


/"I don't know how you eat raw salmon straight,/" Leo scrunched up his noes as he watched Annie eat.

She shrugged, /"I'm not a picky eater. I thought you said you like sushi./"

/"I do!/" He retorted. /"But raw salmon, alone, not in sushi or anything... that's a no./"

Annie chuckled softly, /"It's not that bad./"

/"Or maybe you're just not a picky eater,/" he grinned.

Annie's lips twirled up in a grin, /"Or that./"

/"I want to know more about you, Annie Halden,/" Leo leaned forward a bit, propping his elbows up on the table and resting his chin on his folded hands. /"You're a mystery./"

Annie quirked an eyebrow, /"What do you want to know, Leo Smith?/"

Leo grinned, /"First kiss./"

Annie's eyebrows shot up. /"Okay.../" she shifted in her seat a little. /"14, freshman year. I was volunteering at a summer camp for kids. One of the other volunteers, same age as me. His name was Frankie Fisker. Terrible kisser./"