
Lights Out: First Contact

Trigger Warning, Some Villains and other characters within this piece of fiction do not reflect the IRL views of the author, and This Novel Will contain very extreme themes, Which Incudes Extreme Violence, Gore, Torture, and Corse language. Will feature Adult Themes through out, sometimes making light of great trauma. WILL NEVER INCLUDE NTR. In "Lights Out: The Reset," humanity's last remnants grapple with a devastated Earth, after the great war causing many losses to civilization, braving bleak realities in a grim dark science fiction tale brimming with tension and gallows humor. In the backdrop of this desolate wasteland, where survival is a daily struggle, a poignant romance subplot adds a glimmer of warmth and human connection, offering a contrast to the pervasive darkness of their world. Characters find solace and hope in one another, their bonds deepening as they navigate treacherous landscapes and confront their inner demons. Their relationships blossom amidst the ruins, becoming a beacon of resilience and love in the face of adversity. One problem still remains, the others want whats theirs, and to protect the status quo that has served them for the last few generations. The unpredictable arrival of an alien entity sends ripples through the storyline, providing a catalyst for change and upending the survivors' fight for a better future. As earth's downtrodden engage in this formidable alliance, "Lights Out: The Reset" not only explores the battle for planetary rebirth but also captures the essence of human intimacy in a time where every moment could be their last.

TheGoreForce · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: The test

Trigger Warning, Some Villains and other characters within this piece of fiction do not reflect the IRL views of the author, and This Novel Will contain very extreme themes, some actions will not make logical since because of the character's psychosis; some of these characters will try to logically rationalize the irrational. Which Incudes Extreme Violence, Gore, Torture, and Corse language. Will feature Adult Themes through out, sometimes making light of great trauma.

 There is no Intentional subtext to suggest any of the characters political, or worldview is reflected by the Author some characters are to be driven by chaos. In this post apocalyptic, wasteland. 


Chapter 9 Summary 

In "Lights Out: The Reset," the Umbral Defense Agency (UDA) is a family business that specializes in installing bomb bunkers for the ultra-rich. CEO Jodie Hughes, a young and sheltered woman, is determined to make the technology affordable and accessible to everyone. However, her plans are disrupted when she is kidnapped and tortured by a cult led by the fearsome Butcher, who serves the dark deity Shax.

In Chapter 9, the cult prepares for a communion with Shax, tending to Jodie's wounds so that she can fulfill her destined role. The Butcher draws a summoning circle and calls upon the elements of fire, water, air, and earth to commune with the spirit of Shax. As the cultists chant, the warehouse is filled with a palpable energy, and an aspect of Shax appears before them.

The Butcher tells Shax of their capture of Jodie and their plans to use her to shape the destiny of mankind. Shax instructs them to tend to her wounds just enough so that she needs help coming to terms with her new reality, then drop her in a ditch and contact the UDA anonymously about her location. The cult follows these orders, and Jodie is left to be found by her family and colleagues.

As the cult waits for the chaos to unfold, the Butcher reflects on the power of their rituals and the loyalty of their followers. They believe that their communion with Shax and their manipulation of Jodie will bring them one step closer to their ultimate goal.

Chapter 10

The scene unfolds with Miranda, her eyes sparkling with pride, as she unveils her latest advertisement for the survival bunker to Arnold and Dave. She boasts about the bunker's new capabilities, claiming it can now shield the user's property from nuclear warheads and withstand the direct impact of an explosion. A double-whammy. Thanks to project Q's likely success. Their eyes where focused on the presentation.

The advertisement commences with an aerial view of the bunker, revealing it to be the latest addition to Mr. Rockfellow's collection, complete with his personalized touches. The camera then pans inside, showcasing a billiards table nestled in the heart of the main living room, accompanied by a plush couch and an impressive 77-inch TV mounted on the opposite wall.

Dave, ever the critic, interrupts, questioning the choice of a flat TV over a projector. Miranda, unruffled, simply responds, "that's what they wanted."

As the tour progresses, they reveal several rooms lined with bunk beds, each equipped with full-sized mattresses. This area, labeled as the guest corridor, is touted as one of the safest spots in the bunker.

Next, they highlight a room with three bunk beds, divided into two sections. This space, marked as 'staff', is furnished with TVs, a fridge, a freezer, and a central table.

Dave, always the observant one, notes, "Each room has cameras." Arnold, with a nod, affirms this, explaining that each camera is connected to the mainframe and is programmed to alert Dex, the bunker's AI, if anything unusual occurs involving the inhabitants. He goes on to praise Timothy's work in setting up the training algorithm for the AI, emphasizing the challenge of distinguishing between an attack and intimate moments during the early stages of development.

The tour then moves to the common cafeteria, fitted with eight tables and benches atop a concrete floor, one of the few areas adorned with rugs, reserved only for the owner's suite and VIP bunks.

The next stop is the kitchen, where robots are at work, preparing to cater to the needs of the residents and their pets.

The model, with her stunning looks, remarks on the bunker's spaciousness, boasting approximately 3,500 square feet and a lower level housing the master bedroom, armory, and mainframe where the local Dexter AI model operates.

The final spot showcased is the bathroom, complete with communal baths and private showers, four in total. The communal bath is equipped with jets designed to massage the occupants' backs.

As we continue with the tour, the camera pans to the gym area equipped with state-of-the-art exercise machines and free weights. "This is where residents can maintain their physical health and sanity during extended stays," I explain, watching as Arnold nods in approval.

We can't show you this, the host said, this is for the security and is the heart of the whole thing, behind these doors are where your security personal are stationed and debriefed. If you so choose to debrief them there.

Next, we showcase the infirmary, fully stocked with medical supplies and an examination table. "In case of injuries or illnesses," Dave notes, his voice reflecting a mix of awe and discomfort at the thought of being trapped underground.

The hydroponic garden is the another stop on our video tour, a lush oasis filled with a variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. It's a testament to sustainable living in the face of catastrophe. "Fresh produce for the inhabitants," Arnold comments, a hint of envy in his voice at the luxury of such a facility.

As we step into the VIP area, I can't help but feel a sense of pride swelling within me. This is where the true luxury lies, a sanctuary within a sanctuary. I gesture towards the three bedrooms, each equipped with queen-sized mattresses and 60-inch TVs mounted on the walls. The models follow my lead, highlighting the bookshelves filled with an array of board games, rule books, fiction, and non-fiction titles.

"This is where our VIP guests can truly unwind," I explain, my voice echoing with confidence. "Whether it's losing themselves in a captivating novel, strategizing over a board game, or simply enjoying their favorite show, we've ensured that there's no shortage of entertainment."

The camera then cuts to a clip of a nuclear explosion, a stark reminder of the reality we're preparing for. The stark contrast between the luxury of the VIP area and the desolate aftermath of the explosion is a powerful selling point, one that I'm certain will resonate with our audience.

Next, we move on to the master bedroom. It's a sight to behold, with its pillared frame and blue screen at the top, a design choice made more for aesthetics than functionality. I can't help but admire the vintage stereo system and vinyl record player nestled beside the bed. It's a touch of nostalgia in an otherwise modern and high-tech space.

At the foot of the bed, there's a small couch placed in front of a wall-mounted TV. Below it, a finely carved wooden coffee table adds a touch of elegance to the room. I can almost picture the future occupant of this room, lounging on the couch, sipping a cup of coffee, and watching the news, safe and secure in their underground haven.

To the right of the TV, there stands a fridge, and a chest freezer, to which stores food for the potentially long nuclear winter.

Then there was small stove, and other small miniature versions of kitchen appliances. Similar in the way small 35 foot yacht's kitchen would have. And a deployable bot to help with various kitchen tasks if help is needed.

To the left of the TV was a makeup desk for the Mis'. and farther left, was the computer monitor that is connected to dexter's mainframe. With him the entertainment and security will be endless. New games, new movies and other things will continue to be updated there, until the worst happens. So there is an automatically growing source of entertainment tied into the bunker.

As we continue the tour, I find myself growing more and more confident in our product. This isn't just a bunker; it's a home, a sanctuary, a testament to human resilience and ingenuity. And as we showcase each feature, each room, each carefully thought-out detail, I can't help but feel that we're not just selling a product; we're offering a chance at survival, a chance at a future. And that's a message I'm proud to deliver.

I switch off the TV, taking in their pleased expressions. "So, what's the verdict? How do you think this ad will perform?"

Dave chuckles, "I gotta say, it reminds me of those yacht tour videos I used to watch online. These bunkers are pure luxury, and you've really highlighted that with this clip. Now, we do need to consider if we can secure the practical market, the ones who don't have 'fuck you' money."

Arnold interjects, "Dave, those clients yield low margins. They probably won't even be able to cover the costs of research and development for their bunkers. We should stick to targeting the wealthy and the obscenely wealthy. Otherwise, we might waste a lot of time and resources without much return."

I nod in agreement, "Arnold's right. Our current approach is sustainable. However, in the near future, we won't even need money to produce these bunkers. That's when we'll be able to help those who aren't as fortunate as us." Knowing that we are soon to start mining operations with the use of dexter and his bots. Securing first the resources that are used to construct these robots. Aluminum, Lithium, steel, sand, and other materials more or less precious.

Dave lets out a sigh, "Well, the future's looking bright then. Let's keep focusing on the high-end market for now and ensure our product remains unparalleled in the industry. We're not just selling bunkers; we're offering a chance at survival and a glimpse of the good life, even in the face of adversity."

Arnold grins, "Indeed, we're providing a sanctuary, a testament to human resilience and ingenuity. And as long as people see the value in that, we'll continue to thrive."

I smile, feeling a sense of pride, "That's the spirit. Now, let's get back to work. We've got more lives to secure and a better future to build."

* * *

As I look around the test site, I can't help but feel a strong sense of pride. The robots and human workers are working together in perfect harmony, putting the final touches on Project Q's Alpha 2 test. The thought crosses my mind, "If this were to work, we will be able to save many lives."

Arnold nods firmly, his eyes fixed on the holovision display as he presses a few buttons. "My thoughts exactly. Shame Jodie will miss the test."

I pause for a moment, considering the situation. "Well, someone had to get the go-ahead. And we wanted to do the test as soon as possible. I mean, we could delay and postpone the test until we all could be here?"

David's gaze drifts towards the heavens, "I don't want to delay Mr. Rockfellow's bunker. He's liable to put the squeeze on us. Meaning our margins might sink, and that's no good."

I nod in agreement, "Yes, the Rockfellows certainly have a way of asserting their influence. I'm not sure I could have handled that negotiation as skillfully as you did." I reach out and place my hand on David's shoulder. "It's my turn next to smooth things over with the next contract. Thanks to his selection, we had a reason to render the ad. As we created the CAD blueprints needed, using those as a foundation for the 3D models, we went ahead and utilized green screen and elaborate special effects to bring it to life." I gesture towards the hologram, smiling. "I believe this is going to be an incredibly successful campaign!"

"It certainly will be!" Arnold exclaims, pounding his chest. "Now, there are a few matters I need to attend to in solitude. Go make yourselves useful elsewhere, my friends." He pulls a joint of smoke-leaf from his pocket, lights it up, and takes a seat. The monitor from a peculiar box, labeled Dex, glows as he begins to scrutinize the screen, deciphering symbols he has created himself.

As we approach the missile installation site, I can't help but marvel at the sight. "Look at those tiny space rockets, Davey," I say, squinting my eyes to get a better view. Each silo is neatly aligned in rows, and I count them aloud, "One, two, three... fifty in total. Can you believe it?"

David chuckles and shakes his head. "Always the businesswoman, aren't you, Miranda?"

I flash him a grin. "You know me. Always thinking about the next big thing."

As we get closer, I can see the team of engineers and technicians buzzing around each silo. "These missiles are something else, Davey. Did you know they can shed 100 Tsar-bomb equivalent warheads?" I pause for dramatic effect. "And they're disarmed, of course. The only thing that makes them fun is the solid rocket fuel."

David nods. "Yeah, and they'll fire the wrong way initially, but the guidance system will make sure they reach their target."

We continue to watch the team work, and I can feel the excitement building in the air. "This is it, Davey. The moment we've been waiting for. The test is almost here, and we might witness something historic."

David looks at me, his eyes shining with anticipation. "I know. It's crazy to think about."

I clap my hands together. "Alright, let's go check in with the team and make sure everything is good to go."

We walk over to the lead engineer, who is busy checking a clipboard. "How's it looking, Tony?" I ask, peering over his shoulder.

Tony looks up and smiles. "We're in the green, Miranda. Everything is ready for the test."

I pump my fist in the air. "Yes! This is it, people. Let's make history."

As the team begins the final preparations, I can't help but feel a sense of pride. This is what we've been working towards, and I know it's going to be a game-changer. I glance over at David, who is watching the activity with a look of awe on his face. "You ready for this, Davey?"

He looks at me and grins. "Ready as I'll ever be."

* * *

Everything is starting to buzz alive around me, a weird exhaust smoke billowing in the distance, steam rising from the ground. I can't help but wonder if it's just a smoke machine, adding to the theatrics of the moment. I step between Arnold and Dave, wrapping my arms around them, and wink at the boys. "We are almost ready, aren't we?"

Dave grins, looking at one of the turret structures beginning to spin up, becoming armed. "Yep," he says, his eyes reflecting the bright blue light emanating from the base of the turret. "They seem to always surprise."

I glance at Dave, then at the various turrets lighting up and buzzing alive. The base of the turret begins to glow a bright blue light, the chassis emitting a thin smoke. To the side of the turret, I notice a cable attached to something that looks like a wench, or heavy-duty fishing reel.

"Let's hope there isn't any surprise this time, unless you expect it to fail..."

"T-minus 10 seconds," Dexter announces through the various speakers in several languages, ensuring that everyone present, no matter their origin, understands the countdown. People are scrambling around, hastily cleaning and organizing, making sure any pathway that would lead to safety is free of obstruction.

I turn to Dave, a mischievous grin spreading across my face. "Are you ready for the fun?" The high-pitched squeaks begin to happen as they apply pressure to the strong spring steel within the contraptions.

Arnold chuckles, his eyes never leaving the turrets. "Oh, I'm always ready for a little fun, Miranda."

Dave just watches the whole business going on. Eyes wide, mouth agape, his hi-vis jacket cutting into the drab grey brown scorched earth desert. "Boy, these tests gets my heart pumping! I hope it doesn't fail!"

Arnold with his classic hoody with painted on lab-coat look and goggles, that has many uses for the wearers vision.. "Failure is a success in my book," he lets out a long heavy sigh. "Head up, and stay attentive!"

I can feel the anticipation building in the air, the energy around us crackling like electricity. The countdown continues, and I find myself holding my breath, waiting for the moment that will change everything. "Here we go," I murmur, my heart pounding in my chest.

My heart pounded in my chest like a jackhammer as the final seconds of the "T-Minus One" countdown ticked away. My eyes were glued to the rockets, their warheads packed with unimaginable destruction, as they roared to life and shot up into the sky in a synchronized ballet of death.

Arnold, standing next to me under the safety of the metal canopy, let out a wild cackle. "Showtime, Mira baby! Time for our turrets to get in on the fun!"

David's face turned a shade paler, but he kept his gaze fixed on the scene unfolding above us. The turrets, equipped with pulse lasers and steady beams, rose up like robotic snakes, their power cords trailing behind them. They climbed to a dizzying height, then unleashed a dazzling display of colors—purple, green, and magenta—that zeroed in on the hatch designed to release the nuclear payload.

I couldn't help but feel a shiver of awe, mixed with a healthy dose of terror, as I watched the lethal spectacle. "You know, Arnold," I said, my voice strained, "those lasers pack enough punch to vaporize a small building. One slip-up, and we're all fried."

Arnold's eyes gleamed with a wild light. "But that's the beauty of it, Mira! We've engineered them to be precise, to hit their targets with surgical accuracy."

As if on cue, the warheads separated from the missiles, hurtling towards us at breakneck speed. My heart skipped a beat, but I forced myself to keep my cool. Arnold mentioned before that most energy weapons wouldn't be able to penetrate the armored material of the missiles at such velocity," I said, more to reassure myself than anything else.

David, his voice quivering, spoke up. "Yeah, but these aren't your run-of-the-mill missiles, Mira. They're carrying the world's deadliest weapons. Each one is capable of leveling a city, of wiping out entire populations in the blink of an eye."

I nodded, my throat parched. "And that's why we're here, David. To show the world that our defense systems can neutralize even the most catastrophic attacks. To give people a glimmer of hope in the face of total annihilation."

One by one, the warheads touched down in their designated spots, the ground shaking beneath us. I clung to the canopy, my knuckles white as bone, as I prayed that our demonstration wouldn't become our death sentence.

Nuclear weapons, the epitome of mankind's destructive prowess, were a terrifying reality. Each warhead contained a miniature sun, capable of turning a bustling metropolis into a desolate wasteland in a matter of seconds. The sheer power of these weapons was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, a stark reminder of the delicate balance between life and death.

As the warheads descended, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me. "This is it," I murmured, my heart pounding in my ears. "This is the moment of truth."

Arnold, his eyes alight with a wild energy, let out a maniacal laugh. "This is it, Mira… MAN! The moment we show the world what we're made of!"

David, his face pale as a ghost, whispered a silent prayer. "Please, let this god forsaken thing work," he pleaded, his voice barely audible.

The warheads touched down with a thunderous crash, each alarmingly close, causing the ground to shake beneath us. I clung to the armored, temporary building; looks like a super version of those construction worker mobile offices, my heart in my throat, as I prayed that our demonstration wouldn't become our end.

In that moment, as the world seemed to hold its breath, I realized just how fragile our existence truly was. One wrong move, one miscalculation, and it could all be over in an instant. But I also realized something else—the power of hope, the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. And it was that hope, that resilience, that I clung to as the warheads settled into place, their deadly cargo poised to either usher in a new era of security or bring about our untimely end.

In the end, we need to analyze the results, and report our findings to the rest of the R&D, I thought to my self. Thinking, hoping, pondering, "WAS this a success!?"