
Legend: The path of Horus

Horus... A little human boy goes to search for the inheritance that his grandfather told him about, only to find that his family is not as simple as he had imagined.... After obtaining the inheritance from within the Great Pyramid, he embarks on his path... By the way, he brings glory to his race and finds the passion of his heart~ ...... Cough I'm not really good at introductions so see for yourselves and judge....

true_Monarch_me · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

The inheritance


Horus looked at the towering ceiling in front of him in amazement for a moment until he finally regained his memory

"Hames," Horus called out while sitting on the bed

Good morning, Lord Horus.

"Good morning, Hames." Horus yawned a little, then stood up and began to feel the changes in his body

"Extremely powerful!" Shock appeared on Horus' face

"Of course, Mister Horus has awakened a Heavenly King's perfect physique. This increase in strength is actually nothing. Mister Horus' current capabilities are already comparable to a noble of the Soul Race. Unfortunately, Mister is still human after all." Was Hamis' voice.

Horus smiled slightly as he felt his body, "It's okay, Hames. Humans still have the advantages of humans."

"Anyway, let's not worry about it now, take me back to the inheritance area."

" Heard obedience "

Horus suddenly disappeared and reappeared in the dark corridor, then walked quietly


After a while, Horus finally found the first painting of the underworld and was going to ignore it, but suddenly he stopped and thought about something and looked at the painting and no longer felt uncomfortable, "Hamis, what's the matter? Why don't I feel uncomfortable like last time? Can I My agreement with the underworld increases?"

"Cough, no, Lord Horus, the Heavenly king Physique has already awakened, and among the four Heavenly Physiques, the Heaven God is the leader and the strongest, so naturally you should not feel uneasy."

"So~" Horus wasn't disappointed by the lack of compatibility increase or something, or maybe he's getting the Greedy skill right now.

Well even though the skill of greed is useful, after all it will cause disrepute to its owner..and currently reputation is a bit important to Horus...especially because of Ra's words about that chat group

While contemplating this Horus had already traveled a great distance in the direction of the second plate


"Well, Hames, what should I do to enter and receive the inheritance? By the way, Grandpa Ra told me to tell you to help me obtain the attributes of purity from the water."

"Oh, did Lord Horus see Lord Ra... Well, as you can see, I don't question Lord Ra's guidance but..... Well, the most important thing about water is the healing and refreshing properties, and of course the purity, but the chance to get the Twelve Skills Very few, of course, all of this is the choice of Mr. Horus.

"Huh?" Horus paused, is there such a thing

"Just do this," Horus thought for a while, then finally decided to bite the bullet and trust Grandpa

"Good." Since Horus had made up his mind, Hamis no longer spoke and said, "Just touch the tablet with your right hand."

"Hmm" Horus agreed, then put his hand on the plate, then as soon as he touched it, a blue color and a transparent liquid suddenly appeared on the hand of Horus, then Horus disappeared


< Please focus on the direction you want to develop your compatibility with water > A robotic voice similar to Hamis appeared again and still lacked intelligence

"Well, maybe the advanced artificial intelligence has a need for laziness too." Horus didn't care much and started focusing on purity

Children are generally the embodiment of purity and do not have many complex ideas

Cough, of course there are still children who represent pure evil and others who represent pure disgust or pure greed

In any case, children represent purity

And Horus is a good kid and his thoughts are not polluted by the novels after all he still sees the problems in the novels in a very simplistic way from his point of view.....

In any case, it is not difficult for eight-year-old Horus to see the meaning of purity, especially with his intelligence compared to his peers.

Therefore, while Horus was not focused on the world around him, dense particles of the water element began to gather inside his body and expel all impurities from it, and water particles surrounded his body, which leads to washing the black liquid that is completely expelled.

(Hmm, yes, Horus thanks the grandfather for his advice. Strength is temporary, but handsome forever. Coughing, of course, handsome forever, is something that is limited to long-lived people like Horus. As for strength, coughing is temporary. I mean that strength is just a simple commodity for geniuses in the event that there is no urgent reason to obtain On it, as long as I am alive I can be sure that I will be strong, so why should I not care about handsomeness which is more difficult to earn)


"Okay." Horus opened his eyes and looked at the familiar ceiling above him, then sat quietly


"Yes, Mister Horus."

"How much did you sleep this time?"

" Three days "

"Oh," Horus didn't care much, but suddenly his reaction was, "Hey, Hames! How come I haven't been hungry for three days? No, hey, even before this. Since I came here, I've never been hungry?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Horus, that's normal. Inside this pyramid there is a kind of energy that the body can use as food."

"Strange~" Horus furrowed his eyebrows and showed his surprised face

"Well, this is really not normal. This is something that biologists invented at the behest of Lady Isis."

"Oh! Wow! Science is really cool!"

Yes, in fact, humans are wonderful beings despite their weaknesses.

"Heh." Horus proudly raised his chest slightly, then a black line suddenly appeared on his head and he realized, "Hey Hames, do I have to go all the way from the beginning to get to the Earth Realm Painting?"

"...." Hamis did not speak, what would she say, she simply pretended that the system would malfunction in an instant

"Ah never mind, I don't care about you, send me to the inheritance region again…" Before Horus's words could finish, he had already appeared inside the familiar dark passage.

Horus was silent for a while, then sighed and started walking


"Here we go." Horus placed his hand on the Earth Realm Tablet and added, "Hamis, I want the Mountain King's physique and the Gravity Pearl."

"Ah, I understand now, the Mountain King's physique is a physique that focuses on physical strength and healing and recovery, which is why Lord Ra told you to choose the Purity Attribute instead of Healing or Refreshing."

[recovery = blue fill (energy)]

What does the mountain have to do with healing and recovery?

"Is there a mountain without vegetation?" Hamis' voice was somewhat rhetorical...

"Okay, understood." Horus nodded, then he couldn't care less

"Okay, please prepare. We will start by activating your Earth King physique and transforming it into a Mountain King physique. There is no need to mourn this loss. After this transformation, your Mountain King physique will be much stronger than usual."

"Isn't that common sense?" Horus' voice was a little skeptical

"...Ah yes, I seem to have grown up a lot."

Horus closed his eyes and no longer cared about this mindless AI




Horus woke up and looked at the familiar ceiling above him, then closed his eyes again and began to check his body


The physical quality has increased a lot, the vitality has increased, as well as the activity, and the energy has increased tremendously

"Amazing." Horus then raised his hand to you

"This is at least the power of the Black Gold level," Horus muttered in a daze


"Yes, Lord Horus."

" What happened ? "

"Lord Horus awakened the Mountain King's physique which is stronger than I expected. I also got you the essence of gravity, but it was not fused."

" where is he ? "

Without many words, a table rose from the ground, and on it was a small black crystal. What attracted Horus' attention most was its beauty

Horus was a little puzzled, had the technology reached the Ancient Era's Law Condensation level? Is this even possible

As if I heard Horus' doubts, Hamis explained, "The essence of gravity. This is a treasure from heaven and earth."

A body of law can be formed in four ways

1- It is formed as a fruit from a tree attached to the root.

2- It is formed as a pearl by the primordial cosmic oyster.

3 - A lotus is formed over the water polluted by the energy of chaos with a certain law and this law is what is formed.

4 - It is formed naturally after a huge amount of luck energy is gathered with one of the laws and it is in the form of jewels at that time. "

Horus grabbed his chin and began absorbing this important knowledge

And this essence of gravity is one of the four original laws of the universe, and it was formed by the primordial cosmic shell. As for the rest of the three laws, I do not know how they were formed, and I do not know if they were even formed.

"...Then what are the other three laws?"

"Heh, you should know this yourself, I remember you said yourself that after receiving the inheritance, you will go directly to the learning area." Hamis' voice was slightly mocking.

"Hamis... do you think I'm a child?"

"…" Hamis was at a loss for words, you really are a child, but now admitting that means she was stupid and couldn't fool a mere child, right? Then silence, the AI has to keep its face

"Well, even though your aggressive way of cheering is nauseating, you don't have to worry, I intend to go to the library field anyway~" Horus smiled slightly, "But the most important thing now is to grasp this Gravity Pearl now, how do I do it?"

"Just hold her in your hand and put your energy into her and wait whether she agrees with you or not."

"I agreed....." Horus was somewhat silent, what is this I'm not on a blind date here

"Sigh." Horus sighed, then held the small pearl in his hand, then quietly injected energy

It didn't take more than three seconds for the Gravity Pearl to disappear from this world

"What's the matter? Am I accepted?"

"…Yes." Hamis' voice was a bit strange but Horus didn't notice

Hamis suppressed the shock in her heart (CPU), damn it, this is one of the Four Master Laws in the universe, and although being Master Laws doesn't make them the most powerful laws, it does make them the most arrogant laws, and her young master tamed this law easier than she could tame hares

Hamis calmed down and did not praise Horus so that he would not float up and leave the training diligently

"Oh" Horus closed his eyes and felt that he could actually perceive a strange 3D grid that encompasses everything in the world and he could influence it a bit all of a sudden, of course with the help of his space power as well….

Horus wanted to experience this intriguing power but quickly suppressed himself and calmed down

Unbeknownst to him, just now in his sea of consciousness the sky was studded with stars and suddenly a small ball appeared quietly rotating and under the influence of this small ball all the stars, sun, moon and clouds started to move and revolve around the ball~~


"Hamis, send me to the library domain now."

" good "

"Hmm!" Horus felt a bright light then quickly closed his eyes

Exposure to bright light after sitting in the dark for a long time is not a good thing and most importantly it is a bit painful

After a while, Horus opened his eyes and smiled

"Well, here I am, Sea of Knowledge."

Yes, literally a sea

(end of chapter)