
Liar Lila

Lila's ordinary and non-emotional life was well until a party three weeks ago had her handed a DUI, an ex-boyfriend, and a secret she feels she has to hide about him. Ex-boyfriend Elliot doesn't know what he did on that Saturday night. Lila doesn't plan on letting him know. So lie after lie after lie. Lila lies her way out of, and consequently into a lot of trouble, all in the mean time finding out maybe giving people chances isn't as bad as she thought.

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9 Chs

C01: Anna - 1

"Lila, I'm sick of everyone telling me I need to lose weight." Anna slumped down in my beanbag, squashing my thigh under hers as she opened another bag of doritos.

"Don't listen to them," I pushed myself up and moved onto the side of the massive pillow as she gave me an eye roll.

"But it's annoying!"

"Then lose weight."

"Then people will comment on the fact that I've lost weight."

"Then ignore that."

"You don't seem to understand. Even if I do lose the weight, I'll just get fat again."

"Then don't lose weight!" Her antics were really getting on my nerves, so much that I closed the laptop and decided to write later tonight. With Anna over, it was impossible to concentrate. She'd leave soon.

"I think I'll do that."

"Good," I placed the laptop on the coffee table and attempted to get up, my leg was still squashed under Anna.

"I mean-" ofcourse she's not finished, "It's great being fit and all, but have you tasted cheesy-crust?" She wanted to lose weight.


"I think I'll do it."

"Give up on cheesy-crust?"

"Nevermind, I will never lose weight," she pouted and I sighed. I still couldn't get up off the beanbag.

"Anna could you-"

"I'll just be forever fat."

"Anna please ca-"

"And greasy, and slimy, and have a ten pack of rolls."


"And never get a boyfriend-"

"Anna!" She turned to me and gave me an unimpressed look for interrupting her. "Please. Move your leg."

"I'm so depressed." Anna slumped. She didn't move her leg.

I didn't like seeing her like this, but it was the same conversation held at least once a week and my first few efforts of comforting her led nowhere. She's not even overweight she has five brothers who think it's brilliant making fun of their hormonal 17 year old little, and big sister.

"Anna I'm not up to doing this today, you know my opinion of you-"

She interrupted. "You're my best friend you're supposed to be nice."

"No I'm supposed to be honest, you're not overweight your plump. You're hell short. You have boobs and thighs and ass. You're most guys' dreams. Just because your brothers feel they need to make you feel this way doesn't actually mean you have to listen to them." I fell for the trap. I'm stuck in this now.

"But Lila..."

"Anna you came over to watch Netflix can we please just watch Netflix. I love you but today's a bad day for me."

"Okay," she mumbled quietly.

"And get your leg off me please, Jesus."

"UGH see you can't even move my leg I'm so-"

Here we go again.