
Live Broadcast: Doolittle asks "Hawk Eyes" at The Start

A Black Panel Suddenly Appears in the mind of every intelligent being, Shocking The Pirate World. While A Child who calls himself Doolittle is hosting and claiming to give an opportunity. What is the secret behind this?.... Who Is this Doolittle?....... Is he the real boss or just a cover?..... How big changes will it bring to the story of One Piece? Will this be an opportunity or destruction to the world? ___________________________ [1st World - One Piece - Chapter 1- (In Progress)] [2nd World- Naruto(Maybe Some Other If Plans Change)] ____________________________ Join On Discord: https://discord.gg/VdwahFNF4B ____________________________ I do not own anything except the main character in this fanfiction. ____________________________ Cover from Pinterest(wallpapersmug.com). I don't own it.....Will Change it If needed. ____________________________

hermit03 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs


(1522, The Great Age Of Pirates)

The world was going through its natural ups and downs like always but suddenly something took place which caused a sensation,

Every Living Being with the ability to think got something in their mind.

It was a simple Black Pannel with an Image of an hourglass in which sand was flowing into the downward chamber.

Although this thing was small but had a very big impact on this world as it brought several different types of reactions from many different people,

Marshal Sengoku who was sitting in his office had a frown on his face, after hours of investigating through Marine Braches all over the world and Admiral Kizaru himself, a fact was surfaced which was shocking for even the Five Elders themselves.

Similarly, all the different factions had enough time and were able to determine that this happened all over the world,

The Shier scale of this ability scared many people while Whitebeard was still laughing and shouting, "Sons, Don't worry your FATHER is with you.....hahahahahahaha."

Although there was a tense atmosphere, their Dads words gave them confidence, on the other hand, people like Garp were simply playing with this thing because of their strength nothing could excite them.

On a Desert Island in New Words, Shank's crew simply ignored this and kept drinking while Benn Beckman and Shanks were thinking to themselves.

Different reactions came out of everyone but everyone had one thing in common,

They knew that something big would happen once the sand in hourglass finished and they simply got ready to take anything head one.


Soon the anticipated moment came as the last grain of sand fell and a scene came into place,

Never-ending red walls appeared as it zoomed in more and more until a Child seemingly aged 10-12 floating by himself appeared,

He was wearing regular trousers along with a hoodie which seemed like some modern-day clothes.

Although his clothes seemed off to many people, they were ignored as they matched his good look and black hair.

The young man who had the attention of the whole word opened his mouth while shouting happily with a smile,

{Helooooo and Welcome to the Whole World.....I am Doolittle and it's nice to meet you.....}

The whole world was left dumbstruck as they saw a child appearing in there but no matter they never let off their guard,

Doolittle who knew this still maintained a smile as he reassured,

{You all can relax you know...I am here to give you an opportunity while you grasp it or not is your choice.}

{I won't explain much but show it to you.... let's see how should I start.....hmmm...??}

While the world felt something odd they begin to make assumptions and talks about the opportunity were ignored to some extent but still listened as they had already done all they could.

Doolittle who had thought long suddenly smiled brightly as he snapped his fingers and Hawk Eyes who was in the middle of the sea appeared in front of him while floating in between a blue box.

As he appeared in the blue box, his calm eyes couldn't help but stop for a moment while judging the situation but decide not to fight after the feeling he got from the young man and said, "I know you have no malicious intentions but why have you brought me here?"

Doolittle suddenly thought of something as his finger aimed at Hawk Eyes and a beam left it and before Hawk Eyes could react, entered his head,

The entire world was watching with interest but what they saw next astonished them.

Hawk Eyes calmly opened his mouth and said, "I want this opportunity!"

Doolittle nodded as expected and said, "It's simple, I will show you along with the entire world a little something from the future while asking a question related to that and if you are right I will give this battle to you but if not then you will have to wait for another chance."

Although these words didn't hold much value to anyone now they were waiting for it to be proved as it did and Doolittle disappeared from the panel while another science appeared,


A scene of battle appeared where two people were staring at each other,

One was Admiral Fujitora and the other side was Roronoa Zoro.

Fujitora quietly looked up to Zoro as he said, "Course of this battle is changing, let us postpone our dual for now."

Zoro was in shock while Fujitora circularly waved his sword and a blue circle of rings appeared reaching the sky, he put down his sword and started to leave.

Zoro looked a little unwilling as he was about to shout but suddenly felt something as he looked up and said, "That doesn't look good!"

It was a very large meteorite coming at a high speed towards the island.

Soon marines and pirates were shown shouting and running at each other while Zoro appeared again,

This time his three swords appeared as he jumped toward the meteor and shouted, "The nine mountains and eight seas, constitute one world. A thousand of them form a small chiliocosm. And when I gather and cube that chiliocosm, there's nothing I can't cut. Three Sword's Style Secret Technique: Billion-fold World Trichiliocosm!!!"

By the moment his sword was about to touch the meteorite, the video stopped.


While this video was being played, they understood the powers more and more as they were able to feel pressure and every single thing on the battlefield,

There was a craze going on in the world after seeing such a fight but on the other hand seeing a New Admiral was enough to prove that future would be exciting.

This fact changed the entire course of their thinking as they understood the opportunity,

But some people like the 'Five Elders' didn't like something like this out of their control so all they could do was give orders and wait for Doolittle to speak,

The screen disappeared while the scene of Doolittle and Hawk Eyes appeared,

He didn't wait and directly said, "Now time for the question....and here is the question!!"...he shouted while the world waited to see what could it be.


Will the swordsman be able to destroy the meteorite with this technique?


When the question appeared, it made a point as it represented potential which helped to be strong at such a young age,

While Hawk Eyes simply re-played the scene in his mind again and again,

After a few seconds of thinking, he opened his eyes and spoke slowly, "He won't be able to destroy it completely."

Doolittle made a jump in the air as he clapped just like a child while shouting,

{As expected of Eye of World's Strongest Swordsman... Let us have a look at it then!}


The Scene resumed,

Sword touched the meteorite as a shockwave spread and the meteorite stopped while perfectly breaking into two pieces,

Zoro who saw this frowned and prepared to make his next move but a sword slash came from the side breaking the meteorite into pieces.

He slowly landed while taking the sword in his hands and looked at Hawk Eyes who was showing a smirk,

Hawkeyes then further put the sword back left after saying, "Anything beyond this is after my contract...Let's Go Ghost Girl."

Zoro simply kept staring as the scene turned black.


Of all this, the most shocking thing was the Power Of Mihwak they were able to witness while also seeing him smirk for the first time.

Doolittle waved his wand with a smile and started telling the world about Mihawk's reward,

{Now as a reward for the correct answer, Dracule Mihawk will get a chance to battle Shimotsuki Ryuma.}

{He is a man who came from "Wano Country" in the "New World"!!! Believe it or not, a long time ago he was known as a legendary samurai who killed a dragon!!! And his story is still passed down to this day!!!}

{While also getting the title Of 'Sword God' in his era}

This thing again left everyone dumbstruck while people of Wano county were happier due to the mention of their once guardian.

But the sad thing was the words, Doolittle used as they proved that he is dead.

Now that everything one done Doolittle looked at Hawk Eyes and said, "You will receive an award section in Projection Panel in your mind where you can redeem it when you think you are ready but there is only one chance and I don't think you are ready but still it's your choice at the end"...

Mihawk simply nodded in advice as he disappeared while Doolittle turned to the world again,

{Now, The Trial is over and the real thing beings...hahahhahahahahhaha}

Slowly the panel again tuned black while the world shuddered in fear due to the evil laughter at the end.

It's my first time writing a story so help me with a review also all the suggestions would be appreciated and considered.

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