
Chapter 7 The Morning After

I woke up to feel intense pain in my head, it felt like someone was taking a screw driver and drilling a hole into it I never want to drink again. I realized what woke me up was my alarm, my eyes still not open yet.

"Nnnnn turn it off it's too early" a raspy voice said.

If I wasn't awake before I was now, I sat up so fast that I caused my head to ach even more, I grabbed it and turned to the direction of the noise, which was in the bed next to me, which was Nick half asleep on his stomach, muzzle buried into the pillow and he was naked. I then looked down at myself to see I was naked too, my ears went flat and my eyes grew wide Oh sweet cheese and crackers.

" Carrots turn it off" he whined as he put the pillow on top of his head and wrapped it tightly around it.

"Yea Judy some of us are are trying to sleep!, you two were so loud last night that we barely got any!"

" Oh shut up Pronk all she does work! It's good thing she's finally doing something fun!"

My whole body went completely red at there comments.

"Oh shut up!"

"You shut up!"

I quickly dashed over to my desk to turn off my alarm. I turned around to look at the fox in my bed, my emotions where coming in all at once and I didn't know how to deal with the situation I was in right now. I quickly put on my underwear, a random tank top, and pair leggings ran out the door. I didn't even make it down the block when I started wobbling and I had to hold onto to a lamp post just to keep me from falling down, my head was hurting more now. Ok stupid move note for the future never run with a hangover ever, I gritted my teeth and held my head as I dragged my self to sit on the bus spot bench next to the lamp post. I leaned my head back and covered my eyes Oh sweet cheese and crackers what did we do last night, I know what we did and I know I have strong feeling for him it's just... it's just...I thought we would go on a date first at least. After a few minutes of sitting there and making sure I wasn't dizzy anymore I got up and started walking back to my apartment to face the reality of what happen last night.

I slowly opened my door so I wouldn't wake Nick but I don't think it would anyways, the reynard wasn't exactly a morning mammal and was a very sound sleeper, I literally had to drag him out bed mostly every morning to get him to get ready for work and I was right he didn't budge at all as I sneaked into the room and got my uniform along with my bath stuff and headed over to the aparment bathroom to take a shower and since it was still really early and no one was up yet I didn't have to wait.

I usually go out and jog when I first wake up then take a shower but given circumstances that wasn't happening today,the hot water felt really good on my face and helping numb the pain a little but I began too noticed soreness coming from my lower back and vaginal area, I'm not a virgin anymore I stood staring at the wall in daze, I quickly shook it off and finished washing myself. By the time I got out and got dress it was 6 And I went down stairs into the shared apartments kitchen to make coffee, I needed to hydrate and needed caffeine to get rid of my hangover and to stay awake, I had enough time to pick something up before I woke up Nick, after I finished my cup I went outside to do quick errand.

When I got back it was 7, I was holding Nick's uniform and two coffees which one was half drinken already. I sighed as I stood in front of the door, it felt like forever until I finally did open it and saw that state of my apartment. Clothes and scattered all over the floor along with my stuff animals that usually sat on my bed that was obviously pushed off last night with my partner stretched across the bed naked. I put the stuff on the desk and went over to wake him up.

" Hey slick wake up its morning we have to go to work" I shook him.

He groaned and turned over trying ignore me and I was in no mood to deal with this morning.

" Nick if you don't wake up right now I'm ethier going to dump a bucket of ice water on you or drag you out this bed by your tail take your pick" I said in a no nonsense tone.

Believing my warning he sat up holding his head with his eyes crunched.

" What time is it?" he asked rasply.

" 7, we have go to work in a hour"

" Crap I'm not going to have enough time to get home to change and shower."

" Took care of that and got you coffee" I pointed to his uniform and his coffee on my desk.

He looked at my desk then back at me and gave me a look that said when did you do that.

"Do you honestly don't remeber my alarm ringing? I wake up early remember" I said with a eyebrow raised.

I got out closer to my door so he could get out of bed, I noticed he didn't bother to cover himself. My face turned hot, I quickly turned my head away from him. I know we did it and everything but I wasn't exactly use to seeing other males naked.

" My head is killing me" he groaned.

" Drink the coffee, the more hydrated you get the more your head will feel better."

He grabbed his cup started drinking.

" Nick can you cover yourself please?" I said trying to hide my bashfulness.

He stopped and looked down at himself and then looked back at me smirking smugly.

" Why? You seemed to enjoy looking at it last night."

I gritted my teeth while blushing so bad that anyone could see through my fur.

" You sure do have a lot of stuff bunnies." he said as he bent down to pick one up. Right when he was about to pick up one he noticed something red underneath my bed "What's this?" he said as he started to pulled it out. I froze in horror once I got a better look at it, realizing what it was.

He eyes widened when he realized what pulled out was a stuff fox with ZPD sticker on it. He looked at it and then back at me with a smirk " Wow fluff I never knew you-"

"The shower is at the end of the hall I'll wait for you in the kitchen down stairs!" I interrupted him curtly as dashed out my door shutting it behind me. As I was walking down the hallway my phone rang, I didn't recognize the number but I answered it anyway.

"Hello" I answered groggily.

"Officer Hopps? This is Doctor Grazeton, Ms. Furkins doctor I'm calling to tell you she's awake."

"Ok thank you for telling me" I then hung up.

What's some good news It made my mood feel a bit better today's another day right.

We decided to take the subway today instead of walking do the hangover we had, and from the moment we got out of my apartment till we got on the subway there was this awkward tension. Nick tried to unsuccessfully ease it with small talk and bad jokes while I gave him short responses, he eventually gave up and the rest of ride was silent. Nick had on his signature sunglasses on by the time we got off and I got off so quick that he was trying to catch up to me, it was only a block away from work to the subway so I had no problem getting there quickly.

" Jeez Carrots didn't know you wanted to race here?" He said sarcastically finally catching up to me once we got inside, but I didn't stop as I raced through the precinct to get where they park the cruisers. I could see Clawhauser, paw to his head suffering from his own hangover, with his Gazelle coffee mug in his other one, good thing I drank about 3 cups of coffee before we left my aparment, Nick drank about 5, he sure does loves his caffeine.

"Hey good morning Judy, Nick" he said with smile but I zipped right past his desk. "Judy?" Clawhauser said confused as he watch me speed off. " Sorry Benji, looks were in a hurry, talk to later buddy" Nick said while still trying to catch up to me. When we got to the garage, I got into the driver's seat while Nick got into the passengers seat, he doesn't really like to drive even though he knows how too, which is why I do most of the driving. Honestly I just think he's lazy, I waited for him to climb in and buckle up then I started the cruiser and drive off.