
Let's do this together,Luffy.Let's find One Piece together.

A guy got reincarnated into the world of One Piece.this time though,this guy is not an asshole.or a pervert.or someone with a mighty high,god complex.just a guy with a high level of depression that tries to make one huge family and tries to eat Imu's head.

Cigo_Kas · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs


Timeskip:5 Years Later

the sun is just rising,the beach is calm like a normal beach would.the birds are already singing.people have started to do their activities.and we can see a lonely silver haired little boy just sits near the cliff,while also holding a knife.the boy has a sad and faraway look on his face and,automatically,start to try to hurt himself.one small slice on the arm,two,three,four.....and then it stops.


whine a five year old boy behind the silver haired boy with black hair,sunshine face,and definitely cute features.this is of course is Monkey D Luffy,and he watched his own brother tries to hurt himself over and over again.the now named Jack is snapped out of it and looked back towards the now sniffeling black haired boy.

"Luffy,what happens?."

Jack ask,concerned.Luffy just look straight toward Jack with red eyes.

"you being quiet again.i don't like it."

Luffy says and then hugs Jack,making the now visible bloodstained Knife,clatters to the ground.Jack sees the Knife,understands what happen,and hugs Luffy back.

"Luffy,i'am so sorry you had to watch that everytime i go quiet.thank you for snapping me out of it again."

Jack says while rubbing Luffy's back.

here's the thing.Jack,even though now he is a little kid,he is still an adult.on his mental side,of course.and,this in turn,brings back his old,bad habit.self harm.Jack usually just tries to get a nearby knife,and start slice his own arm.why is that,you ask?.well,when your life is so boring that you can't even enjoy the little things in life itself,you start to getting desperate to try to feel something new.so,he hurt himself to feel something in his dull life.also,because he is also suicidal,depressed as fuck,and probably had a lot of mental issues.he is not exactly stable to begin with,but he made some progress.he hurts himself way less than before,and mostly spending his time with teaching Luffy everything that come to his mind,such as how to skin off a bear's hide for its fur,how to make herbal medicine,and such.as the result,Luffy became smarter than he was in canon.atleast in the section of "this is crucial for our pirate journey" type smart.and,Luffy learns a lot with Jack and actually like studying because Jack always give his lesson in the most,fun way.he gives example by making some of the herbs that he remember from his world(Luffy of course does not know that),one of them being a recipe for medicine that can heals minor cuts and wounds.Jack knows the only way for Luffy to learn is to teach it with example,not with words and books.sure,the medicine taste awful and also some of the medicine is really painful to put on the wounds,but it does works wonder.and of course Luffy ended up got interested in making these medicine because his big brother can't lay off the knife.

"c'mon,Jack i see a ship approaching the island.let's see what the ship is."

Luffy says with a grin.Jack smiles back and let himself be dragged by his over energetic little brother.

they both had arrived on the dock and of course,the ship is approaching.it got a jolly roger so there's that.Pirates.hopefully these guys are kind.everyone around them is horrified,Makino looks calm,Luffy is smiling like the goofiest little brother he is,and Jack does not have an ounce of fear inside him.he knows what ship this is.he doesn't need to worry.if,by chance,they tried to do something,he got two bottles of Molotov right in his backpack,and he also holding one right now and it's already light up on fire.he will not go down without the last laugh.the ship dock in itself,and of course the plank is puts down.then people starts to walked out of the ship.it's a lot of people,probably more than 10.and of course,infront of them,is the Red Haired himself.

Shanks POV

ah,this island looks beatiful the moment we docked in this island.i see a lot of people is wary but there are some people that is calm.i mean,it makes sense.you see a pirate ship,your first thought will only be "is this pirate come to our island to ransack or just dock for a little while".well,me and my crew just falls onto the second one.looking on all of this,i doubt they have much in berries.but,i can use this place to-hold on.is that kid carrying a fucking Molotov.and what's up with the other one.the kid with silver hair and dull,red eyes just sees us like we are an ally.but ready to throw down his life.Haki could read a lot of stuff,you know.and the other one,a black haired,bright boy with the biggest smile i have ever seen is just waving on our direction.maybe it's time to introduce ourselves.

"Hello,the people of this island.my name is Shanks,the captain of the red haired pirates.i hope you all don't mind that we stay on the island for a little while."

i said while bowing a little.

i see all of the villagers just breath a sigh of relief and goes back to do their own thing.all except four people,a beautiful girl with green hair(goddamn,i thought Boa is the most beatiful woman on the planet),the two kids,and one guy,probably the mayor of this village.the kid spoke in the most threatening tone possible while also bot being threatening:

"i'm gonna say this,and i'm gonna say this once.trying to do some bad thing to this village,i will burn down your ship."

the kid says while narrowing his eyes.i gotta give it to the kids,the kids have some balls.i gotta replied back.

"is that so,kid?.do you really ready put your life on the line to burn my ship?.because weapon is not a toy for scaring people,weapon is for action."

i said while also flaring my Conquerors Haki in a short burst.the kid staggers a little,but he doesn't back down.but what he says next is surprising.hell,even all of my crew is horrified.i could pick up their feeling with Observation.

"do you think i give a fuck?.if you think that i'm just gonna sit back and be scared if you all attack the island right now,you're dead wrong.i will have the last laugh,even if it's the last thing i do.you understand,pirates?.i.got.nothing.to.lose."

the kid says with,surprisingly,his own burst of Conquerors Haki.i'm now really curious,like who is this kid?.why does an unknown East Blue kid have Conquerors Haki?.

"hey,kid.i got a question for ya'."

i said.the tension is lessen and the kid drop down his guard and finally put down the Molotov.the other that is still here is also glad the tension is over.

"yeah,what is it?."

the kid ask with his dull,red eyes that just scan his whole crew.it's kinda freaky that a kid like this actually does this and not a teenager.

"how do you know how to use Conqueror's Haki?."

i ask politely.the kid want to say something but the black haired boy beat him to it.

"oh.our gramps teaches us on how to use Haki.and my dad too,if he had the time to visit."

the black haired kid says and then ended it with a grin.well,there's that answer.and the silver haired kid just looks exasperated with this,but i see a look of fondness aswell.

"alright then.is there any bar around here?."

i ask again,politely.the green haired woman,the beatiful one(damn,still can't believe a gem like this exist in East Blue of all places)is the one that answers with a warm smile.

"i have a bar near here,so if you boys want to party,then come follow me."

she said and then she walks away.i grin,this is the first island that i visited in East Blue and this is already amazing.

"come'on guys.you heard the beatiful lady.let's go."

i said,while walking to the island,following the green haired woman in the process.the boys followed,with the black haired kid is being carried by ben around his shoulder,and the silver haired kid just whistling some tune.i have a feeling that it's gonna be fun around here.

3rd Person POV

the red haired pirates is partying throughout the night and they got to know who is Jack and Luffy and also about their family.they all gobsmacked at the mention of Garp the fist being Luffy's grandpa.but then they all laughed and just continue partying.Jack is interesting to them,since he seems smarter than Luffy in every regard but can also do soem stupid shit sometimes.he put chillis inside ben fourth of Alcohol,and Shanks and the other laugh as they see Ben trying so hard to catch Jack while drunk.it's fun for Shanks and the others and it's also fun for Luffy,especially when they tell Luffy about the Crew's adventures.Luffy is basically look like a kid that just got high on sugarcandy,he's basically fanboying for the whole crew.of course Luffy plead for more stories,and Shanks give it to him.even the story of his time in Roger's ship.Shanks crew is shocked that he have worked with the pirate king himself,but Luffy is even more happy on hearing this.the cat is out of the bag,so Shanks just tells them some stories that don't involve about what is in Laughtale.where is Jack in all of this you ask?.well...

3rs Person POV

Jack had been walking out for sometime,decided to not stick around for all of the stories,decided that he will have some time alone.he already made some plans for Luffy's training regimen.

'1000 Push ups,1000 sit ups,1000 pull ups,running around the village 15 times without stopping,punching trees,punching rocks,weight lifting,shooting training,gotta teach him on how to use a gun somehow,Haki training always,maybe i could get away with teaching Luffy on how to do the Six Marine Techinques.make him swimming and adjusted to the feeling of the sea itself.Weight clothing training,And lastly assasination training.gotta show Luffy every vital places to punch someone.'

thought Jack as he keeps walking around the beach.he didn't want to bother Shanks,his crew,and Luffy spending time together.this is Luffy's day,not me.i should just kept on training.Jack keeps walking but he knows someone just following him.and Jack suddenly stops and turns around.

"you're not slick,my guy.i know someone is following me since the start.why don't you just come out and let's talk?."

Jack just said calmly.then,from behind a palm tree,came out Bene Beckman.Jack is surprised,but he doesn't show it in his expression.

"oh.you.what does the first mate of Shanks doing all by himself here?."

Jack said sarcastically while rolling his eyes.Ben Beckman just raise his eyebrow at this and said.

"no,it's more like:What.are you doing here all alone by yourself,kid?.i thought kids like you like to have fun."

Jack frowns at this.he really didn't eant to be around a lot of people.especially Shanks,and his crew.that's more of Luffy's cup of tea than his.Jack then said.

"none of your business,my friend.i just get bored and want to get some fresh air."

Jack cross both his arms and glare at Ben to prove a point.Ben is giving up at this and said.

"alright then.but i'm gonna be with you.can't have you kids gets kidnapped by someone else."

Jack is pissed off at this and said.

"i'm fine all by myself,Mister.now get the fuck away from me."

Jack walks away.really,Jack do want to spend time with Luffy,but this is Luffy's thing.not his.Luffy meeting Shanks is crucial,and especially due to the fact that Luffy needs this.the motivation to become free,become pirate king.Jack?.Jack is ginna stay in the shadow for Luffy.doing heinous thing to gain money while also protecting Luffy from the underground world.Ben stops Jack from leaving,hold him in his shoulder.

"c'mon,let's go back.the other is wondering on where are you right-."

Ben can't even finish his sentence before Jack turns around immediately and punch Ben on his cheek.























now,it is on.