

The novel revolves around a person named Leon who has been persecuted throughout his life, even though he is a member of the richest families. However, he finds himself in an evil organization that aims to create special, supernatural children. What will his life become after he undergoes the dragon experiment? And what will happen to him after he turns into a human monster devoid of purpose, emotions, and will

DaoisthAQvrC · Fantasy
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7 Chs

the introduction


Yes, that's me. I don't seem very interesting, do I? It's clear from your cold stare and frowning face that you're bored, right?

You turn the pages and turn here and there until you come to me

Strange coincidence, isn't it? I hope you don't get tired of reading my words quickly or learn what, even if you get bored, you will come back to me in the end to continue my story after it revolves around that ambiguous episode, or perhaps you will go away forever.

Let's get to the heart of this topic and be a little direct

But above all, my novel is not an entertaining thing to read while drinking coffee. In the end, I am about to die. I don't know when those scoundrels will reach us.

Regarding my story, it may be superficial sometimes, but in some events it is very deep. You will know how 78% of hypocrites think, and you may be one of them, or I, or even your close friends, and perhaps your family members as well.

It will open up horizons for you that you knew nothing about, and you will learn some irrefutable facts and arguments, including the dark side of life and the darkest realm of the human soul.

Now, if I ask you if people are naturally equal, you will naturally answer no, you fool....isn't it? Yes, you are right. There are several manifestations of discrimination, such as wealth and poverty. Beauty and ugliness. Position, prestige, power, influence, and money also all express the true meaning of power, and they are wonderful things that anyone could wish for, but what would you think if I told you that I had them all, and yet I lived a life worse than hell?

My name is Leon Martinez, and the Martinez family is one of the richest families in this country, if I do not exaggerate and say the world, and it is literally the heart of the country, with wealth estimated at 500 billion dollars. It is literally richer than many countries.

I'm supposed to live like royalty for the rest of my life and enjoy comfort and luxury.....that's what you thought, isn't it? Haha, I'm sorry you're wrong, well I'm sorry for myself too

Life has shown me the middle finger in my face, destroying all my dreams. Sorry if the introduction is long, but I am really disappointed and you will know why.

I have five brothers

The first and most favorite is Histori. He is beautiful. He has red eyes and black hair. He is very smart. Also, my father loves him more than anything, and so do my brothers.

The second brother, Arthur, has brown hair and blue eyes. He also has a good social personality and is a skilled speaker who loves to mingle and get to know new people.

Also, my sister, Ye Lian, is the family's spoiled woman. She is more beautiful than the most beautiful girl you can see, with her beautiful brown hair and black eyes. I will not tell you about how arrogant she is. If you throw her arrogance into the sea, it will be mixed with it.

My sister Sarah is very mysterious and eccentric because she pretends to be mysterious and tries to play the role of a silly anime character whose name I forgot, but she wears a black mask and does not like to take it off even though she is also beautiful.

My last brother, Karma, loves playing with dangerous things and is literally not afraid of anything except my father

Maybe I knew what they had in common: they are all beautiful and have a good appearance, and my mother brags about them wherever she goes, but I am another story. I am not like the cover picture of the novel yet. I was here, really ugly.

My appearance was defying the rules of society, especially a family like my family. This is the reason for that. The doctor also claimed that my mother was diabetic during my pregnancy, in addition to the fact that she took a pill to abort the fetus. But according to what the doctors told me, my mother said that abortion might cause her to develop cancer, so she gave birth to me under duress. Perhaps you will ask. How could this happen in the first place, but my luck is simply very bad. I am just a mistake... a dark fate and a breakthrough that has occurred in this family.

She was born slightly deformed because she was drinking a lot of alcohol in addition to medications such as isotretinoin. I think it was to treat skin problems. Fuck her. I wish I had died and not been born. If my luck were distributed to the people of the earth, they would perish. And as you know, a family of this wealth will sanctify something called appearance, and this is what is not. I even own a little of it


And here the chapter ends. I know it is short, but it is the beginning of something bigger. I hope you like it. Don't forget to leave comments
