

The novel revolves around a person named Leon who has been persecuted throughout his life, even though he is a member of the richest families. However, he finds himself in an evil organization that aims to create special, supernatural children. What will his life become after he undergoes the dragon experiment? And what will happen to him after he turns into a human monster devoid of purpose, emotions, and will

DaoisthAQvrC · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

The hell of the Martinez family

Well, the events are quite many, but I will try to formulate them in a good way

I was 6 years old and like any morning routine for someone my age, I would go to school

Although the school is a damned place full of all kinds of scoundrels, it is a paradise on earth if you compare it to this house... I mean the palace.

Well, there is no need for me to rewrite these letters, as you already know that we are rich...frighteningly rich and very exaggerated

I was supposed to be thankful for this all my life. I mean... you understand me, right? If you are from a rich family, you are supposed to live lavishly and enjoy life to the fullest.

But .... This does not apply to me!!!!

where did we stop ? Yes, I remembered... The morning came on that day. Every morning, my mother would wake up my brothers with her beautiful, affectionate voice

While I wake up to the sound of shoes clicking From above you can see that I'm sleeping in the basement directly below my brothers' rooms Haha, you didn't expect this, did you? Well, this is one form of the distinction between me and my brothers, and I bet you haven't seen anything yet. The second form of the distinction is that they go to a private school while I go to a public school.

They were very ashamed of me. There was no one in their school who knew that I was their brother. To avoid embarrassment, they separated me from them. Each of me and my brothers also went to a different school.

When I told you that my school is a paradise if you compare it to my home, do not raise your expectations too much so that you are not shocked by what was happening every day. The same thing was repeated to the point that I got used to it. I was praying that I could rest for just one day from the bullying and beatings.

Which I suffered every day

While that fat man grabbed the front of my dress and said " how dare he do that ? I've never done anything. It's a ridiculous excuse for him to hit me. It's like injustice. Since childhood, I see justice as meaningless and never existing.

Why would I believe this? It is ridiculous for anyone to believe in the existence of justice if he lives a life like mine. Laws were not created to protect the weak in the first place. Rather, they were created to make the oppressor stronger and so that those with money can protect their money.

As for a weak, ugly person like me, he is destined to fall into a deep abyss. My survival so far is a miracle in itself

It is known that death comes once, but life has killed me thousands of times and you will know everything later

I was suffering from skin rashes on the left side of my face, from my eyebrows down to my mouth. It was a truly terrible deformity, but the right side of my face was healthy and normal. I was very thin, and the bones in my rib cage were sticking out.

These specifications prove to you that I am weak physically and mentally as well. I was wrong in understanding most situations, I was failing to appreciate things, and I was ignorant of the nature of those around me. I was truly pathetic.

Well, forget about the fact that school is a paradise. Forget those damned words that I read a while ago so that I don't seem like I'm lying or asking for your forgiveness.

There was suffering at school and at home. I never felt comfortable. I always seemed exhausted from the severity of the beatings, abuse, and cursing. I was in a completely devastating physical and psychological state. Whenever my brothers felt my weakness, they destroyed the last glimmer of hope, which was basically... not available !

No matter how much I write to you, I will not be able to describe the severity of the bullying that I received. Sometimes they put staples on my chair, sometimes they put glue in my books and wallet, and sometimes they locked me in the bathroom.

They write on my desk things like, "Go to hell, you pig." "Fuck you, you dirty bastard."

You can see the girls looking at me with disgust while some boys come and hit me in front of them to impress them, as if they were the heroes who defeat the villain in fantasy stories and manga.

But....when I grew up, I realized that villains are the real heroes who do not hypocrite in order to gain people's admiration

They beat me at the break and in the restaurant, and they use me as a shield when a problem happens, and they put all the blame on me, and I cannot speak.

Even the teacher didn't seem to care. She was asking me in a cold tone, "What's going on with you, Leon?" Those words and dull, uninterested looks were coming from that woman's mouth

No no nothing my teacher


She had no desire to help me from the beginning. You can easily tell from her cold response to me, as if she wanted to avoid me as much as possible

I would often come home with bruises on my face from the severity of the beatings I received from the bullies at school, but the servants would receive me with that cold look while they would receive my brothers with the warmest greetings. My brothers would always laugh at me.

This was a routine for me: I would be subjected to persecution at school and come home to receive double the pain that I had experienced a few minutes before.

I return home and see my brothers waiting for me. Every time they see those bruises on my face, they feel happy. I don't know why, but they enjoy seeing me suffer as if they do not have living hearts.

I hear my brother Arthur say, "The thief of the inheritance has come," and so do my other brothers, like Ye Lian, Karma, and Sarah. I passed by them and I hear them saying.

Ye Lian said to me directly, making me hold back the tears in my eyelids with difficulty. She said, "Why don't you just die? Is your life important? End your life and commit suicide. Let us rest from you and from this stinking face that spoils our day."

Karma responded to her and asked her to stop talking. I thought he was defending me, but he said: "You idiot, how do you want my dear punching bag to die?" Hahaha everyone started laughing.

I turned my back, trying to leave and get away from them, but I heard behind my back: "How could my beautiful mother give birth to a monster like you?"

Arthur: "This is the mystery we have been unable to solve

Well, their words are logical. They all have a beautiful appearance, except for me. I am like the thorn between the flowers. It spoils the gardens and hurts people, but I am the one who hurts.

The suffering continued day after day, and my situation worsened. I learned from my brothers that my mother gave birth to me under duress and had never carried me or breastfed me once in her life, but one of the maids took pity on me and fed me so that I would not die cruelly like this....I haven't found a justification for it yet

There are many manifestations of racism in my life . Many times, when my brothers do something wrong and bear the burden of their mistake on me, my mother punishes me by hitting me, and I often sleep without food.

I ended up licking the pots and plates so I wouldn't die. This caused me many health problems. I used to get sick with fever most of the time, and every time I lay on that old bed inside that dark basement.

I feel like I will die...alone...in complete darkness....no one will care about me and the smell of my rotting corpse will guide them to my death. I think it is the certain end of my life. I cannot expect an end other than this.

Sometimes death is the purest thing a person can ask for

People are not equal, but there is something we all have in common. Do you know it?

Get your answer correct....it is death

No matter how strong you are, you will die

No matter how rich you are, you will die

No matter how beautiful you are, you will die

Death Death Death

is the destroyer of all terms of life, it is the home of women, the orphanage of children, and the killer of dreams

But death, for some people like me, is a very distant dream

I tried to end my life several times, but I couldn't. I didn't have the courage to kill myself

You can see my brothers gathered around my mother, laughing and looking happy

While I'm in that corner hiding and I'm watching them and I really wish I could spend time with them I want to play with my brothers I want my mother to hug me I want my father

Aren't you their son? Don't they realize that this is too cruel for a child to endure?

to praise me

My brothers were getting good grades in their exams and she seemed really proud of them

Especially History (that's his name) he was truly a genius for kids his age. He was very smart and my mother was crazy about him.

They used to call me stupid because I got zero marks in most exams . Well I know ! The zero mark involuntarily suggests to anyone that I am stupid. My transition to the new year was a mystery that teachers were unable to solve.

But wait a moment, do not rush to judge me. My mother provides great assistance to my brothers. She brings teachers to the palace for them to teach them, and she also supports them with external books to ensure the best possible benefit.

I forgot to tell you more about his history He got 99% in most exams, and sometimes he got 100%. Following him was a dream for my brothers. In their eyes, he was an example to follow.

Arthur tried to outshine him, but History was much smarter than him, and he beat him and got a better grade than him. As I remember, Arthur got 89% and Histori got 99%. Histori did not make any effort to win.

Without warning, Arthur started taking his anger and frustration out on me and started hitting me excessively. I was trying to protect my face as much as possible by wrapping my arms around him.

Arthur: "Why are you protecting that damned face? Maybe if you kicked it, it would be prettier, you stupid freak."

My brothers joined him in that bullying party and I started crying as usual. I could do nothing but ask for mercy by crying. I was truly pathetic.

But the thing that caught my attention was that Histori was not bullying me with them. He was just giving me his strange looks. I do not remember that I had spoken to him before. He was always ignoring me, perhaps because I was too insignificant for him to bully me.

He was just staring at me with his creepy red eyes while he read that book on that plush sofa

I would always see my mother and my brothers in the living room and she would sit with them and I would hear the sound of their laughter and jokes and I would be content with seeing that from afar... On the other hand, sometimes I would watch them silently and other times I would cry... When I exhaust my stamina, I know that I am ugly, but I also have a heart and I deserve someone who loves me and cares about me... Indeed, this is very cruel and painful.

Yi Lian asked my mother how her first meeting with my father was, and how it was a romantic meeting and love at first sight, and that was frankly ridiculous talk. At that time, I was interested in hearing every word my mother, father, or one of my brothers said.

I was trying as much as possible to reduce the gap between me and them, but to no avail

Fortunately, I passed the year and moved on to the next year, well that I did not repeat it

My father came to the house, and as I saw him walking towards me, I gathered every drop of courage within me and said to him: "D.Dad, welcome back."

He passed in front of me as if I was nothing, paid little attention to me, and never looked at me

He went to my brothers who immediately saw him They rushed towards him, hugging him and welcoming him back. There was some exaggeration. When Ye Lian saw me frustrated, she started trying to tease me. She was not the only one. Everyone was like that.

What did you bring me? Ye Lian said with an innocent smile. My father took out the gifts and toys inside those bags while I watched.

I went to the basement to sleep, and I was lying down, staring at those cracks in the worn-out cement ceiling and this tremendous cold in the place.

Water pipes pass through this basement, so in the winter it is very cold and in the summer the humidity is fatal. I used to live in agony in all four seasons.

Staying alive was draining my energy ...

I slept with tears on my cheeks that night

I woke up to the same sound of feet that wakes me up to go to school, but it is the weekend, no school today... I got up and went up those stairs to find out what was there, and all I see are decorated trees. There is also liveliness in the place, as well as children's voices, not the voices of my brothers here. I realized that today is Christmas

I hate this day, perhaps because no one congratulates me or talks to me

I decided to go back to sleep, as this is better than seeing this, and I cannot deal with people without them considering me as a human being like them

The guests were still coming in and I picked myself up and tried to get back to the basement quickly because if someone saw me and knew that I was a member of this family, I would embarrass my parents and siblings and I would get into big trouble.

My father was talking to some men about real estate and work that I could not understand because I was young at that time

And my mother was with some women who were wearing those luxurious clothes and those high heels that I don't know how they could handle walking in... I was trying to get to the basement as quickly as possible, but I collided.

I fell and put my arms over my face to protect it. It was a habit for me. Everything I did was wrong. I did it because I was subjected to a lot of beatings and violence until these movements became involuntary and I made them without realizing it.

But I heard a female voice speaking to me and saying: Are you okay? I knew it was a girl and she extended her hand to me to help me get up, but when she took my hand away from my face she screamed ... She was afraid of me and said he was a monster

Leon: "Am I a monster?

That little girl did not stop screaming, and I was in shock and could not move. I did not know exactly what to do

My brothers came and saw this scene. Ye Lian came running towards me and said while she was slapping me, "Leon, you bastard."

Ye Lian went to check on that girl while I was asking myself and staring at her at the same time: What did I do? I didn't really do anything. Why?

Karma grabbed me by the neck and said why are you staring at my sister like that huh?...And he punched me in the face without thinking twice about it

They started hitting and kicking me as if I were a vile animal. They had no mercy that I could mention to them. They were the real monsters.

Monsters hiding their brutality behind those beautiful faces

I am the oppressed person here!!!

They started hitting me while laughing at me and insulting me. Even the girl who was crying at first came forward and slapped me as well while laughing.

In the end, people become more cruel depending on the surrounding circumstances

They continued to beat me until my body became limp and I fainted

Arthur: Hey, get up, pig, I'm not done yet!!!

Karma: "Damn, he's not moving. What are we going to do?"

Ye Lian: "Just leave him here and let's escape

My brothers and other children ran away while I was lying on the ground. As soon as I felt that they were moving away, I got up... I got up heavily. These people completely destroyed me.

I got up until I heard a voice behind me say, "Not bad

I quickly turned around to see a pair of red eyes staring at me. It was Histori

I said to him in interrupted words and in a voice trembling with fear and tension: "W..What do you mean?"

History: "It was a good idea to pretend you passed out

Leon: "What?"

Histori walked away from me after he said these few words to me, but inside I was really happy. This was the first time I spoke to anyone without him insulting me or hitting me... In fact, this was the first time I spoke to Histori directly.

When the night came, I went to the kitchen as usual and found some food. Since there was a party today, fortunately for me, I will not be licking the dishes today

I lay down and started to get into a whirlpool of pre-sleep thoughts, that is the perfect time to collect strange thoughts, embarrassing situations, sad, happy and funny situations, all of which come together in your mind to form a strange movie.

I was about to fall asleep until I heard a sound coming from one of those boxes stacked in that corner... while I cursed my luck and said: "Damn, is that another rat?"

I walked towards the boxes to find out what this thing was until I was shocked to see a dead cat and its kitten suckling from its corpse, which had begun to rot.

How did I not smell this pungent and disgusting smell? Maybe because this place smells bad in the first place

I carried that cat and buried it in that garden without anyone seeing me. It was midnight

When I returned to the basement, I saw that poor little cat. I held him in my arms and looked at the details of this innocent and cute creature

You're lonely...and you're treated like trash...You're just like me


Here is the end of the chapter. Thank you for reading. Don't forget to leave comments

See you later bye 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻