
Let the darkness consume

Kirchelle_Woods · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter 9

I woke up and startled the jack. Jack was lying right next to me, then lifted his head. I was still a wolf and I wanted to stay that way for a while.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

I stood up

"Where are we"

"A building."

"Very helpful." I said sarcastically

Then my dad came in and asked. "Are you going to stay like that? It's a bit scary."

I nodded.

" Well uh Follow me."

Jack and I followed him to the main hall and it was huge. Others stared at us all wide-eyed.

"This is our hidden facility . Everyone here knows about you."

"Well that's great." I said to jack

We stayed here for a couple of days. I stayed a wolf most of the time learning what I could do. We were eating when 2 people came running up to us in the middle of eatin.

"We need to go now. Your friend is waiting."

We got up and followed them. They led us to a cargo plane and I saw a giant cage. I looked at the person and growled at him. I turned into a human.

"There is no way in hell I'm getting in that cage."

"You're gonna have to. You will be with him. We just need to get you out of here. There will be other people who don't know about you in there. That are in the military So get on the conveyor and act like your passed out or something ."

"Fine. but i'm gonna have a word with my dad and you afterwards.

I turned into a wolf and told jack to get on the conveyor belt and act asleep. We got on the conveyor and pretended we were asleep when we got on the plane we were put into the cage and chained us up. The cage door was shut and locked. I got up and saw that my dad was running to the plane.

"LETS GO NOW!" He yelled.


I stared at him, my head tilted.

He mouthed pretend.


I growled at him then bashed into the side of the cage. Jack did the same thing. There were actually soldiers here. About 70 of them. One of them asked my dad. "When does an angelwolf get that big?"

"Never. That's why we are bringing them to the lab for testing.

I paced back and forth and I sometimes snapped at soldiers or bash into the cage. I got tired of it and fell asleep.

I woke up to alarms going off. I jumped up. Jackal was already up. A person said."WERE CRASHING!"

I bashed into the door hard enough to make it open. I look at my dad. Then I looked at the chains. He ran up to me and unlocked my chains then jackals.


"won't they eat us."

"that depends if they don't like you"

We bent our wings down them and one by one they got on, last is my dad.


I ran to the hatch then I pushed a button with my paw and the door opened. I jumped off the same time jackal did then we flew. I noticed fighter jets. I went down to solid ground. Everyone got off of me and I shot into the sky taking one of the jets down just by bumping into it. I was so high off the ground. Then I feel a dart hit the back of my neck and I'm falling. I couldn't feel anything then I hit the ground. People with guns surrounded me. I couldn't move. All I could do was growl and bark. Then I see colbalt.

"So you tried to escape me again. Well you will figure out that whatever I want I get. Oh and there was no dart, someone is just making you paralyzed."

I fought that urge. I got up with all my strength and stood towering over her. I growl at her.

"Bring him out"

Then the guards were dragging a body. But it was Mason. I recognized his golden blue hair. I stared at the two guards and they toppled over in pain. I sort of walked To him. Because of my hugeness I turned into a human and put his head in my hand. I stared at his lifeless eyes. He wasn't breathing. I put his lifeless body down.Then I stared at colbalt.

"You're going to pay for what you have done today." I said in tears.

"Karin come out please hun." She asked.

"You have some nerves trying to kidnap me. And now you are making someone else do your dirty work. Now that's just low."

Then a girl with white hair came out. She looked terrified. She stared at me and I felt weaker than I already was. I turned back into a wolf. She saw how big I was. I could smell fear from here. . I Smelled someone familiar. It smelled like Tobias and my dad. All of a sudden 3 guards dropped dead. Then I collapsed on the ground. The girl stood there staring at me and I stared back. Fighting to stay awake. After a minute she dropped unconscious. I turned to colbalt but she was gone. I look around trying to find my dad. I saw him pinned up against a tree. I stalked over to them. My hackles are already raised. I started to growl but the guard turned around and I saw Mason's lifeless body holding my dad up against a tree. Then I hear.

``PMS IS HERE!!!!"

I look back at my dad and Mason was once again on the ground but someone else was holding my dad. He was tall,slender. I couldn't see the front of his face. I was silent.

"Where is mom,TELL ME NOW DAD!!"

"I'm sorry she's dead."

"Who?" The stranger whispered

"What?" My dad said in confusion.



"So that bitch killed my mom."

"I'm afraid so."

"What about my sister?Don't tell me Jessie is to please."

"She's fine, But she doesn't remember who you are."

"What do you mean?" He said as he was breaking the bark on the tree.

I growled as he lifted my dad higher. He looked back at me, his brown hair and his scent was familiar like I knew him. His golden brown eyes filled with wonder. But I lunged for him. He evaded my encounter. I look to the side to see someone pointing a gun at me. I was surrounded and there were just so many. I couldn't keep count but they surrounded me. I raised my muzzle to the man. My dad was under me. I could smell his fear. I grabbed my dad softly by his hoodie. Still looking at the tall person I slowly opened my wings and rocketed to the sky. I saw Jack in the distance and I flew toward him. When I landed I put my dad down and shifted back.


He looked at me. "That was Isaac. He is basically the boss of protective magic services."

"So why did he call you dad?"


All of a sudden my dad is on the floor as there is a gaping hole in his stomach.

"NOOOOO" I turned to see Isaac . I shifted before he could say anything and lunged at him. I could no longer see him. I looked around and saw jack. I shifted back and walked toward my dad. I'm on my knees crying.

"Jack, I don't know what to do anymore. Mason is dead, Conner disappeared and now my dad is dead. That man will pay for what he has done."

I turn and Jack is unconscious. I feel something on my waist slithering up my body. I freaked out and put up my shield. I looked around to see nothing. I felt it again going up my legs. I put my shield up again. I shifted before it could happen again then I saw him. I wasn't going to let him get jack. As I growled the earth rumbled. It looked like it was just me and him. I slowly walked backwards as more people came out from behind the trees. I turned when no one was moving and I saw Jack was a man. He was still not moving. He had brown hair and was tall. I looked at Isaac and he tilted his head. I shifted back looking at him then I ran toward Jack and just looked at him in amazement. I heard his heartbeat and someone else's. I turned around fast enough to give me whiplash and I saw one of the guards. He held his hand out waiting for me to grab it. But I stare at him, not moving. I could smell his curiosity, I questioned why. Then Issac came up and I scooted back so I'm touching Jack.

"What should we do with her? She's not a regular human and neither is her partner."

His mysterious eyes stared at me.

"We need to gain her trust first. We don't know what she is capable of."

I didn't know what was happening but their mouths weren't moving.

"Uhh you know I can hear you right?"

The man looked at me in surprise. I got up and looked at all the other people there. I turned and I picked up Jack and walked away but couldn't because I was surrounded. again.

"I'm sorry but you can't leave."

Then a hand touched my shoulder. I turned to see a not so little girl.

"Please stay, it would be nice to have another girl around."

I looked in aw. "I can't stay, I need to go because of a Certain someone that killed my dad." I gave a death glare to Isaac.

"Don't you know. He's your brother"

I looked at her sorta smiling. "You think that THING is my brother."

I was still holding jack. I looked at Isaac." Did you do this?" He nodded

"I thought you wanted that."

I hear this really high pitch note. Then I'm on my knees holding my ears. Issac came to my side. I couldn't hear what he said but everyone went running searching for something. I could see black tendrils curling up Jack's body. Issac picked me up As I reached toward jack. He was being held by the same person. By issac. Then the ringing stopped but I was way too weak to move.

"John and Hanna take these two to the base. I have business to attend to."

He said while looking at colbalt. I know she was in for it, and she'll probably die. My hearing was blurred, same with eyesight. I could hear him say something.

"We must keep her away from Jasic."

My eyelids were so heavy I let them close.