
Lights Out: First Contact

Trigger Warning, Some Villains and other characters within this piece of fiction do not reflect the IRL views of the author, and This Novel Will contain very extreme themes, Which Incudes Extreme Violence, Gore, Torture, and Corse language. Will feature Adult Themes through out, sometimes making light of great trauma. WILL NEVER INCLUDE NTR. In "Lights Out: The Reset," humanity's last remnants grapple with a devastated Earth, after the great war causing many losses to civilization, braving bleak realities in a grim dark science fiction tale brimming with tension and gallows humor. In the backdrop of this desolate wasteland, where survival is a daily struggle, a poignant romance subplot adds a glimmer of warmth and human connection, offering a contrast to the pervasive darkness of their world. Characters find solace and hope in one another, their bonds deepening as they navigate treacherous landscapes and confront their inner demons. Their relationships blossom amidst the ruins, becoming a beacon of resilience and love in the face of adversity. One problem still remains, the others want whats theirs, and to protect the status quo that has served them for the last few generations. The unpredictable arrival of an alien entity sends ripples through the storyline, providing a catalyst for change and upending the survivors' fight for a better future. As earth's downtrodden engage in this formidable alliance, "Lights Out: The Reset" not only explores the battle for planetary rebirth but also captures the essence of human intimacy in a time where every moment could be their last.

TheGoreForce · Romance
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13 Chs

Chapter 11: UDA Completes a Bunker

Trigger Warning, Some Villains and other characters within this piece of fiction do not reflect the IRL views of the author, and This Novel Will contain very extreme themes, some actions will not make logical since because of the character's psychosis; some of these characters will try to logically rationalize the irrational. Which Incudes Extreme Violence, Gore, Torture, and Corse language. Will feature Adult Themes through out, sometimes making light of great trauma.

 There is no Intentional subtext to suggest any of the characters political, or worldview is reflected by the Author some characters are to be driven by chaos. In this post apocalyptic, wasteland. 


Chapter 10 summary

In the heart-pounding Chapter 10 of "Lights Out: The Reset," Miranda Hughes presents a ground-breaking advertisement for survival bunkers that combine luxury with unprecedented safety. The bunkers boast capabilities like withstanding nuclear warheads and direct explosions—innovations stemming from the promising Project Q. The ad showcases the bunker's opulent amenities: billiards tables, large-screen TVs, and spacious living accommodations fitted with state-of-the-art security systems monitored by Dexter, the advanced AI model. The inclusion of an infirmary, hydroponic gardens, and a VIP area heightens the allure of these underground sanctuaries.

Skeptical yet hopeful, David Hughes and Arnold Cosworth join Miranda in scrutinizing the nuances of the advertisement, emphasizing the importance of targeting affluent clients. As the story unfolds, the team witnesses a monumental test of Project Q's Alpha 2 phase, where deactivated missiles are used to simulate and counteract a nuclear threat, showcasing the potential of their defense technology to safeguard lives.

The chapter reaches a crescendo as Arnold, the eccentric head of research, initiates the test of their cutting-edge missile neutralization system. Turrets armed with pulse lasers rise, aiming at the incoming projectiles not with destructive force, but with precision defense, demonstrating their promise of total safety against the backdrop of a nuclear wasteland. The high-stakes test brings hope and the potential for success as the trio braces against the impending impact, knowing that the outcome could redefine security

Chapter 11: ​

I meet with Arnold in one of the family tower's conference rooms, its glass walls offering a panoramic view of the city below. Arnold's got the blueprints for Mr. Rockfellow's bunker spread out on the table, and we both lean over them, examining the details. The bunker's design is intricate, a testament to modern engineering. I trace the lines with my fingers.

"This is one hell of a project, Arnold," I say, my voice filled with admiration. "The reinforced walls, the state-of-the-art filtration system, the self-sustaining power supply... it's a marvel."

Arnold nods, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "It's a challenge, Dave, no doubt about it, but I have full confidence in your abilities… Man." Takes a slow drag from his smoke leaf pipe. "You're the best foreman we've got, and I know you'll make sure everything's done to perfection... man!"

We discuss the specifics of the construction, from the materials to be used to the timeline for completion. Arnold's got a knack for the technical aspects, and I find myself learning a thing or two from him as we go over the plans. By the time we're finished, I'm more than ready to tackle the project head-on.

Before I set off to begin the preparations for the volcanic tunnel redirection, I make a point to stop by the front desk to see Belle. She greets me with a warm smile, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite foreman," she says, her Brooklyn accent thick and inviting. "What brings you by, Davy?"

I lean against the desk, enjoying the banter. "Just thought I'd stop by and see my favorite receptionist before I head out. I've got a big job ahead of me, and I could use a little good luck."

Belle winks at me, her smile widening. "Well, consider yourself lucky, then. I've got a feeling everything's gonna go just fine."

We chat for a few more minutes, the playful flirtation a welcome distraction from the task ahead. But eventually, I know it's time to get to work. With a final wave to Belle, I head out, my mind already focused on the job at hand.

Back in my office, I spread out the blueprints for the volcanic tunnels, studying them with the intensity of a surgeon preparing for a complex operation. The tunnels are a labyrinthine network, a testament to the raw power of nature, and I examine the intricate patterns.

I make a few notes on the blueprints, marking potential problem areas and brainstorming solutions. I've got a team of top-notch engineers and workers at my disposal, but I know that the success of this project will ultimately rest on my shoulders. And I'm more than ready to shoulder that responsibility.

With the blueprints annotated, I pick up the phone and dial the number for the robotics department. The line rings a few times before a gruff voice answers.

"Robotics, this is Joe."

"Joe, it's David," I say, my voice firm and authoritative. "I need you to send over a team of robots, along with a crew of workers. We've got a big job ahead of us, and I want the best of the best."

Joe assures me that he'll have the team ready and waiting, and I hang up the phone, feeling a sense of satisfaction. The wheels are in motion, and there's no turning back now.

I head out to the site, the blueprints tucked under my arm, and find the team of robots and workers already assembled. They're a motley crew, a mix of human and machine, but I know they're the best at what they do.

I give the orders, my voice clear and confident, and watch as the team springs into action. The robots, sleek and efficient, move with a precision that's almost eerie, while the workers, clad in protective gear, follow close behind, their tools at the ready.

I watch as the team gets to work, the sound of drills and hammers filling the air. The robots move with a grace that's almost unsettling, their metallic limbs glinting in the harsh light of the volcanic tunnel. The workers, their faces covered in soot and sweat, move with a determination that's just as impressive.

I move among them, offering words of encouragement and checking on their progress. I can see the strain in their eyes, the exhaustion that comes from working in such harsh conditions, but I also see the determination. They know what's at stake, and they're just as committed to this project as I am.

As the day wears on, I find myself lost in the work. There's a rhythm to it, a cadence that's almost soothing. The sound of the drills, the clang of metal on metal, the low hum of the robots... it's a symphony of sorts, a testament to the power of human ingenuity and determination.

I take a moment to step back, to survey the progress we've made. The tunnels, once a chaotic labyrinth, are starting to take shape. The walls are reinforced, the floors stabilized, and the path forward is clear. It's a far cry from where we started, and can't help but feeIl a sense of pride.

As I watch the foundation take shape, The volcanic tunnels, once a chaotic maze, are now a testament to human ingenuity and determination. The square cut-out within the earth is smooth, the natural base rock of granite providing a solid foundation for our work.

I turn to my crew, a mix of humans and robots, and give the order to begin the next phase. "Alright, team," I say, my voice firm and confident. "Let's start assembling the bunker."

The robots move with a precision that's almost uncanny, their metallic limbs working in tandem as they lift and place the heavy panels. The crew follows close behind, securing the panels in place with a series of bolts and welds. The sound of metal on metal echoes through the tunnels, a symphony of progress and determination.

As the bunker begins to take shape, Miranda's ad did it justice, but seeing it in person is something else entirely. The walls are thick and reinforced, designed to withstand even the most powerful of blasts. The air filtration system is state-of-the-art, capable of scrubbing the air clean of any contaminants. And the power supply, a self-sustaining system that harnesses the power of the volcano itself, is a marvel of modern engineering.

I move among the crew, offering words of encouragement and checking on their progress. The robots continue their work, their movements fluid and precise. The crew, their faces covered in soot and sweat, work tirelessly, their tools a blur of motion.

As the day wears on, I find myself lost in the work. The rhythm of the drills, the clang of metal on metal, the low hum of the robots... it's a symphony of sorts, a testament to the power of human ingenuity and determination.

I take a moment to step back, to survey the progress we've made. The bunker, once a blueprint on a page, is now a reality. The walls are up, the floors are in place, and the various systems are being installed with precision. It's a far cry from where we started. Without the crew of 1000 robots and hundreds of human 'manager' workforce, this project would have taken another company about 2 years to finalize,,, this project will be done in a week.

The biggest hurdle we still have is the massive cost of logistics to get everything into these remote locations. So much fuel and energy it still takes, and is very time consuming. Perhaps I may need to get a team that would help organize a new way to set up a more efficient logistics system for UDA.

"I should get with Jodie on that so that we can enable our recruiters to begin doing the job ad for the new rules within UDA, as well as internally." I said to myself, gaining a new sense of determination. I brush off my chest, adjusting my Hi-vis Jacket.

I turn to my crew, their faces a mix of exhaustion and determination. "Good work, team," I say, my voice filled with genuine admiration. "We're making real progress here."

As I watch the final touches being put in place. This bunker, a testament to modern engineering and human ingenuity, is a sight to behold. I take one last walk through the structure, my boots echoing on the reinforced floors, as I admire the various features that make this bunker truly unique.

First up is the armory, a room designed with security and functionality in mind. The walls are lined with racks of weapons, each one meticulously cleaned and maintained. The air is thick with the scent of gun oil, a testament to the importance we place on being prepared for any situation. I run my fingers along the cool metal of a rifle, feeling the weight of responsibility that comes with this line of work.

Next, I move on to the CCTV room, a hub of technology that serves as the eyes and ears of the bunker. The walls are covered in screens, each one displaying a different view of the surrounding area. The AI system, a marvel of modern technology, is constantly monitoring the feeds, alert for any potential threats. I watch as the screens flicker and change, the AI's algorithms working tirelessly to keep us safe.

I make my way to the kitchen and cafeteria, a place designed to provide sustenance and comfort in times of crisis. The kitchen is state-of-the-art, equipped with the latest appliances and stocked with enough supplies to last for months. The cafeteria is spacious and inviting, the tables and chairs arranged in a way that encourages conversation and camaraderie. I can almost smell the aroma of freshly cooked meals, a reminder of the simple pleasures that make life worth living.

As I take one final look around, I notice the cameras placed strategically throughout the bunker. The AI system is not only monitoring the outside world but also keeping a watchful eye on the inside. It's a comforting thought, knowing that we're being looked after, that our safety is paramount.

I walk through the bunker one last time. This place, a testament to human resilience and determination, is a symbol of hope in a world filled with uncertainty. And as I step out into the harsh light of the volcanic tunnel, I know that we've created something truly special. Something that will stand the test of time, a beacon of hope in a world that so desperately needs it.

With a final nod to my crew, I make my way back to the surface, my mind already focused on what is next. The world may be filled with challenges, but I know that with hard work, determination, and a little bit of luck, there's nothing we can't overcome.

And as I step out into the fading light of day/ The future may be uncertain, but with places like this bunker, I know that we're ready for whatever comes our way. And that's a feeling worth fighting for. I head to the helicopter ready to take flight.