

After the run in with the yummy alpha wolf, i managed to avoid so much attention but it is nearly impossible with hair the color of blood. how wonderful, i stand out like a sore thumb. Human classes are rather boring, but some were rather enjoyable, like art and history. the human teenagers were utterly disrespectful, oh how i wish i could shove a serrated knife down their throats, but apparently that is frowned upon in the human world.

It is now the end of the day and i am making my way to the front doors of the school to begin my walk to my condo, i will have to get ready for a ball hosted by the pack. they wish for the siren princess sent by the lykin king to present herself, some wolves are nervous about a siren living among them. I understand as wolves and sirens don't have the best history. But that was fixed by my jackass of a stepfather and the lykin king a couple centuries ago, they had allied themselves to fight the creatures, i was general, it was a bloody battle that lasted too long.

Following the mass of students out the crowded front doors there are giant yellow vehicles parked along the front of the school, i believe they were called trucks? Busses? Not entirely sure honestly. The students climb on different ones but i will be walking thankfully, i do not think i can handle being in another vehicle. i managed to empty my stomach twice in one ride, that poor driver. i was so sick it wasn't even a laughing matter.

as i am walking, i watch as a black vehicle park next to me, the window rolls down to reveal the yummy alpha with a smirk on his face and dark sunglasses over his eyes, "Wah why hide them, they are so pretty." i surprisingly say out loud but oh well, i did after all lick him. I get a deep chuckle from him that has my insides flipping, he removes his sunglasses folding them and putting them and putting them down somewhere next to him. looking back up at me with those emerald gems, the gold flakes are just barely touching the surface.

"Need a ride princess?" "No thank you pupper. I would very much like to walk home." the amusement is evident on his face at the nickname i gave him, his wolf seems to like it since the gold is almost shimmering to the surface. "Well how about i walk you home then?" "Why on earth would you do that when you are already in a vehicle?"

I hear the vehicle shut off and he gets out keys in hand, it makes a rather loud beeping sound, and he flashes me a heart stopping smile, "because princess i would really like to get to know you."

i roll my eyes "fine pupper you can tag along, but no funny business. i have somewhere to be." he nods and walks beside me, a small smile still playing on his lips. "So, princess tell me about yourself. how did you know i was an alpha?" "If you are going to the party or ball or whatever it's called then you'll figure it out yourself. You will not want to get to know me once you figure out, who i am exactly. so, Mr. pupper are you sure you would like to continue walking and conversing with me?"

i look up and his brows are furrowed, and he looks almost lost in his head for a second, but he eventually snaps out of it, his pretty lips are in a line. "It doesn't really matter who exactly you are, i will speak to you."

i nod my head "we'll see." the rest of the walk is set in a comfortable silence. Although I'm not entirely sure how, as the conversation seemed to be tense and awkward. but he just walked slowly beside me every now and then i would feel his gaze land on me, but i ignored it just as i was sure he ignored my lingering eyes.

Finally reaching my condo i say "i would invite you inside but i don't know you well, so instead i will say i shall see you around pupper, have a nice walk back to your vehicle."

He chuckles and his hand lifts up towards my face, and for some reason I'm hoping he touches me. gods what is wrong with me? his fingers graze the side of my cheek. "I'll see you around princess. " and que the wonderful fit of butterflies.