
Legend Of The Remnant Saiyans

Back when Freeza decided to exterminate the saiyans and planet vegeta, another pair of Saiyans survived. How would remnant be different if 2 Saiyan siblings were sent off world at the time of Bardock's revolt against the tyrant and somehow ended up in the world of Rwby with their parents? Would certain events be different or.. would they stay the same? This is the story of how saiyans can literally change the fates of an entirely different reality and the consequences that come with interdimensional beings. DBS Broly like OC x Ruby, OC x Yang/Weiss.

Novaflame6_Badal · Others
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Chapter 13: A Shocking Truth I

Hey everyone it's RoseSaiyan2 here again! Hope everyone enjoyed last chapter, that was a doozy to write! Anyways, I've been building up to a certain event with Blake and now I think it's about time I delivered.

This chapter will primarily focus on Blake and what's going on with her. The others will be in the chapter, they just won't be a main focus necessarily. 

To Spector45, thx for the suggestion on the Cinder poll man. I think I'll actually do that. Until then,  Cinder will kind of more or less get tossed around by the saiyans, especially every time she encounters them after the fall of Beacon. As always, here's a quick story related poll before we start the chapter:


Should I introduce another character to take Pyrrha's place later in the story?

I. No, stick to the cannon story.

II. Sure, go ahead.

III. Leave it as is, Jaune should learn the consequences of not being strong enough to protect what he holds dear.


Anyways, that's all I have for the Author's Note before the story. Without further ado, onto the story!

Disclaimer: RoseSaiyan2 does not own  Dbz/Dbz Kai/ DBS or Rwby and their characters.  Those are property of their respective creators. The author of this story only owns the oc's which appear in this story with expressed permission to use the oc's of Tarro and Daikon from ComparedDreadx .


Chapter 12: A Shocking Truth I


Blake is watching the match between Pyrrha Nikos and Cardin Winchester of Team CRDL in class. But she is distracted and not really paying attention to the match. Something had been eating away at her ever since the night Roman Torchwick escaped. It concerned a dream or nightmare she had the other night.

The cat faunus had tried playing it off by thinking about where Torchwick and the white Fang could be. However, that dream... she couldn't stop thinking about it.  The dream wasn't what scared her, it was what happened in the dream that was really scaring her.

*Flashback: The other night

Blake was seen rolling around in her bed, her eyes clenching and twitching.  She was having a bad dream. In the dream, she was walking with her brothers as normal. But then she felt like she was pushed- no, she was pulled to the ground by something. As she laid on the ground in her dream, she looked up to see her brothers kept on walking.

Two people who looked remarkably similar to them appeared beside them as they continued to walk. Blake tried reaching out her hand to them, but it was like they couldn't hear her! Why?! They'd always been able to hear her before, so why couldn't she reach them now?! Her brothers were getting farther and farther away from her.

"No! Not like this! Nova! Turuk! Please, don't go! Don't goooo!!!!," Blake cried out in desperation.

Back in her room, her team heard her crying out in her sleep. Ruby, Weiss, and Yang all began to get worried. Yang was especially worried, that was her partner after all.

"No, No, No... Don't leave! Wait! Please, don't leave!," Blake cried out in her sleep.

She was then shaken awake by Yang, who had a very concerned look on her face.

"Blake! Blake! Blake! Wake up!," Yang said shaking her.

Blake's eyes finally snapped open and she lurched forward in a cold sweat. Unfortunately, her head collided with Yang's leaving both girls grabbing their forehead in pain.

Blake looked over at Yang and the rest of the girls when her head stopped hurting. Ruby, Weiss, and Yang all wore concerned and worried looks on their faces.

"Are... you okay, Blake?," Ruby asked concerned.

"Yeah.. I'm fine Ruby.," Blake said.

She was lying because she didn't want to worry the silver eyed girl. This was her problem to deal with, not theirs. Yang raised an eyebrow at this, confused. Although Blake said one thing, the look on her face said another.

"Are you sure about that, Blake? You look really pale, like you've seen a ghost or something.," Yang said.

"I assure you that I'm fine.," Blake said back.

Weiss wasn't convinced with Blake's answer, it was like she was dodging the issue.

"I'm not so sure about that. If you are fine, then why are you so pale?," weiss asked.

"Weiss, Yang, and Ruby. While I appreciate you all being concerned for me, you don't need to be so worried about it. It was just a stupid nightmare. Nothing worth losing sleep over.," Blake said as she turned her back to them.

The other 3 girls then shrugged and went back to sleep, seeing that Blake didn't want to talk about it. They respected her decision, especially when she was so adamant about it.

They were still worried about her, but maybe they could open that door another time when Blake was ready to talk about it.

Blake rolled back onto her side, her back facing her teammates.  She wished she could tell them, but it wasn't time yet. Perhaps she could some day soon, but she just couldn't yet. The cat faunus then drifted off to sleep, not caring what sort of dreams she had now. As long as it wasn't the one she just had, she was fine with it.

*End Flashback*

Blake looks back up as she sees the match is now over, resulting in a flawless victory for Pyrrha Nikos.

"Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament.," Glynda told the redhead.

Pyrrha smiled and slightly bowed.

"Thank you, Professor.," Pyrrha said in reply.

Glynda then looks towards the class, tapping her scroll as she speaks.

"Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match.," Gkynda said while scanning the room for willing applicants.

Her eyes then  land on Blake, who wasn't paying attention at the moment. 

"Any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna? (Blake slams her book shut and stares wide-eyed at Glynda.) You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you -," Glynda starts to say before being interrupted by another voice.

Mercury is seen raising his hand.

"I'll do it.," Mercury said.

Glynda looks at him.

"Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent.," Glynda said searching the room again.

Her eyes land on Turuk as she's about to call him to the front, Mercury speaks up.

"Actually, I wanna fight... her.," Mercury said.

Mercury is seen to be pointing to Pyrrha.

"Me?," Pyrrha asks.

Glynda notices this and goes to remind him that Pyrrha has just finished a match.

"I'm afraid Miss Nikos has just finished the match. I recommend you choose another partner.," Glynda said.

Pyrrha goes to assure her that it's fine, only for another hand to shoot up.

"The professor's right Pyrrha,  I'll take this one.," Scarlett said.

Glynda sees this as a somewhat worried look appears on her face, for... well... "obvious" reasons. Scarlett was strong, no doubt. But she did have a reputation of going just a "tad" bit overboard sometimes. 

"Professor?," Scarlett asked.

Glynda looked towards her curious as to what she'd do.

"Yes.. miss Reinhardt, correct?," Glynda asked slightly nervous at what this particular student would do.

"Yup. Hope ya don't mind, but would it be okay if I had a crack at this guy?," Scarlett asked.

Glynda and the other students faces instantly turn blue at this. Well.. except for teams Rwby, Jnpr, and Scarlett's teammates.. they know what she's like.

Mercury sees the reaction of a majority of the students in the room and is rather confused.

" 🤨 Did... I miss something here? Everyone seems to be afraid of this other chick.," Mercury thought to himself confused.

Glynda finally spoke up again after somehow finding her voice.

"Is.. that alright with you, miss Nikos?," Glynda asked.

"Yeah, I don't see the problem with it. She's my friend.," Pyrrha said.

" 😨 V-Very well then! Well then Mercury.. it seems that miss Reinhardt will be your opponent.," Glynda said.

Scarlett then balled her hand into a fist and hit her other hand in the palm.

"Sweet! I've been itching to fight this guy too.... Hope you're ready, Mercury.," Scarlett said smirking.

As she walked down the students comically separated into 2 sides to allow as much room as possible for Scarlett to pass through. The redhead then passed through on her way to the locker room to get her battle gear on.

Glynda just reminded her of something she was aware of that had happened in a previous class.

"Whatever you do... please try not to go too far overboard. This small arena wasn't made to handle your full strength,  much less half of it.," Glynda warned her.

Scarlett smirked and nodded.

"Don't worry miss Glynda, I'll do my best to hold back as much power as possible.," Scarlett said before exiting towards the locker room.

Mercury was just left staring in confusion over what just happened.

"What exactly did I just get myself into?," He thought.


Mercury struts into the arena, visibly sizing up Scarlett. She's seen tightening her gloves as she shifts into a relaxed stance. Their spar begins when Mercury goes for the first strike put is simply blocked nonchalantly by Scarlett, she then easily flips him upside down and knocks him back.

Recovering quickly, he deflects an attack and begins trading blows with Scarlett until she knocks him back with an elbow.

Ruby turns towards Emerald, who's sitting behind her.

"Hey, your friend's doing pretty good. Especially since he's up against Scarlett.," Ruby told her.

Mercury unleashes a series of powerful strikes. Scarlett weaves around a few of them before letting the rest land against her forearm. She allows his kick to land against her forearm before he strikes her in the chin. Scarlett smirks before she suddenly rushes in palms him in the stomach, knocking him back again, much to his surprise.

"What the-! Didn't even see her, she moves so fast!," Mercury said surprised.

He tries kicking at her again, only for his kick to be caught barehanded by the girl! He couldn't believe his eyes! No one should've been able to do that! Seeing the shock on his face caused Scarlett to grin again.

"Two can play at that game!," She said.

Faster than he could blink, Scarlett landed a painful kick to Mercury's exposed side. This sent him skidding to a halt just before the ring ended. Scarlett charged him again, only for her to have to stop when he turned his back to her. He nonchalantly spoke up, most likely realizing the vast difference between himself and her.

"I forfeit.," Mercury said calmly.

Scarlett almost stumbled as she had to suddenly stop her momentum towards him.

"What? You... don't even want to try?," Scarlett asked surprised.

"🤷‍♂️ What's the point? You're obviously way stronger than me, we're both leagues apart.," Mercury said nonchalantly.

Glynda sees this and announces the winner.

"W-well in that case... Scarlett Reinhardt is the winner of this match.," Glynda announced silently relieved.

Emerald smirks. Mercury sneers smugly. Scarlett then has a very annoyed and disappointed look on her face. The Aura displays for Scarlett and Mercury are shown. Mercury's is changed from green to red, thus, indicating his loss.

"Next time, you may want to think a little harder before choosing an opponent.," Glynda warned him.

"I'll be sure to do that.," Mercury said.

An alarm sounds which jolts Blake who has nodded off. This was due to lack of sleep because of the nightmare she had the other night.

Offscreen Glynda speaks up again, gaining Blake and the other students attention.

"That is all for today. And remember, the dance is this weekend. But you all have your first mission on Monday. I will not accept any excuses.," Glynda said.

Scarlett then speaks to Mercury. It was pretty obvious that she was annoyed.

"Hey, you! Mercury was it?," Scarlett asked scowling.

Mercury turned slightly to address her.

"Yeah, that's me. What do you want?," He asked bored.

"What the heck was that back there?! I know you were holding back! Just so you know, I get really ticked off when someone doesn't think I'm worth their time and they lose on purpose. We'll settle this someday soon, and don't you even think about weaseling your way out of this one! Got that?!," Scarlett said glaring at him.

"Uh.. s-sure! Wouldn't dream of it.," Mercury said nervous.

"Good. See you around then, Merc.," Scarlett said walking off.

His eyes widened after she called him that.

"Merc? That-that name... Only... one person ever called me that.," He thought.

He looked towards the retreating form of Scarlett wondering if she was the girl he saw in his memories.

"Could it be? Is she- Pssh, nah! There's no way. It couldn't possibly be her. Besides... that was a long time ago, I doubt my friend actually remembers me.," He thought to himself.

He continued to walk as Emerald looked at him curiously.

"You okay Mercury? You looked kinda pale there.," She asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine.," He said.

As everyone leaves, Mercury stops beside Emerald.

"Learning is so much fun.," Mercury said.

"Tch, whatever dork!," Emerald said.


Outside, SSSN are standing at the entrance as Team RWBY walks past. Sun notices Blake and runs after her.

Offscreen,  he calls after her and grabs her shoulder.

"Hey, Blake! You uh, doing okay?," Sun asks.

Blake shuts the book she's reading.

"I'm fine.," She says.

Nova and his team, who were with team Rwby notice the strained look on her face.

"You sure about that Blake? You look a  tad pale.," Scarlett said.

"I said I'm fine, okay?," Blake said.

"If you say so.," Scarlett said back.

Sun then speaks up, trying his best to lighten the mood.

"So I hear there's this dance going on this weekend... ah, sounds pretty lame, but you and me, I'm thinking, not as lame, huh?," Sun asked awkwardly.

He was hoping this would lighten Blake's mood. Unfortunately,  it had the opposite effect and just made her angry.

"What?," Blake asked annoyed.

"The dance! This weekend! You wanna go, or what?," Sun asked her.

Blake glared at sun as she spoke up in reply to him. This wasn't the time for silly things like a dance, there were more important things they should be worried about... at least in her mind.

" I don't have time for a stupid dance. I thought you of all people would get that.," Blake replied.

Nova then speaks up as he can tell that something is bothering his sister.

"Sis, come on. That wasn't nice at all. All Sun did was ask a question.," Nova said.

He was silent for a moment and then spoke up again.

"There's something bothering you, isn't there?," Nova asked.

Blake's eyes widened and she turned away from him. It was like... she couldn't like at him ever since she had that  stupid nightmare!

"It's.. it's nothing, okay?!," Blake shouted.

Everyone was taken aback by Blake's sudden outburst. Blake, realizing what she'd just done, widened her eyes in fear. She then quickly walked past her team.

"I.. I should go.," Blake said breaking into a dead run.

Sun sinks from his rejection.

"Sis, wait!,"Turuk said reaching for her.

Team NDTSA sighs knowing Blake wouldn't want to be around them right now.

Nova looks to Ruby in sadness.

"Nova?," Ruby asked not liking the look he gave her.

He sighs in frustration.

"Sorry about that Ruby.. you think you and your team could talk to her?," the dark teen asked.

Team Rwby, minus blake raised curious eyebrows at this.

"Sure, but.... why can't you talk to her?," Ruby replied.

"I think... whatever is going on with our sister, Blake, she.. doesn't want to be around us right now.," Turuk said.

Ruby nodded.

"Alright. We'll go talk to her.," Yang said.

"We will?," Weiss asked before clearing her throat. "O-of course! Just leave it to us.," Weiss said regaining her compure.

Daikon snickered at this, it never got old seeing Weiss act out of character.

"Trying to maintain composure in this situation.. it doesn't fit you, Princess.," Daikon said snickering.

"💢 Oh hush you! Must you laugh at everything I do?," Weiss asked angered.

"No. Just when you try being serious when you can't be. That's what's funny, princess.," Daikon replied drawing out the last part as a sneer.

"💢 You annoy me to end Koizumi!," Weiss said.

"Aaaaannnddd... on that note, we're outta here. Catch ya later, guys.," Yang said as Ruby was seen dragging a kicking and fuming Weiss who glared at Daikon.

Yang then suddenly turned around, rushed up to Turuk, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Turuk widened his eyes and involuntarily blushed at this. He wasn't even sure how to react to this.

"😏 You can expect more later Hot Stuff~," Yang said smirking. 

She then sped back to her team, leaving a very flustered and confused Turuk.

"😳 uh... what just happened?," Turuk asked.

Daikon and Nova snickered, while Aiko had turned away out of embarrassment.  Scarlett was seen smirking and elbowing Turuk.

"😏 Someone got a lady friend, eh Turuk?," Scarlett said teasing him.

Turuk just angrily blushed at Scarlett annoyed that his team was teasing him about what occurred between himself and Yang.

"S-Shut it Scarlett..," He said embarrassed.


The scene shifts to team RWBY in their dorm room. Blake is sitting with her arms crossed.

Ruby and the others were busy trying to convince Blake to go to the dance, so far they had no luck.

"We want you to go to the dance.," Ruby said pleading with her teammate.

"That's ridiculous.," Blake said not seeing the point in going.

"Blake, we're worried about you. This investigation is starting to mess with your head.," Yang said.

Weiss was counting fingers as she spoke, listing reasons for Blake's behaviour as of late.

"You can't sleep, you hardly eat, and to be honest, your grades have been suffering. And don't tell me that was nothing between you and your brothers back there!," Weiss said.

Blake looked away as she spoke.

"You.. wouldn't understand.," Blake said.

She continued.

"You think I care about grades? (She shrugs and then gestures out the window.) People's lives are at stake!," Blake said.

"What we understand is that something is really bothering you besides all this stuff with the White Fang.," Ruby said.

Yang puts her hand on Blake's, lowering it.

"We know, and we're all still trying to figure out what Torchwick is up to.," Yang replied.

"Thanks to you and Sun, we know they're operating somewhere outside of southeast Vale.," Ruby said.

"And, the Schnee company records singled out Vale as the primary target for Dust robberies over the last few months.," Weiss added.

"Don't forget about their missing military tech too.," Yang said adding to what had been previously stated.

Blake spoke up. She understood what they were saying, but still...

"But there's still unanswered questions!," Blake said arguing.

Ruby looked at Blake probably as sternly as she'd ever looked at anyone before. But it was the kind sort of stern.

"Blake, you won't be able to find anything if you can't even keep your eyes open!," Ruby said.

"All we're asking is that you take it easy for one day.," Yang said.

Weiss then spoke, further trying to convince the cat faunus to just relax.

"It will be fun! Yang and I will make sure of it.," Weiss said smiling.

Yang smiled as well.

"Yeah! We're planning the whole event!," Yang said excitedly.

Yang pumps her fists which causes the bed to bounce Blake.

"Excuse me?," Blake asked still annoyed.

"Team CFVY's away mission lasted longer than expected.,"Weiss said.

"So, Weiss and I were asked to pick up where they left off. And now we can make sure you have the perfect night.," Yang said still tying to talk her into resting.

"So what do ya think?," Ruby asked hopeful.

Sadly, this didn't have the desired effect as Blake still refused to rest. This was evident by her blunt and angry answer.

" I think this is a colossal waste of time.," Blake said.

She got up and walked away from the group, opening the dorm room door as she did.

Weiss spoke up after this.

"Well, we tried.," Weiss said.

Ruby was abit down at this. They tried so hard and yet, blake still refused to rest.

"Now what?," Ruby asked more than abit Disheartened.

"She can't keep going on like this.," Weiss said.

There's a knock at the door and Weiss approaches and opens it. Jaune appears at the door with a guitar.

He sang, which more than annoyed Weiss.

"Weiss!," He said in a singing voice.

Weiss slams the door in his face.

"Oh, come on, open the door! I promise not to sing.," Jaune said from outside the door.

Weiss opens the door.

"I lied! Weiss Schu-nee, will you accompany me, to the dance on... Sunday!?," He asked in a song like voice.

Weiss just gives him a dry look before replying.

"Are you done?," Weiss asks annoyed.

"Yes?," Jaune said shrugging.

"No.," Weiss said.

She shuts the door in his face. Turning around, she sees the others staring at her.

"What?," she asks.

Both girls are standing precariously.

"And that is why they call you the Ice Queen. Except maybe for Daikon... guess he sees something we don't.," Yang said.

"💢 I'd ask you kindly to refrain from suggesting anything concerning that.. ruffian! (Sighs)," Weiss said before continuing.

"All my life, boys have only cared about the perks of my last name. Besides, I already have a date in mind.," Weiss said.

Ruby then spoke up.

"Date or no date, none of this will matter if we can't get Blake to go.,"Ruby said.


Blake was on her way to the library when she saw two of the combat teachers. When she looked at them, her heart ached for some reason. She didn't even know why. As if they were able to pick up on the fact someone was watching them, man and woman decided to approach Blake.

"Excuse me, miss Belladonna?," The man said addressing Blake.

She looked at the couple and a look of recognition came over her face. If she recalled right, the man was Professor R., and the woman was Professor S. These were two of the 3 combat teachers they had. The woman then spoke up.

"My husband and I couldn't help but to notice that you seem troubled by something... If you are willing,  we would be glad to listen.," the woman said.

"Before I tell you... would you mind if we spoke somewhere more private?," Blake asked.

The couple looked to each other before looking back to Blake.

"Of course. Lead the way then, miss Belladonna.," the woman said.

A few minutes later...

They were now in an empty classroom as it was after school now. No one would be coming there for anything, so they had the room to themselves.

"Tell us child, what seems to be bothering you?," the man asked.

Blake then took a deep breath and sighed. Calming herself for what she was about to tell them, she steeled her nerves.

"I've been having this recurring dream. And rach time it comes to me, I get scared.," Blake began.

Sala looked at Blake with a concerned look on her face. To think one of her student's grades were suffering because of a nightmare she had was a dreadful thought.

" What about this dream scares you miss Belladonna?," Sala asked.

"Please, just call me Blake. Being called miss Belladonna is too formal for me.," Blake said.

"Yes.. Blake.. was it?," Sala asked.

Blake nodded before continuing.

" what scares you about this dream?," Rhubar asked.

"Well...," Blake said as she began her story of what happened within the dream.


That night, Pyrrha and Jaune are sparring at their spot on the roof. Jaune appears to gain the upper hand until Pyrrha sweeps his legs out from under him.

"Well done! Your swordplay's improved immensely.," Pyrrha said laughing and smiling at Jaune.

Pyrrha helps Jaune to his feet.

" I couldn't have done it without you.," Jaune said causing Pyrrha to smile at him.

"So, are you ready to move on to Aura?," she asked.

Jaune noticeably became nervous at this. If possible,  he wanted to skip Aura at least until he got good with it.

"I'm actually thinking maybe we just skip Aura for tonight? Might go on a jog or something.," Jaune said nervously.

"Come on, I know you get frustrated, but you must keep trying. I'm sure you'll discover your Semblance any day now.," Pyrrha said encouraging him.

"That's not it. It's just... (hesitates) It's dumb.," Jaune said.

Pyrrha then approaches him, putting a  hand on his shoulder.

"What is it? You know you can tell me, Jaune. That's what I'm here for.," Pyrrha told him.

"It's... Weiss.," Jaune said sighing.

Pyrrha's face noticeably fell at this, she quickly recovered and spoke up so Jaune wouldn't notice her reaction.

"Oh. What about her?," Pyrrha asked hiding her disappointment.

" I asked her to the dance and she shot me down. (Laughing halfheartedly) Big surprise, right?," Jaune said.

"Well, I believe the saying goes: There's... plenty of fish in the sea. Just... make sure a certain someone from Nova's team isn't around if you ask her again. That wouldn't end well.

Jaune nervously gulped.

"N-Noted, I'll make sure he's not around.," Jaune said nervously before he continued.

"That's easy for you to say. You've probably got guys clamoring over each other just to ask you out.," Jaune replied.

Pyrrha gives him a sad smile before chuckling half heartedly.

"You'd be surprised.," Pyrrha said with a pained look on her face.

Jaune simply dismisses the thought, not knowing the truth behind her words.

"Oh please. If you don't get a date to the dance, I'll wear a dress. Heh.," Jaune chuckled.

He walks away. Pyrrha drops her smile and looks rather upset. She just sighs sadly as she turns around and sees Scarlett. The fellow redhead had unintentionally seen the entire interaction between the two. She gave her lifelong friend since childhood a small smile.

"Want to talk about it, Pyrrha? I know you're upset.," Scarlett said.

Pyrrha smiled back at her friend and chuckled.

"Am I that obvious?," Pyrrha chuckled.

Scarlett smirked.

"Yeah... you kinda are.," Scarlett said.

Pyrrha sighed again and relented. There was just no hiding anything from Scarlett, she was way too perceptive about things like this.

"Very well. I... could use a friend to talk to after that.," Pyrrha said.

Scarlett smiled as the two friends began to walk and talk.


"And finally, Pyrrha Nikos.," Emerald said to someone offscreen.

The scene shifts to Cinder in her dorm room, sewing a black dress as she sits on one of the beds. Emerald is sitting on the floor while looking at her Scroll, and Mercury is lying on the ground and reading a comic book.

"Ah, the invincible girl.," Cinder said.

"She's smart, but I wouldn't say invincible. Her friend on the other hand... we may have a tough time with that one.," Mercury said.

Cinder raised an eyebrow at this, she was curious about this friend of Pyrrha Niokos'.

"Do tell.," Cinder said curiously.

"Her Semblance is Polarity. But you'd never know just by watching.," Emerald said.

"When she makes contact with her opponent, she's able to move  her opponent's weapons, armor, or anything metal they wear however she wants. But... she can only make slight adjustments.," Mercury said.

"Just enough to make it look like she's untouchable. She doesn't broadcast her power, so it puts her opponent at a disadvantage.," Emerald added.

"Hmm... People assume that she's fated for victory, when she's really taking fate into her own hands. Interesting. Add her to the list.," Cinder said.

She then paused as she noticed the way in which Mercury addressed the Nikos girl.

"I can't help but notice how you talk about this  Nikos girl as though you haven't fought her yet.. mind explaining that one?," She asked.

"Well.. that's because I didn't fight her. It.. was her friend whom I fought. I.. don't think we want to get on the wrong side against that one.. I believe her name was Scarlett Reinhardt.  😨 S-She's like a beast! And.. she's very strong... abnormally so.," Mercury said abit nervously.

Cinder raised an eyebrow at this, she'd have to see this for herself. Right now, she wasn't totally convinced of Scarlett's apparent strength. The switched back to the topic at hand soon after as they refocused.

"You should be able to take Nikos no problem.," Mercury said confidently.

"It's not about overpowering the enemy. It's about taking away what power they have. And we will, in time.," Cinder said smirking.

"I hate waiting.," Mercury said slightly annoyed.

"Don't worry, Mercury. We have a fun weekend ahead of us.,"Cinder said.

The camera pans out as it then switches back to Blake, as she finishes telling Sala and Rhubar what occurred within the dream or nightmare she kept having.


Blake had just finished relaying the nightmare that'd bothered her, along with the issues surrounding the White Fang recently.

Sala and Rhubar exchanged very concerned looks before facing Blake again.

"We.. understand. Your brothers are precious to you, even if you're not blood related.," Rhubar said.

"And you feel as though something could happen where you would.. potentially lose them?," Sala asked.

Blake nodded.

"And... this thought scares you?," Rhubar asked.

"Yes, very much. That's the reason I... haven't been able to talk  to them recently. Every time I see them, I'm... reminded of that nightmare. And the horrible feeling as I see them walk away from me, unable to do anything to reach them. Losing them, losing my brothers... it terrifies me. I .. don't know what I should do.," Blake said shaking.

Rhubar put his hands on her shoulders to stop her from shivering in fear. He smiled at her as he spoke.

"It's alright, Blake. But, what did you say your brothers names were?," Rhubar told her.

Sala nodded.

"Perhaps if we knew their names, we may be able to help you.," Sala told Blake with a smile afterwards.

Blake thought about this for a minute. She was unsure at first, but Sala and Rhubar had listened patiently and had had done nothing but offer the most helpful advice they could. They had to be trustworthy. And there was.. something about them, it made her want to tell them more about her and her family's lives. Taking a deep breath, she decided to trust them and tell these two very helpful teachers her brothers names.

"Very well.," Blake said sighing.

Rhubar and Sala listened.

"We're all close to the same age so... I believe Nova is about half a year younger than me, while Turuk is a full year younger than both myself and Nova.," Blake said.

The cat Faunus was expecting a thoughtful expression or two, that isn't what she received. The reaction from Sala wasn't at all what she expected. Instead of saying anything, Sala had tears coming from her eyes when she heard the names Nova and Turuk.

This confused Blake, so she asked Ruhubar if she said something to upset Sala.

"I'm sorry! I uhh... I didn't say anything to upset your wife, did I?," awkwardly asked.

"No.. no you didn't upset her. It's just, we haven't heard those two names in a very long time. They're remarkably similar names to our own two boys who we have not been able to see for nearly 20 years.," Rhubar said.

Blake was surprised. These two... had kids of their own? She wasn't expecting that. They looked so young though!

Once Sala was able to compose herself, she tearfully explained why those names meant so much to them.

"I.. do apologize Blake. *sniffles from crying* It's just... those names are very important to us. Those were the names of our two sons, whom we have seen since coming to teach here at Beacon Academy last year.," Sala said still recovering from crying.

"We believe they are the same age as you and your brothers are coincidentally, Blake.," Rhubar said.

"The same age as us, and they came here a year ago? And they also have the same names as my brothers do?," Blake asked.

Rhubar and Sala nodded. Blake was confused though, that... seemed a little too coincidental to be the case. Something wasn't adding up here. What was she missing here?

"Am I missing somethi- oh...," Blake began before she realized what the two meant.

Blake felt a chill run down her spine and she also felt sweat coming down her face as she realized what they were eluding to. She had to be sure Rhubar and Sala were who they said they were. Blake silently dreaded her next question, but she had to know.

"Are you two who I think you are? Are... You... Nova and Turuk's.. real parents?," Blake asked silently dreading what their answer could possibly be.

Rhubar and Sala looked at each other before smiling at Blake. The cat Faunus could tell that they were genuine smiles as they answered her question.

"It seems you have realized who we are, Blake. And... yes, Nova and Turuk are indeed our two sons.," Sala answered.

"Sala and myself couldn't have asked for a better family to look after our 2 boys. It.. makes us very proud as parents to see that they have such doting sister who cares about them.," Rhubar said.

Blake's eyes widened in shock. These... were their parents. All this time, they were teachers at their school and they had no idea. She didn't know how to take this. Did this mean, she would lose her brothers?

As if she could read the look on Blake's face, Sala smiled at her. She walked up to her and did something very unexpected. Sala, hugged Blake! It wasn't just any normal hug. No, this was the type of hug a mother would give to her child that she's been separated from for years.

"Blake, you don't need to worry. We're not taking your brothers away from you.," Sala assured her in a soothing and calm voice.

"We think of you, Blake, as if you were our own daughter. It's obvious that our sons think of you as their real older sister, we'd like to keep it that way if you don't mind.," Rhubar told the frightened cat faunus girl.

Blake was hyperventilating until she heard what they said. They.. weren't taking her brothers away from her? They thought of her like their own daughter? They wanted her and their two boys to stay as siblings? She was confused now. She wasn't sure how to feel about this.

"I'm... not sure how I should feel about this...," Blake told them honestly.

"That's alright Blake, take your time with it.  We'd like this to remain secret from our sons... at least for.. awhile longer.," Sala said.

"Huh? But why?," Blake asked curious.

"If we told them now, there'd be far too much panic. It's better if it remains a secret from them for now.," Rhubar said.

Blake understood but asked how she should go about it. Sala and Rhubar then took time to explain how she could keep it a secret from them.

The camera then fades out from the classroom and pans over the school as the scene then turns to black.

To be continued...


Hey guys RoseSaiyan2 here again, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! So as you can see Rhubar and Sala have revealed to Blake that they are the parents of Nova and Turuk. I figured Blake would be not really sure how to take the news so I did my best to convey that feeling.. at least I hope I did.

Sorry if she was a little... ooc this chapter, part II should come out within the next few days so keep an eye out for it. After that, it is onto the dance episode! I actually may go in a slightly different direction regarding some things surrounding the dance, but overall that chapter (15) of this story will play out pretty similar to the cannon episode, just with a few changes obviously with saiyans around. We're getting towards the midway point of volume 2 of the Rwby story so I envision pairings will start coming to fruition sooner rather than later. Aiko's pairing will be later in the story due to who she will most likely end up with.

Tarro will have some more interaction with the saiyans, specifically Nova and Turuk coming up. He'll become a pretty important character later in the story. Daikon's interaction with Weiss' father will be interesting to say the least lol. That's all for now and I'll end it with a poll... as always lol.


How should the eventual first meeting/Confrontation between Daikon and Weiss' Father go?

A. Daikon threatens Jacque Shnee when he attempts to take Weiss back to Atlas.

B. Jacque forcibly takes Weiss just out of the reach of Daikon with the saiyan vowing to himself to rescue her after she's taken.

C. Soldiers surround Daikon and threaten to kill him, forcing Weiss to go with her father.

D. Jacque tries to force the soldiers to kill Daikon since he thinks he's a faunus just to show how much he hates faunus thinking he's protecting his daughter from one.

E. Other scenario (comment one)


Should Yatsuhashi leave with his team when they transfer to Shade Academy after the Fall of Beacon?

I. Yes.

II. No, go in a different direction.


Should Jaune have a pairing after Pyrrha dies?

I. Yes (write in suggested pairing)

II. No, stick with cannon Jaune.


[Know I've asked this before lol]

Should Pyrrha die at Cinder's hands?

I. Yes

II. No (comment your reasoning and scenario in which she lives)


Anywho that's all for now! See ya in the next part! Plz vote on za polls!

Next time- Chapter 13: A Shocking Truth II