
Chapter 5 The Revelation

I was right, both Nick and I had to get stitches, I had to get them on my arm and Nick had to get them on the side of his neck. We headed over back to the precinct after we got stitched up, Bogo wanted to talk to us because of what happened and I was really nervous because of the events we have to explain to him. We got back to the Precinct and as always said hi to Clawhauser, He smiled at us but then he saw how we were, patched up, and his smile lowered and turned to worry with big eyes.

"OM- Goodness what happened!" he said as brought his paws to his mouth.

"Oh you know just a normal day on the job" Nick said sarcastically, smiling weakly.

It didn't make him feel better though, Nick sighed.

"Just some jerk that didn't wanted to be arrested" I said softly and my eyes avoiding eye contact trying not to relive the events.

I could feel Nick looking at me hard but with concern.

I closed my eyes and sighed " Bogo to wanted to see us?" I asked trying to change the subject.

" Yea...just go head over to his office" he said quietly. I nodded and grabbed Nick by his tie and dragged him. He was surprised by the sudden movement but didn't say anything and just let me drag him. We didn't say anything to each other the whole time to Bogo's office, I couldn't bring myself to talk to him right now and I don't know how I was going to with Bogo.

I knocked on his door.

" Enter"

I walked right in with Nick right behind me. Bogo had his glasses on reading through reports, most probably ours . He looked up from them to look at us, he was staring at us sternly and he pointed for us to sit in the big chair in front of his desk Nick helped me up since I had no energy to do it my self right now, the chief looked kind of surprised at this.

"What happened at the motel?"

Nick looked at me and I looked at him though I turned my gaze slowly away from him as soon I did though and he turned his eyes back to the chief. He knew that Koslov is the manager of the shipping yard and we went to talk to him and that Delgato and Wolford found us at the motel but the rest I had to explain. I took a deep breath and started to explain the events that happened after we left Mr. Big's and the fact we might be looking for a kid instead a young female. Bogo took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes in frustration.

" So telling me we could be facing a war between the crime families."

"From what Koslov said his cousin wasn't involved in the business and there's no proof showing that he was, we think it might be someone he knew do how brutal the murder was" Nick replied.

"And the girl?"

"We... still don't know sir" I said.

Bogo held onto his forehead trying contain his anger.

" So not only is the murder victim is relative of the right hand man of biggest crime boss in Tundra Town, the witness is teen aged black-footed cat that killer is hunting down and we still haven't found her" he gritted through his teeth and banged his hoof on the table it made us wince, if my ears were droopy already they even more now.

" The press is going to have a field day with this " he sighed and stared serious at us.

" What happen at the motel?" he asked again.

I took a breath.

" How much did Delgato and Wolford tell you?"

" That they responded to a noise complaint at the motel, when they got there they heard which they thought was assault in process and when they barged in they found both of you pretty roughed up with Hopps half naked."

I took a breath.

" We found out where the girl, Michelle lived.. The Motel Lagoon... When we got to her room we found that her room was broken into so we proceeded with caution... and when we searched around the mammal who broke in jumped out on us... We- we tried to restrain him but he knocked Nick out cold and...

I turned to look at Nick who was looking down with his eyes half closed. I closed my eyes trying my best to finish the rest of the story.

"The mammal... shoved me to the ground...got on top of me and...and started to touch me...and tried to take off my pants..."

I was trying my best not to choke up right now.

"I fought back and he got mad and he... ripped half of my shirt off...and he tried to...continue what he planned on doing to me...by then Nick regained consciousness he pulled him off me and tried restrain him but he escaped."

I looked up at Nick who now looked the same but was gripping his paws tightly on his pants. I turned to look to look at Bogo giving slight glare, but It didn't look like we were the ones he was angry with despite everything.

" You where sexually assaulted" he said with a lowered voice.

I couldn't bring my eyes up to look at him.

"Yes" I said quietly.

The whole room was dead silence.

" Chief as much as we love giving you this report we still have to find the girl so I think we will go back to doing that" Nick said breaking the silence and he got off the chair.

" Carrots you coming?"

"Wilde you wait outside I have to talk Hopps alone" he said in a dead serous voice.

"Sir with all due respect-

" Now Wilde!" he raised his voice.

Nick refused to move.

" Nick please, it's ok, just wait outside" I looked at with soft eyes.

His gazed softened when he looked at me He sighed, went to the door and opened it.

" Go easy on her chief" he said seriously and he then shut the door.

I was even more nervous now, When the chief first met me he thought I was just a small fragile bunny that couldn't handle this job, I worked hard to prove him wrong and to gain his respect, to prove I'm not a stereotypical bunny, and now this happened to me.

"Hopps" he said softly.

I looked at him, surprised how softly he was talking to me, he looked more calm then before, he looked at me the same way as when Bellwether wanted me to be the image for ZPD.

I closed my eyes and took a gulp.

" Sir it's my fault the suspect got away I should... I should have fought harder.. I-

"Hopps this isn't your fault" he cut me off firmly.

" Some Bastard tried to take advantage of you, you did everything you could to defend yourself."

" Sir I'm suppose to be a good cop-

"You are a good cop Hopps and also a good doe, no one has the right to touch you with out your permission."

" As protocol you will speak with a therapist and your not getting out of it, I'll give you more details tomorrow where you have to go and who is the doctor, you can leave now."

I nodded, got off the chair and headed out the door, Nick was still outside waiting for me.

" How did it go?"

I sighed.

"He said I'm not at fault."

"Even I knew that Fluff" he stared at me with soft eyes.

" I have to talk a therapist tomorrow."

I brought my paw to my face and dragged it down my face and I laughed, Nick was a little shock by it.

" That bastard thought because I'm rabbit that I'm a whore" I chuckled.

I think I was starting to scare Nick a little by my reaction.

"Hahaha...FUCK!" I yelled as I banged my paw in the wall. Nick was really freaked out now because I never really curse.

"Carrots, Judy, calm down" he said and brought his paws up as he got closer to me.

"I can't calm down Nick! I keep thinking what could happened if he seriously hurt you and I wouldn't be able to stop him from doing.." I said glaring at the floor growling frustration.

"And I can't bare to apprehend what would happen if the girl was the one to walk on him instead of us."

Nick's ears became flat at this.

" Not only that we are at another dead end finding her, what are we going to do."I said as leaned up against the wall looking at the ceiling.

" If I wanted to hide from criminals that wanted to kill me, which I have never had to do" his comment made me snicker a little.' I would lay low and hide in a safe house or stay with someone."

"Nick were talking about a teenager though your an adult, she wouldn't have a safe house, she wouldn't even trust any adults at all the only ones she would trust would be someone-

I cut my self off and opened my eyes wide with realization. He looked at me confused.

" I know how to find her let's go." I said as I dragged him by his tie.

"Wait? What?" he said dumbfounded.

Before he knew it we at the cruiser and I was telling him to get in, still confused but he was afraid to ask do how determined I was right now. We had already been driving for 10 minutes and Nick had no idea where I was taking him and neither did I right now because I haven't found who I was looking for.

" He has to be around here somewhere" I whispered to my self while looking up down both sides of the streets.

"Umm Carrots who are you looking for." he asked curiously.

"Michelle's a teenager, believe it or not Slick teenagers both delinquent and regular don't trust adults, they usually look out for each other, and they definitely don't snitch, not even to adult criminals, I'm surprised you didn't know this?" turned to look at him with my eyebrow raised.

Nick looked at little surprised but quickly regained his composer.

" I told you I have my morals, never involved my hustles with kids." he said with his arms crossed. "Most kids thought I was cool by the way" he smirked smugly.

I rolled my eyes.

"Of course they did your a mammal child." I said.

"Yep" he agreed with a smirk.

"So who are you looking for?"

" I have this informant who I go to sometimes, he will probably know where Michelle might be, we got to find her before that creep does Nick, Sweet cheese and crackers if that creep tries to do to her what he did to me... A child shouldn't go though that."

I slammed my hands on the wheel and it made Nick jump a little but calmed down when he saw my demeanor.

" We won't let that happen Carrots, we are going to find The girl" he said seriously while staring hard at me.

"Its not just the girl Nick... I can't believe someone tried to assault me again" I practically whispered.

Nick's ears went stair up and eyes went wide with shock at this revelation.

"Again! What are-

" There he is !" I cut him off and I raced out the door, Nick practically running after me

"Carrots! Judy! Stop!" he grabbed me by the arm and spun me around to look at him, he looked at me sternly.

" What do mean again?" he asked seriously.

My ears dropped, he looked death serious.

"Nick I will tell you later but please we need to find her first that's what more important right now" I pleaded with him.

He frowned at me but then let go of my arm.

"Your not getting out of this we are going to talk latter."

I nodded and headed down an ally with Nick following right behind me I then saw a teenager dressed in a black hooded jacket with with silver, blue, and orange spray paint all over his jacket, with faded denim jeans and a grey shirt.

"Dusty! I need to talk to you!"

The teenager turned around and I got a better look at a civet who was spray painting the wall with red and purple that look like a wave.

"Officer Hopps my love" he smiled practically skipping over to me.

I slapped my paw to my face.

" Not now Dusty, I need talk to you, and you know your not suppose to do that," I pointed to the wall.

"My art is my life, I have to show it to the world" he said dramatically.

I made a ka sound in annoyance.

" I think it looks cool" said Nick smiling.

"Thanks Dude" Dusty smiled brightly

"Your not helping" I shot him a glare.

"And what did you do to your jacket" I pointed at him exaperation.

" You like it? I thought it needed more color so I added some." he proudly showed us.

"It suits you" Nick said.

"Stop encouraging him" I said while glaring him.

"What? I think he's a good artist" he said smiling more.

" He's at artist who thinks every structure in Zootopia is his canvas."

"I like this dude Officer Hopps, when did you get him?" Dusty smiled brightly.

"Dusty this is my partner Nick Wilde, Nick this is Dusty Blur my informant."

Dusty waved excitedly at him.

" See I told you kids think I'm cool" he said with smug smirk.

I glared at him.

"Your so hot when your mad" Dusty said euphorically.

Nick laughed.

" Dusty I'm 24, your 17 it's never going to happen."

" Just you wait I'll you make you mine" he said dramatically holding his hand to his chest.

Nick laughed even harder now and I slapped my face again.

"Ok ok Dusty stop playing around I need to ask you something."

"Ahhh I thought you were visiting me" he pouted.

"Dusty has there been a black-footed cat hanging around any of your group of friends lately, she might be a little younger then you, and probably had a lot blood on her clothes."

Dusty eyes widen a little, he then turned around put his hood up.

My ears drooped.

" Dusty she's not in trouble, someone really bad wants to hurt her so we have to find her soon, you can trust us." I gently touched his arm and liked him with warm eyes.

He looked at me.

" There was a party at this old abandoned swimming pool a couple nights ago she was there, she might still be there it's off Field and Meadow " he said softly.

"Thank you Dusty" I smiled

" I know that place is, Com'on Carrots I'll drive."

" Carrots? Is that your nick name" Dusty smiled.

I groaned as I went over to where Nick was.

"See what you started."

"Dumb bunny" he smirked.

"Sly fox."

The drive was quick due it being only five blocks away. When I got a good look at the pool I could see over grown grass everywhere, the metal fence had a hole in it explains how the kids get in, there where skid marks in and outside of the pool not to mention graffiti too, glass bottles laying around with cigarettes along with it, the old snack bar looked like someone beaten on it, and oh sweet cheese and crackers I think I found a condom again.

" Ok I partied when I was teenager too but this is just gross."

" You partied" Nick said amused.

" Yes Slick I had fun too when I was a teenager, I bet you were a real wild child when you were one too" I said.

"Yes I was,one-hundred percent" he smirked.

I chuckled a little but then stopped because I heard scuffling.

"Michelle is that you?" I yelled.

We went separated sides to look around.

"Michelle" Nick yelled this time.

"Michelle we are with ZPD, we're not going to hurt you."

I then noticed there was a huge box at the end of the pool with a tail sticking out it.

"Nick over there!" I pointed towards the box, he looked and we ran over to it. When we got over to the box we opened the slabs and saw her curled up in a ball shivering and breathing hard.

" Oh sweet cheese crackers Michelle" I whispered as I gently picked her up and put her in my lap and I held her close to me. After I pulled her out I got a better look at her,She had black and brown fur that was sort of fluffy, the fur on her cheeks was sort of pointed with a black noose, she was skinny and looked the same height as me, I could also see she was wearing a pale yellow shirt covered in blood and her blue jeans as well.

" She doesn't look good" Nick grimly, he took off his glove and felt her forehead.

"Shit! She's really hot, I'm calling a bus" he gritted his teeth.

"This is Officer Wilde to dispatch we need a bus quickly, off Field and Meadow, the old abandoned pool."

" Ok a bus is heading your way" replied Clawhauser.

I my eyes widen with horror when I noticed there was blood Underneath her shirt I pulled her about slightly she was bleeding from a wound from her chest that she tried to bandage herself by tying a white cloth around it but it wants working anymore and blood started seeping through.

"Nick!"I yelled.

He turned to look at me and then he saw what I was yelling about, his eyes widen.

"Benji I tell the bus to hurry, the victim is now in critical condition!" he raised his voice.

"Ok ok ok, I'll tell them don't worry!" Clawhauser sounded freaked out.

The ambulance got here in 7 minutes

later, a caribou and a moose came out with a gurney. Nick took her out my arms on put her on it. They then started to check her vitals while putting in the ambulance,they told us if we wanted to find out we wanted find out more, Thank God she's alive we then left to go the hospital.