

"Well-well that's.. a date? " yes a date, I will not be taking no for an answer princess." he said with a wicked smirk plastered on those perfect lips. Are humans supposed to be this attractive? "B-B-But I can't." "Oh whys that, hmm?"

Damn my father would have a literal heart attack if he knew his daughter was going on a date with a human boy. Only I have a small sneaking suspicion he is not just human. Looking into his swirling emerald eyes I could see tiny specks of gold just fighting to reveal those delicious secrets.

Looking at the human he held a powerful aura, one of authority and dominance. If I'm right I'm going to seriously regret my decision of testing out this crazy theory. But oh well, I'm going to provoke him, you know the saying don't poke a sleeping bear, well….yea that's going out the window. Different routes I can go about but, I'm going to do all the routes.

Letting a sly smile play on my lips, I set my stuff on the floor and take a few steps towards him, he still has a knowing smirk set in stone on his face. Well not for long hehe. Placing my hands on either side of his chest I can feel his heat seeping through his clothes into my hands, it feels nice. His face says nothing but being this close I can practically taste his excitement on my tongue. His heart is picking up at an erratic speed at my sudden forwardness. I look up into the dark emerald orbs as the bright gold swims in the depths.

Reaching up on my toes I run my nose along the length of his jaw breathing in his scent as deeply as I can, letting my calming aura surround him to lower his guard for me. Letting out a small sigh I bring my lips to the center of his neck as he swallows hard. I place a gentle kiss on his neck. Lastly, I just need a little taste… quickly darting my tongue out I lick the spot I kissed on his neck.

I can practically taste it, wolf. The dominant aura means he's an alpha. Fuck.

Gently pushing myself off his chest I look at his eyes that are now almost completely gold, for shifters this means their animal side is trying to take over. Smirking at his dazed and pained look, I quickly pick up my books and waste no time rushing away from the wolf. As I walk away over my shoulder I quietly say "next time be careful who you are trying to play with alpha."