
Chapter 4 The Assault

I woke up by myself instead of my alarm clock waking me up which I thought was weird. After I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes I looked around and realized I wasn't sleeping in my bed instead I was sleeping in Nick's bed. That fully woke me up and made me jump a little bit in the bed. I got up from the bed took a look around the room and realized he cleaned up his room too or so I thought, when I realized he stuffed all his dirty laundry into the closet, I could tell because some of it was sticking out it. Swell Nick.

I took a look around the room, the only time I've been in this room is to wake Nick up in the morning and usually I'm more focused dragging him out of bed then looking around. Now that I can actually see the ground I could see Nick had light brown carpet, a sliding glass window to the right of his bed, the paint on his walls were white, and a dresser on the left of the wall with various items scattered across on top of it apparently Nick didn't do a good job of cleaning. After completely waking up I got out of the brown bed to go find him but before I walked out I saw something on the dresser, it was a picture I grabbed it and took a closer look at it,

it was of Nick and his mom. Nick what about 9 or 8, his mom hugging him from behind and Nick smiling brightly, Nick looked really adorable, I hope he never hears me say that I would never hear the end of it. Lillian Wilde such a sweet lady, I've met her a couple of times ,she was filled with joy when she found out Nick graduated from the police academy.

I put it down smiling to myself about that day, she wasn't the only one filled with joy about that day. I then saw another picture and I realized it's a picture that I took of both of us, I had my arm wrapped around his neck and with my face up against his, with me smiling brightly and Nick looking nonchalant as I took the picture with my phone. I know I sent the picture to Nick but I didn't know he had it printed out. I saw another one on the dresser and this one was of him and his friend Finnick, the photo looked like one of those old cameras that print out their own photos, they were sitting in the back of Finnick's truck Nick wearing his signature glasses and Finnick who wasn't in that ridiculous elephant suit drinking beer. I then heard a knock at the door and it made me jump.

"Hey Carrots are you decent?"

"Umm yea, I'll be out in just a second" I said while trying to put everything back in place.

"OK I got coffee, we should head down to the station."

By that time I had already opened the door and exited his room.

"Funny usually I'm the one who has to drag you out of bed and bring you to work" I said with my arms crossed.

"What can I say, you inspired me " he said melodramatically while smiling.

I rolled my eyes at his comment" Yea and it only took you 3 months" I said sarcastically.

I walked to the bathroom to get ready.

" Oh slick" I said as I stopped to turn my head around to look at him for a second.

" Nice boxers sticking out of the closet" I said with a smug smirk. Nick who was drinking form his coffee started choking on it at my comment.

" Next time try hiding your laundry better" I chuckled.

Like always I was the one to drive, we didn't have to walk to work today because we left the car in front of his apartment, it was quiet for a little bit because we didn't really talk when we got into the car. I was afraid the silence was because of last night ,of what I told him.

" So what happened last night" I asked trying to start a conversation.

" Well you fell asleep almost to the end of the movie, on top of me if I might add" turned and smirked at me.

Good thing I had fur because I was blushing really bad. It was another couple of minutes of silence before it was Nick who asked me something.

" What happened to the fox, the one that hurt you" he was asking more seriously.

"Gideon?, well believe or not he's a baker now and works with my parents, he's their partner."

I turned to look at Nick who was looking the window so I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

" He's changed Nick, he's apologized for what he did to me and I forgave him" I put my hand on his arm trying to ease his concern.

He turn to look at me a little bit but he then turned to look back out the window.

"Carrots you might want to pay attention the road."

I turned my head back to driving at that comment. But it didn't make me stop thinking about what he was thinking.

By the time we got to the station we went looking for Wolford so we could get the information he was looking for us about the case and as always Clawhauser was sitting at the greeting desk, this time eating cereal.

" Hey good morning guys!" He smiled brightly.

" Hey Benji have you seen Wolford?"

"Oh, yeah he should be at his desk" He said with a mouth full " So you guys come to work together again, are you sure there's nothing going on with you two?"he smiled suggestively.

"Yea there's nothing going on, Carrots just spent the night at my place last night."

I open my eyes wide at his comment and I elbowed him in the ribs.

"OW" he yelped.

" What he meant Benji" I turned to glare at him" We were watching a movie and I ended up falling asleep , so I just slept over".

"Oh, Yea OK that makes sense"he said not really buying it.

" Great, come on Slick let's go find Wolford" I said as I dragged him buy his tie.

After they walked away answer quickly pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

" Fangmeyer it's me, their so close to sleeping together" he said excitedly.

I was still dragging Nick by his tie until we finally found Wolford, who sitting at his desk just finishing up a phone call and he turned around to see us.

" Wow Wilde, she really does you have on a leash" He chuckled.

I turned to look at Nick who looked annoyed, I smirked." Can you just tell us what you found out" he said curtly, trying to change the subject.

" Oh yeah well we were able to get that warrant and were able to find out who owns the place" he voice got quiet at the end and it worried me.

" It's someone... that you guys are both quite familiar with."

" Who?" I asked.

" The right hand man of the biggest crime boss in Tundra Town... Koslov."

Right now we were driving to Tundra Town to Mr. Big's manor and right now I was nervous about what the crime was becoming and judging by the look of it, Nick was nervous too. We pulled up to the gate and there was Raymond. I have been to the manor a bunch a times before but that was to see Fru Fru and little Judy, This time was for work. We got out of the car and walked up too the gate.

" Hey Raymond we need to talk to your boss."

He looked me and Nick, noticing we were in are uniforms so he knew we were on the job so he had his guard up.

"Speak to him about what?" eyeing us suspiciously.

"I think he would like to know the reason why the police barricaded one of his businesses."

He eyes widen a little bit but went back to normal he pulled out his phone started to call someone. Since it was Monday the mammals that worked for Burg Shipping has returned from their weekend to go to work only for them to find some police and police tape preventing them from entering, so yea the boss is going to want some answers. After Raymond got off the phone he told us to follow him and lead us inside. We went up stairs and went down a hallway with mahogany wood floors we then stopped in front of Mr. Big's office, Raymond opened the door and told us to go in and we walked in. Mr. Big was sitting in his chair on top of his desk with Koslov standing next to him, Kevin was standing by the door, Mr. Big smiled as we walked through the door.

" Judy, Nicky how nice to see you" he said as he stretched his arms out, I went over to him and we kissed each other on the cheeks.

"But from what I can understand this not a social visit."

" I'm afraid not sir we need to talk to you about one the businesses that you own."

"Yes I heard the shipping yard was closed down but the police, I would like to know why."

" Sir, there was a murder committed at your place of business two nights ago and we believe it was one of your employees that is the victim."

Mr. Big eyes opened a little at my comment and the whole room became tense.

" And who is the victim?"

" His name was Spencer White" after I said his name everybody in the room became shocked and the tension rose high. We heard someone loudly grip the desk and Mr. Big and I turned to look at Koslov who had mixture horror, shock, disbelief on his face.

"Spencer, are you sure it was Spencer?" he said in strong Russian accent. I was kinda shocked that Koslov was talking, he was such quiet mammal who only spoke when someone was talking to him.

"Do you you know him?" asking him raising my eyebrow.

"He-he's my cousin" he said trying make out his words.

My ears flatten at his comment " I'm really sorry to tell you this Mr. Koslov but Spencer was the one who murdered two nights ago" I said apologetically.

The next thing we heard was Koslov wailing, digging his claw into the desk lowering himself to the ground, Kevin went over to him to help him up, I could tell he was trying to hold the despair in. Mr. Big was deep in thought gripping his paw on his arm rest.

"Koslov I know this hard for you but we would like you come with us to make a positive identification of the body" said Nick who has been quiet all this time.

Koslov had pulled himself back up by now and turned to look at Mr. Big for approval and he nodded accepting for him to go. With that he followed us out the door.

We where half way down the hall way when we ran into Fru Fru carrying little Judy who smiled at me rushed over to see us.

" Judy I heard you where here how have you been ?We haven't seen in like ever, little Judy missed you"

I kneel down to them and could see little Judy stretching her little arms to me, she was wearing a cute little green dress with her little hair tied up in a green ribbon, I took her into my hand letting her touch my face.

" Sorry Fru Fru I've been just been busy lately, the reason we came here is for work and we were just about to leave."

I handed little Judy back to her.

"Koslov are you alright, you seem upset" she asked worriedly.

" Yes miss ,I'm alright" he said trying reassure her.

" Why are you going with Nicky and Judy?"

Before he could speak Nick spoke for him "He just helping us a little with a case, you'll have him back in no time" he said with charming smile.

" Oh ok, just remember to call me Judy" she said as she took off down the hall. I we went to leave the manor.

The coroner was pulling the sheet back for us to see, Koslov winced his face once saw it and he made the sign of the cross on his chest.

"That's him, that's Spencer" he quietly said.

The coroner then pulled the sheet back over him.

" I'm so sorry for your loss" I gently touched his arm.

" Lets let's go outside and talk, it might be better" he nodded at my comment.

I showed him out of the morgue with Nick right behind me, we took him too a empty briefing room. After we sat down Nick and I then started asking him questions.

" When was the last time you talked to Spencer?" Nick asked ,now in cop mode.

" It was 3 days ago after we left the shipping yard for the weekend."

" Did he seem nervous or acting weird?"

" No he seemed normal, like he always was."

" Was there anyone who hated Spencer or was there someone he may have pissed off considering both your line of work-"

" Spencer wasn't part of that business!" he interrupted Nick curtly. He looked at us and sighed then rubbed his eyes.

"Spencer just helped me manage the shipping yard that's all and no everybody loved Spencer, he was a good guy." he smiled sadly at what he said.

The look Nick was giving said he accepted what Koslov was saying with out not having to say anything.

" Did he have a girlfriend?" I asked. Usually a victim's spouse or lover would know a lot about them.

"I don't really know, I suspected he was dating someone but he never told me."

Interesting? I wonder why he would hide it.

"Mr. Koslov the reason we found your cousin is because of a 911 call and we think this mammal knew your cousin" I said softly as pulled up my laptop and put it on the desk and he raised his eyebrow at my comment.

" The reason I'm telling you this because we want you to listen to call and see if you can recognize the mammal, but I need you to warm you the call is-"

He raised his hand to cut me off" I understand your concerns Miss Hopps but in my line of work I've seen and heard far worse than you can imagine" he said grimly.

" alright" I quietly said. I pressed the play button of the recording and he began to listen, his eyes widen a little bit by the female voice but went back to normal in a second, when we got the part when the girl realized Spencer was dead I saw Koslov clutch his paw to chest but his expression never changing, we got to the part of the caller confronting the murderer his eyes winced a little and then the call ended. Judging by his reaction to call he knew the caller quite well.

"Mr. Koslov" I asked worriedly.

" Her name is Michelle Furkins, she's one of the mammals that works at Burg shipping "he said calmly.

"So that's how she knew Spencer" I said softly.

He nodded at my comment.

"What species is Michelle" it was Nick who asked this time.

" She's a Black-Footed Cat" he sighed.

Nick eyes widened at his comment. The look he giving kinda freak me out and made my ears flat.

"Nick what's wrong" I asked seriously.

" The Black-Footed Cat is almost on the endangered species list in Zootopia" he said as he grabbed his head like he had just banged it on the wall.

"What! Why?"

"Black-Footed Cats are stereotyped for being wild, feisty and unpredictable, thirty years ago there was a rabies out break that killed over five-thousand mammals."

I heard about that in high school in my history class but I didn't learn the full length of it.

" The public wanted someone to blame and they chose the Wild Dogs, Dingos, Rats, Wild Cats, and The Black-Footed Cats because of their wild and unpredictable nature and because of it there were a lot of riots that resulted in deaths and both predator and prey murdering them thinking it could save them from the disease, by the time the outbreak was over so much of the Cats were killed by the disease or by other mammals that they were listed as nearly endangered" he growled, still holding his head.

My eyes widened and paw covered my mouth in horror at this revelation. I turned look Koslov.

"How old is Michelle" I asked softly I wanted to know cause she sounded so young.

Koslov sighed and closed eyes.

" On her identification when I was interviewing her said she was 20 but honestly I think she was younger then that, the legal age to work in our company is 18 do to all the heavy lifting and how dangerous the job could be, usually only stronger mammals can handle the job, but I can understand why she applied for the job, it pays 23 dollars per hour."

" So why did you hire her then?"

" Spencer convinced me to give her a chance and she seemed desperate, after seeing were she lived ,I can understand why."

My ears picked up at this.

" You know where she lives?"

"Yes I've dropped her off her at the motel she lives at least two times and all the other times Spencer did it, she doesn't have a license."

" Where does she live?" Nick asked quickly

"Motel Lagoon in Happytown"

" Shit!, Carrots we need to go" he said as he to rushed out of his seat.

" Nick!, wait!" I yelled as tried to chase after him but felt Koslov paw grab my arm and I turned to look at him.

"Is Michelle still alive?"

I looked at him staring hard at me.

" We believe so because there was no other body at the scene, but we don't know for how long because the one who killed your cousin is going after her because she can ID him."

His stare hardened more.

"Tell us when you do find her, we would like to know who the killer as well" his state darkened at the comment.

" Mr. Koslov I know you're angry but you shouldn't take it out on the girl it wasn't her fault, please let us do our job so we can find her and that way we can find the Killer" I pleaded.

I knew how the underworld reacted to when someone close to them was murdered or hurt, they wanted retaliation and I was afraid in order to get it they would hurt a girl who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Miss Hopps I can assure you I have no intention of hurting Michelle, She's a good girl, I don't blame her for any of this, I just want ask her myself about what happen."

" But can you say that for the rest of the people that work with you."

" I assure you, they won't either, we will only want the one who killed Spencer" he told me seriously,his gaze never leaving mine.

Even though I believed what he was saying I had bad feeling in my put of my stomach because I knew that while we would be hunting down the killer, they would be going on their own personal mammal hunt as well and it wasn't going to turn out good. I had to come up with a compromise so that wouldn't happen.

"Please let us find her, once we do we will let you talk to her and then you can decide what you want to do but until then please don't send your associates on a hunt please" my eyes pleading him but my face never flinching.

He stared at me for a long time until he finally said something.

"Alright just inform us when you."

"Koslov I would prefer you let go of my partner" Nick said too calmly making us look at him.

By the death glare he was giving him you would never know that he was once terrified of Koslov, Mr. Big, and his associates.

Koslov chuckled.

" You really have changed haven't you Wilde."

Koslov stared him hard but Nick didn't even flinch.

" You don't have worry Wilde I would never hurt Miss Hopps we were just coming to agreement about this matter" he said as he let go of my arm and got up to leave.

Nick moved aside to let him pass. He then went over to me to grab my hand.

" Come on, let's head over too Happytown" he said as lead me out the door.

Outside the Precinct

Koslov got into a limo that was waiting for him. He had a grim look on his face.

"I'm so sorry my friend" Kevin said as he put his hand on his shoulder.

"Who ever did this will pay, I promise you my friend we will-

" We can't do anything rash yet Kevin" he cut him off.

A phone rang and it was Kevin's.

"Hello? Yes boss he's right here"he said as he handed him the phone.


" What did you find out?"

"There was a girl who saw the murderer, she was the one who called 911, she...she tried to save him."

" So if we find the girl-

" I already know who she is sir" he cut him off.


"The young cat I hired at the shipping yard, believe you met her once."

"Yes, it would be hard to forget that child, we should have a talk with her."

"Sir I made deal with Miss Hopps, if we hold back until Wilde and her find the girl, they will let us talk to her."

"Heh, Judith Hopps such a interesting doe, she has a way with mammals."

Koslov chuckled.

It was no mystery that his boss is very fond of the bunny, not only because she saved his daughter's life but also because of her kindness, bravery, and honesty.

"She certainly does, especially when it comes to Wilde, you should have seen him sir, giving me a death glare with no fear because he thought I was going to hurt her, he's definitely head over heels for her."

Mr. Big chuckled over the phone.

"Nicky sure has changed" he replied and there was silence for a few seconds.

" I am truly sorry my old friend for your loss" he said apologetically.

"Thank you sir"

" I promised you, who ever did this will be punished greatly" he said darkly.

We were heading to Happytown right now, don't let the name fool you because Happytown is the exact opposite of it's name. It has the most crime then any other district in Zootopia ranging from drugs, assault, robbery, homicide and large list of other illegal activity. Nick and I have patrolled here a couple of times and it not a pleasant site too look at. Old decaying buildings, mammels using and selling drugs, bad graffiti, prostitution, was the first thing I saw when I saw this place and I never seen anything like this place before, I guess I really was a naive sheltered bunny growing up. But I didn't let this place scare me off, we kept coming back every time we were assigned to it. I remember couple weeks ago one of the times we were on patrol we caught this drug dealer who was a hyena in the act and we chased him down, I grabbed him and I pushed him the ground on his back and when I was about to turn him to cuff him he pulled a knife out and cut me near my waist, but I didn't let that stop me, I don't know if was adrenaline or just the fact I wasn't letting him get away but instead of letting pain take over I held my grip on him and punched him square in the muzzle and flipped him over to cuff him. Nick who eventually caught up too see the slash on my waist got mad at me for being reckless, I felt really guilty for making him worry. After we dropped off the guy at the Precinct, Nick took me to the hospital where I got twenty-five stitches and Nick still pissed at me. He eventually cooled down the next day but it made realize how deeply he cares for me and how much he worries.

Nick doesn't like this place either, even during his hustling days he'd always stayed away from this place because how bad it is, but mostly I think it had to do with something personal. Because Michelle lived in Happytown it would be easy for the murderer to find out where she is so that's why we had to hurry. Nick was driving right now because he knew where the place was.

" Nick do you have a personal experience with Happytown, from what you told me you didn't go near this place even before I met you why is that?"

Nick who been silent this whole time put his sunglasses in top of his head turned his head to look at me a little, he had serious look on his face.

"Carrots, believe it or not Finnick and I use to do hustling down here but not with Popsicles."

I could believe that and I was honestly not surprised anymore about Nick's past escapades.

"We mostly picked up knock off brands from this sweat shop and sold them in different parts of the city, made decent money from doing it too."

" So how did you go to selling knock off brands to selling Popsicle."

" There was this Leopard who found out how good of salesman we were and he wanted to use our talents in his business and we later found that his business went against our moral code in general."

I had my arms crossed and I gave him a really look.

"Yes Carrots even in that line of work we had a moral code, we hustled mammals but didn't do anything involving hurting them."

Hurting them? I thought.

" Anyways it ended badly and Finnick and I left Happytown ,laid low for a couple of months, and then started to do hustling that wouldn't make us noticeable, it wasn't as much income as before but it was enough."

My ears drooped at revelation.

" How long ago was this?" I asked

"About 5 years ago."

"Weren't you afraid of running into this guy again when we were first assigned to Happytown?"I said worriedly.

" I recently found out the guy hasn't been seen here for at least 2 years, either chased off by the cops or found a new business opportunity."

My ears raised up at this.

"And beside I wasn't going to let my cute partner come here by herself" he said as smirked at me.

" Don't call me cute" I said annoyed.

We pulled up to the motel while it didn't look as bad as the rest of Happytown it wasn't exactly fours stars either, when we got out the car I noticed a bunch of broken glass on the floor along with cigarettes and I think a condom. I shuddered trying not to think about it as we walked into the office of the blue and white motel. The front desk was occupied by a mongoose who reading a newspaper looking bored.

"Excuse me, are you the manager" I asked.

" Who wants to know" he asked in a bored tone not even looking up at me.

I was getting kind of annoyed by his attitude.

"Sir we would like to ask you-

" Oh hey mister haven't seen you awhile" he cut me off, he was finally looking up only I realized he was looking at Nick.

" You brought a bunny this time didn't know you swinged that way."

I turned to look at Nick and I gave him a WTF look. The look on his face was the same look he had on his face when I threaten him with tax evasion.

" Well you always had way with females I remember the last female you brought with you, everybody could hear you-

"Sir we are here on police business" Nick cut him off before he could finish.

" We need to check the room of one you guests."

The mongoose was a little shocked by his outburst but put back on his bored face after a few seconds.

" Who are you looking for?" asking not really caring.

" A young female Black-Footed Cat."

"Michelle? Haven't seen her for 2 days." he said looking around his desk for something.

" Here just lock up the place up after you're done" he gave us the key.

I raised my eyebrow that was easy, but judging by this guy he doesn't seem like a mammal who wants to deal with hassle.

Nick thanked him and went over to her room.

"So that's why you knew of this place" I said with my arms crossed and me staring at him suspiciously while were walking.

Nick gave a laugh while rubbing the back of his head.

"It was a long time ago Carrots, I haven't dated anyone in the last year."

In a year really?

"Don't you have any past flings that you don't really talk about?" he asked me.

" Umm... No.. I never been with anyone before" I said with my ears down.

Nick turned around and look surprised at me.


" I never even kissed a boy, I was such a tomboy growing up and most of the bucks I knew were kind of jerks, didn't help that I made my dream about being a cop publicly known either.

"So your basically telling me your a virgin?"he raised his eyebrow.

I turned red by now.

" Yes." I quietly said.

"Wow"he whistled put his arm behind his head.

"Well I'm sorry for not being a sex crazy fiend like a stereotypical rabbit." I said sarcastically said.

" I didn't mean like that Carrots" he put his paws up defensively" it just from what you told me you have 275 siblings and siblings that have a bunch of kids of there own so I always thought... it was some sort... hormonal thing" he said trying to ease the tension.

I sighed and put my hand to my forehead.

" Technically it is true and that's why bunnies got that stereotype, but bunnies mate for life, I mean younger ones do sleep around but once we find are desired mate, we mark each other to show others we only belong to each other and will only be with each other from that moment on."

While I was saying this I got lost in my own little la la land.

" Um Carrots" Nick snapped me out of it.

" Oh.. Sorry" my face bright red.

" So how do you keep your urges under control then?"

" Well when we don't want them to interfere with are everyday life we take-

I stopped in mid sentence and realization hit me hard to make my eyes go wide, Oh sweet cheese and crackers I haven't taken my hormone or my birth control pills in the last 36 hours.

" Carrots, you ok?"

I snapped out my thoughts to see a confused Nick.

"Yea sorry just remembered something I forgot, so yea I been taking hormone and birth control pills since I was 16 to control my urges and to make sure I don't get pregnant, but hard it's to get pregnant even if didn't have them do the fact I was not sexually attracted to any boy at all ." I said unsure about the last part ,I mean back then yes most of the bucks I knew were jerks but now with Nick, my feelings started to change.

"Well that's interesting, but do you know what...

I never got finish listening to what he said because I heard something and my ears went up.

"Shhhhh" I turned my eyes towards the direction of the sound, Nick followed my gaze, I then realized it was coming the room we where looking for.

"Com-on" I said as I went quickly but quietly past him and followed after me, when we got up the door we saw it was open I stood in the side of the door frame with my back up against it and drew out my gun to bring it close to me, Nick was leaning on the other side of the door frame on his side, also having his gun prepared, we gave each other a look making are selves ready to barge in and after a second we did.

The room was dark so I couldn't really see anything, Nick had night vision so he had a better time looking around then I did. We walked around slowly still holding are weapons firmly, I got a look around the room seeing the wallpaper was chipping off, the bed covered with an old but surprisingly clean dark blue blanket, the tv on the stand at the end the bed near the wall looked about 10 years old, the tan carpet had stains on it, and one lamp with an old lamp shade on a old night stand. I couldn't see the bath room but guess it was just as bad. My apartment looked like heaven compared to this room.

" Carrots" I turned my head to look at Nick. He was standing on his knee and had opened the drawer on the tv stand.

" What is it Slick?" I saw he pulled out a couple of books.

" What are those?"

"Zootopia Law, BAR prep, GED prep, and DMV drivers hand book, well this girl is definitely under the age of 18 if she needs this" he said showing me the last book. I agreed with Nick, usually you only see teenagers with that one and make sense why she doesn't have a license yet, everything we learned so far was leading up to the face that we weren't looking for a young female, we were looking for a kid.

" But what I don't get is why she would want the rest of these books they don't look exactly easy or something a kid would to read" Nick was puzzled.

"Well I was like that in high school, I wanted to a police officer remember so I studied hard" I smiled.

"Well not everybody is like you Carrots" He smiled back at me.

"Judging by this girl she's not like other cats either."

I then noticed there was a closet near the bathroom and it was open. I pointed to show Nick and he got my cue.

I readied my weapon and was almost close to the door when a mammal a little bit taller then me jumped out and came charging at me I couldn't tell what species it was, the mammal was a foot taller then me, had a black hoodie, black pants, and black bandanna covering it's face.

I drew my weapon but the mammal knocked it out my hand, I threw a punch at the mammal but I missed and the mammal my grabbed arm ,I could feel the mammals claws digging into my arm and made wince a little, Nick who came up behind to try to grab the mammal only for him to get punch square in the muzzle, they then started throwing blows at each other that eventually left Nick dragging both them to the ground, clawing and growling at each other with me trying help restrain him and Nick trying to cuff the mammal, the mammal bashed Nick's head really hard on the ground that put him unconscious.Nick! My eyes widen with worry but went back into police mode so I could restrain this mammal. I jumped on the preps back, wrapping my legs tightly around the mammal's waist and my arm holding the mammal in a chocked hold.

The mammal then tried to get me off by slamming me back into the wall, I held as tight as I could and bared with the pain but I eventually lost grip and fell on the ground the mammal then shoved me face first onto the carpet, twisted my arm behind my back and laid on top me I winced my eyes and grit my teeth, I could feel the mammals breath close to my face.

"I'm impressed, you put quiet a fight little bunny" said a husky male voice.

He sniffed me ,paused for a minute like he was surprised, and laughed.

"So pretty bunny your going through that right now" he sexually.

My eyes widen in fear and my nose twitched rapidly when he was running his clawed paw down my chest to my waist until it stopped at my belt at my pants.

" You want this don't you, so just enjoy it" he whispered as he licked my ear my eyes went wide making me flash back to something I was trying to forget.

" Come on Judy just enjoy it, you are a bunny after all."

I head butted him hard with the back of my head and tried to reach for my gun.

"Bitch!" he growled and grabbed my foot to pull me back to him, I grabbed hold of the carpet to crawl away but it did nothing to help me. He turned me around and pinned both my arms above my head, I tried to kick him he ended up catching my leg.

" LET ME GO YOU SICK BASTARD!" I screamed in the top my lungs.

He laughed and tore my vest and part of my shirt off showing part of my black bra , half of my arm, and some of my stomach. I could see his eyes now shining gold in the dark, staring at me like he just caught his prey. He brought his face down to my chest, breathing in my aroma. I grunted, turned my face in to the side in disgust.



I then felt the weight of the guy off. I looked up to see an Nick enraged throwing the guy off me, Nick started to beat the carp out of him, he was completely enraged.

"NICK! STOP! YOUR GOING TO KILL HIM!" I ran over to him and tried to pull him off the guy. I've never seen Nick this angry before it scared me.

We then heard a siren, someone must have called the cops due how much noise we where making, this made Nick stop and the mammal took advantage of it by clawing at the side of Nick's neck cause him to hiss and grab his neck. The guy then shoved both us as he ran out the door.

"Nick! Are you alright" I hurried over and crunch down next to him" gently touch the scratch.



"ZPD FREEZE!" Wolford and Delgato burst into the room with their guns.

"Hopps, Wilde?"Wolford said with his eyebrow raised. He looked at both of us seeing are conditions." What happened?" he asked with concern in his eyes.

We told them everything that happened while we waited for the ambulance. When it finally arrived they had us checked out, nothing broken but a lot cuts and bruises, the only thing serious was the scratch mark I got on my arm and the scratch mark on Nick's neck, we were probably need stitches for those. Great another scar and as for emotionally I didn't know how I was. I was sitting at the back the the ambulance with a blanket wrapped around me. Nick was talking to Delgato and I saw Wolford walking over sat down right next to me.

"You ok" he asked me softly.

" Little banged up but I'll live" I smiled little trying to reassure him.

"That's not what I'm talking about, you were almost raped Hopps."

My ears got flat.

" If it were me, I would of tried to kill the guy too."

" Are you going to tell Bogo about this" I whispered.

" I have tell him what happen with you but with Wilde... I'll let out some things."

"Hopps you need to more careful that bastard could smell that your in heat just like I can right now, especially predators they are very unpredictable when a female is in heat.

" Wolford it just that haven't taken my hormone pills in almost 2 days."

He shook his head.

" Even when you were taking them I could still smell a small hint of you in heat, if your heat is so bad that your pills can't surpass it all the way it tells me you have strong desire to mate with a certain someone."

My eyes went wide at this, then noticed Nick walking over to us.

" Hey Wilde you look like carp" he said while smiling.

" Really I thought I looked dashing" he put his paw to his chest saying melodramatically.

Wolford chuckled.

" You should see the other guy, I think he's the definition of crap" Nick said.

" I would but you scared him off" Wolford snickered.

" Well I'm going to head off, you guys should too" he left and waved lazily.

Nick sat next to me I looked at him, tears threatening to spill any moment, he looked at me with concerned eyes I reached to gently touch his bandaged neck but he grabbed my paw.

" It's not that bad" he said trying to calm nerves, he then pulled me into his chest to wrap his arms tightly around me, resting his head on top of my head I hugged back him, shoving my face in his chest.

" What were you trying to tell me before we went into the room" I asked.

" Foxes mate for life too."