


Leo couldn't stop thinking about what Jay said. He hated that there was no way he was going to get answers.

He kept wracking his mind trying to figure out what Jay meant when he said that his people screwed Annie over before. In the last three years, he never heard anything about Annie or knew much about her. He saw her around, usually just sitting by herself in the library but surely if something had happened, talk would have spread around the school.

/"What's on your mind?/"

Leo looked up when he saw Annie giving him a small smile.

Instantly, he felt relaxed as a smile grew on his lips. /"Math,/" he lied. /"I have a test later./"

Annie nodded her head, glancing around a little. /"I'm sure you'll do good./" She bit her lip, avoiding his gaze.

Leo tilted her head as he looked at her, /"Want to sit?/"

Annie looked at him again, her eyes lighting up a little.