
Liar Lila

Lila's ordinary and non-emotional life was well until a party three weeks ago had her handed a DUI, an ex-boyfriend, and a secret she feels she has to hide about him. Ex-boyfriend Elliot doesn't know what he did on that Saturday night. Lila doesn't plan on letting him know. So lie after lie after lie. Lila lies her way out of, and consequently into a lot of trouble, all in the mean time finding out maybe giving people chances isn't as bad as she thought.

ambersymss · Teen
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9 Chs

C02: Anna - 2

Anna Rose Brianson. She's annoying. What best friends aren't?

If it's not weight rants (unusual) it's boy rants. And if it's not boys it's parents. We're entirely different people but throughout both Primary School at Clifton, and Armadale Senior Highschool she's the only one to be tolerable enough. Even her family are tolerable. That is besides her eldest brother. Or most of her brothers. She made my ten-year old dreams of having siblings disappear the moment I stepped into her house to be honest. I'm not missing anything.

Anna's a year younger than me.

I had a year to make new friends. Join new subjects. It didn't happen. So Anna Brianson remained my best friend and there's nothing I can do about that.

I don't mind the company I suppose.

Anna has five brothers. James whom I love. He's three. Samuel who's nine and hates being called anything other than Samuel. He's good with numbers. There's Charlie who's fifteen. He's had a crush on Jennifer Lawrence for seven years now. Cameron is my age, a gamer, someone who bullies Anna the most. And Eithan.

Eithan can actually ram a pole up his arse, enjoy it, and he'd still find a way to have someone sympathise him in hospital for suffering from a self inflicted pierced intestine. He's nineteen and doing nothing with his life as far as I'm concerned.

Which I'm not.

Anna's unlucky. So when she finally did move her leg, get up off the bean bag I had initially claimed, and proceeded to trip over her own foot and hit her head on the coffee table, I sat still for a few seconds feeling nothing but defeat. She was unconscious.