meters long beast. With the body and horns of a deer, the head of a dragon, the tail of an ox, and the hooves of a horse, this massive creature stared at Jonah with curious, void black eyes. Some parts of the beast's body, such as the hooves, end of the tail, and the top of the horns, were covered in a beautiful blue fire, which added a lot to its imposing appearance. (look here to see the beast)

Waving his hand towards the beast, Jonah tried to find out if this creature had intelligence.

"Hello there," Jonah waved at the beast.

The beast, seemingly understanding Jonah, lowered its head towards the snowy ground in return.

"Do you understand me?" Jonah asked and received a nod in return.

"Can you talk?" The creature shook its head.

"I'll give you the ability to talk, alright?" The creature quickly nodded, creating powerful gusts of wind.

Granting the friendly beast the ability to speak, Jonah excitedly waited for the creature's first words.

"Greetings." A profound, powerful, and almost ethereal voice entered Jonah's ears

'Damn, that voice is awesome...' Jonah thought.

"Hey. So...do you have a name?" Jonah awkwardly asked.

"I go by Mark." The creature replied with its powerful voice. Every breath that this beast took made the snow on the ground fly and spread while almost blowing Jonah towards the edge of the mountain.

"Are you serious? Look at yourself. Your appearance is insanely majestic, but your name is Mark? Not anymore." Jonah used his omnipotence to simply alter reality and changed Mark's name before he turned back time a few seconds.

"Hey. So...do you have a name?" He repeated the same actions as before.

"I go by Noire." The creature now named Noire replied.

"Sick name. So Noire, do you have some sort of ability that lets you reduce your size? You're currently too big for me to have a normal conversation. If we continue like this, I'm afraid that my neck might start aching." Jonah asked.

"I am afraid I do not," Noire replied.

"Oh, well." Jonah then proceeded to increase his own size. Now he was roughly 180 meters tall and able to have a nice talk with Noire since now their heads were at the same level.

"That's better." Jonah said, "Anyway, Noire, would you like to become my pet? I'm sure that living in this world is quite boring, but if you become my pet, you'll be able to travel to some quite interesting places." He said, being a little too direct.

Staring at Jonah with a gaze that seemed to look into his very soul, Noire was quiet for a few seconds before he replied. "I will only follow the strong. If you are stronger than me, I will gladly become your pet."

"Easy," Jonah said. He then opened his hand in front of Noire and simply created a galaxy on top of it. Then erased it and created a planet. Then a sun. Then a moon. And this continued until Noire completely understood that Jonah was someone even more powerful than the gods he knew.

"I am willing to become your pet, Master." Noire lay on the ground with his head down.

*sigh* "Immediately stop calling me Master. My name is Jonah." He said to the submissive Noire. "Also, I can't have you following me with your current size. If anyone were to see you, they'd think I'm there to destroy their kingdom or something. I'll give you the ability to manipulate your size, so please reduce yourself enough so that you can climb on my shoulders and fit in my palms if they're joined together."

'Oh yeah, I haven't seen Noire's stats yet...' Jonah thought. He then quickly used the Appraisal skill on him.


[Name: Noire]

[Race: Divine Qilin]

[Age: 58,91 billion years old]

[Level: 1039] [XP: 2.000/17.222.180]

[Skills: Water Walking (LVL. MAX) • Flight (LVL. MAX) • Divine Bite (LVL. MAX) • Evil Sensing (LVL. MAX) • Air Walking (LVL. MAX) • Divine Strenght (LVL. MAX) • Divine Speed (LVL. MAX) • Divine Senses (LVL. MAX) • Immortality (LVL. MAX) • Morality Sensing (LVL. MAX) • Luck Bestowal (LVL. MAX) • Blessing Bestowal (LVL. MAX) • Aether Manipulation (LVL. MAX) • (NEW!) All-Speak (LVL. MAX) • (NEW!) Size Alteration (LVL. MAX)]

[Magic: Fire Magic (LVL. MAX) • Water Magic (LVL. MAX) • Holy Magic (LVL. MAX) • Wind Magic (LVL. MAX) • Light Magic (LVL. MAX) • Spirit Magic (LVL. MAX) • Creation Magic (LVL. 1)]

[BP: 101.328.415]


"Holy shit."