
Limitless: The Evergreen System

The event known as "The Quake" changed the world forever. Rifts, inter-dimensional gateways, opened and let loose magic upon the Earth. Soon followed monsters, mutated animals and fantasy beasts! People imbued with magic, wielding powers akin to mythical heroes, rose up to fight back the stream of horrors, creating a new world order in the process. Many years later, a young man named Alberto Ferantelli will stumble upon an ancient and powerful artifact that could be tied to the origin of the Quake. Now connected to a cosmic force, Alberto has been given a System that allows him to "Level Up" and constantly become stronger! He has the power to become anything, choose any path. What will he do with all the power in the world? What will he become? The possibilities are Limitless!

IP2 · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

The power to change

In a hot and damp hospital room, a rickity ceiling fan was struggling to produce as much as a puff of air. The wallpaper was hanging loosely from its walls and a small television, more than 20 years old, was buzzing away as the noon sun scorched this side of the island. Berto had sat up for the past 30 minutes simply staring at the screen dumbfounded. A Quake.. Not THE Quake but A Quake. The cataclysmic event had come to pass a second time! Images of militaries mobilising, world conferences and Champions being deployed dominated the screen.

Eugenio Ferantelli had fallen asleep on a chair, his upper body resting on his son's feet. Two restless nights had drained the concerned father. He was thin with a balding head of white hair, a thin moustache of the same color and mostly wore plain colored shirts, always neetly tucked in his pants. Berto tried looking outside the closest window and caught a faint glimpse of military activity. He could constantly hear alarms going off in the distance and drills being executed. Like many years ago, the world was once again at war. A war against a cosmic force beyond their compression.. against pocket dimensions filled with nightmares and monsters..

And he.. he was back to being the simple nerd with an affinity for tinkering. Having spent two days in the hospital he went through various stages of denial and grief. Trying to convince himself he was not insane. That Mariah was real. What he experienced was real. His fights, the strength he gained, Manolo and even his crime against the Champion David Nordstrom! That they were real! But he was alone. He could not summon Mariah's voice.. he could not display a status screen. Even all his things from the Rift were confiscated, as if to further push him into doubt and despair!

"My boy.." said Eugenio as he yawned himself awake, patting his son's side lovingly. "You didn't need to stay all night papa.. They said they would let me go home today!" Berto smiled back, grabbing his patting hand. "That's exactly why I stayed! We should go home together! You heard what's going on outside? Rifts opening up everywhere and not enough of those tontos to close them!" Eugenio replied.

Berto chuckled and nodded approvingly. It was always funny to hear his father speaking Spanish through his thick Italian accent. "Go home! I'll pick up some stuff from the apartment and we'll head to mama's school. That's where our designated shelter is remember?". "I know.. I know my boy.. It's just that.. that place has too many bad memories. All this has only made it worse. I won't let anything happen to you! I won't let what happened to Estella hap.." the older man started to well up at those words and Berto pulled him in for a hug. "Nothing is gonna happen to me.. You know what? Go get some coffee at the cafe outside! Ill meet you there and will go together.." Berto offered and Eugenio wiped away his tears, having learnt all his life to hide his emotions, like they were a sign of weakness. He stood up smiling and ruffled his son's hair. Eugenio only had a few discreet ways of saying "I love you" and Berto always thought of that being one of them.

"Oh and Alberto.. There are two men here to see you. They were waiting for you to wake up, they said they're from your work!" said the father as he was exiting the room. Berto gulped, took a breath and gave his consent for the men to enter.

"Good morning Mr. Ferantelli, my name is Silas Greywood and this is my colleague Henry Stine.." said a well articulated and finely clothed man as he sat opposite of Berto. He had first asked permission to sit, which Berto of course gave. Silas was a man of African descent but clearly American in nationality. His clothing, haircut, way of speech and even his maneurisms betrayed good education and a neet personality. He had a buzz cut and a finely trimmed three o'clock shadow of a beard, wore a beautiful black suit highlighted by his tasteful choice in tie and handkerchief. Henry Stine appeared to be of the same persuasion but seemed more as someone who simply followed the dress code and way of carrying himself, as a work requirement. He was Caucasian, brown silky hair combed to the side and a clean shaven face. He had sharp features and a broad build. A very stoic looking man with piercing eyes of blue. He had no tie or handkerchief but sported a rather beautiful looking watch with an amber colored leather strap. He stood next to his sitting associate, making Berto question if they were actually of equal station.

"Um.. what is this about?" Berto finally managed to stutter, trying not to look as intimidated as he felt. "As you may have been informed.." Silas continued, "We operate in the interests of Cerberus Dynamics. We are.. Let's say Superintendents as well as awakened.". Awakened being the more official title for Champions. "We were charged with investigating the incident of Argos and are here to interview you on the matter. You'll be pleased to hear that we have already concluded that your involvement in the matter was non existent, having found evidence and testimonies confirming this. However we must also inform you that the company will no longer be employing you and will not compensate you for the trauma received, physical or otherwise, on the grounds of you being present in a facility you were officially not authorized to be.".

The young man listened, slacked jawed, too scared to counter or argue anything the men had to say. They asked questions regarding the robed man and Berto's experience in the Rift. The engineer answered to the best of his ability, trying to exclude any information about the Evergreen. Stine even told Berto that they considered him an awakened. He wasn't poisoned after being iradiated by mana and was able to survive entering a Rift. They recognised of course his physical limitations but explained that a "weak" awakened was not unheard of. Even these individuals were as hard to come by as champions and made valuable workers for larger groups of Champions as maintenance crew, gatherers, harvesters and so on. Berto knew that this was inaccurate. He knew well enough that the Evergreen was responsible for his survival and not a sudden awakening of sorts.

"See Mr. Ferantelli.. this is where things become.. hazy, I think is the word I'm looking for. Even taking your awakening into consideration and a vast amount of good fortune, your survival still seems unlikely. An underwater environment, infested with mutant creatures and an untrained boy with a weak constitution. If I were to assume you had help from a certain magical item.. let's say.. a horn! That may or may not belong to Cerberus Dynamics Incorporated, would I be correct? And please bare in mind that, returning said item back to its rightful owners would get you into no trouble whatsoever. You were trying to survive, you're no thief.. Right Alberto?". Silas's voice was sure as steel and had a charismatic flair to boot. Berto felt exposed and weak, not knowing what he could possibly say to get out of this. "I.. I have to go to the bathroom!" he said, feeling sick to his stomach. Stine almost stopped him when Silas barred his approach with a movement of his hand.

"What if he tries to bolt?" argued Henry with a troubled expression. "It's ok Stine.. His just a kid, probably scared out of his mind right now. I don't think we're dealing with a damn criminal here. Besides, there are no windows in there. I already checked..". retorted Silas with a confident smirk.

• • •

Berto paced up and down the small bathroom in his hospital gown, swearing up a storm. He felt like a trapped rat in a sinking ship, ready to claw its way out in order to survive! Why was this happening? Hadn't he suffered enough!? The horn.. they thought the horn was some common magical trinket.. or at least powerful enough to allow even someone like berto to survive what he did. But he didn't take it! That wizard bastard was responsible for everything! He activated it and the thing just happened to fuse with Berto instead of him. "Stupid wizard with his stupid ch.. chants..." mumbled the young man and froze in place in realisation. No, surely it couldn't be that simple.. the horn didn't even exist anymore. "What did that weasel say again? Eureka? No.. it sounded like.. tutos.. nika.. wait!". With that Berto jumped in the shower and closed the curtain behind him! He closed his eyes and clenched his fists, struggling against the urge to shout these next words.

"..En Tuto Nika.." Berto chanted and his whole body shone with golden light! Having predicated something like this could happen if his gamble worked, the shower curtain blocked the light from possibly being seen from under the bathroom's door. Berto opened his eyes and felt everything had changed! He stepped out and infront of the mirror. As he leaned against the sink, he noticed with tears gathering at the corners of his eyes, he was an inch taller. He had broader shoulders and a more defined chest. Most of the excess fat in his body was gone and his flabby arms were leaner with fairly toned muscles.

"I.. have.. the power.." Berto said while holding back a laugh, referencing one of his favourite childhood shows.

Mariah: Indeed you do User Berto, welcome back.

Berto had to cover his own mouth to muffle his gasp of suprise and relief. He wasn't crazy. He wasn't crazy...

Mariah: User Berto it is imperative that we discuss the issue of..

"Mariah listen to me there is no time!" Berto interrupted his mediator mentally. "Do I have any free attribute points?" he asked and prayed internally.

Mariah: Affirmative.. Having completed the Side Quest "Escape the Aquatic Railway", you were awarded with enough XP to level up and 2 free attribute points. You have 5 points available for distribution.

"YES!! Yes, ok.. uhm.. 2.. no fuck it! 4! Put 4 points into Charisma!"

Mariah: Are you sure?

"Will it help me avoid a life threatening social encounter?"

Mariah: Most likely..

"Then yes I'm fuckin sure!!" Berto said with desperation and paused as he felt the transformation take effect! Four points at once was a first for him and the difference was intense. He looked at himself in the mirror. He was sharper, more defined, his good features popped out more and his eyes looked more expressive. It was still Berto but somehow he looked.. better. The feeling though, that was the biggest difference. He felt sure. He turned around with no furter delay. Grabbed the bathrobe off the door hangers and wore it to hide the physical difference and walked out, faking frailty of body.

He sat back on his bed and assumed the same position as the two men waited expectantly, Silas wearing a trained smile of politeness and Henry Stine ready to stare down a tiger. "Well Mr. Ferantelli? The.." began Silas when he was abruptly interrupted. "Oh right! The horn! Never touched it.. Not even close.." said Berto with the fluidity of speach and confidence of changed person.

"Sorry, I needed to splash some water in my face to wake up.. Where was I? Oh yeah, so.. Your people.. YOUR people found me half naked on the beach passed out, no horn there.. And the crazy wizard was the only one who came in contact with it before it all went to hell, again according to you! So either the horn is currently so far up my ass that the doctors couldn't find it.."

That last comment almost got a smirk out of Stine right before Silas shook his head disapprovingly and the man assumed his stoic demeanor once more.

"..or maybe.. just maybe.. the damn thing was lost in the Rift or taken by the wizard..". Silas nodded, stunned by the younger man's renewed conviction. "There is no need to get upset Mr. Feran..".

"I have ample need to get upset and every right as well!! I just had the worst 4 days of my life! Literally fought with monsters to survive! And you came here today to fire me on top of that? I slaved away at Cerberus Dynamics for 4 years trying to build a career, just so they can treat me like possible lawsuit? They didn't even cover my hospital bill, which was WITHIN my contract!".

Berto was liking this. For the first time in his life he was pushing back. Not letting someone stomp all over him. The two men looked at eachother surprised but ended up nodded in understanding. "You're right, that was insensitive of me.. I trust what you said is the truth. That leaves me with only one question to ask.." and Silas bent slightly forward, looking inside Berto's eyes as they were actual windows to his soul. "What became of Twin Star, Nordstrom David?".

Berto took a deep breath, never looking away from him until he was ready to answer. "He fought the monster guarding the Rift that lead back home. I took advantage of the distraction and ran.. like a coward. Not a minute goes by where I don't feel like shit for leaving him behind..". Silas nodded slowly. "I believe you.." he said. Silas gave a small gesture to Henry and the bulky man retrieved a plastic evidence bag, containing the survivor's makeshift backpack and all his collected treasures from the Rift. "Consider this as a small token from us..".

• • •

Berto grabbed the coffee offered to him and started walking away with his father. "So the kid was actually telling the truth?" Stine asked while he checked their car before entering. Silas kept watching Berto walk away for an extra minute. "He was.. Stine, assign a Junior Officer to monitor Mr. Ferantelli for a couple of weeks. I think there is something here we're still missing." the man decided and finally turned towards the vehicle, ready to leave.

The father and son pair, rushed to get some clothes and memorabilia from their respective homes. Berto clutched his beloved family photo tight as they approached his old school. Barricades, razor wire, posted soldiers in the entrace patting down any who entered. "Wow they really increased security since I was around. Those elementary kids must have gotten REALLY scary.." Berto jested as they presented their documents to gain entry. Berto had once more assumed his "normal" form, as he called it, just before checking out, at the protest of Mariah. Apparently this was not something a Conduit of the Evergreen could do normally. Once the connection was made it was permanent. The boy's power over his connection perplexed the Collective's representative to no end.

"I wish it were a laughing matter Alberto.. You were little when this happened the first time. I hoped we would never have to experience it again.. Monsters kept crawling out of nowhere these past days.. I was so afraid something had would happen to you.. I kept calling at your work but..".

"I'm here now papa.. Everything is going to be ok.."

The pair found their respective bunks or more accurately where their beds SHOULD have been. After taking the tims to inspect the shelter, Berto was horrified to realise that over the years, the money set aside to collect provisions in case any event to the Quake ever occurred, were embezzled. By school officials? Government officials? Did it matter? The important thing was that the shelter was supposed to actually SHELTER about 300 people and lacked the food, water and bedding to completely do so. The young man offered to help in any way he could and was directed to a man who had apparently been appointed as a leader of sorts. A person that everyone had been looking to for guidance these past three days.

Berto arrived at the wing if the school, now assigned as the Med Bay. He wondered if the leader was a doctor but was soon proven wrong. A pale, sickly person on a hospital bed gave directions to some engineers, who were probably also here for shelter, on how to repair the emergency power generator.

"Mr. Guevera!?" the young man gasped as he looked upon his mentor. Manuel smiled back as the men left to complete their work. "Hola Niño.." he replied with a relieved but weak voice.

No update tomorrow in order to keep ahead in my schedule. It's been a very rough week at work.. Should be just fine starting Sunday! Already started on chapter 12! Thanks for reading and supporting Limitless. Toodles!!

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