
Legend of the Kannais.

Alex Bayly is a hopeless romantic who finds herself wandering through a world of heartbreaks and pain. She is a 31 years old teacher who is unable to find love. Her first love, Damien Norman left her completely broken to a point where she had found it difficult to open her heart to anyone ever again. Everyone mocks her single life, but she pretends to everyone that she enjoys it that way, and she had vowed to never again let anyone in. This loveless life continued right until one day when she met Azrael Herrington... A lone (were)wolf... Can she fight her fate or is there something more in store for her?

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantaisie
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94 Chs

Chapter 28: Let's Talk!!!

After leaving the hospital, both Alex and Azrael drove home silently. Not even the slightest exchange was made between them.

When they got home, they parked the car in the garage and went in at the same time.

Azrael wanted to turn and walk straight to his room when Alex Bayly suddenly called out to him. "Azrael.... let's talk"

Azrael stopped in his tracks and turned back slowly. He walked back into the living room and sat down like an offender under interrogation.

Alex then began talking, "I heard what you said about loving me, Azrael, I have to admit, it surprised me in a lot of ways. As much as I'm not going to punish you for it or anything like that I have to be realistic with you..."

Alex paused as she went to sit right in front of him on a stool and gazed into his eyes. "I am your teacher Azrael, it's against the rules of the school for us to be in any form of romantic or even platonic relationship other than teacher/student relationship, and we will become an item of mockery if something like this ever got out."

"Also, I'm too old for you, I'm probably more than 10 years older, why don't you find someone about your age grade, who can understand you better...?"

"Please don't bring up topics about this again if you want to stay with me, otherwise you will make me uncomfortable and force me to push you out, you get that?" Alex asked as she tried to remain calm but her heart was beating fast.

Although she was saying those things, deep down she didn't mean any of them. She would have preferred to build a steady relationship with him, but she was afraid of him being pulled into a world where he would be ridiculed the more, especially when what he has been through was considered.

As she was pondering on these facts, Azrael reached out his hands and placed them on Alex Bayly's hands which were on her thigh.

"Please, for once, just let me have this moment, it might be the last one..." Azrael said quickly so that Alex won't push his hands away.

"Every word I said to you in the hospital is true, I have feelings for you. I also know that you're the Kannais... There is a secret I have been willing to tell you."

"You are my soul mate..." Azrael went on to explain everything he had heard from his protector Yiu Mang Zul and his aunt Bianca Zul.

Alex Bayly's Jaw dropped as she listened to every word. Azrael has placed her in an awkward situation.

If she starts to ask questions, that would mean she acknowledges the truth of his words, if she were to remain silent, that would mean she is accepting of his words, if she otherwise decided to become stern and angry with him, she would be denying her own feelings,

she was placed in a difficult situation unsure which path to take.

She looks at Azrael and breathes in deeply. "When is your transformation likely to happen...?" Alex asks as she felt concerned that he might die according to his explanation.

"In 10 days..." Azrael replied promptly, as hope surged within him. There was a sliver of hope that Alex might be accepting him as his soul mate.

"I'm not saying I believe all of these, but since you've revealed this truth to me, I think I should do so too. I was approached by an alpha about a few days ago..." Alex went to give her own experience with Alpha Zuck Danesworth and Jude Greystone.

"So.. that's what happened..." Azrael now finally understood the relationship between Alex and Jude. He had initially been jealous, but now he knew better.

"I will follow you to this your protector in 10 days, but about the soul mate issue, let's leave that aside for now, there is a lot at stake to be concentrating on that for now..." Alex concluded her statement and got up before Azrael could say anything as she slowly removed her hands from his touch.

She marched straight to her room without looking back. She felt very uncomfortable being this close to Azrael. Her heart was beating fast like it would explode from her chest. She felt as if there were some butterflies in her stomach.

Her face was reddened. She barged into her room and fell on her bed. She tried her best to control her heartbeat.

Azrael on the other hand was feeling like he had eaten a spoilt egg. He didn't feel good about the development of things. He thought that if he told Alex Bayly everything she would be accepting of him, he never thought she would still put him at arm's length, his perfect fantasy has been destroyed.

He slouched his shoulders and walked slowly to his room with a depressed look.

As he was staring at the ceiling, a voice sounded from his side. "Nephew, How long are you going to keep looking depressed for? Can't you tell that she is in love with you and she is trying to hold on to the little resistance as much as she could? Love isn't something you fight, however her fate as the Kannais is another matter, she might win that war or lose it, it's a 50/50 chance"

"However, the war of hearts is definitely something she would lose. So just keep getting her heartstrings stroked, eventually, she would be yours..." The voice completed its statement and the ghostly apparition of Bianca Zul appeared.

"Ahhhh" Azrael Herrington shouted as he became startled by unexpectedly seeing Bianca Zul in his room. He wasn't expecting her to follow him home, now his privacy is at stake.

"Why are you scared? You've seen me a couple of times today..." Bianca Zul said nonchalantly.

"My time in the bathroom and the toilet...you...." Azrael couldn't believe he has no more privacy.

"I have to protect you Azrael, so I would be by your side like glue otherwise, there is no way we can seek vengeance for your mother and my sister, and also protect your soul mate..."

Just as Bianca Zul completed that statement, Alex Bayly rushed into the room.

She pushed open the door to find Azrael holding onto his pillow tightly and looking to his right. She turned in that direction to check what he was looking at but nothing was there.

"Azrael, what happened, I heard your scream..." Alex spoke with concern as she moved to sit beside him.

Azrael didn't know how to explain this one. "I thought I saw something..." Azrael said in a low tone as he regained his calmness.

Bianca Zul was making faces at him and smiling jestfully.

"Was it because of what I said?" Alex suddenly asked as she looked at him intently.

"That's not..." Azrael's face reddened as the misunderstanding took hold.

"Azrael, I acknowledge your feelings but there would be consequences if I should return them. Try and sleep, I will stay a while with you before going back..." Alex said as she touched him gently on the shoulder.

Azrael felt as if something had blossomed again inside of him. there was an unusual kind of mixed feelings of joy and sadness brewing inside him. Joy because she was by his side and sadness because she wasn't still totally his.