
Legend Of The Remnant Saiyans

Back when Freeza decided to exterminate the saiyans and planet vegeta, another pair of Saiyans survived. How would remnant be different if 2 Saiyan siblings were sent off world at the time of Bardock's revolt against the tyrant and somehow ended up in the world of Rwby with their parents? Would certain events be different or.. would they stay the same? This is the story of how saiyans can literally change the fates of an entirely different reality and the consequences that come with interdimensional beings. DBS Broly like OC x Ruby, OC x Yang/Weiss.

Novaflame6_Badal · Autres
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Chapter 12: Ivestigating The White Fang

Hey guys, RoseSaiyan2 here again. I'm back with another chapter. So I'm undecided if this will be a two parter or not, guess we'll see how the story goes. In regards to the answers on the polls last chapter... seems like I'll be revealing the winner of those polls when the Beacon dance takes place so stay tuned.

As for when Ruby will reveal her feelings (once she figures them out lol) for Nova, I'm thinking probably... around chapter 10 of volume 2. I think that would put it at the mission to Mountain Glenn. I figured that'd be the best timing. Nova I feel like would reveal his own feelings towards Ruby almost immediately after Ruby admits her feelings to him.

Here's a quick poll though:

When should Cinder die?

I. Volume 5 (Confrontation in the Vault)

II. Volume 7 (Atlus; Confrontation with the Saiyans)

III. Volume 7 (Vs. God form Nova)

IV. Volume 5 (Vs. Sala and Raven in the Vault)

V. End of Volume 7 (Confrontation with Beerus)


That's all for now. Onto the story!

P.S.- I don't own Dbz/ Kai/ DBS/DBXV or Rwby and their characters. I only own the OC's. Tarro and Daikon are owned by ComparedDreadx, he's simply given me permission to use them in my stories.


Chapter 11: A Minor Hiccup


Weiss patiently waiting out the minute left on her holographic clock displayed from her desk in the classroom of Professor Peter Port, whose dialogue is merely background nonsense as Jaune slides up next to Weiss. Daikon looks over at this as he has to stifle a snicker at seeing the blonde's attempt to ask Weiss out on a date.

This earns abit of a glare from her towards the faunus boy as he just rolls his eyes and chuckles in amusement.

"So, Weiss, y'know, uh, I-I was thinking after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat?," Jaune asked.

He turns to look at the teacher, who was still rambling on about one of his stories, before turning around to face Weiss again.

"And, uh um, I-I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie, if you wanna make the trip to Vale. I hear it's awesome.," Jaune said to her.

Nothing. So he tried again.

" Aaaand maybe after that, we could study together? I mean, you're smart and I'm, uh... Y'know.," He said hoping he'd get at least some kind of answer.

Daikon looked on and mentally counted down until Jaune was shot down.

"Aaaanndd.. 3..... 2.... and 1., " He said mentally counting.

Finally, the clock in front of Weiss gives a shrill beep as it changes from 3:59 to 4:00, and she dismisses it with a wave of her hand. The professor is temporarily unaware of the alarm.

Port posed as a giant monster about to attack before realizing the bell had rung.

"And then I- Oh. [Straightens his stance as the students start to leave.] Timed that one wrong, I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait. Until next time!," Port said aloud.

Jaune is watching as Weiss packs up her scroll, along with her other things she brought to class. He speaks up again to get her attention, not appreciating being ignored.

"Weiss.. did you hear me?," the blonde asked.

Weiss didn't even bother to look at him as she responded to him.

"No, no, no, yes.," Weiss said as she began to walk away.

Jaune just groans and does a face plant on his desk at this. Daikon puts a hand on his shoulder as he walks past him.

" One of these days you'll learn there are other fish besides the princess there.," Daikon said in passing.

As the rest of the teens walk out of the class behind him, Yang ruffles Jaune's hair without looking as she passes him.

"One day, Jaune. One day.," She says.


The scene then switches to team Rwby's dorm room as teams Rwby and NDTSA are seen gathered together with their gear on. The camera does a close up of Ruby's hands as she is seen strapping the red lacing of her shoes. It then switches to a close up of Weiss' hand gripping the handle of Myrtenaster strapped to her side. Zipping over, it pans to a close up of Yang with Ember Celica over her shoulder as she slides the chamber.

The camera pans to a close up view of Blake tightening the black ribbons around her arms, next are several close up views of Nova and his team. First Nova as he adjusts his arms bracers, next to Daikon who is seen tightening his gloves, next is Turuk was he is strapping the sword he brought from home to his back, zipping to Scarlett she's seen adjusting her padded armor on her shoulders and arms, and finally it pans to Aiko who is polishing the blade of her Naginata.

It then switches to a full view perspective of both team Rwby and NDTSA in their new outfits. Blake then approaches her bed, while tightening her wraps.

"I thought that class would never end.," Blake said approaching her bunk.

Ruby is seen sitting on the hanging bed as she speaks.

"Alright, guys, today's the day! The investigation begins!," Ruby said excited.

She then leaps from her mattress and onto the floor, her arms raised in excitement. She nearly lands on Weiss, who is on the bottom bunk.

"I'm glad to see we're taking this so seriously.," She says sarcastically.

Daikon looks over to Weiss at her comment. Weiss of course takes notice of this and slightly glares at him for it, knowing what he was thinking.

"Not. One. Word.," Weiss said in annoyance.

Daikon just smirked at her. It was quite amusing for him to see her expressions to something he may or may not say.

"Hey, we've got a plan! That's... moderately serious.

"You don't sound too sure about that.," Turuk said.

"What do you expect me to say?," Yang asked a little offended.

"Guys! Not right now, you two can argue later.,"Nova said bringing it back to the original topic.

The two then nodded, not saying anything else. Ruby then looks around at everyone briefly before speaking.

"Right. Everybody remember your roles?," she asks.

Weiss stands as the camera shifts to each member, who state their roles.

A/N: I'm going to diverge from the cannon here abit so each pairing can get a little bit more development.

" [sighs] Daikon and I will head to the CCT and check the Shnee records for any and all Dust robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing as i'm in the family, it shouldn't be any problem.," Weiss said.

Truthfully, she didn't want to be stuck with Daikon. They'd just be teasing each other constantly. She'd rather be with Ruby, who was much easier to get along with.

"The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in, I'll be able to hopefully find out what they have planned.,"Blake said.

Scarlett spoke up immediately after.

"Just the same Blake, that's pretty dangerous on your own. Not that I don't trust you, cuz I do. Take Aiko with you just in case, she can help you if need be.," Scarlett said.

Blake went to say something, but then held her tongue as she realized Scarlett did have a point there.

"I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting some information out of him shouldn't be too hard. Although...,"Yang said trailing off before looking at Turuk.

Turuk flinched and had a tear run down the back of his head. He pretty much knew what was coming by the look in Yang's eye.

"You still owe me that favor Turuk. Well, how 'bout' it, stud~?," She asked.

Turuk felt a shiver come up from his spine at this. He thought that it would be better to go along with Yang's suggestion than to go against her since he had no idea of how to respond to the blonde's advances yet.

" uh... s-sure, why not?," He nervously laughed.

"What about You, Nova, and Scarlett then?," Yang asked.

Ruby spoke up in concern for this issue.

"We'll just ask around town and see what people know.," Ruby said.

"Plus, we'll have Scarlett and Yatsuhashi helping us.," Nova replied.

Yang nodded and inwardly smirked at this.

"Great! We'll meet up together near Yang to go over what we've found. [pumping her fist] Let's do this!," Ruby said.

"Yeah!," another voice said.

This voice was revealed to Sun Wukong, the blonde haired mokey faunus they'd grown to know... fairly well over the past year. He's revealed to smiling and hanging upside down by his tail in their open window. Team Rwby is taken aback by this, while Nova and his team just look at him quizzically. Blake is surprised and alarmed at this.

"Sun!", Blake said surprised.

She then looked to her brothers, who didn't seem the least bit surprised. Instead they were more puzzled than anything.

"How.. did you even get up there?," Yang asked puzzled.

He smiled at the fellow blonde as he answered her question.

"Ah, It's easy; I do it all the time.," Sun said.

"You do what?!," Weiss screeched.

"You shouldn't be that shocked Weiss, especially considering what kind of a faunus he is. It's as natural as breathing for him. I thought a shnee would've known this.," Daikon said.

She glared at him, a line of electricity sparking between their gazes.

"I don't recall asking you for your opinion!," Weiss snapped at him.

" Well, i'm sorry someone had to explain it to your sorry butt!," Daikon teased.

Sun just sweatdropped at seeing the two argue and bicker back and forth.

"Are... they always like this?," Sun asked sweatdropping.

Scarlett nodded.

"Uh huh, you get used to it after awhile.," She told him.

"uhh.. riiiggghhhtt.. So I climb trees all the time. [he flips into the dorm room] So.. are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy from a little while ago?," Sun said.

"By a little while, you mean from almost an entire month ago right?," Turuk said asking the obvious question.

" Has it been that long already?," Sun asked.

"Yeah, it has.",Yang said  as she answered this time.

"Oh. Well then, yeah.," the monkey faunus answered back.

Blake stepped forward when addressing him.

"We are going to investigate this situation... as a team.," Blake said.

Sun raised an eyebrow at this.

"Okay but then... why are they helping you? There's two teams here.," Sun said confused.

"He's got you there, sis.," Nova said.

"That's... beside the point!," Blake said flustered. "ugh! fine.. you.. have a point there.," Blake reluctantly admitted.

"Sorry, Sun. We don't want to get any more friends involved if we don't have to.," Ruby explained.

" Pssh! [waves his hand in front of his face in a motion like he was waving off something] That's dumb! We should always get more friends involved, that's why I brought Neptune!

Sun gestures out the window. The teens look out the window and see the aforementioned teen on top of one of the other ledges/window sills outside as cool as can be.. considering that his legs were shaking.

Daikon just closed his eyes in annoyance upon seeing the blue haired teen.

" Oh Joy! The idiot playboy has joined the party... What an utter fool!," Daikon thought.

"S-Sup?,"Neptune said.

Nova raised a curious eyebrow at this. Fortunately, Ruby asked the question that was on his and most of the other teens minds at the moment.

"Ok, how did you even get up here?," Ruby asked.

"I have my ways.," Neptune said.

The camera pans out abit to reveal that he's standing on a very thin ledge that circled the building under the windows. He nervously spoke up.

"Seriously, though, can I come in? We're like, really high up right now.," Neptune said nervously.

Nova nods towards Ruby, she nods back.

"Sure, come on in Neptune.," Ruby said.

"T-Thanks, appreciate it.," Neptune said as he climbed into the room through the window.

Inside the room, Ruby lays out the new plan as the group stands in a circle.

"Alright, I'll go with Nova and Scarlett. We'll be close by to Blake. We'll ask around see what we can find.," Ruby said.

She pushes Neptune past Weiss, he slips her a wink. Weiss is mildly shocked as she quickly comes to her senses.

"And Neptune, you can go with... Yang I guess. She and Turuk may need an extra pair of eyes just in case.," Ruby told him.

Weiss then spoke up as she wanted to suggest a change. Daikon already knew what she was trying to say, but he wasn't haviing any of it. Fortunately, he didn't have to do anything as Ruby took matters into her own hands.

"Actually, Ruby. Why don't you go with Yang? She is your sister, after all.," Weiss tried suggesting.

"Um, she doesn't want to be a third wheel genius. Take a hint, will you princess?," Daikon said.

Weiss glared at Daikon before looking at Yang and then at Turuk, then back to Yang again. That's when she realized Daikon may have had a point. There definitely was.. something or another.... going on between Yang and Turuk. Whatever that was she was pretty sure Ruby would feel awkward the whole time watching her sister flirt or do something she just wasn't ready to see yet to Turuk.

Ruby pushed Neptune, who is as stiff as a board, next to Yang. When she's done pushing him, he rocks back and forth looking nervous. Yang puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him from rocking.

"But, Weiss, who'd go with you then?,"Ruby asked.

"Oh boy.. here it comes.," Daikon thought inwardly rolling his eyes.

"Well... I guess Neptune could come with me and ... Daikon could go with Nova and Scarlett.," Weiss said.

Neptune puts on a suave look as he points at Weiss as Ruby cracks up at seeing this.

"Hahaha, nah!", Ruby says.

"Come on princess, let's go.," Daikon says as he smirks at Ruby thanking her for the save.

Weiss is less then amused, but is powerless to stop Daikon from pulling her by the wrist and out of the door. Weiss sticks out her free arm in a fruitless endeavor to wiggle out of Daikon's grip trying to get to Neptune.

"But! But!," Weiss says as she's dragged out of the room by Daikon.

Ruby then turns to Nova and Scarlett, smiling as she does so.

"Well, we should get going too.," Ruby said.

Nova smiled at her, Scarlett smirking at the two.

"Alright lovebirds, save the flirting for later.," Scarlett said passing them.

"Ugh, not you too Scarlett!,"Ruby said as she and Nova followed her.


The scene changes to that of a monumental tower that looms over the sparse trees growing around the crossroads below.

"So this is the Transmit Tower, eh? I've never actually seen it up close before now.," Daikon remarked.

" Huh, that's surprising you haven't seen one before. You should see the one in Atlas, it's much larger than this one.," Weiss said.

Daikon thought for a moment before speaking again.

"That was the very first one, right princess?," He asked.

"💢 I thought I told you not to call me that... And yes, that's correct.," Weiss said abit angered.

Weiss and Daikon are seen walking down the path towards the building as the heiress goes into a rant about the first Transmission Tower.

"Atlas developed the Cross Continental Transmit System to allow the four kingdoms to communicate with one another. It was their gift to the world after the Great War.," She explained.

"Well look at you "miss high and mighty"... My name is Weiss, and I'm rich! Isn't that right, princess?," Daikon said teasing her.

"💢 Stop being a pest! I've half  a mind to just do this myself! [Sighs in exasperation] Besides, the only reason we're here is because you took such an interest in the tower! We could've just as easily made a call from the library!," Weiss said with her eyebrow twitching.

" This seemed like the more effective option. You could've called from the library like you said but.. I'm sure you would've run into more than a few issues if you tried that.," Daikon said.

As much as she hated to admit it, Daikon did have a pretty sound point there. She really couldn't argue with him because he was right about that.

"You... have a point about that I suppose.," Weiss begrudgingly admitted. 

Both begin their walk towards the tower, Weiss staying quiet the rest of the time. For as much as she bickered with him, weis had to admit this much about Daikon, he was surprisingly smarter than she gave him credit for. Perhaps she misjudged him because she was always arguing with him it seemed like....

Weiss walks through the grand, glowing lobby of the tower with pride, avoiding the central terminal and heading straight for the elevator doors, which slide open automatically and close when she's inside. The voice of the CCT AI is projected from a panel near the door. Daikon is seen following her, though he didn't say anything he was inwardly having to stifle a laugh at seeing how Weiss carried herself in here. It was like she owned the place.

"Hello. Welcome to the CCT. How may I help you?, " An AI voice said.

"I'd like to go to the communications room, please.," Weiss said.

The AI processed her request and immediately responded back to her.

" Absolutely. Could you please place your Scroll on the terminal to verify your identity?," The AI asked.

Weiss retrieved her scroll and places it on the terminal as directed.

"Perfect! Thank you, Miss Schnee.," The AI said.

Upon the elevator's ascent, Weiss' expressions shifts from pleasant to serious. Upon entering the room, four symbols are seen on a computer - twin axes and wreaths, three flying swords pointing down, a spear and shield inside a fragmented circle, and a precise winged shape. Weiss and Daikon walk up to the front desk where a holographic secretary appears in the seat.

Several beeps are heard before the projection speaks in a polite manner.

" Welcome to the Beacon Cross Continental Transmit center. How may I help you?," The Secretary asked.

" I need to make a call to Schnee Company World Headquarters in Atlas.," Weiss answered.

Daikon noticed Weiss' change in expression,  it was odd to say the least. She was so serious now. That wasn't at all normal.

"Absolutely. (more beeping) If you could head over to Terminal 3, I'll patch you through.," The secretary said.

Weiss nodded at this.

"Thank you!," Weiss replied.

Weiss smiles and nods, though it's obvious to Daikon that she's forcing herself to smile. He remained quiet because he had the feeling now wasn't the time to say anything,... not just yet anyways. Weiss then walks over to her assigned cubicle-like computer, passing a few Beacon students in uniform - one of which is talking to her mother and asking how things are going back in Signal Academy. She sits at her own display, taking a deep, unhappy breath to prepare for the call ahead. The face of a short-haired brunette appears on the monitor with the Schnee snowflake rotating behind her. She does not realize who she is talking to until she looks up. On screen is a Shnee Corp Operator.

"Thank you for calling the Atlas- Oh! Miss Schnee! Good afternoon! Would you like me to patch you through to your father? I think your sister Winter might be here as well.," The corp operator said.

Weiss smiled pleasantly before answering. Though Daikon could tell she was faking it. There was some obvious tension on her face when her father was mentioned, but the heiress hid the fact well.

"No, thank you! I was actually wondering if you could find some files for me. I've compiled a short list.," Weiss said.

Weiss produces her Scroll, placing it into a slot on the keyboard, creating a series of noises as the Operator looks at the data from her side of the screen.

" I see. If you don't mind... what may I ask is this for?," The Operator asked.

"School Project.," Weiss stated in response.

The operator became nervous when she looked at the list Weiss sent her, and one could tell she was a little uncomfortable about it.

"Um... There are some sensitive documents on this list, ma'am.," The operator said nervously.

"Well, then, I'll be sure to treat them with care.," Weiss said.

"[still nervous]  Right... Very well. (more beeping and typing noises) The data is being transferred to your Scroll now., " The operator replied.

"Wonderful! That will be all, then., " Weiss said.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like me to patch you through to your father before you go?," The operator asked.

Weiss loses her smile, which Daikon notices and raises an eyebrow at. That was before Weiss quickly replaces her former smile with another one.

"Yes, I'm sure.," Weiss says.

"Well, then... Have a nice day!," The operator said as the call is then dropped soon after.

As the call is dropped, so too is Weiss' happy expression which is reflected on the screen. Daikon puts a hand on Weiss' shoulder before speaking up.

"I don't know exactly what's going on between you and your father, but try not to worry so much about it. That forlorn look on your face doesn't suit you at all, princess.," Daikon said.

"💢 this boy...! (Sighs) Thank you.. Daikon..," Weiss said.

Daikon smirked at her before answering back.

"Heh, no problem Princess.,"He said.


Nova, Ruby, Scarlett,  and Yatsuhashi  were seen asking around town about the white Fang. Unfortunately,  they hadn't come up with anything so far.

Ruby sighed in mild frustration at this , her and Nova had temporarily split off from Scarlett said Yatsuhashi as they were covering a pretty wide area. Ruby attempted to look on her scroll at the map of Vale to see where they needed to go next, she fumbled around with it and it ended up slipping out of her hand and sliding to the feet of a very familiar orange hair and green eyed girl.

" Oh!," a familiar green eyed girl said.

She picks up the Scroll and extends towards the clumsy teen.

"You dropped this.," The girl said offering it back to Ruby.

Ruby's eyes widen in shock at seeing who the girl is as she realizes that it's Penny.

"What the-Penny?!," Ruby asked shocked. 

Penny was also similarly as surprised as Ruby.

"Uuhhh...," Penny said surprised.

"Where have you been? We haven't seen you since that night at the docks!," Ruby said.

"S-Sorry. I think you're confused. ," Penny said panicking.

The girl suddenly hiccups, causing her to throw the scroll into Ruby's hands. She began to back up and then turned to walk away from Ruby and Nova.

"Uh... I've got to go! ," Penny said quickly walking away from the two of them.

Nova raised an eyebrow as he looked towards Ruby.

"Ruby, what was that about?," He asked confused.

" I don't know, but I'm going to find out. I'll meet up with you later!," Ruby said turning to go after Penny.

She turned to go after her, only to be grabbed by the wrist. Nova grabbed her and directly looked at her in the eyes.

"Nova! Let me go, please! I've got to go after her!," Ruby said worried.

"I know. ," Nova said.

Ruby looked at him as he continued.

"Whatever that was with Penny, I can tell it's important to you.," Nova said.

"If you know that, let me go!," Ruby said straining against his grip until he relaxed and looked her straight in the eyes.

"I'll let you go after her on one condition...," Nova told her.

Ruby looked towards him with a somewhat puzzled look for what he said. She thought he'd be mad at her, but he wasn't. 

"Ok? What's the condition?," Ruby asked.

"You let me come with you. I'm not letting you go by yourself, we both know how that can turn out.," Nova said.

Ruby sighed, but then smiled. That was a reasonable request. She looked towards him as they both took off after Penny.


The two catch up with Penny as Ruby steps in front of the redhead and Nova takes point behind her.

"Penny! Where have you been? It's been weeks!," Ruby said worried.

Penny looked down and turned away from Ruby, it was like she was ashamed of something.

"There seems to be a... misunderstanding.," Penny said.

"What?! ," Ruby asked worried now.

Penny tries to keep walking as Nova stands on front of her. She begins to walk the other way as Ruby walks beside her, trying to figure out what's bothering her.

" Penny, what's wrong? Is... everything okay?," Ruby asked worried again.

Penny continues forward without reaction. Ruby grabs her by the arm.

" Penny, please stop!," Ruby said even more worried now.

Penny stops and listens.

"Look, I don't know what's wrong, but you have to listen to me! Those guys we fought at the docks, we think they're up to something big, something bad! I need you to tell me what happened to you that night! Please... As a friend.," Ruby pleaded with her as a concerned look adorned her face.

Sighing, then glancing to her sides swiftly, she walks over to Ruby's side and leans in close to whisper into her ear.

" It isn't safe to talk here. Come with me.," Penny said swiftly looking around.

This caused Ruby to be confused, but she and Nova followed Penny making sure they weren't at all followed.


Scarlett and Yatsuhashi continued to ask around town. They'd learned of vague hints here and there, but nothing concrete or definite yet.

"Thank you for your time, sir.," Scarlett told a an elderly man as she walked back to rejoin Yatsuhashi.

She looked to him expecting him to say something.

"I didn't find much out on my end, what about you Yatsu?," Scarlett said.

Yatsuhashi shook his head and spoke up.

"I didn't find out much either. Just vague hints, no definite leads.," the tanned skinned teen said.

"Hm.. well that's a bit of a problem, isn't it? We can't very well do much with these vague hints we've gotten so far.," Scarlett said in thought.

The two continued to look around for people they could ask about the White Fang and their whereabouts. As they continued asking around, Scarlett did come across one lead that could be helpful..

"Hm, the white Fang eh? Well I don't know about them, but I have seen some rather suspicious people around an abandoned building near the roadways leading into Vale.," An elderly man said.

Scarlett and Yatsuhashi raised an eyebrow before looking at each other. 

"Can you tell us more?," Yatsuhashi asked.

"I've noticed they only gather there at nighttime.. awfully suspicious if you ask me. I think there's another meeting tonight.," the old man said.

"Thank you sir, you've no idea how much this helps us.," Scarlett said thanking the man.

The man smiled at them.

"You're welcome, you two be careful now. Wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you young folks.," the older man said.

"We'll be careful.," Yatsuhashi said.

Scarlett and Yatsuhashi walked away following that helpful lead, they decided to look into it. As they were walking towards looking into the lead they found, Scarlett turned towards Yatsuhashi. 

"Thanks for agreeing to help us, Yatsu.  I know that you could've been with your team right now, but you decided to help us instead. I just wanted to say thanks for the help.," Scarlett said.

Yatsuhashi smiled at her and spoke. He liked talking to Scarlett and getting to know her teammates and other friends.

"You're welcome. I'm sure my teammates understand,  we're friends after all. Besides, it seems like I always learn something new when I spend time with you Scarlett.," He said smiling.

Scarlett grinned at him. She knew she could always count on Yatsuhashi to have her back and help her out with something when he could. That was one of the things he appreciated about him.

"Huh... that's weird. Have I ever thought about Yatsu, this much? I must be going crazy. We'll worry about that later... Still.. he is really nice.," Scarlett thought to herself.


Penny stands alone near a two-story building with patio furniture and she is looking around nervously when a hand grabs her shoulder, causing her to jump. She turns to see Ruby grinning. She smiles in return. The scene moves to Ruby, Nova, and Penny strolling down the street.

" I wish I could help you, Ruby, but I don't know anything about those men.," Penny said.

"Well, what happened to you that night? We were all together, and then you just disappeared! Were you kidnapped?," Ruby asked.

"Woah, slow down there Ruby. One question at a time! You don't want overwhelm the girl.," Nova said.

"Oh! Sorry!,"Ruby said in apology. 

Penny waved it off and smiled.

"No, you're fine Ruby. But back to your question, it was nothing like that.," Penny said.

"Then where did you go?," Ruby asked.

"I've never been to another kingdom before. My father asked me not to venture out too far, but... You have to understand, my father loves me very much; he just worries a lot.,"Penny explained.

"Believe me, I know the feeling. ," Ruby said grinning.

Penny grins back before Ruby continued.

"But why not let us know you were okay?," Ruby asked confused.

" I... was asked not to talk to you. Or Weiss. Or Blake. Or Yang. Anybody, really.," Penny said a little sadly.

Ruby raised an eyebrow at this.

"Was your dad that upset about it?," Ruby asked.

"No, it wasn't my father...," Penny said trailing off.

Nova then spoke up as he had a hinch about who this other person was that didn't want her talking to anyone else from Beacon.

"Penny, right?," Nova asked.

"Yes.," Penny answered.

"Ok. I'm just going to go out on a limb here... This person who told you not to talk to Ruby or anyone else... It's General Ironwood,  isn't it?," Nova said.

Before she can answer, they hear the sound of megaphones announcing something, turning around the corner to look at the platform in the center of a plaza where the holographic image of James Ironwood is seen before six AK-130 Androids, who are in turn standing in front of two large metal storage cases with the spear-and-shield emblem on their doors.

"The AK-130 has been a standard security model of Remnant for several years, and they have done a fine job. Wouldn't you agree? Wouldn't you agree? ," The hologram of James Ironwood said.

The gathered crowd claps, causing the drones to give a jerky bow.

"But... the kingdom of Atlas is a kingdom of innovation, and 'fine'... Well, that's just not good enough, is it? Presenting... the Atlesian Knight-200!, " Hologram Ironwood continued.

The doors to the cases roll up, and six new, bulkier, shinier automatons stand at attention before knocking their obsolete predecessors down to the applause of the watchers.

"Smarter, sleeker, and admittedly, a little less scary. (the robots flex and pose as a demonstration) These models will become active later this year, but they won't be alone! Now, the Atlesian Military has always supported the idea of removing men from the dangers of the battlefield. However, there are still many situations that will undoubtedly require... a human touch.," Hologram Ironwood said.

That last line caught Ruby's attention. Penny becomes nervous as she turns to Ruby and Nova.

"Ruby..? Nova..?," Penny asked nervous.

"So, our kingdom's greatest minds, in cooperation with the Schnee Dust Company, are proud to introduce... the Atlesian Paladin!," Hologram Ironwood said continuing to explain.

Ironwood's image is replaced with the hologram of a robotic white behemoth, featuring hinged piston legs, large guns for hands, and a rectangular head, standing at least twice as tall as the Knights below it.

"[Ironwood's voice only now] Now, we couldn't have them here for you today, but these mechanized battle suits will be seen defending the borders of our kingdom within the year!," the voice continued said.

Ruby is seen hunched over in awe. Nova notices this and rubs his temples, Ruby was getting sidetracked here. So he gently tapped the girl on top of the head, getting her to refocus.

"That's not what we came here for Ruby... focus.," Nova said lightly tapping her on the head.

"Ow.. alright, alright.," Ruby said slightly pouting.

"[Growing concerned]  Maybe we should go somewhere else.," Penny suggested.

Nova nodded.

"Good idea Penny. Ruby's liable to lose focus here.," Nova said.

At the side of the stage, two armored soldiers see Penny, pointing her out and calling in backup. Penny backs away and then breaks into a dead run, which snaps Ruby out of her weapon-awe-induced stupor.

"Aw crap!," Nova said.

He looked towards Ruby and nodded to her.

"Go, catch up to her Ruby! I'll be right behind you.," Nova said as he moved to stall the soldiers.

Ruby nodded, but then noticed Penny taking off in a dead sprint.

Ruby turns to look back at the soldiers chasing after her friend, and realizing Penny's situation, she swiftly follows her in an attempt to catch up down the winding alley.

"[Waves and gestures to his partner] Down here! She went this way!," The soldiers said.

"Sorry officers, can't let you catch them! Nighty- Night!," Nova said.

That was until Nova came from out of nowhere and knocked them out with a chop to the back of their necks. He then quickly disappeared, following after Ruby and Penny as other soldiers chased them.

Penny and Ruby run across the street with the soldiers following them, though a honking car nearly runs one over. He manages to brace his hands against the hood, which somehow stops the vehicle, and his partner runs along after the girls.

Ruby is still trying to catch up with Penny, but a high stack of crates on a flimsy support is easily cut down by Crescent Rose, causing a wooden avalanche of boxes to block the path. Seeing Penny right ahead of her, Ruby leaps into the air and lands on the alley wall, ricocheting off to grab Penny around the middle.

"This way! ," Ruby calls to her.

Ruby grimaces before they disappear in a flash of red and rose petals.

Ruby dashes away as fast as she can while carrying Penny, but the strain is too great, and they crash to the ground a short while later, with Ruby falling all the way into the street. She gets up slowly, and in her dazed state, she doesn't notice the large truck coming up from behind her until the honking is too late of a warning. She stands up just as she's about to be hit, but from out of nowhere, Penny pushes Ruby out of the way and holds her palms out.But before Penny can do what she had intended, Nova reappeared and stops the truck instead! Her eyes widen at seeing what Nova is about to do.

"Can't have you exposing yourself here Penny. It'd confuse Ruby too much.," Nova said.

The ground beneath him cracks and crumbles into pieces, and the From Dust Till Dawn truck is lifted a little ways into the air by the boy's sheer strength alone. He picks it up and then sets it down, and the Shopkeep stares in awe at the crumples in his hood, just like the Huntress who got saved.

"No- ..... Nova?," Ruby asked shocked and confused at the same time.

Nova sighed and then looked back towards Penny and Ruby. He just smiled at them, relieved they weren't harmed.

"Are you okay?," Penny asked.

The shopkeeper was nodding, still scared of what he saw the teenaged boy who saved his life and the two girls lives do.

"Uh-uh huh..," the man said still shaken and scared.

Penny starts to back away, due her thinking this was her fault. She looked at at Ruby's frightened expression, then at the bystanders murmuring to each other in an attempt to understand what just happened. In her panic, she runs from the Atlas soldiers still chasing her down and bumps into Ruby, knocking the poor girl out of her stupor as her friend tries to get away again.

"Penny! Come back!," Ruby calls for her.

She goes after her friend as the bystanders look at the destruction Nova caused with his bare hands as they found that they've lost their target. The go to question the boy who stopped the truck, only to find that he's not there. This further confuses them as they have lost two targets now.

Penny is seen coming to a stop once she gets out of the alleyway, looking around for where to run next.

"Um... uhh..," Penny says frantically looking for a way out.

Ruby then comes up to Penny exasperated.

"Penny! Please! What is going on?! Why are you running?," Ruby asked.

"I-I can't! Everything's fine! (she starts to hiccup with each lie) I-I don't want to talk about it! (*hiccup*)," Penny said nervously.

"Penny, if you can just tell me what's wrong, I can help you! We can help you!," Ruby said as Nova landed behind beside her.

"No, No , No! I-I can't! It's... It's my fault! I'm the reason you two are wrapped up in this!

"Penny. It's not your fault that happened back there. That... was my own fault. You didn't do anything. Got that?," Nova said.

"I.. I don't know-," She started before Nova cut her off again.

"Got it? Penny?," Nova asked giving her a look that left no room for argument.

Penny relents before Ruby speaks up again.

"You can trust us Penny, if you let us.," Ruby said in concern.

"You're my friends, right? You two promise that you're my friends?!," Penny asked.

Nova and Ruby looked at each other before Ruby spoke up to confirm that promise.

"We promise.," Ruby said.

silent for a second, then, looking down at her hands.

"Alright... well Ruby, Nova, I'm not a real girl.," Penny said.

To Ruby and Penny's surprise, Nova isn't shocked about this. It's like he knows what Penny is.

" Nova? Why aren't you surprised?," Ruby asked quizzically. 

"Oh that? Well... I guess it's because I know what Penny is...," Nova said.

Ruby and Penny's eyes widen in surprise.  Nova knew what Penny was? How?!

"H-How would you know something like that, Nova?!," Ruby asked in shock.

Nova took a deep breath before speaking again.

"I had my suspicions, but I didn't know for sure. Well... until talking to professor Koizumi,  that is.," Nova said.

"Wait, wait, wait... professor Koizumi knows about Penny?," Ruby asked confused.

Nova nodded.

"Yup. Penny Polendina... you're an Android, aren't you?," Nova said.

Penny was shocked. How was it, he knew?

"An... Android? What is that?," Ruby asked confused.

"It's basically an artificially built robot human. And that's what our friend Penny here is. ," Nova said.

Penny then showed Ruby the price of protecting her from the debris caused by what Nova did earlier. Her hands... were metal.

"Oh.," Ruby said.

Ruby still had one burning question though and that was how Nova could've stop the truck back there so easily.

"Oh... you want to know that huh?," Nova asked.

Ruby nodded.

"Well Ruby.. Penny... I'm not normal either. Though I don't know what they are... I'm apparently something called a Saiyan, according to professor Koizumi.," Nova said.

"So you're not a faunus?," Ruby asked.

"Honestly ... I don't know Ruby.," Nova said solemnly.

Ruby grew concerned,  she'd never seen Nova this distressed before.

"Nova....," Ruby said concerned.

Nova sighed and then walked a distance away, but still remaining nearby to look and see if anyone else followed them.

"I'll ... just be over here. I'm sure you must have plenty talk about with Penny so I'll give you two some space.," Nova said.

"Okay... ," Ruby said still worried.

Penny smiled at Ruby. Even though she was a robot, she could tell Ruby cared about Nova. She saw the girl sigh and then look back towards her.

"So Penny... can you tell me what Nova meant by you being an android? I'm afraid I don't quite understand what he meant by that.," Ruby said.

"Well Ruby... The best way I can explain it is this way. Most girls are born, but I was made. I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura.," Penny explained.

She turned her head to the side sadly.

" In other words, I'm not real... Ruby.,"Penny said saddened.

Ruby gently took Penny's hands in her own and looked her right in the eyes as she spoke.

"Of course you are. You think just because you've got nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts makes you any less real than me?," Ruby said.

Penny was somewhat surprised at this, she wasn't expecting Ruby to take this news so well.

" I don't... um... (Leans in close to Ruby's face.) You're... taking this extraordinarily well.," Penny said surprised.

Ruby smiled at her.

"I do have a certain Faunus to thank for that...," Ruby said looking towards Nova.

"Besides, you're not like those things we saw back there. [She taps her own chest] You've got a heart, and a soul; I can feel it!," Ruby said smiling and back to her normal self.

"Ooohh... oh Ruby!,"Penny said.

She grabs Ruby into a hug and shakes her back and forth.

"You're the best friend anyone could have!," Penny said smiling.

Penny hears muffled groaning from Ruby as she hugs her.

"I can see why your father would want to protect such a delicate flower!," Ruby said through muffled groans.

She  then releases Ruby, fully back to her happy self. She smiled when talking about her father.

"Oh, he's very sweet! My father's the one that built me! I'm sure you would love him!," Penny said happily.

Ruby giggled at this, she was glad her friend was happy again.

"Wow. He built you? All by himself?," Ruby asked curiously.

"Well, almost! He had some help from Mr. Ironwood.," Penny said.

This confused Ruby. The general helped build Penny? That... didn't seem like something he would do.

" The General?! Wait... Is that why those soldiers were after you?," Ruby asked.

" Uh -huh! They like to protect me too!," Penny said.

Ruby scoffs at this as she speaks again.

"Pssh! And they don't think you can protect yourself?," Ruby asked scoffing.

Nova then walked up and piped into their conversation, seemingly back to normal.

"It's not that she can't Ruby, I think it's more likely that they aren't sure if she's ready yet. Isn't that right, Penny?," Nova said.

Penny nodded.

"That's right. One day, it will be my job to save the world, but I still have a lot left to learn. That's why my father let me come to the Vytal Festival. I want to see what it's like in the rest of the world, and test myself in the Tournament.," Penny replied.

"Penny, what are you talking about? Save the world from what? We're in a time of peace!," Ruby replied slightly confused.

"You'd be surprised Ruby. I can't help but to agree with Penny. I thought the same as you do as a kid, but I get the feeling something... or.. someone may be coming to threaten our peaceful lives soon.," Nova said.

"Nova...," Ruby said with a concerned look.

Penny was confused at Ruby's statement as evidenced by her reply.

"That's not what Mr. Ironwood said...," she said trailing off.

"Check down there!," an atlas soldier said.

Penny looked towards the two as she smiled at them.

"Ruby, Nova, I have to go now. We'll talk soon. Now, quickly! Hide!," Penny said.

Nova understood and both of them then climbed into a nearby a nearby dumpster to hide. Ruby struggled and screamed against Nova forcefully moving her.

"Penny, wait! You don't have to go with them! I- no, we can help you!," Ruby said reaching towards the android.

Nova pulled Ruby into the dumpster, but lifted the lid so Penny could talk to Ruby.

"It's okay, Ruby. They're not bad people; I just don't want to get you two in trouble. Just promise me you won't tell anyone else my secret. Okay?," Penny said.

"... I promise.," Ruby said a little down cast.

"We understand Penny. Your secret is safe with us.," Nova replied.

The two lower their heads into the garbage as the lid is put down. Ruby lifts the lid slightly to peak at the scene outside.

"There she is!," Soldier 1 said.

Penny saluted to the officers as they approached her.

"Sal-u-tations, officers!," Penny said in greeting.

"Why were you running? And what happened to that other girl and the boy that was with her?," Officer 2 asked.

"What other girl?  And you said a boy was with her? I haven't seen them, I've been by myself all day!," Penny said before loudly hiccuping and then smiling after.

"You shouldn't cause such a scene.," Officer #1 said.

"Are you okay?," Officer #2 asked.

Penny then shows off her "injured" palms. She had had Nova recreate the impact of the truck meant to harm Ruby so she could stop it. This would direct the attention away from Nova and onto her for the time being.

"Just a scratch.," Penny said.

"Penny, your father isn't going to be happy about this.," Officer #1 said.

"Please just come with us.," Officer#2 said.

"Yes, sir!," Penny says in response.

Penny and the soldiers are heard walking away as Ruby looks on in sadness... That is until a small rat screeches near her feet, causing the young Huntress to fall into the dumpster again with the lid closing on top. Fortunately, she falls into Nova's arms which caused her to flush red in embarrassment.

Nova bursts out of the dumpster, still carrying Ruby bridal style before landing. He sets Ruby down on her feet as the girl then looks towards the direction Penny was escorted off in.

The dark teen then gets her attention by placing a hand on her shoulder.

"She'll be okay. Penny's a smart girl, so try not to worry so much.," Nova said.

Ruby sighs knowing Nova was right and then she smiled at him.

"Yeah... you're right Nova. Thanks by the way.," Ruby said smiling softly at him.

"You're welcome, Ruby. That's what friends are for anyways, right?," Nova replied.

They then walked back towards the other two, who were left to resume looking for clues on the white fang.


In the ruined parts of Vale, the sound of an engine gets closer and closer until Bumblebee pulls into the street and stops just short of the camera, showing Yang Xiao Long and Turuk Belladonna behind the handlebars in matching helmets. They two of them, along with Neptune take off their helmets before hopping off of the bike.

Yang immediately grabs Turuk's arm as she pulls him towards the door.

"Come on, my friend's right in here!," Yang says gesturing with her thumb to a building nearby where music is heard playing.

"Umm... c-cool? Where... is.. here exactly?," Turuk asked.

Turuk realizes where she's pointing to and becomes a little less certain of this.

"I see... maybe I'll uh.. just wait out here?," Turuk suggested.

Big mistake. Yang gets uncomfortably close to him, almost pressing herself against him before speaks in a voice that made something  inside of him shiver all the way down to his spine.

" Didn't you say you'd make it up to me for making me mad a few days ago? Well? Here's your chance, hot stuff~," Yang said smirking and tracing her finger along his muscles.

Turuk sighed, she was right. A promise was a promise  and he wasn't a person who broke promises. He reluctantly then allowed Yang to lead him towards where they needed to go..

"A-Alright, fine! You win, Yang.," He said being led by the blonde brawler.

Yang smirked,he was too easy. And she knew that Turuk never had any idea of how to act around her.

The music from Junior's Club gets louder once inside to show Junior behind the bar adjusting his cuffs as his Henchmen stock the bottles, carry boxes, and otherwise stand around on the dance floor, until...

"Hurry, close the door - she's coming! (He and another Henchman proceed to roll the doors shut and keep them closed with their bodies.)," Henchman 1 said panicked.

"What are you two idiots doing?!," a man referred to as Junior asked.

The Henchmen shout incoherently until an explosion knocks them to the ground and forces the doors open, allowing a familiar face to walk in through the smoke.

"Guess who's back!," Yang says excitedly.

Turuk just stares at the blonde.

"😅 I'm beginning to wonder what exactly Yang could've done to make these guys so afraid of her..," Turuk wondered.

Yang continues to smile and pose as eight guns are pointed in her face with an equal number of angry Henchmen behind them. Though this doesn't faze her, she stops and glares at the recording studio where the track is messing up until the frightened bear-headed DJ takes the needle off the record and retreats back under the table.

Neptune is then seen walking up next to both Turuk and Yang.

"Yeah... so could you define "friend" for me?," Neptune said sweating.

"Stop, stop! Nobody shoot. (He makes his way through the crowd and to the front where Yang, Turuk, and Neptune are waiting) Blondie, you're here! ...Why?," Junior said.

"You still owe me a drink.," Yang said dragging him through the crowd of weapons.

Neptune then whistles at this.

"Whoa-ho-ho-ho, what a woman...," Neptune says eyeing the blonde.

For some reason this annoys Turuk and he makes his displeasure known to the blue haired teen.

"💢 Back off, playboy. She's out of your league.,"Turuk said annoyed as he followed the blonde.

"Okay, didn't know she was taken!," he said raising his hands in mock surrender.

Neptune breaks from his lovestruck staring to see the twins Melanie and Miltia Malachite standing beside him.

"Sup?," he said.

Together, they harrumph at him.

"Whatever.," they both said walking away noses in the air.

Back with Turuk he wasn't sure why he said that to Neptune. But just the thought of a playboy like Neptune going after Yang made him angry for some reason. That was odd. He never felt that way before now. Honestly, Turuk wasn't even sure how he felt about Yang. Half the time, he wasn't even sure how to respond to her... "advances" towards him. There was no denying that she was certainly very, very, attractive. And recently, he  noticed that his eyes had been wandering towards her more than usual.

What was the cause of it? He'd have to figure that out soon though so he'd have an answer for Yang's constant and flirtatious advances towards him. He knew he'd have to find an answer to this issue soon, because there was another part of him that he felt was incessantly talking to him about Yang and he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep himself sane around her.

"How... do I feel about Yang though?," Turuk asked himself.

Sooner or later, he'd have the answer. He just hoped for his samity's sake, that it'd be sooner rather than later.


Meanwhile, Blake's fingers trace three scratch marks on a wall before peeking around its corner and seeing a pair of horned Faunus as they are ushered into a building by a bearded man. She turns to Sun next to her.

Further up above them was Aiko. She was watching their back, just in case anything went awry.

They'd established a mental link beforehand should the need arise for them to use it.

"This is it.," Blake said.

"So this is the secret meeting of the White Fang... good to know.," Aiko said through the mental link.

"You sure?," Sun asked.

As Blake glares at him and starts moving towards the entrance while unfastening her bow, he gulps and speaks again changing his tune.

"Y'know, I'm just gonna take your word for it.," Sun said nervously still not used to that ice cold glare of hers.

The two walk inside the building to a hallway filled with cases, seeing another man announcing "New recruits, keep to the right!" at the young pair as they follow. Aiko shifts and adjusts her position on the rooftop to keep an eye on her two faunus comrades.

" I don't get it. (Holds out the half-mask in his hand.) If you believe what you're doing is right, why hide who you are?," Sun asks.

"The masks are a symbol. Humanity wanted to make monsters out of us, so we chose to don the faces of monsters.," Blake explained to him.

" Grimm masks... That's kind of dark.," Sun said back.

"So was the guy who started it. (Puts her mask on and walks on.)," Blake replies.

"Always sunshine and rainbows with you...," Sun sarcastically says following her lead.

"I-I'll let the captain know you and sun are inside the meeting now.," Aiko said through the mental link.

"Good idea. Nova will want to know where we are on our end.," Blake said told Aiko telepathically through the mental link. 

As Aiko went to contact Nova about the operation so far, Blake and Sun came to where the meeting took place.

The new recruits to the White Fang are moving in a line to the side of the stage, a mere few dozen compared to the hundreds of white-vested, black-hooded soldiers to their left and up above in the balconies. Blake and Sun look around themselves when they stop, and a fully-masked man with tattoos standing starts speaking before the large sheet emblazoned with the bloody wolf and claw marks.

"Thank you all for coming. For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours! I can assure you, he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for for so long!," The White Fang Lieutenant said addressing the crowd.

The dark pants and brown shoes step forward before the orange tip of the Melodic Cudgel taps on the stage. The camera pans up to reveal none other than Roman, smiling confidently even as the crowd starts protesting.

Roman waves on a mocking manner to the crowd as he steps forward. Blake balls her hands into fists as her eyes go wide at seeing the crime boss at a White Fang meeting. She remembers not to do anything rash that would expose her and her two partners just yet, so she calms herself and focuses on finding out what the White Fang have planned.

"Thank you, thank you! (As he speaks, Neo walks out from behind the sheet.) Please, hold your applause!," Roman said.

"What's a human doing here?!," a female faunus with Antlers asked pointing towards the man on stage.

"I'm glad you asked, "Deerie"! Now, I'll be the first to admit, humans... are the worst. (Salutes as an example.) Case in point. So, I understand why you would like to see us all locked away, or, better yet, killed!," Roman said as it evident he wasn't finished explaining.

Sun leans over and whispers to Blake.

" So, is he going somewhere with this?," Sun asked receiving a shrug in response.

"But, before the claws come out, I'd like to mention the fact that you and I all have a common enemy: the ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty, rotten humans that run our kingdoms! ( the crowd then changes their tune and starts agreeing with him.) Government, military, even the schools: they're all to blame for your lot in life! (Lets the crowd cheer as the two heroes share a look of concern on their face behind the masks.) And they're all pests that need to be dealt with! Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around... No offense to any rodents in the room.," Roman said.

With a snap of the fingers, the curtain falls, and the whole mass of Faunus applaud at the sight of the Atlesian Paladin-290 behind it, the mark of the White Fang painted on its shoulder.

"Umm... th-that's-!," Aiko says in shock through their link.

"Woah... that's a big Robot..," Sun says.

"How did he get that?," Blake said scowling behind her mask.

"That's not good.," Aiko thought.

"As some of you may have heard, this right here... (Taps the giant mech) ...is Atlas' newest defense against all the scary things in the world. And thanks to my "employer", we've managed to snag a few before they, uh, "hit the shelves". Now, many of your brothers have already moved down to our new operation in the southeast. If you'd rather stay within the city, that's fine... But if you're truly ready to fight for what you believe in, this is the arsenal I can provide you. Any questions?," Roman finishes.

The roaring applause of the White Fang tells him the answer to his question.

This wasn't good at all. They needed to leave and now. But the question was... how would they do that? Blake turned to Sun as the two shared a look.

"We should get out of here.," Blake said.

"Will all new recruits, please come forward!," The White Fang Lieutenant said.

The line surges forward with the two having to follow to avoid suspicion.

"Welp! What now?," Sun asked.

Blake looked towards the rooftop and towards Aiko.

"Aiko, can't you do something about this? We need an opening!," Blake pleaded through the link.

The half Faunus nodded in understanding. She may not be able to do much, but she'd do what she could.

"Y-yeah.. I-I'll try! No guarantee this will work though.," Aiko said in reply.

It would take abit for her to focus, but it was at least worth a shot. Aiko prepared herself for probably the riskiest things she's ever done on a mission before now.


Back at the Club, Junior puts down his glass as he sits behind the bar separating him from his interrogator.

"I don't know!," Junior answered.

"How could you not know?," Yang asked confused.

" I haven't talked to him! I haven't even seen him since the night you first came in here. (Leans over to point in Yang's face.) He paid up front, I lent him my men, and none of them ever. Came. Back.," Junior said.

"Rushing to Yang's side to raise a question of his own.) So where did they go?," Neptune asked.

Turuk puts a hand to Neptune's face and pushed him away in annoyance.

This dude just couldn't take a hint that Yang wasn't into him, could he?

"Easy there, Yang. Let's not do anything rash here.," Turuk said attempting to be the voice of reason.

He could see Yang was getting angrier by the second, not a good sign.

"What kind of stupid question is that? They never came back! (To Yang) Who are these guys?," Junior responded.

"[To Turuk] This will only take a second, don't worry about me handsome~," Yang said with a smirk.

"Yang, just hold on a- Ah whatever! Do what you want. You know I can't stop you once you're like this.," Turuk said just letting Yang go.

Yang turns to Turuk with a smile.

"I knew you'd understand. I'll give you a reward later hot stuff~," Yang said smiling at him.

She continued.

"Don't worry about them; worry about me if I don't find out what I want!," Yang said calmly but turning angry at the end of her sentence.

" I already told you everything! Torchwick hired my boys, and I guess he wasn't happy with them, which is something I can relate to!," Junior answered.

 He shouts this at his own men, who grumble and walk away in response.

Yang sighs in disappointment as she turns to Turuk and Neptune.

"Turuk, Neptune, let's go.," Yang said.

They turn from the bar and leave.

Turuk followed directly behind Yang with Neptune bringing up the rear.

"We get everything we need?," Neptune asked following with his hands in his pockets.

"Well, we got everything we can. Hopefully the rest of the team is having better luck.," Yang said as the three teens exited the club.


The White Fang is still cheering loudly as the recruits are marched to the stage, with Blake and Sun having no choice but to follow along.

"What are we going to do now?," Sun asked whispering.

"I'm thinking...," Blake said.

"Blake. Sun. I'm ready now.," Aiko said through their link.

Blake smiled under her mask at this.

"Ready? For what?," Sun asked.

"Do it now.," Blake said through the link.

"R-Right!," Aiko said.

Aiko had shifted her Naginata into crossbow form and was aiming at the fuse box which controlled the lights.

Sun was watching Roman lean on the robot smoking his cigar and laughing with the girl beside him before he zeroes in on the two, frowning.

"He sees us..," Sun said in alarm.

Sun tries to smile and wave.

"Not in the dark he can't.," Blake said before suddenly a projectile from the roof is launched and strikes fuse box making the lights go out for the whole building and turning the screen dark.

Blake and Sun then take the opportunity to run as Blake grabs Sun's wrist and bolts out of the meeting place. Aiko quickly is seen following them from the rooftops.

"Don't let them get away!," Roman shouts.

The two start running, when Aiko smashes the window for them, allowing them to jump through it quickly run away.

Before they get very far, the mechanized sound of running power signals the Altesian Paladin's activation, and it crashes through the wall of the building in pursuit of the runaways, who leap off of a car and manage to get on the roofs. Aiko is following them, having shifted her weapon back to its Naginata form.

The Paladin follows beside them on the street as Blake,Sun, and Aiko  run, jump, and flip from rooftop to rooftop.

While sun in flipping and twirling in the air, he looks to Blake.

"So you wouldn't happen to have... oh, I don't know... some form of backup?!," Sun asked.

Blake then looks to Aiko who had the same idea. Aiko contacted Nova, while Blake contacted the rest of the gang who were a part of this plan.


Weiss Schnee is seen leaving the Cross Continental Transmit tower's elevator when she grabs her own Scroll and listens to Blake's message. Her and Daikon then share a look as the message plays.

"(Scroll call) Everyone! If you can hear me, we need back-," Blake's voice started before being interrupted by Sun's screaming voice.

"HEEEELLLLP!, " Sun screamed in the background.

Weiss rolls her eyes and starts running out the door, a little smile on her face as she does so. Daikon sees this and smirks at her.

"Is that a smile I spy, princess?," Daikon teased.

"💢 Oh shut up! Must you tease me about everything?!," Weiss asked annoyed.

"No. But it is amusing to see your expressions when I do.," Daikon said.

"💢 you little- ugh! We.. don't have time for this!," Weiss snapped back as the two of them ran off to help Blake, Sun, and most likely Aiko.


Ruby and Nova listen to the message on the scroll, just as Nova gets a message from Aiko about the same situation.

"Big robot! And it's big! Really big!," Sun says on the scroll call.

Ruby and Nova share a look before taking off. Nova knew what Ruby was going to say even before she said it.

"Oh, I am not missing this!," Ruby said excitedly.

"Well come on then! Miss "I'm not missing this because it's a  big robot".," Nova said.

Ruby slightly pouted at Nova's description of her.

"Do I really sound like that?," Ruby asked.

Nova nodded.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that. You be you, Ruby. Makes you unique.," Nova said.

Ruby felt her face flush from this and a small smile form on her lips. The two then rush off to help in the fight with the Robot.


Yang is back on the motorcycle in her helmet and sunglasses with Turuk and Neptune looking at the Scroll in her hand over her shoulder.

" That Torchwick guy is in it! But not, like, it didn't eat him; he's, like, controlling it or something!, " Sun said on the Scroll call.

"Where are you guys?," Yang asked.

Right on cue, behind them, Blake, Aiko, and Sun are seen running through the street with the Paladin hot on their heels before they all disappear from view.

"😅 Gonna take a wild guess and say that was them just now.," Turuk said sweat dropping at what he saw.

"[Both in person and on the screen] HURRYYYY!!!," Sun screamed.

"Yeah, I got it. (Putting the Scroll away, she quickly circles her ride around - much to Neptune's alarm - and drives off to follow them.)

Yang looks back to Turuk who was seated directly behind her and smirks.

"Remind me to give you your reward for earlier after this is over Turuk~," Yang said into his ear.

This made Turuk shiver at the thought as he sweat dropped again at Yang's antics.

"😅Y-yeah.. I'll... 😅 definitely remember.," Turuk said not even sure how to answer that one.

They continued as they drove off towards the others.



carlett then receives a message on her scroll from Aiko as she and Yatsuhashi continue to walk with each other.

"(Scroll call) G-Giant.. Robot, could... use s-some help sis!," Aiko said yelping as she seen running from something.

Scarlett and Yatsuhashi look at each other nod to one another. They bolt off in the direction where Aiko, Blake, and Sun are in.

"We're coming Aiko, just try and hang on until we get there!,"Scarlett said.

"Okay! B-but pl-please hurry! 😱," Aiko said panicking.

The two ran off in the direction Scarlett felt like the three of them were in. Most likely Nova, Turuk, and Daikon got the message too and were also on their way there. Her and Yatsuhashi would just be there as back up just in case.


Blake, Sun, and Aiko somehow make it to the highways, jumping down into the busy street and continuing their escape by hopping on cars while the Paladin follows them by pushing vehicles out of the way. Sun pauses to look at their pursuer's path of destruction and offer a quick "Whoa!" before leaping onto more cars, much to the anger of Roman inside the robot, his face surrounded by blue holographic screens.

Yang, Turuk, and Neptune are able to follow the mech suit on their ride, coming up next to it as it runs.

" We've gotta slow it down!," Yang says.

"No problem, I've got an idea that could help!," Turuk said.

Turuk then leaps from the bike and dives towards the mech before he kicks it, making in stumble a bit to the side. Turuk then front flips before landing back on the bike behind Yang.

"How's that?," he asked.

Yang shoots him a look.

"Oh, 😅 guess I should've thought that through more huh?," Turuk said rubbing the back of his head, helmet still on.

"You're the most reckless Faunus I've ever met, and I love it! You might get a little something extra later as a reward, you freaking stud~," Yang said.

"😅 I'm a little worried by what a little some extra means coming from you Yang...,"Turuk said sweat dropping.

The paladin recovers as it notices the bike, Neptune notices this.

"Uh.. guys?," Neptune says nervously.

Both turn to look at him with a collective "what?" written on their faces.

"As interesting as you two flirting with each other is, he's moving again.," Neptune said pointing to the Paladin.

Roman notices the trio on his sensors and crashes into a multitude of cars with the Paladin's strong bulk, sending them flying towards his chasers.

"Hold on!," Yang said.

Turuk got behind Yang immediately,  but Neptune wasn't ready for the sudden movement.

"Wuh-oh...," Neptune said awkwardly.

Yang swerves, leaning her bike to the side in avoidance of flying debris while Neptune flails in a panic. Back on two wheels again, Neptune unslings his weapon, aims as sparks start flying, and fires several bolts of blue electricity at the Paladin, causing Roman to grimace from the force of the attacks.

"Huh... Not bad, playboy, not bad at all.," Turuk says.

"😅 Thanks... I think? And my name is Neptune by the way, not playboy.," Neptune replied.

"I know what your name is. But you are a bit of a playboy going after multiple girls that are already taken.," Turuk said.

"This guy... never thought he had it in him to fight me like this over one girl. Also... 😓 Do I really come off as that kind of guy?," Neptune thought to himself.

Refocusing, he switched strategies and flips the gun and it grows a shaft and an energy blade at the end, then jumps from Yang's bike as the spear's head splits in three and drives it into the top of the Paladin. Sun and Blake stop in their car hopping momentarily to look back. That's when they notice, Aiko was missing.

"Blake?," Sun asked nervous.

Blake looks at him confused.

"Yeah, what is it?," Blake asked.

"Where's our other partner?," He asked.

"Oh, you mean Aiko?," Blake asked back.

"Aiko, right. Yeah so... where is she?, " he asked.

"where is she?  she's right behin- oh...," Blake replies before cutting herself short and frantically looking around for her.

Both of them then notice too late, But Aiko also jumped towards the Paladin and the same time and slashed at cockpit. This broke the glass before she leapt backwards.

"Neptune, hang on!," Sun shouted.

Neptune is trying his best, but the mech keeps bucking and threatens to make him fall. Closing his eyes, Sun smashes his palms together, and from the golden Aura around him, his Semblance creates two glowing outlines that copy their creator, leaping off and going back over the tops of vehicles to collide into the Paladin's front. They explode into blinding light upon contact to let Sun leap forward with Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang held high, but Roman finally turns enough to send Neptune flying off and knocking into his leader, sending both of them off the highway.

"Sun! Neptune!," Blake cried only for another voice to interrupt her.

"They'll be fine Blake.," a voice said.

Looking up, she notices Scarlett, Yatsuhashi, and Nova all land in front of her.

"Scarlett?! Nova?!," Blake asked surprised.

"Looks like you could use some help.," Scarlett said cracking her knuckles.

Yatsuhashi then steps forward with Scarlett, while Nova hangs back with his sister. Blake then hears a voice from her scroll.

"Blake! I'm in position!," Weiss said over the scroll call.

She is seen twirling over a highway and landing in the middle of the road, holding Myrtenaster at the approaching Roman. Daikon lands softly behind her as he smirks.

"Need a boost, princess?,"Daikon asked smirking at her.

She returns the smirk with one of her own.

"Only if you'll provide it.," Weiss said smugly.

"Fair enough, princess.," Daikon said back.

Roman smiles as his Robot approaches the girl, but Weiss spins and plunges her blade into the ground, summoning a circle of ice across the pavement that causes the Paladin to slip and crash. Daikon immediately follows rocketing off towards the downed mech, landing a lightning quick kick to its side. His foot leaves a dent in its armor as it's sent flying over the young Huntress' head and falling off the ramp, landing further down before Ruby, already having her Crescent Rose out in scythe form.

Daikon landed back on the ground as he looks towards Weiss.

"Well go on, your team's waiting princess.," He said.

"Hmph. Whatever, dork.," Weiss said running off but she couldn't help but smile as she did.

The Paladin stands back up, and the rest of Team RWBY falls beside their leader to take up positions. Roman chuckles, moving the robot slowly towards the girls. Nova and his team stayed back n reserve to back them up.

"Freezer Burn!," Ruby called out.

Ruby and Blake jump back out of the way as Weiss performs her same ice-circle trick, but backs out of Yang's way when she jumps into the air and hits the epicenter with her Ember Celica, creating a wave of mist that surrounds Roman. Immediately, the Paladin activates its laser sensors to make up for the lost sight, but it barely sees the afterimage of Blake and narrowly misses the dashing Yang. A gun manages to fire at the area between Blake and Yang, but out from the blast comes Ruby, who slashes the metal with her blade, causing it to falter.

"Checkmate!," Ruby says.

Blake and Weiss go in this time, each girl going for the feet until Weiss jumps up and stabs a sensor before leaping off of a white glyph. Roman lifts the Paladin's foot to crush Blake, but Weiss summons another glyph under her teammate to launch her backwards before the crushing blow can land. Roman growls and fires off the missiles, but Weiss and Blake flip backwards as the explosions merely hit where they were.

Nova and his team then leap into action, taking care of the missiles while Team Rwby focused on the mech.

Weiss jumps up too high, and Roman fires a double energy blast at her. Myrtenaster absorbs the damage, but Weiss is thrown back, so she casts a beam of light from her weapon to the ground under Blake, forming a yellow clock like circle that's absorbed into the Faunus girl and lets her slice through each of the extra launched missiles with ease in a flurry of super-fast slashes.

"Ladybug!," Ruby calls out this time.

Ruby shoots herself forward and cuts at the robot's legs, then turns as Blake aims herself at the giant's feet as well. They both dash forward and attack at the same time, circling each other around the Paladin with each strike until they both launch themselves into the air and come down together on the shoulder, cutting off the left arm entirely.

Yang is about to attack, but backs off when Scarlett speaks up.

"Yang, get back! Let us take care this one!," Scarlett shouted.

Scarlett and Yatsuhashi come barreling through. While Scarlett  ignites her ki and unleashes a ki beam from her foot, Yatsuhashi unsheaths his sword and slices through the mech. They slid on the ground behind it, fist bumping at the end.

The mech staggers back, as roman is knocked around inside of the cockpit. He growls at this, annoyed. Yang then rushed at it and leapt on top of the mech again.

Yang doesn't waste a second, jumping onto the Paladin's back and punching the top with fiery shotgun blasts. Roman can't reach her with his remaining arm, so he runs backwards through two columns and leaves her embedded in a third before backing away and turning towards her. Just as she is falling down, the remaining arm extends a closed fist, and when it punches her, she flies through the column and doesn't get up.

Turuk sees this and gets ticked. He ignited his ki around him and rocketed towards the mech.

"Yang!," Blake said worried. 

"Don't worry! With each hit she gets stronger, and she uses that energy to fight back! That's what makes her special.," Ruby said assuring the cat faunus.

While Turuk is speeding towards the mech with his fist cocked back,Yang gets up. Her hair was now blazing a brilliant golden blonde and her eyed turned red. Roman thought he beat her and threw a punch when something happened that completely shocked him.

Yang suddenly got up and threw a powerful punch at the mech at the same time Turuk did. Because of the power behind the punches, the structural integrity of the mech failed and the entire body of the mech crack and then exploded. Roman was sent flying out of the mech, bouncing along the ground.

Weiss and Blake were shocked at what happened, while Nova and his team just smirked.

" Yeah... rule number 1.. don't make either of those two angry.," Daikon said smirking.

Roman is then seen getting up, slightly dazed but unharmed, as he inspects the damage while brushing himself off.

" Just got this thing cleaned..., " Roman said complaining.

He looks up just in time to see Yang, her power still blazing walking towards him. Turuk got in front of Yang and seemed to signal for her to let him handle this. Yang raised an eyebrow at first, but then smirked as she let her power fade and let Turuk walk in front of her.

Turuk nodded and let his Ki blaze to life around him before he rocketed off towards Roman, his fist cocked back and ready to strike. The defenseless thief is saved at the last minute when a two toned girl seen from before drops down, opens Hush, and absorbs the attack from the angry saiyan. Though, she was not expecting such a tremendous amount of force to come from the fist of the young man.

Because of the force behind Turuk's blow, the girl could only absorb so much of it before she was blown back by the power of the blow. The skidded to just in front of Roman, her eyes wide for a moment before she scowled at the saiyan. The new arrival hangs the weapon over her shoulder as Roman addresses the victors.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, Ice Queen...," Roman said addressing the teens.

"Hey!," Weiss said taking offense to being called that.

"Always a pleasure! Neo, if you would...," Roman said smiling.

Scarlett, Turuk, and Yang all rush towards the girl as she curtsies and bows. Scarlett threw a kick, while both Yang and Turuk threw a punch to hit the outlaws.  Unfortunately,  none of the blows connected as the image of the  two shattered like glass. The teens turn just in time to see them escape in a Bullhead. The other teens now rush to Yang's side, who is now cooled off with the end of the fight.

Scarlett sighs as she shrugs at the outcome.

"Welp, that happened.," Scarlett said in resignation.

"Nothing we can do about it now, I suppose.," Yatsuhashi said.

"Not the outcome we wanted, but not much we can do about it now.," Turuk said.

"So I guess he got a new henchman...," Yang said.

"Yeah, I guess she really made our plans... fall apart!," Weiss said trying to make a joke.

"😅 riiiggghhht...," Nova said.

Turuk looked to Yang while Weiss smile and Ruby giggled.

"Do you want to say it, or should I?," He whispered to her.

"I'll do it, she's my teammate. Don't worry yourself over it, good lookin'~," Yang said seductively and putting a hand on his shoulder.

This action cause him to sweatdrop in response.

"😅 r-riiighhhttt..," He said not sure how to respond.

Blake just walks away at this point, and Yang just stares at her.

"No. Just... no.," Yang says as she starts walking away.

Weiss starts getting angry at this.

"What- But, you do it!," Weiss said madly.

"There's a time and a place for jokes.," Yang said.

"Was this not it?," Weiss asked offended.

"No, it just wasn't very good.," Yang said as she follows Blake with Turuk trailing her.

"Well, at least I'm trying!," Weiss said pouting. 

Daikon snickers at this as he and the others follow Blake, Turuk, and Yang.

"Real smooth there, Princess.," Daikon said snickering.

"💢 Ha! ha! Very funny, Daikon! Laugh it up will you?!," Weiss said getting annoyed.

"At least you tried, Princess.," Daikon said smirking.

" If it's not one thing, it's another with you! You're just so, so- ugh!," Weiss said looking away.

Daikon just shrugged and then followed the simmering heiress.

Ruby looked around confused as she then looked to Nova.

"Wait.. where are Sun and Neptune?," She asked curiously.

Nova smiled and ruffled Ruby's hair, an action that made her cutely pout but then smile.

"I'm sure they're just fine Ruby.," Nova  replied as they continued on towards the others ahead of them.


Sun and Neptune are sitting in the middle stools of the "A Simple Wok Noodle House" eating their plates of noodles with the Shopkeep behind the counter and their weapons leaning on the other two stools.

Neptune then speaks up, knowing his friend is worried about the others.

"They're probably fine, right?," Neptune asked.

"Probably. They have 4 of the strongest people I've met with them.," Sun said.

"Also true.," Neptune answered.

His question answered, Neptune turns back to his noodles, and the two eat in silence until the screen fades away from them and cuts to black.

End Chapter


Aaaaaaannnndddd done! Whew! That was a long chapter! This chapter covered 2 episodes (episodes 3 & 4 of volume 2) so expect that to be the norm for this story. Anyways, as you noticed Turuk and Yang are starting to grow abit closer to actually becoming a couple- ish lol.

Also, I figured some more development with Weiss x Daikon, and Scarlett x Yatsuhashi couldn't hurt either... same with Nova x Ruby. Next couple of chapter should be fun as they focus abit more on Blake specifically. There may be a surprise in store for you guys in the next few chapters. And don't worry I'll tie up that loose end between Yang and Turuk from a few chapters ago when Turuk said he'd make it up to Yang for making her mad.

I'll branch of a little from the main story as it gets closer to the end of volume 3 though. And as I said, overall direction of the story will somewhat follow Rwby cannon but will be abit different since there are saiyans around lol. Now a poll!


Should Pyrrha die at the fall of beacon?

A. Yes.

B. No, go in a different direction


How should grow a beard during the tile skip after Beacon's Fall?

A. Turuk

B. Nova and Turuk

C. Nova, Turuk, and Daikon

D. All of the important male Characters


Who do you think will gain access to Super Saiyan first?

I. Nova

II. Turuk

III. Daikon

IV. Scarlett

V. Aiko


That's all for now guys! Thanks for reading and see ya in the next update!

Next Time.... Chapter 12: A Shocking Truth I